求DOTA一血 双杀到dota暴走音效的音效、感激不...

dota杀人时候的音效 一血双杀三杀疯狂杀戮暴走 还有杀人次数到超神的
&b&【因为自己一直用的是英文配音,所以都是英文的,资料来源:】&/b&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///Dota_2_Wiki& class=& external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&&span class=&invisible&&http://&/span&&span class=&visible&&/Dot&/span&&span class=&invisible&&a_2_Wiki&/span&&span class=&ellipsis&&&/span&&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&b&【另:文末有这个网站所有音效文件下载方法】&/b&&br&&b&【另:强烈安利上面这个网站,资料非常全,而且是根据官方更新即时同步的】&/b&&br&&br&&br&&b&Earthshaker(撼地者)&/b&&br&First Blood…and you had better get used to it.&br&&br&&b&Sven(斯温)&/b&&br&Ha ha ha! First blood is a knight's great honor.&br&&br&&b&Tiny(小小)&/b&&br&First Blood…from a stone. Ha ha ha ha!&br&First Blood! Better yours than mine.&br&&br&&b&Kunkka(昆卡)&/b&&br&First blood, and here come the sharks.&br&&br&&b&Beastmaster(兽王)&/b&&br&First blood, Hereaheh!&br&&br&&b&Dragon Knight(龙骑士)&/b&&br&First blood, heh heh heh he heh hah.&br&The dragon draws first blood.&br&&br&&b&Clockwerk(发条技师)&/b&&br&First Blood! Ha ha ha ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Omniknight(全能骑士)&/b&&br&First blood! An offering to the Omniscience.&br&First blood! And may the All-knowing one bear witness, hehehaaha!&br&&br&&b&Huskar(哈斯卡)&/b&&br&First blood! The gods were right to place their trust in me.&br&&br&&b&Alchemist(炼金术士)&/b&&br&First Blood! We're off to an explosive start!&br&&br&&b&Brewmaster(酒仙)&/b&&br&Shall we call this off and have a friendly round?&br&First blood. Well, that was quick.&br&First blood! I'll drink to that.&br&Who is that? Show yourself!(unused)&br&&br&&b&Treant Protector(树精卫士)&/b&&br&First blood! From a deep-cut notch, the red sap flows.&br&&br&&b&Io(艾欧)&/b&&br&………………(是个没有台词的音效= =)&br&&br&&b&Centaur Warrunner(半人马战行者)&/b&&br&My hooves run red with first blood.&br&The first of many bloodings.&br&&br&&b&Timbersaw(伐木机)&/b&&br&First blood! I cut you, and I split you, and I killed you! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Bristleback(钢背兽)&/b&&br&Well, if it ain't first bloody blood.&br&A little blood? First thing in the morning, Hah Hah haha!&br&Well, look who's first.&br&&br&&b&Tusk(巨牙海民)&/b&&br&First blood! And that is how we do things in the north! Ha ha ha ha ha!&br&That was first blood? I barely touched you! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!&br&First blood! Now who wants to be second?&br&&br&&b&Elder Titan(上古巨神)&/b&&br&May this blood run deep to heal the world's wounds.&br&You were the first to leave this plane.&br&&br&&b&Legion Commander(军团指挥官)&/b&&br&First blood stains the banners!&br&First blood for the Bronze Legion!&br&First blood for the Bronze Legion!(unused)&br&First blood has been spilled!&br&&br&&b&Earth Spirit(大地之灵)&/b&&br&In war, a fool's first lesson is his last.&br&&i&(10% chance:&/i&&br&They die so easy.&br&How soft they are.)&br&&br&&b&Phoenix(凤凰)&/b&&br&………………(又是没有台词的音效)&br&&br&&b&Axe(斧王)&/b&&br&Ha ha, the blade of Axe has tasted first blood!&br&Axe will whittle them down one by one.&br&&br&&b&Pudge(帕吉)&/b&&br&First Blood! Have I got juice on me chins?&br&&br&&b&Sand King(沙王)&/b&&br&First blood on the sand strikes the perfect note.