PS3重签EBOOT为何要用ps3 战神3原版ebootT

Full creative, open technology Co.
Eject and enter game automatically
No restart and enter game automatically
Works on slim console include 25xx,3xxx and 4xxx .
Easy upgrade and easy use .
Homebrew supported
High quality and one year warranty
经E3TEAM核实,最新4.60固件在3K机器上增加了新的验证机制。E3TEAM正在寻找解决办法,请3K机器的E3 ODE PRO用户暂时不要升级4.60固件。
The E3TEAM verification, the latest firmware 4.60 increases the new verification mechanism on 3K console . E3TEAM are looking for solutions,
the E3 ODE PRO user on 3k console
temporarily don't upgrade firmware 4.60.
最近收到部分用户关于E3 ODE PRO质量的投诉,经过核实,我们发现这些问题均出自假冒伪劣E3 ODE PRO。为了让用户不受不良卖家的欺骗,我们公布区分原装和假冒E3 ODE PRO的方法,请用户仔细核对。(更多鉴别方法将稍后公布)
同时,从即日起,所有原装E3 ODE PRO出货均带官方验证序列号,请用户确认E3 ODE PRO所附带的USB外壳上均带有此序列号。
如果用户发现收到假冒伪劣E3 ODE PRO,请第一时间向卖家要求更换为原装E3 ODE PRO,以便得到官方E3TEAM的后续服务。同时,请告知我们不良卖家信息,我们将在官网公布这些没有诚信的经销商,防止其他用户上当受骗。
我们将在2-3个月内推出全新第二代E3 ODE PRO,将从游戏读取速度,稳定性及4K 4.55等各方面进行全面优化,与此同时我们将会推出硬件置换计划,所有原装E3 ODE PRO用户均可参与,请用户敬请期待!
Recently received some users on the E3 ODE PRO quality complaints,
After verification, we found that these problems are from the fake E3 ODE PRO. In order to let users do not suffer from the seller, here is way to distinguish between the original and the fake E3 ODE PRO, please check carefully. (more way will be released later)
At the same time, from now on, all the original E3 ODE PRO shipped with the official authentication sequence number, please confirm the USB shell that comes with the E3 ODE PRO is with the sequence number.
If you get the fake E3 ODE PRO, please ask for exchanging to original E3 ODE PRO from your seller, to be sure get official E3TEAM service. At the same time, please inform us bad seller information, We will publish the faithless dealers in the website, prevent other users from being cheated.
We will release the full new second generation E3 ODE PRO in 2-3months . It will be comprehensive optimization from game reading speed, stability and 4k 4.55 problem. Meanwhile, we will introduce the hardware replacement plan, all the original E3 ODE PRO users can participate in, please stay tuned!
增加E3 ODE PRO在4K 主机上***视频。官方推荐***方法,此方式可以有效避免由于***不当引起ODE主板变形,从而损坏E3 ODE PRO主板的弊端。
Adding the installation video on 4K console. It is official proposal E3 ODE PRO motherboard installation. It can effectively avoid the motherboard deformation caused by improper installation , thereby damaging the E3 ODE PRO motherboard drawbacks.
E3 OS 2.12发布,增加以下功能
E3 ODE PRO专用一键***非官方PKG软件1.2版本发布,用户按手柄键即可一次性***多个非官方PKG文件。
与此同时发布官方建议E3 ODE PRO主板***方式。此方式可以有效避免由于***不当引起ODE主板变形,从而损坏E3 ODE PRO主板的弊端。
E3TEAM依然在竭尽全力研究更好绕过4K 4.55的方式。我们已经投入巨大的人力物力,希望有好运来获得我们所需。
E3 OS 2.12 release, add the following functions
1: Increase the folder format than 4G file support. To further improve the folder format game support.
2: Adding a special format keys file support, users only need to copy the keys.db file to the hard disk root directory.
At the same time, the one key install unofficial PKG software v1.2 released, user press joypad
multiple unofficial PKG file.
