
The cult classic open-ended wilderness survival roguelike RPG taking place in the ancient North. Throughout the years, UnReal World has been praised for its incredible depth, realism, atmosphere and immersion. Lose yourself in the most intricate, detailed and enchanting iron-age game world.
UnReal World is a unique combination of roguelike roleplaying game and survival simulation. The game is completely open-ended and you decide whether you wish to lead a life of a fisherman, a hermit searching for the peace, a brave adventurer, a rough hunter, a trapper or a tradesman.
As a member of one of the nine different cultures you'll enter a detailed and enchanting iron-age game world in which northern folklore, knowledge and way of life play an important part. The world and mechanics of the game are highly realistic, rich with historical atmosphere and emphasized on survival in the harsh ancient wilderness.
A wide world with vast forests, mires and mountains to roam and watercourses to row is randomly and procedurally generated - and you can live off the land and explore it on very detailed level. Track animals, set traps, hunt with bows and spears, tan hides, go fishing, pick berries, cook food, sleep in a temporary shelter or build a log cottage, trade with the villagers, craft items, interact with cultures near and far -- and so much more.
UnReal World is the longest living roguelike game of all times. It was first released in 1992 and has been continuously maintained and developed ever since.
Major new features in this version
Tile graphics overhaul
We've accomplished quite a graphics update and along with hundreds of redrawn tiles the game has got a whole new outlook now. The graphics engine rewrite brings in huge performance boost and variety of graphical goodies and tweaks
Weather overhaul
The weather engine has been rewritten from a scratch and we've got detailed and realistic simulation of weather factors such as rain, snowfall, solar elevation angle and temperature changes. The new weather engine deals with numerous weather variables and much greater annual and seasonal changes are to be expected. P the years are less alike from now on.
Realistic modelling of lakes freezing over
Pretty much everything related to ice has been overhauled. Lakes start to freeze gradually when the weather gets cold enough. This doesn't happen the same time every year, and the ice also doesn't grow equally thick every year. Realistic mechanics for falling through the ice and effects of the cold water have been added to make playing on ice far more risky - and immersive.
Day and night lighting cycle
Map color scheme now changes according to time of the day and time of the year. The lighting change is based on realistic solar elevation angle on northern hemisphere on a given game-time moment and it's calculated and applied smoothly once per game-minute. Daylight slowly turns into twilight, dusk and night - and then into dawn again. The change of seasons, and the great seasonal variation in length of days and nights in the Far North is now far more concrete and immersive.
Possibility to add custom markers on map of known areas
True moddability of crafted and cooked items
Properties of crafted items can be modded so that truly new items can be created. This applies to do-it-yourself items (diy_*.*) and cookery recipes (cookery_*.*). Modding item properties is simple. You just add item property tags and preferred values after the actual crafting code. There are dozens of new item modding property tags to use.
For the full changelog see the game
64 bit Ubuntu 12.04 & 12.10, Linux mint 13-15, Debian 8.0 jessie
. For other distros visit the game official page
UnReal World 3.30 will be released on Steam on 26th, and the free version on 29th. UnReal World Steam Community Hub and Store Page are now open. While...
Brand new version UnReal World version is to be released this month - also on Steam. The exact release dates still remains a mystery for a little longer...
If the spirits are favourable release of UnReal World version 3.3 might take place in february. Until then it's the final spurt with new features being...
Graphics update has been accomplished, and now off to holidays. With this galore of screenshots you'll get an idea about what to expect in 2016 when the...
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for Windows. Full version free to play. Released 29th of February 2016.
for Mac OS X (10.6 or higher). Full version free to play. Released 29th of February 2016.
for 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04 & 12.10, Linux mint 13-15, Debian 8.0 jessie. For other distros visit the game official page. Full version free to play. Released...
Released 17th of March 2015. For 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04. For other distros visit the game official page. Patched version ready to download and install.
Released 17th of March 2015. for Mac OS X (10.6 or higher). Patched version ready to download and install.
Released 17th of March 2015. For Windows, patched version ready to download and install.
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Released 1992
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68 votes submitted.
