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in a mess是什么意思
in a mess是什么意思 in a mess在线翻译 in a mess什么意思 in a mess的意思 in a mess的翻译 in a mess的解释 in a mess的发音 in a mess的同义词
in a mess英 [in ? mes] 美 [?n e m?s] in a mess 基本解释乱糟糟;零乱,肮脏,陷于窘境;凌乱无序;in a mess 网络解释1. 混乱,乱七八糟:hold up耽搁 | in a mess混乱,乱七八糟 | in a sense从某种意义上讲2. 2. 乱糟糟:inside out 把里面翻到外面,彻底 | in a mess 乱糟糟 | job offer 工作,工作机会或职位3. 3. 一片混乱:impact on children 对孩子的影响 | in a mess 一片混乱 | interracial marriage 不同种族的婚姻问题4. 4. 一团糟:stuff 事情 | in a mess 一团糟 | ruin my life 毁了我一生in a mess 双语例句1. In the future this mess will gradually be replaced by a single, huge pipe.&&&&在未来,这堆乱七八糟的水管将逐渐被一整根暂新的水管取代。2. danci.911cha.com2. This is for all the mothers who mess up, who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair and stomp their feet like a tired 2-year-old who wants ice cream before dinner.&&&&这是写给所有心情糟糕的母亲,她们在商店里责骂她们的孩子,朝死里打他们,甚至像一个两岁的小孩想在饭前吃根冰激凌一样,气的跺脚。3. 911查询?英语单词3. This tiny apartment of only 33 square meters is care recipient Lai Guixiang's home. The house is in a mess - with stuff all over, moldy walls, and a floor with big holes in it. Volunteers are here to fix them all up. Sturdy tiles, newly painted walls&&&&关怀户赖桂香的住家只有33平方公尺大,整间屋子脏透了,堆满杂七杂八的物品,墙壁布满壁癌,地板的瓷砖也破了好几个大洞,慈济志工展开整修大作战。4. Eddie, on the other hand, is a fifty something man with a past that he has long reconciled with. The two discover that they need one another and Eddie becomes embroiled in Lena's past, as well as becoming seduced by her present. He will do anything to help untangle the mess she is in, including protecting her from the hit-man, police detective and mob boss that are hot on her tail.&&&&另一方面,五十多?的Eddie?一向?著安份守己的生活,Eddie不但被?入Lena的?去而且?被?在的她所吸引著,??意?牲一切去整?她混?的?去,包括保?她避?那些??她的人、警方的?探、?良的?主。5. 5. They are in a mess under the shadow of big enterprises.&&&&当前在激烈的市场竞争中中小企业的生存和发展也都受到严峻的威胁。6. I'm a mess in a dress, can't show up on time, even if it would save my life&&&&我是披着衣服的笨蛋,总不能按时如约,即便性命攸关7. I'm in a mess with the ink and in a thundering ba and if anything more in the cat or dog line comes fooling about me this morning, it had better bring its own funeral contractor with it.&&&&与此同时,墨水带来的一片混乱令我怒火冲天。如果这个早晨,任何猫狗之辈胆敢愚蠢的来惹我,他最好带上殡仪师。8. As her good friend Jacky Chan was just found with benign tumor, Ah Mui said: Though I don't know the whole thing too well, I would like to suggest to him that he should have treatment as soon as possible. I am a good example, as it is discovered late, so I'm in such a mess.&&&&至於好友成龙验出良性肿瘤,阿梅说:「虽然我唔太清楚件事,但我会提议?及早诊治,我系一个好好例子,因为迟发现先至会搞成?。9. I feel bad everyday that I don't get one from them, yet most of time I had my hands full, bags, metro cards, cell phones, or occasionally, cameras, I'm always in a mess, so I consciously stay way from making it even worse.&&&&我很少拿这些报纸,所以每次看见这些报人我都很内疚。不过我常常满手都是东西,书包,月票,手机,偶尔还夹杂着照相机,好像今天一样。10. You shouldn`t make a mess in your room.&&&&你不应该在你的房间里乱扔乱放东西。11. in a mess的反义词11. You shouldn't make a mess in your room.&&&&&&你不应该在教师制造噪音。12. I put you as a real idol The only over his people You are so out of reach I even think that not qualified to speak with you I hope that one day like you So you are my idol I do not know you But my intuition tells me You are a perfect person You passed me by My friends and joking as usual But who would know that I can no longer breathe Maybe I should have recognized The first day I love you You are my fellow student of mine I think I should not have such a Every day I love and worship in the study the difference between I repeat you are my idol So I can boldly say that you in the front of their friends how good However, even if the whole world believe I still can not fool themselves Every day looking for your shadow Even if very far from the stadium mess I can still recognize you at a glance In addition to training, I dare you Zhengyan Kan Because you see me one day, be happy Think you and I will not stop laughing..