Also released an official proposal E3 ODE PRO motherboard installation.
This way you can effectively avoid the motherboard deformation caused by improper installation , thereby damaging the E3 ODE PRO motherboard drawbacks.
E3TEAM still make every effort to study better ways to bypass 4K 4.55 .
We have invested enormous human and material resources
,and hope that we have the luck to get what we need .
最新E3 ODE PRO专用Keys更新,支持更多游戏碟作为引导碟。E3TEAM一直在努力研究采用更好的方式绕过4K 4.55验证,请用户耐心等待。
The latest E3 ODE PRO Keys updates, support more games as a boot disc. E3TEAM has been hard at work on a better way to bypass the 4K 4.55 certification, please wait patiently.
E3 ODE PRO专用一键***非官方PKG软件发布,所有E3 ODE PRO用户将此软件复制到游戏硬盘根目录即可正常使用,详情请阅读使用手册。同时,E3全球官方论坛正式运行,所有E3用户均可通过此官方论坛获得帮助。
The one key install unofficial PKG software released, all E3 ODE PRO user can run it by copy this software, please read the manual . At the same time, the E3 Global Forum
officially running, all E3 users can get help through this forum.
我们很高兴告知大家,用户期待已久的一键***非官方PKG文件功能即将测试完毕,会在2-3天内正式发布。E3TEAM目前已停止其他功能和产品的研发,全力以赴的研究其他绕过4K 4.55验证的方法,我们希望能在几个月内发布更为方便简洁的方法,请用户耐心等待。此外,全新的E3 官方英文论坛即将开放,将为广大的英文用户提供更多协助。
We are pleased to inform you, the user's long-awaited one key install the unofficial
PKG file function test is completed, will be officially released in 2-3 days. E3TEAM is
currently stopped developing other functions and products, go to all lengths to bypass
the 4K 4.55 verification with other ways. We hope to publish a more convenient and simple way in a few months, please wait patiently. In addition, the new E3 official English forum open soon, will provide more assistance for English users.
全新E3 OS 2.1及E3 Manager 2.0发布,所有用户升级到E3 OS 2.1和E3 Manager 2.0后将拥有以下功能:
E3TEAM将在下一个版本E3 OS 2.2中增加以下功能,更多全新功能尽请期待!
1. 提升E3 ODE PRO的性能
2. 支持非官方PKG文件
3. 支持PSN游戏
E3TEAM作为PS3 ODE行业的先驱者,将会勇猛精进,不断创新,为所有用户带来愈加丰富的体验!
The new E3 OS 2.1 and E3 Manager 2 release, all users will have the following functions after upgrade to E3 OS 2.1 and E3 Manager 2.0:
1: one key install official PKG file
2: PS1 game support
3: BD MOVIE ISO support to play directly
4: DVD MOVIE ISO support to play directly
5: Further improve the support folder format PS3 games
E3TEAM will add the following new function in the next upgrade E3 OS 2.2, and more new features do please look forward to!.
1: Enhance the performance of E3 ODE PRO
2: install Unofficial PKG file
3: PSN game support
E3TEAM as PS3 ODE industry pioneer,will vigorously advance and innovate,bring even more enriching experience for all users.
我们非常高兴的告知大家,用户期待已久的E3 OS 2.0正式发布。所有用户升级到E3 OS 2.0后将拥有以下功能:
1:4K 4.55用户的正式版解决方案。即一张E3专用引导碟支持用户已有的原装引导碟和硬盘内所有的PS3游戏。用户可以自己刻录蓝光E3引导碟或者将生成的ISO文件委托他人刻录的方式来获得蓝光E3引导碟。(KEYS文件夹内的目录即为支持的原装引导碟目录,此内容可增加)
请注意:此功能仅对4K 4.55用户有用,其他用户升至E3 OS 2.0后无需E3专用引导碟,即使用方法跟以前一致。
E3TEAM正在努力更新一键***PKG文档功能,此功能由于修正4K 4.55有所延误。测试无误后将会在E3 OS 2.1中发布。
E3TEAM将会提供无需外置USB硬盘即可畅玩PS3游戏的解决方案,敬请期待 !
