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钱其琛:任何一个内阁里面有人在前苏联留过学或者是在其他国家留过学,就认为这个内阁一定是对哪个国家怎...朱?基:是不是可以请钱其琛副总理作一点补充呢。朱彤:I want to ask Vice Premier Qian Qi-chen to add a few things.
钱其琛:任何一个内阁里面有人在前苏联留过学或者是在其他国家留过学,就认为这个内阁一定是对哪个国家怎么样,我看这个逻辑不存在。我们中国的内阁都是不管从哪里学习回来的,有什么经验都是中国的内阁。朱彤:I don't,we don't have such a logic that in a cabinet if one member or several members have been studied in former Soviet Union or in any other countries,then this cabinet will be pro-Soviet Union or pro-any coutry.We don't have this logic.I think no matter where the members of the cabinet once studied or what experience the members of the cabinet used to have,this cabinet is the cabinet of China.
记者:谢谢。首先,我要谢谢朱总理。我必须这样说,就是说您也是我的偶像。大家好,我是香港凤凰卫视中文台的吴小莉,想要请教朱总理的是,我们知道在亚洲的金融风暴当中,香港的影响在今年已经陆续地显现了。尤其在今年上半年的过程当中,最近,香港的失业率也创了一年半来的新高。想要请教的是,在中央政府对于香港经济的困难和困境的时候,会采取什么样具体的措施来加以支持。另外,海外的媒体对您的评价相当地高,外界有人说您是“铁面宰相”,或者说是“经济沙皇”。在您的铁腕政策之下,我们知道,外传在您进行机构改革或者说在一些国有企业改革的过程当中,宏观调近期的过程当中,也有一些对您的家人的不方便和困扰。想请您谈一谈您在进行改革过程中的心路历程,有没有曾经想过沮丧,想要放弃过?朱彤:Thank you,Premier Zhu.I must tell that you are also my idol.I am from Phoenix Hong Kong.You know,the effect on Hong Kong of the financial crisis in Southeast Asia has begun to show,especially in the first half of this year,the unemployment rate in Hong Kong is the highest over the past one and a half years.So my first question,is what specific measures would the central government adopt if the Hong Kong economy were to face difficulties.And the second question,you know the foreign media have,um,very high,uh,spoken very highly of you,and they called you a *poker-faced Prime MInister or economic *czar.And we also know that in the course of the reform of the macro-regulation and the control and the reform of the government institutions,uh,there have been some inconveniences or some troubles caused to your families.Can you tell us,uh,have you ever felt depressed or frustrated and have you ever thought of giving up all ,all this?poker-faced:铁面无私的czar:(帝俄的)皇帝,沙皇
朱?基:首先,从去年发生亚洲的金融危机以来,特别是10月份,大概是10月24号,香港发生了股灾。但是,由于香港的经济结构比较完善,香港的经济实力比较强大,有980亿美元的外汇储备,再加上香港特区政府领导有方、措施得力,我想,迄今为止,香港已经克服了一个一个的困难。朱彤:Since the financial crisis in Asia last year and especially since the stock market crash in Hong Kong on the 24th of October last year,thanks to the sound economic struture and a fairly strong economic power and a very large foreign exchange reserve of 98 billion US dollars in Hong kong,and also thanks to the effective and…measures and leadership exercised by the Hong Kong *SAR government,Hong Kong has overcome one difficulty after another.SAR:Special Administrative Region 特别行政区
朱?基:中国政府高度评价香港政府所采取的政策。我们不认为香港在今后会遇到不可克服的困难。朱彤:The Chinese government speaks very highly of the policies adopted by the Hong Kong SAR government and we don't think that Hong Kong would encounter *insurmountable difficulties in the future.insurmountable:不能克服的
As for the tasks of this government, as a mater of fact, in the report delivered to the Fifteenth National Congress of the Communist Party last year, President Jiang Ze-min already identified in very explicit terms, and the speeches of President Jiang Ze-min and the Chairman Li Peng made just now at the closing ceremony of the Netional People's Congress also provided in very specific terms for the tasks for the government.
If you expect me to give you some specifics, then I can just make a generalization of the tasks that this government is expected to accomplish. One assurance, three put-into-place and five reforms.
With regard to the first insure as we are now faced with the formidable challenges due to the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, so we must insure that the economic growth rate of China for this year must reach eight percent. And China's inflation must be lower than three percent and China's RMB cannot devaluate.
This is an objective that we must obtain because that will have a bearing not only on the development of China but also on the prosperity and stability of the entire Asia.
The main means that we will adopt to obtain this objective is to increase domestic demand.
Thanks to the success in the macro regulation and the control efforts over the past several years and also a moderately tight monetary and fiscal policy that we have adopted, we have effectively controlled the currency issue over the years and the inflation index has been kept at a low level. So, given these good conditions, we have the possibility of channeling more financial resources to stimulate the domestic demand. By stimulating domestic demand, I mean we will increase investment in the construction of infrastructures such as highways, railways, and also the farmland construction and water conservancy facilities and municipal facilities and environmental protection facilities. We are also increasing investment in the high and the new technology industries and in the technical upgrading of the existing enterprises. So, all in all, we are to increase the demand of the whole national economy.
