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iPhone4S今日7国开卖 “果粉”购机纪念乔布斯
  中新网10月14日电&据国外媒体报道,美国当地时间14日,苹果公司将在全球部分国家的苹果专卖店发售最新手机iPhone 4S。“果粉”们争相抢购史蒂夫·乔布斯生前苹果发布的最后一款产品,很多人希望用购新机的方式表达对乔布斯的怀念之情。  现年15岁的Wil Batterham与同校好友Tom Mosca首先抢购到悉尼苹果店的新款iPhone。Batterham表示,估计很多人买iPhone 4S是因为它是乔布斯倾力打造的最后一款手机。“因为iPhone 4S代表了为史蒂夫(for Steve)”。(注:因为英文“4”与“for”同音)  当被问及会最先使用iPhone 4S的哪项功能时,Mosca答道:“问史蒂夫在哪里?”他指的是使用iPhone 4S的新功能“Siri”语音助手。  报道称,数百人在悉尼苹果店外排起长队,很多人因早上天气太冷披着毯子等店面开门,苹果员工则聊着天等待着店面开门之时。苹果在澳大利亚的13家专卖店是全球最早发售iPhone 4S的地方,于当地时间上午8点开始。  苹果现任执行长库克与其高管团队,希望在没有乔布斯掌舵的情况下发布的首款产品,能够守住苹果在全球市场的领先份额。  虽然,iPhone 4S的设计缺乏变革性突破,令外界一度感到失望,但其“Siri”语音助手软件好评如潮,助其初期在线预订量创历史纪录。  然而,今日悉尼购机的“果粉”们脸上全无失望之意。接下来日本、德国、法国、英国与北美等地也将开始发售iPhone 4S。  一位忠实的“果粉”,19岁的Mark Du表示:“这是不二的选择,每次发布新款iPhone都会换新机。”  苹果则表示,在iPhone 4S发布后的24小时内,网络预订量就超过100万部,而iPhone 4发布时,这一数字也只有60万。(中新网IT频道)来源中国新闻网)
近期热点关注iPhone 4S goes on sale, fans say tribute to Jobs
Customers wait in line to buy an iPhone 4S outside the Apple Store on 5th Avenue in New York, Oct 13, 2011. iPhone 4S sales in stores begin Oct 14 in Japan, Australia, France, UK, Germany, Canada and the United States. [Photo/Agencies]
SYDNEY - Apple Inc's iPhone 4S finally went on sale in stores around the globe on Friday, with fans snapping up the final gadget unveiled during Steve Jobs' lifetime, many buying the phone as a tribute to the former Apple boss.
"I think a lot of people are going to buy the iPhone 4S because it was the last iPhone Steve worked on," said Wil Batterham, 15, who with his school friend Tom Mosca were the first to buy the new phone in Sydney's Apple store.
"People are saying it was named after him, like iPhone 4S, for Steve," said Batterham.
Asked what will be the first function they use on the iPhone 4S, Mosca replied: "Ask where's Steve?", refering to the phone's "Siri" voice-activated software.
Hundreds queued around the block of the Sydney Apple store, many rugged up against the chilly morning, as Apple staff chatted and clapped a countdown to the store opening. Apple's 13 Australian stores were the first to open their doors at 8.00 am local time (2100 GMT, Thursday) to sell the iPhone 4S.
CEO Tim Cook and his executive team hope the first device launched without Apple's former visionary leader at the helm, will safeguard their global market share lead.
The iPhone 4S - introduced to the world just a day before Jobs died - was dubbed a disappointment because it fell short of being a revolution in design, but glowing reviews centered around its "Siri" voice-activated software have since helped it set a record pace in initial, online sales orders.
Apple fans showed no disappointment in Sydney on Friday as they queued to purchase a new phone, ahead of sales in Japan, Germany, France, Britain and North America.
"It's the only phone, I have upgraded my iPhone each time," said 19-year-old Mark Du.
Apple said it did not release sales figures on launch day, so gauging the initial sales may be difficult. Apple said it had taken more than 1 million online orders in the first 24 hours after its release, exceeding the 600,000 for the iPhone 4, though that model was sold in fewer countries.
Some analysts expect fourth-quarter iPhone shipments of as much as 30 million or more, almost double from a year ago.
Apple's fifth-generation iPhone uses chips from Qualcomm Inc, Toshiba and a host of smaller semiconductor companies, according to repair firm iFixit, which cracked the device open on Thursday.
First-day sales of Apple gadgets are typically a jubilant celebration around the world, but Apple has conspicuously avoided any mention or showcase of Jobs for the iPhone 4S global sales, preferring a more "business as usual" approach.
However Apple fans in Sydney made sure Jobs was part of the launch, with a small flower, candle and photo shrine outside the glass-fronted store.
Speech recognition a winner
Analysts say Cook needs to move out from under his former mentor's enormous shadow soon, and avoid clinging to the Jobs' mystique to preserve its brand.
More immediately, with Google Inc Android phones gaining momentum, Apple needs the iPhone 4S to be a blockbuster.
The iPhone - seen as the market's gold standard - is its highest-margin product and accounts for 40 percent of its annual revenue. It is the world's biggest selling smartphone, maintaining a slim market-share lead over Samsung's  Galaxy, at 18.4 versus 17.8 percent worldwide.
In a sign of how tough the competition is, two doors along from the Sydney Apple store, Samsung has been selling its new Galaxy SII for only A$2 to its first 10 customers each day, prompting Samsung fans to also camp out on the footpath.
But analysts point to several factors in Apple's favor: a $199 price that matches up well with rival devices such
Inc's "Fire" availability promised on more than 100 carriers by the end of 2011, far more t and glowing reviews.
Apple's iconic smartphone comes with a faster processor and a better and more light-sensitive camera, but little else to separate it from its predecessor. But tech experts say the real gems lie beneath the phone's familiar sleek casing.
Influential reviewers Walt Mossberg and David Pogue raved about "Siri" - a voice-command activated assistant that responds to spoken commands and questions in context, such as queries about the weather or a friend's phone number.
But Mossberg added that "despite Siri, the iPhone 4S isn't a dramatic game-changer".
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