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Archerアポロ Apollo
Hair color
Black (), Teal ()
Executive, Interim Boss
Archer (Japanese: アポロ Apollo) is one of the four
introduced in . However, he went unnamed until .
At first, Archer seems to make an appearance in , as an unnamed male
on . He is the leader of the
branch of Team Rocket, and accuses the player of spreading rumors that Team Rocket has disbanded, something he does not believe. When the player defeats him, he recognizes the
and accepts that Giovanni has been defeated, finally disbanding , but he . The computer he was working on mentions , foreshadowing Team Rocket's actions three years later.
, Archer is the interim head of Team Rocket during the absence of . He leads the team in its takeover of the , aiming to locate his missing leader and bring him back to the team.
Just like other Executives, Archer received a major overhaul in , where his identity was expanded on. In addition, his color scheme was noticeably switched, where he now wears white clothes on the topmost layer, as opposed to the traditional black outfit.
Held item:
♂ Lv.33
Held item:
♂ Lv.33
Held item:
♂ Lv.35
Held item:
♂ Lv.53
Held item:
♂ Lv.54
Held item:
♂ Lv.55
Held item:
Held item:
Held item:
Pokémon Stadium 2
Held item:
♂ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♂ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♂ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♀ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♂ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♀ Lv.50-100
Pokémon Stadium 2
Held item:
♀ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♀ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♀ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♂ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♂ Lv.50-100
Held item:
♂ Lv.50-100
Before battle
"Oh? You managed to get this far? You must be quite the trainer. We intend to take over this Radio Station and announce our comeback. That should bring our boss Giovanni back from his solo training. We are going to regain our former glory. I won't allow you to interfere with our plans."
Being defeated
"No! Forgive me, Giovanni!"
After being defeated
"How could this be? Our dreams have come to naught. I wasn't up to the task after all. Like Giovanni did before me, I will disband Team Rocket here today. Farewell."
Before battle
"That's quite enough of you playing the hero, kid. Spreading lies about how Team Rocket has disbanded… It's such an obvious attempt to cause confusion in our ranks. Fortunately, we're not so ignorant to fall for the lies of a child! And now, I'll show you how scary an angry adult can be!"
Being defeated
"Urgh… You were too strong… … Th-that's Giovanni's Badge! So it's true? Team Rocket really has disbanded?"
After being defeated
"We will abandon this Warehouse… But don't think this is over. I won't let this be the end. I will find Giovanni. And I will resurrect Team Rocket! I will… Until then, farewell!"
Before battle
"Oh? You managed to get this far…? You must be quite the Trainer. We intend to take over this Radio Tower and officially announce our comeback. That should bring our boss Giovanni back from his solitary training. We are going to regain our former glory… I will not allow you to interfere with our meticulous plans!"
After sending out last Pokémon
"We can't have you getting in the way before news of our resurgence reaches Giovanni!"
Last Pokémon low on health
"That's impossible…"
Being defeated
"No! Forgive me, Giovanni!"
After being defeated
"How could this be…? Our dreams have come to naught. I was not up to the task after all. Like Giovanni has done before me, I will disband Team Rocket here today. Farewell…"
After defeating the
"Before you go any further, let's see how you far against us, Team Rocket!"
Before battle
"Oh? You're come all this way? Fine. I’ll accept your challenge."
"I have received reports that your skills are not insignificant."
"I'm sorry to say this, but this is the end. I will eliminate you."
"My, my... An energetic child has come along." (Challenge Cup only)
"What would you like to do? Turning back is a viable option." (Challenge Cup only)
"You apparently have no knowledge of my fearsomeness." (Challenge Cup only)
Sending out first Pokémon
Sending out a new Pokémon
"Next, &Pokémon&!"
"Then &Pokémon& it is!"
"And &Pokémon& for the finale!"
a Pokémon
"A failed gambit."
"Merely acceptable, no?"
"It's not quite there yet."
"Good. Well done."
Own Pokémon faints
"Oh, I see."
"Rubbed out..." (Gym Leader Castle only)
"Urrrrrmmm..." (Challenge Cup Only)
Player's Pokémon faints
"Oh, the poor thing."
Own Pokémon lands a
"Ah, there's its weak spot. Quite good, wouldn't you agree?"
Player's Pokémon lands a critical hit
"Oh, you hit its weak spot. Nicely done."
Own Pokémon being hurt by a
"Oh. My, my..."
Commanding his
"Allow me to show you a horrific technique."
"We'll get hurt too, but I have no choice."
the player's Pokémon
"It confused..."
If the player is defeated
"How disappointing for you."
After being defeated
"This does not mean that you have dashed our grand designs."
"As reported, you are indeed talented."
"It pains me to see your talent go to waste!"
"This is meaningless to us." (Challenge Cup only)
"Ah, you are indeed strong, but... I wonder..." (Challenge Cup only)
After winning
"May I invite you to join Team Rocket for a career in crime?"
"You may have qualities to become an Executive."
"What do you think? International-level Pokémon are marvelous, aren't they?"
If the battle ended in a draw
"I must say, I had great confidence before the match."
If the player runs from the battle
"Is that so? You're quitting?"
Sprite from
Sprite from
Sprite from
VS sprite from
Overworld sprite from
Overworld sprite from
Overworld sprite from
Portrait from
Archer in Pokémon Adventures
Archer appears in the
alongside the other three Executives as their leader. He, along with his teammates, take control of Team Rocket from , saying that they will stay true to 's intentions.
