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战团官方升级补丁1.153骑马与砍杀:战团正式版1.101-1.153升级补丁相对1.143版本的更新内容 (sshnuke 翻译)- In multiplayer, Khergit troop stats have been rebalanced to make them more viable.多人游戏中库吉特兵种属性重新平衡过- Maximum number of players in a multiplayer match has been changed to 200.多人游戏最大人数限制上调到200- Usernames in multiplayer games can now have special characters.多人游戏用户名可以是特殊字符(包括中文么?)- Random rain and fog amounts have been removed in multiplayer. All players now see the same weather.多人游戏中随机的雨和雾效果移除,所有玩家都能看到同样的天气- Lots of new operations, flags and trigger types have been added for the benefit of modders.给MOD制作者增加了很多新的动作、旗帜和触发类型- New parameters have been added to module.ini for modders, including new order system usage and crouching.给MOD制作者增加了很多新的文件参数- Support for game controllers has been improved.手柄的支持更加优化- Troop AI for selecting alternative weapon mode has been added.增加了部队AI使用武器类型的选项- Troop AI blunt weapon usage has been fixed.部队AI钝器使用修正- Troop AI for distant targeting has been fixed.部队AI远距离寻找目标修正- In multiplayer server filtering, &Compatible with version& checkbox has been renamed as &Compatible with module& and now it checks for both module and its version.多人游戏中服务器选项栏“与此版本匹配”选项改成了“与此MOD匹配”选项这样可以同时搜索对应版本和MOD的服务器- Core resource files and shader files have been made modifiable.核心资源文件和材质文件调整- Face generator system now supports multiple meshes to apply deforms.人脸生成器支持多网格来塑造不同形状的脸- Volume and priority have been balanced for sounds.声音调整- Playing sounds from hard drive option has been added for module system.模组中增加了播放硬盘中声音选项- Memory usage for resources and navigation meshes have been reduced.内存性能调整- Network data priority values have been updated.网络优化调整- Several crash-to-desktop bug fixes.跳出桌面的BUG修复- Minor translation fixes.小的翻译调整- Various other bug fixes.其他BUG修复Good productions for towns have been rearranged.城镇商品生产率重新调整Bug fix at Lady of the Lake achievement.湖之女士成就BUG修复Effect of village raids on prosperity has been increased. To balance that, village prosperity increases faster now.抢劫村庄对繁荣度的影响增加,为了平衡这点,村庄繁荣增长速度提升Merchant inventory update has been made less random.商人背包的升级更有随机性Probability of lords defecting from a faction with very few centers has been increased.领主背叛国家的几率增大Number of cattle at villages has been revised.村庄牛群数量修改- Troop AI for choosing weapon for different situations has been updated.- Ranged troop AI not being able to choose a target under certain circumstances bug has been fixed.- New operations for modders.- Some fixes and operation enhancements for modders.部队AI对应局势使用不同武器的策略更新远程部队AI在某些情况下不能选择目标的BUG修复MOD可用新的动作类型给MODDER的性能优化Single player:- Town economies are now more balanced.- Several other bug fixes.单人:城镇经济更平衡一些BUG修复Multiplayer:- Two new multiplayer maps have been added: Canyon and Desert Town.- HTTP communication has been rewritten due to connection issues reported by players多人:新增2张多人地图修复HTTP网络连接问题
骑马与砍杀1.153升级补丁 战团
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