
1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
地区:&美国,俄罗斯 发行时间:&1998年
转自:http://www.sharereactor.ru/ 系统配置:Pentium-133, Windows 95, 24MB RAM, 50MB 硬盘空间, DirectX 驱动程序, 声卡 第二个是补丁升级文件。 ...
收藏人数: 53
中文名称:&骑士与商人资料片英文名称:&The knight and merchants : The Peasants Rebellion别名:&骑士与商人:农民起义(简称TPR)版本:&v1.58SR2 英文版地区:&简介:&
发行:UBI SOFT类型:RTS语言:英语系统:2000/98/XP配置:都可以直接解压缩之后就能玩部分电脑没有***vb6.0程序的需要先***vbrun6.0资料片问题汇总1,关于进入游戏跳出的问题或出现action not support答:资料片支持的高分辨率,所以有些玩家的显示器或显卡不支持,导致跳出 或者出错误提示action not support。解决办法是:进入游戏后 右下角的按钮不要选在not available 。选其他的可以看到的分辨率模式。比如800*600,,....2,资料片一些任务无法过关或者失败的原因。答:根据资料片的剧情,我们是带领王国的军队打败王子的叛军,所以不是去屠杀。发展关可依据以下顺序拆除建筑,一步一步 可以过关。城堡→仓库→学校。基本就可以过关了(不行再慢慢踏平)。有些任务食堂不可以拆,比如第4关,所以先不要拆。或者那些没有敌军的自由村落也不要践踏。就可以看到胜利的动画了。重点提示:胜卷在握,对手无抵抗能力时。存盘!3,无法存盘 或者无法使用自动存盘答:新下的游戏在data文件夹下建立save文件夹就可以存盘了。自动存盘要在游戏中的setting中将autosave前面的圆圈选中。4,无法截图和截出来图颜色不正答:资料片取消了原来的截图键,可以使用截图工具,比如金山游侠等等
游戏依然不是增强16色的,所以有些软件按屏幕色深截图后,图是花的,可以先降低颜色到256色 然后再截图试试!5,老是钓不到鱼答:每关河或湖里的鱼是有数量的 会钓完的5,一些常有的bug 见怪不怪,出现几率非常低工人不去建房子、搬运工不搬东西去地基、房屋主人不回屋子、搬运工不给工人送东西、建筑物自动拆毁等等以上问题首先确定是bug,但有一些情况也会导致,比如 搬运工饿肚子时,食堂没有食物了或者关门了。地基建的太多,工人忙不过来,路没有修到位。知道的再补充~~~有不明白的跟帖问~~TPR任务剧情故事发生在一个原本和平的国家。女王Karolus仁慈和蔼,在她的统治下国家没有流行病、没有战乱和起义。但是好景不长,女王有一个引已自豪的儿子和王位继承人:Lothar王子。由于王子的傲慢和自己势力的膨胀,他越来越不支持女王的政府,并密谋引起火灾,女王知道后将王子处以死刑。王子出逃后联合一些贵族和自己的地方势力,组成叛军与王国对抗,经过血腥的战斗后,叛军胜利了,王国只剩下了最后的一个城堡。而玩家就从这里开始指挥王军,收复国土,打败叛军。整个14关任务,有发展的关,有直接战斗的关卡。地形新加入了“冰天雪地”、“火山熔岩”等。并增加了游戏难度,提高了电脑的人工智能,对TSK老玩家将是一种新的挑战。1,34个剧情任务,原版20个加资料片14个2,新的建筑“市政厅”,新的兵种:反叛者,民兵,随从,流浪者,勇士3,新加入攻城武器,***车,投石车4,增加新的食物:鱼5.增加新的遭遇战模式,可以用网络上的经典对战地图和电脑对战。6,新任务难度大大增强,挑战战略技巧和战场应变能力7,新增加加速键:F8,提高游戏速度转自模拟经营中文网骑士与商人qq群:,欢迎大家来一起讨论交流连网对战
留点口水(可选):1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
地区:&美国,俄罗斯 发行时间:&1998年
转自:http://www.sharereactor.ru/ 系统配置:Pentium-133, Windows 95, 24MB RAM, 50MB 硬盘空间, DirectX 驱动程序, 声卡 第二个是补丁升级文件。 ...