同时,由于商业机密,E3TEAM对于独家发布的全新功能如何实现的方式会有所保留。以这次的4K 4.55解决方案为例,E3TEAM在4.55发布3天内即找到解决方案,随后发布演示视频。由于切换引导碟的方法为商业机密,所以在视频中有所保留。事实也证明,在E3TEAM发布E3 OS 2.0BETA版本后,其他团队也陆续沿用E3TEAM的方案。为此如果引起用户的误会,E3TEAM只能感到抱歉,但在以后的功能发布中我们将继续沿用有所保留的演示方式,请用户理解 !
We are pleased to annouce the long-awaited E3 OS 2.0 released. All users upgrade to E3 OS 2.0 will have the following functions:
1:The official version of 4K 4.55 solution. A special E3 boot disc to support user's original boot disc and all PS3 games in its HDD.The users can
burn the BD E3 boot disc by themself or give the
generated ISO file
to other guy to burn. (The supported original boot disc is listed in the keys file, this content can be added)
Please note: this function is only useful for 4K 4.55 user, other E3 OS 2.0 user play game is same as before, no need E3 boot disc .
2: Support folder format PS3 games. User can play game without converting into ISO game on PC .(EBOOT need original or re-signed )
3: Modified EBOOT can be run with E3 ODE PRO after re-signed in folder format game, just copy the eboot to the right directory to run. (E3TEAM will release a specially one-key re-sign software later)
E3TEAM is working hard to update one key installation PKG file feature, due to the delay of fixing 4K 4.55. It will be released in E3 OS 2.1 after testing well.
E3TEAM will provide solutions without the need of external USB drive to play PS3 game, so stay tuned!
Meanwhile, because of commercial confidentiality, E3TEAM's exclusive release of new features for how to achieve the way will be reserved. In the 4K 4.55 solution as an example, E3TEAM find the solution in 3 days after 4.55 released, and then release the testing video . Since the method of switching boot disc is commercial secrets, so we have reservations in the video. Facts have proved that after E3TEAM released E3 OS 2.0BETA version, other teams are starting to follow E3TEAM solution.For this reason, if the user causes misunderstanding, E3TEAM can only feel sorry.But in the future we will continue to use the functions reserved demo mode, please understand!
E3TEAM will do our best to provide the best user experience. All issues of interest to
the user, E3TEAM is trying to solve, and will be reflected in future product updates.
为了满足部分E3用户的迫切需求,E3TEAM暂停其他工作,加急推出了E3 OS 2.0BETA版本,仅供4K 4.55用户测试使用。其他E3用户请耐心等待E3 OS 2.0 官方正式版的推出。同时,对由于4K 4.55延误了全新功能的研发进度,E3TEAM表示万分的歉意。
为了避免其他用户误升E3 OS 2.0B,升级程序有所加密,有需求的用户请电邮至help.索取密码。
2-13最新消息:由于索取密码用户过多,E3TEAM无法一一回复,这里特地公布密码。有需求的用户可自行测试。测试前,请准备兼容性良好的蓝光刻录机和蓝光刻录碟(DVD刻录机和刻录碟暂未测试)。请注意,此方案仅为临时解决方案,正式官方E3 OS 2.0将会更简易支持4K 4.55 。此外,英文说明书将会在正式版本中发布。
E3 ODE PRO, 全球首个支持4K 4.55 PS3 ODE 演示视频发布。从视频中可知,引导碟和实际运行游戏为不同游戏(引导碟为使命召唤之世界战争
)。同时,E3TEAM掌握多种绕过4.55 验证ODE方法。E3TEAM以实际演示有力回击了对E3TEAM的恶意猜测诽谤。E3TEAM雄厚的技术实力再次证明了E3 ODE PRO作为全球第一PS3 ODE
. 我们正在紧急调试E3 OS 2.0,所有E3 ODE PRO用户在1-2周内即将迎来革命性的全新功能 !(包括4K 4.55的支持)。
同时,E3 ODE PRO专用USB硬盘转接盒发布,其主要功能为:
1: 全金属外壳,散热更好,性能更稳定
3: USB3.0/2.0 接口,最快传输速度可达450M/S
4:支持SATA3 3.5/2.5硬盘,最大容量可达3TB
E3 ODE PRO,the world's first PS3 ODE supports 4K 4.55 demo video released. We can know from the video,
boot disc game and the actual running game is
different game.