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Highest Rated (7 agree)
I am following that game since a few years. And to be honest, it evolved a lot lately (in the good direction) and is always a pleasure to discover what new things have been added after a few calm months. It is one of the most in depth survival games around (not the zombie style, but the one were you are sent into wilderness with nothing but a knife and have to find a way to make your own food, fire, clothes, house...). I love the fact too that it is based on the real finnish medieval era, with an…
Feb 16 2012 by vfabien21
Link to UnReal World by selecting a button and using the embed code provided
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5 months ago开源用户久经游戏界的冷落与疏忽,他们给别的操作系统大量生产游戏,却没有几个在 Linux 上可以玩的。要在 Linux 上玩到画质好的 Linux 游戏大作,解决方案就是 wine,但 wine 在开箱即用方面做的并不好。大多数画质一般的小游戏的制作者通常并不考虑为 Linux 开发或移植游戏,因为 Linux 的用户群体太小了。
如今,Linux 的用户规模和范畴日益增多,而且你也看到了非开源的组织也表达了他们对开源的支持。
我们应该对 Linux 游戏抱有期望吗?现在有能在 Linux 系统上运行的大作吗?可以在网上与其他操作系统的用户玩吗?这些问题的***是响亮的 YES.
让我给你介绍一下 Linux 系统上的 5 个最好的 FPS 游戏(第一人称射击游戏)。想玩这些游戏并不太麻烦,你可以***任何一种 Linux 系统。我们选择了五个最好的,你可以看看:
1、 CS - 反恐精英:全球攻势
这个多人的第一人称射击游戏是 Hidden Patch 与 Valve 公司开发的游戏,它发布于 2012 年 8 月 21 日,但到 2014 年 9 月份才为 Linux 用户推出 Linux 移植版。
这款游戏本来是为游戏半条命所开发的游戏 MOD。
这款跨平台游戏只支持 Windows、MacOS 和 Linux 用户,电视游戏机用户因为主机游戏更新速度太慢而不支持。这款 Linux 游戏包含四种游戏模式。
CS 游戏模式
这是让 CS (反恐精英)出名的最有名的游戏模式,五对五,一场三十局。可以加入你同伴的队伍,也可以排队加入随机队伍的空位。
如果玩家不想玩之前的 30 局 16 胜模式,可以选择休闲模式,找个对手按自己的节奏打。系统会自动给玩家穿上防弹衣,也提供防御炸弹用的工具包。成功射杀敌人还有额外奖励。
CS 的配置要求
系统: Ubuntu 12.04
处理器: 64-bit 英特尔双核,或 AMD 2.8 GHz 处理器
内存: 4 GB
显卡: nVidia GeForce GT、ATI/AMD Radeon HD (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310、AMD 12.11)、 OpenGL 2.1
硬盘: 至少 15 GB 的空间
声卡: OpenAL 兼容声卡
无主之地是综合了第一人称射击游戏和角色扮演游戏的角色扮演射击游戏,是 Gearbox(一个独立游戏开发组)制作的。
这个游戏中,四名玩家组成寻宝猎人队伍,做各种主线与支线任务找到潘多拉星球上的”传说宝库“。玩家可以在游戏里到网上与其他玩家组队。这个游戏于 2012 年 9 月 18 日正式出售。游戏采用虚幻引擎 3 和 PhysX Technology 开发。
无主之地 2 游戏情节
突击兵(Axton) - 可以召唤“军刀炮塔“提供攻击性辅助角色;
魔女(Maya) - 可以用一个能量球将敌人暂时固定在一处;
刺客(Zer0) - 可以在短时间内进入隐身状态,并制造全息假象来迷惑敌人;
狂***手(Salvador) - 可以暂时手持两把武器,比如拿一对火箭筒指向敌人;
Axton “突击兵”
Zero “刺客”
Maya “魔女”
Salvador “狂***手”
这款游戏受到评论家的好评。根据游戏的趣味性、游戏世界的构造,还有 RPG 系统,IGN 给这个游戏的评分是 9/10。
