
【版本更新】DotA 6.49发布
科技飞速发展,DotA当然也不例外,今天IceFrog又给大家带来惊喜:DotA 6.49发布 !这次IceFrog又对DotA的平衡性作出大规模调整,其中包括跳刀CD由原来的25秒变成30秒,远行鞋的速度增加量减少了5点这些战略性的调整,以及新物品的加入等等都有可能会颠覆将来版本的CW战术体系,一些其他的改动还需要各位从游戏中自己体会。
-新的食人鬼魔法师介绍(作者Digital Anomaly)
* Added a new recipe item (Armlet of Mordiggian)
* Added a new recipe item (Orchid Malevolence)
* Added a new recipe item (Shiva's Guard)
* Added a new base item (Javelin,139527)
* Remade Power Treads
* Changed Monkey King Bar recipe
* Remade Vladmir's Offering
* Reduced Ultimate Orb price by 50 gold
* Mystic Staff price from 2900 to 2700 gold
* Reduced movement speed bonus from Boots of Travel by 5
* Reduced Linken's Sphere recipe by 100 gold
* Changed the second secret shop model (to Goblin Shop) and the shop's carried items
* Bottle and Ring of Basilius no longer shift positions in your inventory when used
* Reduced Black King Bar cooldown from 100 to 85 seconds
* Increased Kelen's Dagger of Escape cooldown from 25 to 30 seconds
* Improved Bloodstone's charge regeneration rates
* Reduced mana cost on Hand of Midas
* Lowered mana cost on Helm of the Dominator
* Purchasing Bottle fills it to 2/3 instead of to maximum.
* Lowered Eaglehorn price from 3400 to 3300 gold
* Dagon's mana costs and cooldown now decreases per level
* Reduced mana cost on Nathrezim Buckler
* Euls and Guinsoo now share cooldown
* Lowered Gloves of Haste price from 610 to 550 gold
* Recoded Aghanim's Scepter. It can now be dropped, sold and disassembled. It also properly updates itself in deathmatch.
* Decreased Linken's Sphere cooldown from 60 to 40 seconds
* Reduced Hyperstone price from 2300 to 2100 gold
* Remade N'aix
* Changed Crystal Maiden's Brilliance Aura to a global effect
* Increased Acid Spray duration by 4 seconds
* Undid previous Jugg armor buff and increased starting strength by 3 and movement speed from 290 to 295
* Removed the invulnerability period while Priestess of the Moon is leaping
* Lowered Puck's initial Intelligence and Intelligence Growth
* Lion's Mana Drain is now faster (same mana drain over 4 seconds instead of 5)
* Changed Dark Rift from channeling to cast delay and reduced mana cost
* Increased cooldown on Call of the Wild
* Increased Lich attack range from 500 to 550
* Increased Pit Lord's movement speed and starting Intelligence
* Improved cast and attack animation time on Broodmother
* Decreased cooldown on Death Coil from 15 to 11 seconds
* Rewrote Fissure to avoid Entangle and Impale based spell conflicts
* Improved Chen's movement speed by 5
* Reduced Bristleback's strength growth from 2.7 to 2.2
* Reduced Poof's cooldown and mana cost
* New loading screen art ()
* Added player index flags to replays
* Fixed a typo with Reaper's Scythe
* Fixed some rare exploits with the Freeze Leaver system
* Improved Harbinger's story (Terrorblaze)
* New Spectre background story (-Jenova-)
* New Visage background story (Grujah)
* New Storm Spirit background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Ogre Magi background story (Digital Anomaly)
* New Alchemist background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Lion background story (vertigo12)
* New Centaur background story (-Jenova-)
* New Slardar background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Tinker background story (Grujah)
* New Rigwarl background story (Volcove)
* New Zeus background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Pudge background story (Inferno[DK])
* New Traxex background story (Volcove)
* New Vengeful Spirit background story (-Jenova-)
* New Mortred background story (Inferno[DK])
* Fixed various item tooltips
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[版本更新] DotA 6.49C发布
继DotA Allstars v6.49b之后,Icefrog再次更新DotA Allstars v6.49c,这个版本主要是修复其中的一个重大BUG。在改动说明的最后,Icefrog再次重申了之前所谓的官方6.50版本其实并不是官方地图,并且表明会尽快做出6.50,希望这将会是Icefrog给大家今年的拜年礼物!
* Fixed a major exploit
It couldn't wait for 6.50, too many people are abusing it.
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【版本更新】DotA 6.49B发布
DotA 6.49才刚刚发布,IceFrog就连夜赶出了DotA 6.49B。这次的版本更新主要是修复DotA 6.49的一些重大BUG。相信经过IceFrog的不懈努力,下一个稳定的联赛版本很快会出现在大家的视线中来!
* Fixed a major bug related to Ogre Magi from last version
* Few other minor fixes
* Can only carry one Power Treads now
* Fixed the recoded Fissure to work properly with Aftershock
微信二维码:微信号:U9DOTA游久网DOTA专题站每日18:00发布DOTA 一日要闻,最新最快最全的DOTA资讯,尽在。
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