星光&#python 228233;道有场外ė...

i have a graf of y=x^2
the graf was plotted in point
there was a lot point of y such as y1,y2,y3,y4 and so on...depends on
data from excel
how i want to find the delta of y for each point?
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...Please I need help with this:
Let’s say for example, there is a 2D- plot ( .i.e. signal) and you do not have the function of the graph.
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yassine wrote:
& Please I need help with this:
& Let=E2=80=99s say for example, there is a 2D- plot ( .i.e. signal) and =
you do not have the function of the graph.
& Let=E2=80=99s say for example the x-value goes from...I am a student.I am going to make a simulation of a robot (FANUC
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very eager to get these.Please write back to me as soon as
possible,thank you!
zhanglijuan920@sohu.c...I'm an amateur user of matlab and i have to develop a project of delta modulation.I'd be glad if anyone could share some notes, or links that could help on my project.
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...Plz Help Me
I Have a simple datsbase with 2 tables
tblproducts productID primary key
productname text
unit cost currency
productID are linked
I'm trying to get a form to show the products as a combo box which is
ok, but the unit price does not update
Simple I know But I'd appreciate your help
thankie much John
In article &&, jomichie
&jmohie@bwr.eastlink.ca& writes:
&I'm trying to get a form to show the products as a combo box which is
&ok, but the unit ...What I need to is to figure out how to find the lowest value for L when Tac and Tab are both &2000.
I've tried directing them into an array, and trying to find the minimum of the array, but I can't seem to get the array to only take values where tac and tab are both &2000. It simply takes all the values and gives min(L) = 3.
th = acos((45-L.^2)/36);
ph = asin((6*sin(th))./L);
Tab = 2000./(sin(th)+cos(th).*tan(ph));
if Tab&2000 then
Tac = (2000.*cos(th))./(sin(th)+cos(th).*tan(ph));
if Tac&2000 then
plot(L,Tab,'...I am very glad that you will help,it will be nice
maybe this is a
bit reading form:)
you know how can help me ,or where can i find the file which solve system of polynomial function
&ARmen & &armis_& wrote in message
& I am very glad that you will help,it will be nice
& {1/(exp(200(z+x))-1)}{198*exp(200(z+x))-2-(1/(z+x))(exp(200(z+x))-1)}=50
& {1/(exp(...I need to refresh my C knowledge quickly.
I will be reading code for simple
industrial type controls like motor controllers, valve drivers, etc
software is pretty simple, 3000 lines max.
The executable is embedded in
flash on the processor chip.
Actually I haven't seen it yet.
I haven't
looked at C or done any programming in ages.
I'm looking for a simple programming suite that will run on my WinXP (NTFS)
computer. Something that doesn't take really long to get up to speed with.
Simple is better.
I just need to practice and remember and do some simple
how can I get A
x(1) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0...0 0;
x(2) 1 -x(2) -1 0 0 0 0...0 0;
p(1) 0 -p(2) 0 0 0 0 0...0 0;
0 0 x(3) 1 -x(3) -1 0 0...0 0;
0 0 p(2) 0 -p(3) 0 0 0...0 0;
0 0 0 0 x(4) 1 -x(4) -1...0 0;
0 0 0 0 p(3) 0 -p(4) 0...0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0...x(i) 1 -x(i) -1...0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0...p(i-1) 0 -p(i-1) 0 ...0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0....x(n-1) 1 -x(n-1) -1;
0 0 0 0 0 0....p(n-2) 0 -p(n-1) 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0.... 0 0 p(n-1) 0;
&Jim lei& &redlightlike@mathworks.c...Hi! All,
I am an Interactive Media Designer and know very less about asp but the
basic concept behind. I got to make an online test(Exam)
in asp which has a login (frm access database) panel.
Can any one direct me to a free source so that I can simply pick the
project and customize it.
Thnaks in Advance
In article &.430@&,
raj. enlightened us with...