(boot disc game is call of duty: world at war,the actual running game is soulcalibur4).
furthermore , E3TEAM master a variety of methods to bypass 4.55 verify ODE .
The demonstration strong comeback against E3TEAM malicious slander guess.
E3TEAM strong technical strength once again proved E3 ODE PRO as the world's first PS3 ODE not Langdexuming. We are urgent to debug E3 OS 2.0, all E3 ODE PRO user
is about to usher the revolutionary new features
in 1-2 weeks ! (include 4k 4.55 supports).
Meanwhile, the special USB harddisk adaptor of E3 ODE PRO released, Its main functions are:
1:Full metal case, better heat dissipation, more stable performance
2:Free sleep function, games run more smoothly
3:USB3.0/2.0 interface,fast transmission speed to 450M/S
4:Support SATA3 3.5/2.5 harddisk,the maximum capacity of up to 3TB
很高兴告诉大家,利用最新独有技术,我们已经成功的绕过最新4.55 ODE验证机制。E3TEAM正夜以继日的工作,将此功能添增到E3 ODE PRO上,请用户耐心等待。
另外,我们注意到一些论坛不负责任的言辞,对此我们郑重提示,E3TEAM完全掌握PS3 ODE的所有核心技术,我们将会不断更新独有全新功能为广大E3用户造福。
Am glad to tell you , using the latest exclusive technology, we have successfully bypassed the latest 4.55 ODE authentication mechanism.
E3TEAM are working around the clock , this feature additions to the E3 ODE PRO, please wait patiently .
In addition, we noticed some forums irresponsible words,
which we strongly suggest , E3TEAM fully grasp all the core technology of PS3 ODE, we will update the unique new features for the benefit of the E3 users.
我们得到反馈,4K主机升级到4.55固件后无法正常使用E3 ODE PRO。E3TEAM正在核实此问题,并会尽快发布公告。我们建议4K主机用户暂时不要升级4.55固件。
We get feedback , after updating to 4.55, the 4K console
does not work properly with E3 ODE PRO. E3TEAM are verifying this issue and will publish notice as soon as possible .
We propose that 4K console user temporarily don't upgrade firmware 4.55 .
( Other models have not been a problem with feedback)
新年好,在举国欢庆的假日里,E3TEAM依然在默默的努力,竭力让每位E3用户获得更好的体验。我们很高兴告诉大家,E3 ODE PRO即将迎来革命性的全新功能,玩家即将更轻松,更简单的畅玩PS3游戏。具体功能将会稍后告知。
同时E3 Manager 1.02 发布,增加了对大容量(单个文件大于4G)MP4电影的支持,所有E3 ODE PRO用户在E3 OS 1.38版本,可通过E3 Manager 1.02流畅的观看MP4电影。
Happy New Year . In the country to celebrate the holidays , E3TEAM still silently effort , trying to make every E3 users get a better experience. We are glad to tell you , E3 ODE PRO will usher in a revolutionary new features , players will soon be more relaxed, more simple smooth play PS3 games. Specific functions will be informed later.
E3 Manager 1.02 released,
adds support for large-capacity ( single files larger than 4G) MP4 movies , all the E3 ODE PRO users at E3 OS 1.38 version , you can watch MP4 movies smoothly through E3 Manager 1.02.
(MP4 format support required for the PS3 format, put the MP4 file on the root directory of USB HDD)
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