无主之地 2 配置要求
系统: SteamOS、Ubuntu 14.04
处理器: 英特尔双核、AMD Phenom II X4
处理器速度: 2.4GHz
内存: 4 GB
硬盘: 13 GB
显卡 (NVidia): Geforce 260
显卡 (VRam): 1GB
无主之地 2 Linux 版目前不支持英特尔集成显卡芯片组和 ATI 芯片组。
这款游戏是有史以来最受欢迎,且评分最高的游戏之一,而且它是免费的。这是 Valve 公司 制作与发售的一款第一人称在线多玩家射击游戏。这款游戏经常更新,mod、地图,还有装备也常更新。游戏的玩家也可以参与游戏更新的内容设计。游戏于 2013 年 2 月 14 日移植到 Linux 系统。
军团要塞 2 游戏情节
游戏的故事背景中,两个队伍由两方招的雇佣兵组成,目的是保护其中一方的资产,并销毁另一方的公司资产。两个队伍名字分别代表两方的公司 - RED(保证开挖爆破,即红队)和 BLU(建筑联合同盟,即蓝队)。你可以从九名各有优势和劣势的角色挑选自己喜欢的来玩。
军团要塞 2 游戏模式
游戏开始时,玩家无法进入守卫点,直到某方达到了进入守卫点的分数,封锁才会被解除。占领控制点的时候,游戏会开始守卫倒计时,这时对方玩家需要夺得控制权,开始他们的守卫倒计时。当某方队伍的倒计时表达到 00:00 的时候,游戏结束,占领控制点的队伍获胜。
军团要塞 2 配置要求
系统: Ubuntu 12.04
处理器: 英特尔双核或 AMD 2.8 GHz
内存: 1 GB RAM 显卡: nVidia GeForce GT、ATI/AMD Radeon HD (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310、 AMD 12.11)、OpenGL 2.1
网络: 互联网连接
硬盘: 15 GB 可用空间
声卡: OpenAL 兼容声卡
其他: 鼠标,键盘
4、地铁 2033 重制版
地铁 2033 重制版由 4A 游戏工作室开发、THQ 发售。玩家以 Artyom 的角色在核战后莫斯科的废墟中生存,他需要打败一群被称为“DARKENS”的邪恶突变体。
地铁 2033 受到诸多评论家的好评,其中 IGN 给的评分是 6.9/10。
地铁 2033 游戏情节
地铁 2033 配置要求
系统: 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 或 14.04 或 Steam OS
处理器: 英特尔 i5 2.7 GHz (或同等的 AMD)
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA Geforce 460 / AMD 5850 加 2GB VRAM
硬盘: 10 GB 可用空间
其他: 因为用 OpenGL 4, 游戏不支持英特尔集成显卡
系统: 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 or Steam OS
处理器: Intel Core i7 2.5 Ghz (or equivalent AMD)
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA Geforce 680 / AMD 7870 with 2GB VRAM+
硬盘: 10 GB 可用空间
其他: 因为用OpenGL 4, 游戏不支持英特尔集成显卡
5、求生之路 2
这是 Valve 公司制作与发售的多人协作 FPS,于 2013 年 7 月发行 Linux 版本。
游戏有四名幸存者供玩家选择,需要打败僵尸,即感染者。这些感染者会因为严重的精神病而极具攻击性。游戏软件里的 AI 会按照玩家的水平而提升游戏难度,使游戏更有挑战性。
求生之路 2 游戏情节
求生之路 2 总共有 5 种游戏模式:
四名玩家组成队伍,共同完成故事章节。游戏中遇到的其他幸存者都是 CPU 控制的 NPC。
和战役模式相近,但队友都是 CPU 控制的 NPC。
玩家分成两组,4 对 4,一组幸存者,一组感染者。幸存者需要收集大量的油桶,并装满一个发电机里,而感染者则要防止幸存者成功完成任务。
求生之路 2 配置要求
系统: Ubuntu 12.04
处理器: 英特尔双核或 AMD 2.8 GHz
内存: 2 GB RAM
显卡: nVidia GeForce GT、ATI/AMD Radeon HD (显卡: nVidia 310、 AMD 12.11)、 OpenGL 2.1
硬盘: 13 GB 可用空间
声卡: OpenAL 兼容声卡
这些年来,Linux 已经日益受到游戏厂家们的重视,在游戏界不像以前那么受到冷落。如今的 Linux 已不像昔日,以前,别的操作系统的用户笼统的概括说“Linux 只能供程序员编程“,但如今的 Linux 已经不同了。
第24章 使用Xen与Kvm部署虚拟化服务环境。(即将公布)
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