& Hi! All,
& I am an Interactive Media Designer and know very less about asp but the
& basic concept behind. I got to make an online te...Hello everyone,
I am a freshmen at a computer university and also new to C++ . I havent used
C before either but been through PASCAL and GW-BASIC. Can someone
please tell me the link to download the C++ compiler which can run on my
Windows XP Professional Edition. Thanks. ByE.
Yours forever in Digital Paradise
could have typed what u wanted in google.
&Usman& &game_& wrote in message
& Hello everyone,
& I am a freshmen at a computer university and also new to C++ . I havent
& C before eit...On this site par example:
u have a 3d animation, like many other sites...but if i want to see
this a new window opens and i see a icon with ared cross in it.
also on sites with games i see this...
What is my problem?
I have winXP-Pro firewall is out and sec. is on low.....
twan1@home.nl (Twan) writes:
& On this site par example:
& /cds/frontdoor/0,2241,nl_nl_0_27443_rArNrNrNrN,00.html
& u have a 3d animation, like many other sites...but if i want to...I wish to vectorize the following code:
s = tf('s');
W = logspace(-1,2,50);
COMBINATION = combn(W, 2);
K = cell(length(COMBINATION), 1);
K0 = 1 + (1/(2*s)) + 0.5*s/(0.2*s + 1); % PID controller to be approximated as PI
gapValue = zeros(length(COMBINATION), 1);
for i = 1:length(COMBINATION)
K{i} = (COMBINATION(i,1)*(1 + (1/(COMBINATION(i,2)*s)))); % PI controller
for i = 1:length(COMBINATION)
gapValue(i,1) = gapmetric(K0, K{i});
where K0 is the Nominal transfer function and K is a cell array including transfer functions whose gap metric from K0 are...Sir,
Am Avinash.T.J doing my btech
...I hope someone out there can solve my mysterious problem.
tried everything imaginable, even paid $35 to Microsoft to help me,
but they were not able to figure out this problem:
Here is the
I recently created a new database in Access 2002.
I took data from an
& access 97 database converted one of the tables to access 2002 and then
& imported it into a new table in access 2002.
but for some strange
& reason, every once in a while the data changes to Japanese characters,
& it only happens once in a while, but once it happens that record is
i have tried...Hello,
I am a reluctant user of the . I accidentally
download a Java program called &dict& from an ebook website to my XP
and now every English words that I read from my computer has got a
link with your web. I found it very frustrating when I noticed all the
chinese characters I read from the web now become loads of question
marks. I think it has a link with the program that I accidentally
downloaded from that ebook website. How can I remove the so called
&dict& program and other Java Scripts from my computer?
This is very urgent and please answer my ...Hi everybody there.
I have created a GUI in MATLAB's guide application. In the GUI I am
appearing on the screen a frame from a camera by pushing a button.
My problem that sometimes the application works fine, but some others
something is going wrong and I get the following error message:
??? Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than
Error in ==& LEDsFinal&txtGrabFrame_Callback at 164
A(width, i, Blue) = abs(fread(portCMU, 1,
What does the error message mean? What seems to be the problem? How
can I overco...As you can probably gather im in need of help.
I started a basic J***A
course a week ago as it seems like a very interesting subject.
The problem in having is with the IDE we have been asked to use.
using JCreator, but in order for it to work, we are required to install the
Java software development kit and a class library which comes with the
course book called avi with is a audio visual interface library which is
supposed to make it easier for us to learn the fundimentals of J***A without
having to worry about the input/output.
Anyways, I have installed the J***A SDK from SUN website...Hei!
Im makin a hot INVADERS game with Java
but im a newbie with language, so , question is
how do i use KeyPressed () function...
I hav Applet Runnable...
Here is my problem...
public class TestinKeys extends Applet implements Runnable
public void run ()
while ( true )
if ( ke.getKeyChar() == 'a' ) g_TykkiX ++;
What is Wrong, im tryin to make that Invaders game but i dont know
how to read keyboard with Runnable Java code...
JariTapio &JariTapio@pp.inet.fi& wrote:
& publi...
Web resources about - help: to find the delta! - comp.soft-sys.matlab
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