&br&&br&&b&Slardar(斯拉达)&/b&&br&First blood, ehha hehee!&br&&br&&b&Tidehunter(潮汐猎人)&/b&&br&Blood in the water, time to feed!&br&&br&&b&Wraith King(冥魂大帝)&/b&&br&First Blood! I've still got it!&br&It is only right that First Blood should go to your king!&br&&br&&b&Lifestealer(噬魂鬼)&/b&&br&First blood! And let there be no end to it.&br&&br&&b&Night Stalker(暗夜魔王)&/b&&br&First blood.&br&First blood, first feast.&br&&br&&b&Doom(末日使者)&/b&&br&First blood, heh hah hah!&br&&br&&b&Spirit Breaker(裂魂人)&/b&&br&First blood! Hehaha!&br&The first of many a blooded enemy.&br&&br&&b&Lycan(狼人)&/b&&br&First Blood! Ha ha hah! But far from the last.&br&First Blood! I am the alpha wolf.&br&&br&&b&Chaos Knight(混沌骑士)&/b&&br&First blood, hehehahahah.&br&How quickly chaos spreads.&br&&br&&b&Undying(不朽尸王)&/b&&br&First blood! They sing the song of death!!&br&&br&&b&Magnus(马格纳斯)&/b&&br&Ah, first blood, and so much more shall soon be spilled!&br&&br&&b&Abaddon(亚巴顿)&/b&&br&First Blood! An offering worthy of the House Avernus.&br&&br&&b&Anti-Mage(敌法师)&/b&&br&First blood! Hahahahahahaha!&br&&br&&b&Drow Ranger(卓尔游侠)&/b&&br&First blood, and a point well taken.&br&&br&&b&Juggernaut(主宰)&/b&&br&Last of my kind but first in this.&br&&br&&b&Mirana(米拉娜)&/b&&br&First blood! It was ours all along.&br&&br&&b&Morphling(变体精灵)&/b&&br&First Blood! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!&br&Blood in the water!&br&&br&&b&Phantom Lancer(幻影长矛手)&/b&&br&First blood! Let our great combat begin!&br&&br&&b&Vengeful Spirit(复仇之魂)&/b&&br&That was but a first taste of revenge. Nn ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Riki(力丸)&/b&&br&(居然没有)&br&&br&&b&Sniper(狙击手)&/b&&br&(居然也没有)&br&&br&&b&Templar Assassin(圣堂刺客)&/b&&br&First blood! There's nothing more mysterious until it has been spilled.&br&&br&&b&Luna(露娜)&/b&&br&First blood! For Selemene and for the Dark Moon!&br&&br&&b&Bounty Hunter(赏金猎人)&/b&&br&First Blood, bagged and tagged.&br&&br&&b&Ursa(熊战士)&/b&&br&Hah-hah! My claws are red with the gore of first blood!&br&&br&&b&Gyrocopter(矮人直升机)&/b&&br&First blood! Now that's how it's done, kids! He he he he he!&br&&br&&b&Lone Druid(德鲁伊)&/b&&br&First blood! The end is set in motion! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Naga Siren(娜迦海妖)&/b&&br&First blood, this is why I came to the surface.&br&Hahaha, first blood! That sets the perfect note.&br&&br&&b&Troll Warlord(巨魔战将)&/b&&br&First blood, last word.&br&On to my next victim.&br&Nyaheh heh, first blood, last word, I got it all.&br&&br&&b&Ember Spirit(灰烬之灵)&/b&&br&First blood! I am on fire! Ha ha ha ha ha!(unused)&br&First blood! In flames!&br&&i&(10% chance:&/i&&br&First blood is toast.)&br&&br&&b&Bloodseeker(嗜血狂魔)&/b&&br&First Blood! The Twins shall not thirst for long!&br&&br&&b&Shadow Fiend(影魔)&/b&&br&First soul swimming in First Blood sauce!&br&First Blood…sauce for the soul.&br&First Soul is more my sort of thing.&br&&br&&b&Razor(剃刀)&/b&&br&irst Blood, and the atmosphere's electric!&br&&br&&b&Venomancer(剧毒术士)&/b&&br&Ah, First Blood. He he he.&br&First Blood, he he he he he he.&br&First Blood is the sweetest.&br&&br&&b&Faceless Void(虚空假面)&/b&&br&First blood, hehehehaah!&br&&br&&b&Phantom Assassin(幻影刺客)&/b&&br&First blood!