收藏人数: 53
中文名称:&骑士与商人资料片英文名称:&The knight and merchants : The Peasants Rebellion别名:&骑士与商人:农民起义(简称TPR)版本:&v1.58SR2 英文版地区:&简介:&
发行:UBI SOFT类型:RTS语言:英语系统:2000/98/XP配置:都可以直接解压缩之后就能玩部分电脑没有***vb6.0程序的需要先***vbrun6.0资料片问题汇总1,关于进入游戏跳出的问题或出现action not support答:资料片支持的高分辨率,所以有些玩家的显示器或显卡不支持,导致跳出 或者出错误提示action not support。解决办法是:进入游戏后 右下角的按钮不要选在not available 。选其他的可以看到的分辨率模式。比如800*600,,....2,资料片一些任务无法过关或者失败的原因。答:根据资料片的剧情,我们是带领王国的军队打败王子的叛军,所以不是去屠杀。发展关可依据以下顺序拆除建筑,一步一步 可以过关。城堡→仓库→学校。基本就可以过关了(不行再慢慢踏平)。有些任务食堂不可以拆,比如第4关,所以先不要拆。或者那些没有敌军的自由村落也不要践踏。就可以看到胜利的动画了。重点提示:胜卷在握,对手无抵抗能力时。存盘!3,无法存盘 或者无法使用自动存盘答:新下的游戏在data文件夹下建立save文件夹就可以存盘了。自动存盘要在游戏中的setting中将autosave前面的圆圈选中。4,无法截图和截出来图颜色不正答:资料片取消了原来的截图键,可以使用截图工具,比如金山游侠等等
游戏依然不是增强16色的,所以有些软件按屏幕色深截图后,图是花的,可以先降低颜色到256色 然后再截图试试!5,老是钓不到鱼答:每关河或湖里的鱼是有数量的 会钓完的5,一些常有的bug 见怪不怪,出现几率非常低工人不去建房子、搬运工不搬东西去地基、房屋主人不回屋子、搬运工不给工人送东西、建筑物自动拆毁等等以上问题首先确定是bug,但有一些情况也会导致,比如 搬运工饿肚子时,食堂没有食物了或者关门了。地基建的太多,工人忙不过来,路没有修到位。知道的再补充~~~有不明白的跟帖问~~TPR任务剧情故事发生在一个原本和平的国家。女王Karolus仁慈和蔼,在她的统治下国家没有流行病、没有战乱和起义。但是好景不长,女王有一个引已自豪的儿子和王位继承人:Lothar王子。由于王子的傲慢和自己势力的膨胀,他越来越不支持女王的政府,并密谋引起火灾,女王知道后将王子处以死刑。王子出逃后联合一些贵族和自己的地方势力,组成叛军与王国对抗,经过血腥的战斗后,叛军胜利了,王国只剩下了最后的一个城堡。而玩家就从这里开始指挥王军,收复国土,打败叛军。整个14关任务,有发展的关,有直接战斗的关卡。地形新加入了“冰天雪地”、“火山熔岩”等。并增加了游戏难度,提高了电脑的人工智能,对TSK老玩家将是一种新的挑战。1,34个剧情任务,原版20个加资料片14个2,新的建筑“市政厅”,新的兵种:反叛者,民兵,随从,流浪者,勇士3,新加入攻城武器,***车,投石车4,增加新的食物:鱼5.增加新的遭遇战模式,可以用网络上的经典对战地图和电脑对战。6,新任务难度大大增强,挑战战略技巧和战场应变能力7,新增加加速键:F8,提高游戏速度转自模拟经营中文网骑士与商人qq群:,欢迎大家来一起讨论交流连网对战
General Fixes
综合修复- The statistics screen now includes all
buildings and citizens
- 统计栏重新设计,现在包括所有建筑物和所有工人
- Building a fisherman's hut now unlocks the fisherman
- 建造渔夫小屋后解锁学校中的渔夫
- Building a siege workshop now unlocks the carpenter
- 建造攻城车间后解锁学校中的木匠(?)