While the other three have their tasks related to the legendary Pokémon , Archer's task is the capture of the Pokémon itself. Archer, Petrel, and Proton arrive to see Ariana having defeated
on Route 38. Suddenly, Arceus appears in front of them and Crystal attempts to capture it, shocking the Generals in the process. Despite her tenacity, Crystal ultimately fails in capturing the Pokémon and is sent flying into a tree.
The Generals chase Arceus down and find it battling
at the Ruins of Alph. Once Arceus uses its powers and transports them all to the Sinjoh Ruins, the four Generals restrain Arceus and force it onto the Mystri Stage. Archer takes control of Arceus and with the Plates, demonstrates its great and varied abilities to Gold, Silver, and Crystal. Archer forces Arceus to use its great powers to create the legendary Pokémon , , and .
Believing he has pleased his boss, Giovanni, Archer starts breaking down into tears. However, his joy is quickly destroyed when Silver flies off to distract the Generals while Gold and Crystal finish off the three Pokémon Arceus created. Having done so, Arceus, now freed from its restraints, uses its powers to send Archer and the other Generals flying and completes itself by absorbing the Plates. Much to the shock of Gold, Silver, and Crystal, the clones begin reforming, to which Archer reveals that because the creation process started, it cannot be stopped. Archer snaps, and begins claiming that ev the creation of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, Arceus completing itself, the world becoming Team Rocket's, all destined. His insanity begins to scare his teammates.
When Giovanni returns, Archer is delighted to see that his plans worked and the person he considers the true boss of Team Rocket has returned. However, Archer becomes shocked when Giovanni starts to attack . Archer begs for Giovanni to stop but Giovanni brushes him off. Outraged, Archer declares that Giovanni is not the man whom he thought was and decides to capture Arceus and rule Team Rocket himself. Having lost his mind, Archer runs towards the stage to capture Arceus, only to be easily kicked away. He lands on Petrel and is knocked unconscious. After the battle had ended, Giovanni has Archer carried away and states that he will be given punishment later on.
is Archer's main mode of transportation. It was seen carrying Archer towards the light being emitted by Arceus along with the other Generals. Later, it helped drag Arceus to the Mystri Stage.
None of Crobat's moves are known.
was first seen being used to drag Arceus to the Mystri Stage. Later, it was seen nearly choking Petrel to death with its powerful tail when Petrel revealed what happened to him after his loss to Silver.
None of Houndoom's moves are known.
Main article:
Archer used 's powers to change its type with the Plates and had it create the legendary Pokémon Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Although he believed that it was he who cause the events to happen, Arceus did it all on its own as a test to see if humanity was worth saving if they could come together to stop the three Pokémon it created. While Giovanni, Pryce, Lance, Silver, and Crystal faced the others,
stayed behind to calm Arceus's rage. After connecting with his , he managed to reach Arceus, proving to it that humanity is worth saving. Afterward, Arceus left to parts unknown.
Archer created this
after dragging Arceus to the Mystri Stage. Although it was seemingly destroyed by a combination of , , and , it quickly reformed itself. After arriving to help,
fought Dialga and demonstrated an immunity to its ability to manipulate the flow of time. After the battle had ended, Dialga flew off, where it would eventually serve its role in the
Dialga's only known move is , and its Ability is .
Archer created this
after dragging Arceus to the Mystri Stage. Although it was seemingly destroyed by a combination of , , and , it quickly reformed itself. After arriving to help,
fought Palkia and exploited his 's ability to change the direction of its
to hit Palkia even after it sent the move to another area. After the battle had ended, Palkia flew off, where it would eventually serve its role in the
Palkia's only known move is , and its Ability is .
Archer created this
after dragging Arceus to the Mystri Stage. Although it was seemingly destroyed by a combination of , , and , it quickly reformed itself. After arriving to help,
fought Giratina, much to Archer's horror. When Giovanni's disease prevented him from continuing the battle, Silver stepped in to defend his father from the attacking Renegade Pokémon. After the battle had ended, Giratina was forced back into the
by Dialga and Palkia, where it would eventually serve its role in the
Giratina's known moves are , , , and .
Archer in Jō's Big Adventure
were battling Team Rocket, Archer was spying on them via camera. After noticing that the grunts lost to the two Trainers, he takes action in his own hands by sending out Houndoom. However, Houndoom was not able to defeat them, which made Archer upset.
was sent out by Archer after the grunts lost to
and . Houndoom was quickly defeated by .
None of Houndoom's moves are known.
Archer's design in
is based upon the original sprite of all male
from . The other two male Executives (now known as
and ), who also used that sprite, were given entirely new designs. Similarly, 's design is based on the original female Executive sprite, being the only female Executive in Johto.
Before Archer's name and identity were revealed in ,
had adapted the original male Executive as
and , respectively. Having similar roles to Archer and owning a , they should be considered as his .
is left the assets of Team Galactic in 's absence, Archer could be seen as his parallel, as he controls Team Rocket in 's absence.
アポロ Apollo
From the US , the US spaceflight program with the goal of landing on the Moon. It also may also come from , the god of the light and the sun.
English, Italian
May be a reference to the
(also known as the Vympel R-73), an air-to-air missile from the Soviet Union. In addition, it may allude to his Japanese name, as , the Greek god, is an archer.
From , a family of Israeli communications satellites
German, Spanish
From , a family of US space launch vehicles
??? Apollo
From his Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin)
阿波? ?bōluó
From his Japanese name
* o * o * o * o *
(Triad*), *, &
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