Hustle castle这个游戏中的军械库 电视剧为什么在游戏中无法出现呢,都已经激活了啊.求大神告知.

APP截图: (点击图片查看大图)
Become the lord and master of a real medieval castle! Accept new subjects, assign them to their duties, train and protect your men and women! Defy your rivals and laws of physics as you build and upgrade your fortress!
Your pudgy warriors look great in their shining armor! Nourish and train your troops, and they’ll crush the armies of Grav the Mighty Brainpan, find the shelter of the fearsome OM-NOM, put the Abyss Lord back in his place, and also burn down a couple of enemies’ castles!
All day long your scribes scratch their heads with quills, treasurers spill coins on the floor and blacksmiths drop anvils on their feet for the sake of your prosperity! Prepare true specialists, become wealthy and influential! Build a dating room and watch your subjects have children who’ll soon grow up and serve you too!
Assume command, my lord! Here are some of the opportunities you get in the game:
- Story-driven campaign. In hundreds of missions your heroes fight orcs, giants, skeletons and even dragons! Battle magic, cold steel and cunning strategy - the end justifies the means!
- Castle construction. Build new rooms for your stronghold and upgrade the existing ones. You’ve got all you need to create a dream castle! Begin the construction now!
- Developing the villagers. Each of your subjects can learn new skills and wear any equipment. Train great warriors and scribes… and then swap them with each other!
- Multiplayer. Get medieval! Burn and plunder the castle of someone you don’t like… And you don’t like all of them, right?上一条:下一条:
苹果i派党友情提醒,最新版本 1.0.2 中的新功能:***我们已在全世界推出***
- 在你的部落里与朋友自由进行友谊战
- 苹果打折 30%
- 分享你的 PvP 战斗回放
- 从入侵者宝箱中有更大的几率获得物品
- 见见新宠物,一只可爱的小猫咪
- 打开下一个宝箱,无需返回仓库操作
- 使用钻石提升居民潜力
- 动态 3D 世界地图和 PvE 地区
- 修复程序错误,提升游戏性能
- 查看游戏资讯,获取本次更新的更多信息
Hustle Castle - 成为避难所的骑士
家庭盖伊!开心汉堡店!飞出未来!美国爸爸!山丘之王!这是《丢掉动画:收集卡片》! 这是首次,您最喜爱的动画节目五都集中在一个收藏纸牌的游戏中。 拥有上百个你最喜欢的人物和瞬间从你喜爱的情节。收集字卡,优化您的卡牌上,在一个史诗般的卡片对战拼发智慧创造新的组合。 *世界的命运掌握在你的手中!** (*锦标不是真正的) (**世界的命运并不在你的手中休息。) Stewie,折弯机,宝翠园TINA,HANK山和罗杰ALIEN都在等着你!立即下载动画THROWDOWN并开始踢和/或感人的烟头! 游戏特点: *珍藏卡片对战游戏。 *您最喜欢的卡通五一起有史以来第一次! *数以百计的卡和组合包括来自每个节目的字符。 * 25章节包括来自你最喜欢的节目的时刻和地点。 *无尽小时的比赛,只要你永远不会停止播放。 *来自全国各地的多人竞技场全球挑战其他玩家。 *收集,升级和融合你的卡取得了胜利。 *笑起来,直到你把你的手机或平板电脑进厕所! 请注意:动画Throwdown:追求卡是免费玩,但一些额外的游戏道具就可以买到真正的金钱。您可以在设备的设置禁用应用内购买。 网络连接才能玩。 动画Throwdown:追求卡(TM)和(C)2016二十世纪福克斯电影公司。版权所有。
Hustle Castle: Fantasy Kingdom
Hustle Castle: Fantasy Kingdom 1.0.51 ***包安卓***包