- The AI will now take all wares to their storehouse
- AI现在能从仓库拿取所有物品
General Improvements
- Added a lot of missing special letters to several fonts
- 部分语言版本中添加大量丢失的特殊字幕
- Updated metal.fnt and won.fnt to use the same font graphics as
the new maina.fnt uses
- 更新metal.fnt和won.fnt使用和maina.fnt同样的字体
- Game font files updated to "The Peasants Rebellion"
- 游戏字体文件更新到标准的农民起义版本(针对某些语言版本)
- New improved main menu font
- 改进主菜单字体
- The ballistae now have sound effects (not yet finalized)
- 投石车现在有特殊音效(未完成)
- The catapults now have sound effects (not yet finalized)
- ***车现在有特殊音效(未完成)
- The rebel now uses its own sound files (unique sound
- 农民起义军现在单独设置声音(独一无二的声音制作中)
- The rogue now uses its own sound files (unique sound
- 盗贼现在单独设置声音(独一无二的声音制作中)
- The warrior now uses its own sound files (unique sound
- 勇士现在单独设置声音(独一无二的声音制作中)
- The vagabond now uses its own sound files (unique sound
- 浪人现在单独设置声音(独一无二的声音制作中)
General Changes
- The fisherman's hut is now unlocked after building a
- 渔夫小屋在建造了锯木厂后解锁
- Relocated the fisherman in the citizen list at the school house.
He is now between the carpenter and the farmer
- 渔夫在学校中的排序做了修改,他现在的位置是在木匠和农夫之间
Text Changes
- See the included readme for your language version of the
- 详见各语言版本中的redeme
- Single missions
- 全新的单人任务
- Catapult and ballista sound effects
- 投石车和***车的音效
- Unique sound effects for the new soldiers
- 所有新兵种独一无二的音效
- The attacks of some teams in The Shattered Kingdom campaign
- 破碎王国战役中的部分组队战斗
Mission Changes
Town Tutorial
- The town tutorial is now a lot more throughout, you will be
accompanied by the instructor until you have built all of the
buildings and he will also report to you when you have managed to
defeat an enemy
- Changed the road system of the blue team
- The blue team now has a max soldier limit
- Added a delay before the blue team starts training recruits
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- The blue team is now allied with the green team
- The green team is now allied with the blue team
- Removed wolves
Battle Tutorial
- Messages now appear after you have defeated the soldiers you were
tasked to kill
The Shattered Kingdom Campaign
- Fisherman's hut can no longer be built in this mission
- Decreased the radius of the opponents defending positions
- A defense position for scouts had been totally misplaced
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Removed an attack delay that had been added in mistake
- Added start positions for AI
- Added one more defense position for lance carriers to the
southern yellow team
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Removed the butchery that had previously been added to the
northern yellow team
- Slightly decreased defending area of blue soldiers so that they
won't attack you when you're defending against their attack
- The blue team now handles lance carriers properly
- You now also need to defeat all troops of player 5 to win
- You now also need to defeat all troops of player 6 to win
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Added start positions for AI
- All soldiers should now always attack you
- Added start positions for AI
- Fixed the attacks of both blue teams
- Both purple lance carrier troops now correctly join the initial
- You now also need to defeat all troops of player 6 to win
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Removed butchery from southern enemy that had been added by
earlier beta of the patch
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to the northern
- Decreased the defense radius of the northern enemy so that he
won't attack you when your soldiers are a bit up-north
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Added start positions for AI
- Fish that had been previously added has been removed from enemy
- The northwestern enemy now has a lot more defense positions for
- The northeastern enemy now has a lot more defense positions for
- The northwestern enemy now starts with better soldiers
- The northeastern enemy now starts with better soldiers
- Changed the weapons workshop of the northeastern enemy into a
weapon smithy
- The northwestern purple team now has one additional inn
- The northeastern purple team now has one additional inn
- Slightly changed the road system on the northeastern teams part,
serfs will no longer get stuck as much as before
- The northeastern team is no longer as interested in defending the
southern team as before
- Relocated one axe fighter defending position of the southeastern
- Fixed the attacks of the northeastern team
- Added a max soldier limit to the enemy in the east because they
didn't attack
- Fish that had been previously added has been removed from enemy
Mission 10
- You start with 100 fish
Mission 11
- You now have to destroy the important buildings of player 4 to
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to the northern
purple team
- The southern purple team now knows how to handle lance carriers
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
Mission 12
- You now have to destroy all important buildings of the purple
team in order to win
- You now have to destroy all soldiers of the purple team in order
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to the southern
green team
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to the northern
green team
- The northeastern team now has one additional inn
- One coal mine relocated to make room for the inn
- Improved the road system of the northeastern team to prevent
serfs from getting stuck
- Increased the defense radius of the northeastern team so that
they now also protect the southern watchtowers
- Added start positions for AI
