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Powered by您的位置:
地区(语言):&美国(英文) 发行时间:&2010年
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
中文名称:细胞分裂5:断罪 英文名称:Splinter Cell: Conviction 游戏语言:英文 开发厂商:Ubisoft 发行厂商:Ubisoft 游戏类型:动作 发行日期:20...
收藏人数: 589
中文名称:&《细胞分裂5:断罪》官方游戏指南英文名称:&Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Conviction Official Game Guide XBOX360 PS3 PC版本:&[PDF]制作发行:&地区:&文字语言:&简介:&
Ubisoft公司正式发表人气游戏《细胞分裂》系列最新作《细胞分裂:断罪》。人气作品《细胞分裂》系列已经在全世界万家中确立了其不可动摇的地位,游戏由Ubisoft公司蒙特利尔工作室开发,目前已确定推出PC版和XBOX360 版。新作仍然支持联机模式。本作是系列的第五款作品,在积累了之前几作的经验后相信《细胞分裂:断罪》将会再次大放异彩。 《细胞分裂》系列制作人Mathieu Ferland日前在接受记者采访时表示,育碧现在对该系列在设计思路上的革新非常满意,并相信这种新的游戏方式能够吸引玩家的兴趣。他同时强调,育碧在游戏开发上会尽可能尝试各种新的方向,但是在得到广大玩家充分认可的基础之上。 《细胞分裂》系列自从前作《细胞分裂4:双重间谍》开始,在游戏中开始加入在光天化日之下的空旷场景中行动的部分,为隐秘作战和潜入增加了更多的挑战性和难度。而在系列最新作《细胞分裂:断罪》中,这种游戏设计理念还将得到进一步的强化。在系列最新作《分裂细胞:断罪》中,山姆为调查隐藏于3E甚至整个情报体系内部的威胁而展开了独立调查,迫不得已走上了法律和公众的对立面。 Ferland透露开发小组在游戏设计上大幅简化了操作难度,以前后相联系的进攻、隐蔽等互动式操作来代替原先复杂的组合按键操作。 《分裂细胞》是诞生在Xbox平台的一款谍报类游戏,凭借不低的素质和较高的产量逐渐获得了一定的声望和玩家的支持。系列也曾在包括掌机、PC在内的多个平台推出。不过这次,系列新作可能真会像之前说的那样只登陆X360和PC平台。 游戏制作人兼艺术总监Dany Lepage在最近接受采访时说:“《分裂细胞:断罪》绝不会出现在PS3及Wii平台上”,他表示这是一个理性的、合乎逻辑的决定。代码 P R E P A R E&&T O&&B E&&U N L E A S H E D ! ! && Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction Official Game Guide (c) Prima Games ?哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪??&& Release Date&&:&&24-04-2010&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Format&& :&&pdf&& Release Type&&:&&Game Guide&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Platform :&&XBOX 360 PS3 PC ?哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪??&& Release Notes:&& Sam Fisher wants revenge. Revenge against the organization Third Echelon,&& that has taken too much from him. Revenge against the man who forced him&& to kill his best friend. Revenge against the wheelman who ran down his&& daughter. And with your help, Fisher will lay his vengeance upon all who&& have wronged him.&& Use this guide to get the drop on every enemy, master all weapons and&& gadgets, and complete every single mission in both Fisher? main mission&& and the co-op campaign. With our full walkthroughs, you will survive&& every trial and come out not just alive, but laden with special points&& that can be traded to upgrade guns and gear. You will be unstoppable. You&& will be as feared as Fisher himself.&& Just who is Sam Fisher? The Fisher Files section details Sam? previous&& missions so you know what drives Fisher and what is at stake in his latest&& mission.&& You need Third Echelon?uality training to keep up with Sam Fisher. The&& detailed Training chapter explains all of Fisher? stealth techniques so&& you can slip into the shadows and dispense justice unseen. It also covers&& interrogating suspects for intel and a complete rundown on all of Fisher?&& gadgets. Fisher? new Mark and Execute skill is also detailed, which lets&& you select targets and take them out before they even know what hit them.&& Completing P.E.C. objectives within the mission results in points that you&& trade for upgraded weapons and gear. Every challenge is listed in the&& P.E.C. Challenges section, plus tactics for completing each objective.&& You?l have a killer arsenal in no time!&& Fisher? quest to seek revenge for his daughter? death takes some&& astonishing twists and turns. Our Walkthrough sections will guide you&& through every mission, offering both stealth and guns-blazing tactics for&& many situations. Full maps of every area reveal enemy locations, armories,&& and important objectives. && In the Co-op Story chapter, grab a friend and play through a special co-op&& experience that sets the stage for Fisher? mission. This walkthrough is&& loaded with tips and tricks for fighting off mercenaries and soldiers, and&& the comprehensive maps detail enemy locations.&& Playing Tom Clancy? Splinter Cell Conviction?on an Xbox 360? The&& Achievements section will teach you to complete every achievement and&& bolster your gamerscore with tips for every single objective.&& The Splinter Cell Conviction eguide redefines the way you search for&& information. Embedded links allow you to skip directly to the content you&& need with one simple click of the mouse. In addition, the keyword search&& functionality gives you the freedom to search the entire guide for&& specific words, helping you find exactly what you're looking for instantly&& and painlessly. If you've never tried an eguide, then now is the time to&& see what you've been missing.&& - Full walkthrough for Fisher's mission, complete with tactics for&&&& stealth players and guns-blazing gamers.&& - Complete maps with strategies for the co-op campaign that sets the stage&&&& for Fisher's revenge.&& - Maps of every single area in the game including the new Deniable Ops&&&& extra missions.&& - Bank every weapon upgrade by nailing all P.E.C. Challenges in&&&& single-player and co-op.&& - Bolster your Gamerscore with tips and tricks for earning all Xbox 360&&&& Achievements. ?哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪??&& 1. Unpack with WinRAR&& 2. Open with your favorite PDF tool viewer ?哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪??&&&&