Of course, another important area is the housing development, because that will be a new growth point in China's national economy.
By three put-into-place, I mean first put-into-place, that is, we have decided to enable most large and medium-size state-owned enterprises to be lifted from their current difficult situations in about three-year's time, and then to establish a modern enterprise system in these enterprises. That is to say, we must do this job well in three-year's time.
Secondly, last year at the national conference on the financial work, a decision was adopted to make thorough reform in China's financial system. That is to say, the central bank of China must increase and step up its supervision and regulation functions, and the commercial banks must operate independently. This objective should also be obtained before the end of this century.
Thirdly, that's concerning the reorganization of the government institutions. According to the program on the reorganization of the institutions of the central government adopted by the current session of the National People's Congress, the number of ministries and commissions under the state consul has been reduced from 40 to 29, and we plan to cut half of the working staff working in the government institutions in three-year's time. And correspondingly, the local governments at various levels are also expected to achieve this reorganization in three-year's time.
I'd like to call your attention here, by three years I'm referring to the redirection of the half of the government functionaries to the posts, to their final posts. But to redirect these people from their original post actually can be completed before the end of this year. You know, after the new government takes office, we will first determine the size and the posts and the number of the new government institutions and, uh, but for the half of these redirected people, to be assigned to their new jobs, to their new posts, it will take three-year's time. As you can understand, they need to be retrained and their own personal wishes should also be taken into account, so that they can be assigned to the posts in which they can best display their competence and their skill, so that will take a fairly long time. But with regard to the reorganization of the government institutions, that can be accomplished within this year.
With regard to the five reforms, the first reform is the reform in the circulation system of grains. Thanks to the success in the agricultural policy of China, we have had bumper harvests for three consecutive years, so now China's grain reserves have been at the historically high level. I can say in a very responsible manner that if there were to be very serious natural disasters in the coming two years, China would not be short of grain, short of food.
However, given the huge grain reserves, the government subsidies in this regard have to be correspondingly increased, so it's necessary and imperative for us to conduct reform in the marketing system of grains.
Second reform will be the reform in the investment and the financing system. The current investment and financing system is mainly through administrative examination and approval, which cannot bring into play the role, the fundamental role of the market in resource disposition. This has given rise to a lot of duplicated constructions, so we must conduct fundamental reform in this system so that an investment and funding system that is in line with international practice and in line with the requirements of a market economy can be put into place.
The third reform will be the reform in the housing system. As I said earlier, the housing development will be the new growth point in China's economy. So, to achieve that objective we must change the policy of the welfare allocation of housing, so as to monetarize and commercialize all the housings, so that the people, they can purchase their own houses. And we expect to issue a new policy in the second half of this year after many years of studying and deliberation on that. That is to say, according to the new policy, we will stop all the allocation of welfare housing, and all the housing will be commercialized.
The fourth reform will be the reform in the medical care system. In the second half of this year, a nationwide medical care reform program is expected to come out so as to ensure the basic welfare of the people in terms of medical care.
Fifthly, will be the furtherance of the reform in the fiscal and taxation system. The current fiscal and taxation system is the result of the reform in 1994, and this has achieved a great success in ensuring the increase in the revenue of the government every year by very large margin. However, the current problem facing us is there are more charges and more revenues coming from charges than from tax collections. The various government institutions have out of the provisions of the ... or regulations of the state charged the various kinds of fees from the people. As a result, the people are very heavily burdened and they have a lot of complaints about that. So this phenomenon must be reversed and we must have a reform in this regard.
That is to say, except for some necessary and proscribed fees, the government institutions at various levels are prohibited from levying various charges or fees from the people in various kinds of names.
Finally, I'd like to add that this government maintains that to revitalize China through science and education will be the most important task for the government.
President Jiang Ze-min attaches great importance to this issue and he has repeatedly emphasized the importance of science and education to China's development. But why hasn't this been implemented well? Because there is no money. And where has all the money gone? We have, you know, currently a very unwieldy government organization and government institutions, so we call, it's like eating finance or eating budget. That is to say, most, a large proportion of the budget have been ear-marked for paying the salaries of the government functionaries, so all the money actually have been eaten up.
And secondly, under the intervention of governments at various levels, there have been a lot of indiscriminate and duplicated constructions. Some projects which have absorbed billions or tens of billions of RMB yuan of investment, as soon as they are put into operation, they actually they can't find any market for their projects, and some existing enterprises have to be closed or to be suspended because of these newly set-up projects. That's the main reason why the central government and including various state-owned banks do not have enough money to support the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and technology, because a lot of money has been squandered.
So, the current government has every resolve to streamline and simplify the government institutions, and to cut the staff by half, and we will continue to implement the policy of prohibiting and stopping all the duplicated constructions. So that we will be able to channel more money and to save more money for implementing the strategy of revitalizing China through science and education.
The Central Committee of the CPC has decided to establish a leading group for the state science and education development. And I will be the head of the group, and Vice Premier Li Lan-qing will be the deputy head, and this has got the approval of President Jiang Ze-min, so we have the determination to implement very well the policy and strategy of revitalizing China through science and education. Thank you.