&&&&&&我知道很麻烦还是拜托大家耐心点嘿嘿谢啦~我把你当作真正的偶像唯一能超过他的人你是那样高不可攀我甚至认为没资格与你说话我希望有一天能像你一样所以你只是我的偶像我并不了解你但直觉告诉我你是个完美的人你经过我身边我像往常一样和朋友说笑可谁会知道我已经不能呼吸也许我早该承认第一天我就喜欢上了你你是我的学长我想我不该这样我每天都在研究喜欢和崇拜的区别我重复着你是我的偶像这样我就可以大胆的在朋友面前说你有多好可是就算全世界都相信我还是骗不了自己每天都在寻找你的身影即使距离很远球场很乱我仍能一眼认出是你除了训练我从不敢正眼看你因为你看我一眼而高兴一天想到你我会不停的笑。。13. If America`s Fed had done this and worried a bit more about bubbles, the world might not be in such a mess.&&&&&&如果美国联邦政府也能这样做,并且多考虑一下资产价格泡沫风邪,那么世界也不可能像现在这样一团糟。14. He makes a mess in each room in heaven.&&&&&&他进了蟠桃园尽情的吃桃子,他把天宫的房子都弄得乱七八糟。15. Our company is in a mess, it need to be regulated.&&&&&&我们的公司很混乱,需要系统的管理16. 911查询·英语单词16. Our company is in a mess, it need to be regulated. save&&&&&&我们的公司很混乱,需要系统的管理17. As documented in his paper, the subprime mess was preceded by a lending bonanza and a weakening of credit standards.&&&&&&正如其文章中所提到的,在刺激贷款危机之前的现象是泛滥的贷款和越来越低的信贷标准。18. In US State of Washington, although floodwaters from the winter storm finally relented, they have left a terrible mess behind. In Centralia and the neighboring town of Chehalis, homes and businesses bore the brunt of the flooded Chehalis River, which turned Interstate 5 and several miles of the surrounding valley into giant lakes.&&&&&&美国西部的华盛顿州,尽管冬季暴风引发的水灾情势已经减缓,但是却留下凌乱不堪的后果,其中以三村利亚市和阙哈理斯市,因为河水暴涨,许多地方成了一片水乡泽国,连贯美国西部五号州际高速公路的村落,也被洪水所淹没。19. Yet he was the one whose campaign ran like clockwork, while hers was a fratricidal mess. And by Nov. 4, the strongest party in the U. S. was no longer the Republican Party or the Democratic Pa it was the Obama Party.&&&&&&而奥巴马在按部就班地运营竞选事务的时候,希拉里却在那里煮豆燃萁。11月4日这天,美国最强大的政党不再是共和党或民主党;而是奥巴马党。20. My friend, I am in a big mess, do you think&&&&&&我想我今天下午需要你的专业协助。75。in a mess 单语例句in a mess1. One officer cadet had his wallet, jacket and mobile stolen from a lounge while he was eating lunch in the mess.2. I grew up in Canada thinking pizza should have a soggy, doughy crust and be loaded down with toppings that often make a gooey mess.3. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's children are making a " giant mess " in Cannes.4. But Democratic presidential candidates said the surge in violence only bolstered their contention that postwar Iraq is a mess.5. The umbrella is an incredible invention but nobody has a way to prevent a wet dripping umbrella from creating a mess in your house.6. Oil used with surprising restraint results in a juicy eggplant rather than the usual gooey mess.7. China's rampant foray into the English language has created a mess in the translation field with more and more amateur translators.8. Bryant called the Lakers'front office " a mess " in a radio interview the day before first making public his desire to be traded.9. This became a national issue during the last general election in Italy and compelled the president to promise to clear up the mess.10. A married man introduced his two mistresses in the hope that they would get along, only to find the whole plan a a mess是什么意思,in a mess在线翻译,in a mess什么意思,in a mess的意思,in a mess的翻译,in a mess的解释,in a mess的发音,in a mess的同义词,in a mess的反义词,in a mess的例句,in a mess的相关词组,in a mess意思是什么,in a mess怎么翻译,单词in a mess是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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