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
Mission 13
- Added start positions for AI
Mission 14
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Removed the erroneous victory condition telling you to defeat all
soldiers of your ally
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
Mission 15
- Added a lot more defense positions to the northwestern
- The southern grey enemy now has a max soldier limit because they
do not attack
- Added some more defense positions to southern grey team
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to northeastern
brown enemy
- Victory conditions were messed up telling you to defend the
troops and buildings of the green enemy in the north
- You now also have to destroy the important buildings of player 4
before you win
- The northeastern enemy will now also use lance carriers whilst
- The northwestern team now has one additional inn
- The northeastern team now has one additional inn
- Relocated a mill of the northwestern team in order to make room
for their second inn
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added start positions for AI
Mission 16
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to the brown brown
enemy in the middle of the map
- The brown enemy to the west now knows how to handle lance
carriers properly
- The eastern enemy now knows how to handle lance carriers
- The eastern enemy team now has a max soldier limit because they
won't attack
- Fish that had been previously added has been removed from enemy
- Changed the ownership of some pieces of road
- Added start positions for AI
Mission 17
- Added start positions for AI
Mission 18
- The enemy now knows how to handle lance carriers properly
- Added some more axe fighter defense positions
- Added start positions for AI
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
Mission 20
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to western
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to eastern
- Added one more lance carrier defense position to the enemy in the
middle of the map
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
The Peasants Rebellion Campaign
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Fish added to ally storehouse
- Your enemies are no longer allied with your ally
- Your ally is no longer allied with your enemies
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- The rock has been altered to provide slightly more stone
- You now also have to retain economic buildings of the yellow
enemy in the northeastern corner
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Removed butchery from northwestern yellow team that had been
added in previous beta
- The green team is now also green on the minimap
- Your allies are no longer allied with your enemies
- Your enemies are no longer allied with some of your allies
- Added an additional 10 wine barrels and 10 pieces of loaf to your
main storehouse. This was because you didn't have nearly enough
food to feed your army
- You now have to defeat all soldiers of player 5 before you
- You now have to defeat all soldiers of player 6 before you
- You now have to defeat all soldiers of player 7 before you
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- All enemy teams are now properly allied with player 5
- All enemy teams are now properly allied with player 6
- You now have to defeat all soldiers of player 5 before you
- You now have to defeat all soldiers of player 6 before you
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Removed butchery from southern yellow team that had been added in
previous beta
- Removed butchery from southern green team that had been added in
previous beta
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- One enemy no longer gets allied with you
Mission 10
- Decreased the size of the coal field close to you ally as the
cornfields of your ally previously partly covered the coal
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- The lance carriers of the yellow team now properly join the
initial attack
- The yellow team that attacks you at the start of the map is now
also yellow on the minimap
- You now also have to destroy all soldiers of player 7 to
- All enemy teams are now properly allied with player 7
- Player 7 is no longer allied with your ally
- Removed the butchery that had been added in previous beta from
the blue team
Mission 11
- You now only have to defeat the scouts at the end of the map to
Mission 12
- Added a stable to the eastern enemy, they had scouts at start and
additional defense positions for mounted units so more than likely
a stable was forgotten
- You now also have to destroy all important buildings of the
eastern enemy to win
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
- Moved some misplaced animals
Mission 14
- Fixed the start position of player 3
- Added a max number of recruits for the opponents
Multiplayer Missions
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added some animals
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added some animals
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added some animals
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added some animals
- Fisherman's hut cannot be built, there's no water
- Moved some misplaced animals
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added some animals
- The town hall is now pre-allowed
- The siege workshop is now pre-allowed
- Fisherman's hut has been disallowed
- Altered the amount of starting food in order to add fish
- Added some animals
- Added some animals
Mission 10
- Fisherman's hut cannot be built, there's no water
- Added some animals


