
《求生之路2》和1代分屏方法 需要手柄
《求生之路2》和1代分屏方法 需要手柄
  原来我发过一个1代的分屏方法,现在有高手把2代的也弄出来了。 简单说来就是复制配置文件,然后控制台选择分屏。   ----------------------以下为2代说明----------------------   Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg   配置文件路径   Read the instructions in the document and have a good time =D   // 11/18/09   // Brandon Store   // Most of this is Valve's original 360controller.cfg however, I added some stuff to make splitscreen easier.   添加以下修改过的txt文件到对应目录 Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg   // DIRECTIONS: place this file in you're left4dead2\cfg folder. Start the game, bring down the console, type in   // ss_map then a drop down box should appear. with the arrow keys you can select the map you want from there. Then when   在控制台中输入 ss_map 然后下拉菜单中选地图   // the level loads type in exec splitmode.txt (into the console ofcourse) and then it will reload the level   输入exec splitmode.txt 然后游戏重新载入并成为分屏模式   // and you're options are set and ready to go.   //Look through the script and read some of my comments to get a better understanding of the specific things I did.   // And to make things even more convient, heres some hotkeys if you and/or you're friend needs adjustments with inversion and speed   // (see the bottom of this file for the actual code for the hot keys)   F9-F12调整是否反转鼠标/控制器方向   // Press F12 and player two becomes inverted   // Press F11 and player two turns off invert   // Press F10 and player one becomes inverted   // Press F9 and player one turns off invert   F1-F8调整游戏速度 F1-F4 1P, F5-F8 2P   // Press F8 if for player two to have a ridiculously fast speed   // Press F7 for player two to have a slick but usable speed   // Press F6 for player two to have a normal speed   // Press F5 for player two to have a slow speed   // Press F4 if for player one to have a ridiculously fast speed   // Press F3 for player one to have a slick but usable speed   // Press F2 for player one to have a normal speed   // Press F1 for player one to have a slow speed   修改name2为2P名字   // Oh and be sure to type in name2 and then you're friend's name, its not necessary but its more fun to see their name   // above a character. Rather then the default Unnamed o_O   // I added the following 3 lines//   相对原版文件的改动以支持手柄与分屏   ss_enable 1;   ss_splitmode 2; // Change this to 1 if you have a 4:3 monitor (basically if you don't have a widescreen) Leave it at 2 if you do have a wide screen.   connect_splitscreen localhost 2; // This tells the game to reload the level with player 2 connected   // The original script //   修改过的原版文件   // I removed unbindall so my hot keys will work, unbindall deactivates the keyboard.   joystick 1   joy_advanced "1" // use advanced joystick options (allows for multiple axes)   joy_name "L4D Xbox360 Joystick Configuration"   joy_advaxisx 3 // x-axis controls GAME_AXIS_SIDE (strafing left and right)   joy_advaxisy 1 // y-axis controls GAME_AXIS_FORWARD (move forward and back)   joy_advaxisz 0 // z-axis is treated like a button   joy_advaxisr 2 // r-axis controls GAME_AXIS_PITCH (look up and down)   joy_advaxisu 4 // u-axis controls GAME_AXIS_YAW (look left and right)   joy_advaxisv 0 // v-axis is unused   joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0 // movement sensitivity   joy_sidesensitivity 1.0   joy_forwardthreshold 0.1 // movement dead zone settings   joy_sidethreshold 0.1   joy_pitchsensitivity 1.0 // look sensitivity   joy_yawsensitivity -1.5   joy_pitchthreshold 0.1 // look dead zone settings   joy_yawthreshold 0.0   joy_variable_frametime 1   joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85   joy_autoaimdampen 0.5   joy_lowend 0.65   joy_lowmap 0.15   joy_accelscale 3.0   joy_accelmax 4.0   joy_response_move 5   joy_response_look 1   joy_autoaimdampen 0.3   joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85   joyadvancedupdate // advanced joystick update allows for analog control of move and look   // Alternate control 1   +jlook // enable joystick look   bind "A_BUTTON" "++menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus   bind "B_BUTTON" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload   bind "X_BUTTON" "+use" // (X) Use   bind "Y_BUTTON" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost.   bind "R_TRIGGER" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger   bind "L_TRIGGER" "+attack2" // LT - Melee   bind "R_SHOULDER" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin   bind "L_SHOULDER" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck   bind "STICK1" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize   bind "STICK2" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom   // Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets   bind "BACK" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores   bind "START" "gameui_activate" // (start) button - pause   bind "S1_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up   bind "S1_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down   bind "UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight   bind "LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade   bind "RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health   bind "DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills   // controller2 bindings   cmd2 +jlook // added that to make the joystick look up and down (it didn't before)   cmd2 bind "A_BUTTON" "++menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus   cmd2 bind "B_BUTTON" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload   cmd2 bind "X_BUTTON" "+use" // (X) Use   cmd2 bind "Y_BUTTON" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost.   cmd2 bind "R_TRIGGER" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger   cmd2 bind "L_TRIGGER" "+attack2" // LT - Melee   cmd2 bind "R_SHOULDER" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin   cmd2 bind "L_SHOULDER" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck - is also used to give objects to people.   