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n. 臭鼬(skunk的复数形式)
n. 臭鼬;臭鼬毛皮;[俚]讨厌鬼;[俚]卑...
n. 臭鼬;臭鼬毛皮;讨厌鬼;卑鄙的人
vt. 使惨败;欺骗
a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible
a defeat in a game where one side fails to score
street names for marijuana
American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae
defeat by a lurch
【动物】北美臭鼬(Mephitis mephitis)
【动物】几种与臭鼬有关或类似的动物[参较hog-nosed skunk, spotted skunk]
to skunk the competitor
to skunk beers
to skunk somebody out of his money
A skunk is a small black and white animal which releases an unpleasant smelling liquid if it is frightened or attacked. Skunks live in North America. 臭鼬
Skunk is a type of powerful, strong-smelling marijuana. 超劲大麻
but on the contrary, she is really a selfish skunk.;
可恰恰相反,她其实是 个自私的讨厌鬼.
The name Chicago is thought to come from an Algonquian word meaning "onion" or "skunk."
One night, running down a street near the Harvard campus, I encountered a skunk. It was standing in front of someone’s house.
Roth, a parent himself, also enjoyed forging a relationship with Bill Milner and newcomer Eloise Laurence, the two young actors cast as Archie's children Jed and Skunk.
Skunks : Often when attempting to confront insecure people with the truth, they spray you with a stink that is as, if not more potent, than the one expelled by a skunk.
No public tours are available, but aerospace blogger Steve Harris posted some juicy details about his private visit to Skunk Works.
- 来自原声例句
[sk??k] n.[动]臭鼬,臭鼬皮,讨厌鬼 vt.使惨败,欺骗
单词skunk的英汉对照例句你怎麽能欺骗自己的孩子, 你这个坏家伙!How could you cheat your own children, you skunk!排他主义,是为了近来的有钱人家、上流阶级以及臭鼬等的特色。Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk.她把臭鼬也抱在怀里吗?Did she also take the skunk to her bosom?站这些展售柜后面的人通称「嫩芽管理员」,配售的大麻品种名称包括「泡泡糖」、「酸种子」、「上帝的礼物」、「蓝色臭鼬」。The people behind these cases known as "budtenders" dispense strains with names like bubble gum sour kush god's gift and blue skunk.卑鄙的怯懦;招徕观众的卑劣噱头;卑劣的告密者;他对他家人的可耻行为;你这下流坯!;贱民;下流的骗局。A a low- his miserable tre you miserable skunk!; A a scurvy trick.动物利用警戒色来保护自己。A skunk's aposematic coloration.这套百科全书会描述一切物种,从非洲食蚁兽到非洲艾虎,非洲一种类似臭鼬的哺乳动物。The encyclopedia will describe every aspect of every species from aardvark to zorilla an african skunk-like mammal.这只甜美的小臭鼬从不发臭。身处这个友好的小东西旁你并不需屏住呼吸。注--她脖子上围有松树香味的除臭剂哦。This sweet smelling skunk never raises a stink.you won't have to hold your nose around this friendly critter.note-wears a pine-scented deodorizer around her neck.猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.你有没有看到灌木丛里的臭鼬?Have you seen the skunk in the bush?我被一个臭鼬喷了一下。I was sprayed by a skunk.我只要一看到臭鼬就会逃之夭夭。Anytime I see a skunk I just run away.我撞死了一只臭鼬I hit a skunk all right?这不好。它就要倒下并压扁我们了。Gas skunk: this is not good. It's gonna fall and squish us.最普通的并广泛分布的北美洲臭鼬。Most common and widespread north american skunk.提交更多skunk的相关例句
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