&br&First victim!&br&&br&&b&Viper(冥界亚龙)&/b&&br&First blood.(unused)&br&First blood, with a poison twist.&br&&br&&b&Clinkz(克林克兹)&/b&&br&First Blood. I'm on fire!&br&&br&&b&Broodmother(育母蜘蛛)&/b&&br&First blood, first bite!&br&First blood goes to mother!&br&&br&&b&Weaver(编织者)&/b&&br&First blood, heha!&br&The first thread is cut.&br&&br&&b&Spectre(幽鬼)&/b&&br&First Blood!&br&&br&&b&Meepo(米波)&/b&&br&First blood! Hey everyone's gotta start somewhere. Nha ha ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Nyx Assassin(司夜刺客)&/b&&br&First blood, heheah hah heh!&br&First blood, heheah hah heh! Nyx, Nyx.&br&In the name of Nyx, the first assassination is complete!&br&&br&&b&Slark(斯拉克)&/b&&br&First Blood! I've been wanting to say that since this all began.&br&&br&&b&Medusa(美杜莎)&/b&&br&First blood, and it came so easily.&br&First blood -- I like to start with dessert.&br&&br&&b&Terrorblade(恐怖利刃)&/b&&br&First blood, hmm heh hmm hm.&br&Sinner and saint bleed alike.&br&The first sacrifice has been paid.&br&First and foremost.&br&&br&&b&Arc Warden(天穹守望者)&/b&&br&First blood.&br&First blood. And so the Great Unification commences.&br&The Dire have shed first blood.(unused)&br&The first blood of the Radiant is shed.(unused)&br&First blood.&br&&br&&b&Crystal Maiden(水晶室女)&/b&&br&First Blood, and it's already icing over!&br&&br&&b&Puck(帕克)&/b&&br&What's this? A fascinating substance.&br&First Blood! It shall be duly noted.&br&&br&&b&Storm Spirit(风暴之灵)&/b&&br&I accept this honor on behalf of storms everywhere!&br&&br&&b&Windranger(风行者)&/b&&br&First Blood! The Windranger gets there first!&br&&br&&b&Zeus(宙斯)&/b&&br&Mine by right as well as by might.&br&&br&&b&Lina(莉娜)&/b&&br&First Blood! This one's gonna be a scorcher!&br&&br&&b&Shadow Shaman(暗影萨满)&/b&&br&(没有……)&br&&br&&b&Tinker(修补匠)&/b&&br&First blood!&br&First blood! He he ha ha ha ha ha.&br&&br&&b&Nature's Prophet(先知)&/b&&br&First blood, hahahahaah!&br&&br&&b&Enchantress(魅惑魔女)&/b&&br&First blood! Ha ha ha ha ha!&br&First blood! Ah ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Jakiro(杰奇洛)&/b&&br&First blood, ha! And plenty for both of us!&br&&br&&b&Chen(陈)&/b&&br&That was my first conversion!&br&First blood, hahahaha hahaha!&br&&br&&b&Silencer(沉默术士)&/b&&br&First blood, last words. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Ogre Magi(食人魔魔法师)&/b&&br&First Blood! You got some on you.&br&First Blood! Did you mean to do that?&br&&br&&b&Rubick(拉比克)&/b&&br&First blood? What is this? I came here to be tested!&br&&br&&b&Disruptor(干扰者)&/b&&br&First blood, I thought I saw that in the forecast.&br&My fleetstryder's tracks run red.&br&Stryghor's tracks run red.&br&Stryghor's tracks run red.(unused)&br&&br&&b&Keeper of the Light(光之守卫)&/b&&br&First blood! My quest begins auspiciously!&br&Surely there was blood before that one? I can't quite remember.&br&&br&&b&Skywrath Mage(天怒法师)&/b&&br&Those who tangle with the Skywrath risk a fall from starry heights.&br&&i&(10% chance:&/i&&br&I would give all this, and my blood too if it meant the Skywrath Scion were restored!)&br&&br&&b&Oracle(神谕者)&/b&&br&First blood! Out of fifty possibilities, that was my preferred.&br&First blood! Oh ho ho!