cmd2 bind "STICK1" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize   cmd2 bind "STICK2" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom   // Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets   cmd2 bind "BACK" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores   cmd2 bind "START" "gameui_activate" // (start) button - pause   cmd2 bind "S1_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up   cmd2 bind "S1_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down   cmd2 bind "UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight   cmd2 bind "LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade   cmd2 bind "RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health   cmd2 bind "DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills   sk_autoaim_mode 2   /* I added the following, just to ensure the joystick for player one continues to work right. In Left 4 Dead 1,   it wouldn't use any of the face buttons, just the sticks for movement and seeing. Adding this to the left 4 dead 1   360controller.cfg fixed that issue. Its not an issue here, but it didn't hurt to add it anyway.*/   // controller1 bindings   cmd1 +jlook // enable joystick look   cmd1 bind "A_BUTTON" "++menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus   cmd1 bind "B_BUTTON" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload   cmd1 bind "X_BUTTON" "+use" // (X) Use   cmd1 bind "Y_BUTTON" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost.   cmd1 bind "R_TRIGGER" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger   cmd1 bind "L_TRIGGER" "+attack2" // LT - Melee   cmd1 bind "R_SHOULDER" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin   cmd1 bind "L_SHOULDER" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck - is also used to give objects to people.   cmd1 bind "STICK1" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize   cmd1 bind "STICK2" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom   // Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets   cmd1 bind "BACK" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores   cmd1 bind "START" "gameui_activate" // (start) button - pause   cmd1 bind "S1_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up   cmd1 bind "S1_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down   cmd1 bind "UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight   cmd1 bind "LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade   cmd1 bind "RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health   cmd1 bind "DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills   /* I added the following to turn invert on and off on the fly, and change speed during gameplay */   bind F12 "joy_inverty2 1"   bind F11 "joy_inverty2 0"   bind F10 "joy_inverty 1"   bind F9 "joy_inverty 0"   bind F8 "joy_pitchsensitivity2 5; joy_yawsensitivity2 -5"   bind F7 "joy_pitchsensitivity2 1.5; joy_yawsensitivity2 -1.5"   bind F6 "joy_pitchsensitivity2 1; joy_yawsensitivity2 -1"   bind F5 "joy_pitchsensitivity2 0.5; joy_yawsensitivity2 -0.5"   bind F4 "joy_pitchsensitivity 5; joy_yawsensitivity -5"   bind F3 "joy_pitchsensitivity 1.5; joy_yawsensitivity -1.5"   bind F2 "joy_pitchsensitivity 1; joy_yawsensitivity -1"   bind F1 "joy_pitchsensitivity 0.5; joy_yawsensitivity -0.5"
i7 别尝试这个....&按照下面操作就可以了。别告诉我你是PC……好吧,PC我没试过... 分屏 & ss_enable 1; & ss_splitmode 2; // Change this to 1 if you have a 4:3...不能、、 求生之路只能联网、 最近有个新游戏英雄萨姆3能两个四个人分屏 也是射击游戏 不是打丧尸的、shi打怪物 一个键鼠,一个手柄 不行。 去网吧联机 四个人打才是王道网上方法有三种,一是通过改name2对应的玩家名,二是插两个手柄然后拔掉玩家1对应的,三是在载入中拔下手柄等几秒插上(仍未载入完),载入后手柄就到了玩家2XBOX360可以实现...但PC的...实在抱歉...当年Valve设计cs的时候也没有这个设计...按照下面操作就可以了。别告诉我你是PC……好吧,PC我没试过。 不管怎样需要两... 3 lines// 相对原版文件的改动以支持手柄与分屏 ss_enable 1; ss_splitmode 2; // Cha...
大类导航: |& 请问《求生之路》
怎么2人合作分屏?谢谢! ...
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Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 174 积分
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RT& &找不到我接了个360手柄 1个键盘鼠标
UID2778914主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分26金钱553 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间156 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 174 积分
帖子精华0积分26金钱553 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
我顶&&很想知道& & 谢谢& &有没有高人
UID983626主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分451金钱1101 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间62 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 451, 距离下一级还需 49 积分
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UID1779515主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分827金钱656 荣誉3 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 827, 距离下一级还需 173 积分
帖子精华0积分827金钱656 荣誉3 人气0 评议0
不能和作分屏,只有连机对战而以& && & …
UID524187主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1216金钱985 荣誉0 人气26 在线时间1567 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1216, 距离下一级还需 784 积分
帖子精华0积分1216金钱985 荣誉0 人气26 评议0
CPU:intel i5-3470& && &&&主板:Intel H61 富士康 17A0
内存:杂交 12G 1333& & 显卡:祺祥 GTX 560 Ti 1G
硬盘:WDC 500GB& && && &显示器:惠普 LE2202X
笔记本:神州 U450-T65-D2
系统Windows 7 64位
游戏机:Wii + Xbox360
UID2778914主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分26金钱553 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间156 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 174 积分
帖子精华0积分26金钱553 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
o 我以为和360一样&&谢谢 了&&这个游戏可以放弃了
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