&br&&br&&b&Techies(工程师)&/b&&br&First blood? Uh, I only see a crater. Awww.. No blood?&br&First blood! Start with a bang!&br&&i&(10% chance:&/i&&br&First blood? Uh, I only see a crater. Awwww.. No blood? Nope.)&br&&br&&b&Bane(祸乱之源)&/b&&br&First blood! Ohoho, let this nightmare never end! Aha hahahahahahah!&br&&br&&b&Lich(巫妖)&/b&&br&(没有……)&br&&br&&b&Lion(莱恩)&/b&&br&(还是没有……)&br&&br&&b&Witch Doctor(巫医)&/b&&br&(没有……)&br&(V爹是不是不待见这几个英雄= =)&br&&br&&b&Enigma(谜团)&/b&&br&First blood, a fundamental principle of warfare.&br&&br&&b&Necrophos(瘟疫法师)&/b&&br&First Blood! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.&br&&br&&b&Warlock(术士)&/b&&br&First Blood. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.&br&&br&&b&Queen of Pain(痛苦女王)&/b&&br&First blood! Just a little, he he he.&br&&br&&b&Death Prophet(死亡先知)&/b&&br&First blood. I foresee a great deal more.&br&&br&&b&Pugna(帕格纳)&/b&&br&Ah, first blood to Pugna.&br&Ah ha! First Blood!&br&&br&&b&Dazzle(戴泽)&/b&&br&First Blood! Ha ha ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Leshrac(拉席克)&/b&&br&First Blood!&br&This is well begun!&br&&br&&b&Dark Seer(黑暗贤者)&/b&&br&&i&(80% chance:&/i&&br&I cannot believe that worked.&br&(&i&20% chance:&/i&&br&First blood, heh heh heh.&br&&br&&b&Batrider(蝙蝠骑士)&/b&&br&First Blood, right off the bat! Ha ha ha!&br&&br&&b&Ancient Apparition(远古冰魄)&/b&&br&First blood!&br&Cold blooded!&br&&br&&b&Invoker(祈求者)&/b&&br&First blood, as indeed I am first in everything!&br&&br&&b&Outworld Devourer(殁境神蚀者)&/b&&br&First Blood, hm hm hm hm hm.&br&Let them take this as an omen.&br&&br&&b&Shadow Demon(暗影恶魔)&/b&&br&First blood. Ah ha ha ha ha.&br&With this blood I seal my promise of Dominion!&br&&br&&b&Visage(维萨吉)&/b&&br&First blood. More shall come.&br&&br&&b&Winter Wyvern(寒冬飞龙)&/b&&br&First blood comes with the first breath of winter.&br&&br&&br&&b&【音频文件下载方法(以英雄台词为例)】&/b&&br&&img src=&/987ee8cfd7f2_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1714& data-rawheight=&923& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1714& data-original=&/987ee8cfd7f2_r.jpg&&点击开头的链接进入主页,点击任意一个英雄头像,进入英雄资料页&br&&br&&img src=&/4615cc2bcbec72b2027c22d_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1704& data-rawheight=&917& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1704& data-original=&/4615cc2bcbec72b2027c22d_r.jpg&&英雄资料页的英雄背景故事下方有一个“Responses”超链,点击就可以进入这个英雄所有台词展示页,这个页面提供了英雄所有台词的文本和音频试听&br&&br&&img src=&/710dcebc31bb5d79c02878_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&841& data-rawheight=&917& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&841& data-original=&/710dcebc31bb5d79c02878_r.jpg&&左键点击播放键就可以试听对应台词配音&br&&br&&b&下载方式:&br&1.右键点击播放键,选择“目标另存为”就可以下载这句台词的音频文件&br&2.如果1不可用,可以在页面右键选择“审查元素”,按ctrl+F,将想下载的台词文本复制到搜索框回车,元素会自动定位到这句台词的位置,直接复制对应位置以mp3为后缀的整条链接就可以下载&/b&&br&&br&另外,页面左边栏的cosmetics栏里面的music一栏,点开是所有音乐包,可以用同样方式下载&br&&br&手机铃声短信铃声什么的,用这些就好玩了~(我短信铃声是TK杀人之后的biubiubiu,每次都会在公共场合引来围观= =)
【另:文末有这个网站所有音效文件下载方法】 【另:强烈安利上面这个网站,资料非常全,而且是根据官方更新即时同步的】 Earthshaker(撼地者) First Blood…and you h…
&ul&&li&First blood, as indeed I am first in everything!&/li&&/ul&
First blood, as indeed I am first in everything!
环境设计专业在读大学生dota杀人时候的音效 一血双杀三杀疯狂杀戮暴走 还有杀人次数到超神的


