达人贷CEO 孙猛带领全体员工,努力奋斗,使年轻的达人贷上线半年即获得了累计交易额1.4亿元的优良业绩,并首创了行业内用户资金和风险金“全托管”模式,成立了行业内首家P2P风险管理研究中心。这些成绩和开创性成果让孙猛荣获“2014年‘IF金拇指大奖’之十大年度新锐人物”,可谓实至名归。一同获得此项殊荣的还有有利网CEO任用、积木盒子CEO董骏、PPmoney董事长陈宝国等。
环球时报系产品求高手解答金融利率计算题A company offers its customer a discount of 3.4% if they pay immediately,or alternatively credit terms of 32 days to pay the full amount.&(a) what is the effective interest rate for the credit period of 32 days?&(b) what is the effective annual rate?
a)Effective rate = (Interest/usable Funds) x (360/Loan Period(days))Effective interest rate= (0.034/0.966) x ( 360/360) =
3.5197%b)Effective annual rate = [ discount / (100%-discount) ] x [ 360 / (credit period - discount period) ]=[ 3.4%/ (100%- 3.4%)] x [ 360 / (32-1) ]=(0.034/0.966) x (360/31)=40.874%
需要请联系Q: 北语14春《金融英语》作业1
试卷总分:100& &测试时间:--
1.The majority of loans made are known as ___ loans.
A. real estate
B. personal
C. commercial
D. individual
2.A bank advance can take two forms, loans or ___.
B. feneration
D. over draft
3.With the overdraft method, interest is charged only on the daily
A. credit balance
B. debit balance
C. bank balance
D. payment balance
4.The amount of advances may vary according to whether credit
policy is tight or ___.
5.If the checks of a traveller are lost or stolen, you can receive
a ___ for the total amount.
B. allowance
C. subsidy
D. payment
6.When we want to ___ money, we should fill out a withdrawal
D. withdraw
7.Some automated clearing houses will be established in the cities
of the future to handle electronic ___ .
A. transfers
B. transform
8.When a trading bank refers to his bank’s business, it means
primarily its ___.
A. credit creation
B. advance business
C. payment collection
D. money exchange
9.If your credit is not good, the bank will not ___ such a credit
B. present
10.If advances take the form of loans, new credit ___ immediately
increases advances and deposits by the full amount.
A. granted
C. offered
11.In the case of loans, the whole amount advanced is at once
debited to the customer’s ___.
A. time account
B. savings account
C. loan account
D. deposit account
12.If kept in your own home, your ___ might be lost or
B. valuable
D. valuables
13.If figures for ___ overdrafts were available and were added to
deposits, the difference would disappear.
C. unexercised
D. untouched
14.The largest source of income of a bank is through ___.
B. transactions
C. exchanges
15.It may be advisable to define a bank as an ___ for financial
A. framework
B. machine
D. institution
16.You’ll not be allowed to take your jewelry unless the employee
at the bank is satisfied that the signature is ___.
D. genuine
17.With the overdraft method, the amount of the agreed advance is
noted in the customer’s account as the limit up to which he may ___
his account.
B. overdraw
C. withdraw
D. withdrawal
18.In the case of advances, the customers may be requested to ___
the repayment arrangements.
B. observe with
C. comply with
D. stand by
19.Another important service that banks provide is traveler’s
20.The banks should keep enough currency and ___ to meet the
requirement imposed on them by regulation.
B. reservations
C. researves
D. deserves
试卷总分:100& &测试时间:--
1.Please fill up the credit number, the date, the name of the ___
bank, etc.
A. issuing
C. granting
D. awarding
2.The forward market is very useful for companies ___ foreign
A. involved in
B. involved with
C. involving in
D. involving with
3.Forward rate is for ___ later.
A. submission
B. sending
C. presentation
D. delivery
4.The entity issuing the bond promises to pay the bondholder
principal plus a fixed amount of ___.
A. profits
B. interest
D. dividends
5.Why is the sight draft ___ a deduction for discount
A. subject to
B. subjected to
C. subjecting to
D. subjected against
6.Some bonds pay the interest at designated ___(i.e., on a specific
date each year).
D. intervals
7.The foreign exchange market is made of two sections: the
___market and the forward market.
C. immediate
8.Do central bank ___ and exchange controls affect rates of
A. interventions
B. invasion
C. meddling
D. influence
9.Bond prices and interest rates are ___ related to each
A. diversely
B. adversely
D. inversely
10.Dividends are usually sent to investors once every ___.
B. two months
C. half a year
D. three months
11.Preferred stocks are similar to ___ in that they have stated
face values and a specified dividend payment.
A. dividends
D. futures
12.I think the rate of the dollar ___ the Chinese Yuan has risen
again, hasn’t it
A. against
13.----Would you mind showing me your passport ----______.
A. Not in the least
B. At least
C. In the least
D. Not at the least
14.Selling stocks is advantageous for a company to ___ for tax
A. go public
B. go to public
C. go to the public
D. go publicly
15.With the growth of global trade, Chinese companies need foreign
currencies for international ___.
A. communication
B. interaction
C. dealing
D. transactions
16.If a corporation is to close accounts unfortunately, the assets
are to be distributed first among ___ stockholders.
A. preferred
B. blue-chip
17.___ direct rates, low rates are for us, and high rates are
against us.
A. In case of
B. In case
C. In the case of
D. In cases of
18.Exchange rate fluctuates according to the ___ of supply and
A. dictates
B. dictate
C. dictation
D. indicates
19.Here are the cash and exchange memo. ___ them, please.
A. Examine
C. Look at
D. Inspect
20.Even though most bonds are issued for long periods of time, they
can be sold to another party ___ their maturity.
A. prior at
C. prior to
试卷总分:100& &测试时间:--
1.From the beginning of this year to October, the stock market has
been in a ___ of continuous rising of price.
A. procedure
C. process
2.The only variable in the futures contract is price which is
discovered on an exchange-trading ___.
3.Hedging is the practice of offseting the price risk inherent in
any cash market ___ by buying or selling futures contrasts.
A. position
4.You are right and you are ___ my mind.
A. watching
C. reading
D. knowing
5.Futures prices are ___ for delivering a designated quality and
quantity of grain to a specified place and time.
B. quotations
D. citations
6.When you buy the corn on the cash market, you can ___ a futures
contract of the same amount of corn on the futures market in
anticipation of the corn price’s falling.
A. sell long
B. sell short
C. sell out
D. sell up
7.One economic function provided by futures exchanges is price risk
management, also known as ___.
A. evasion
C. hedging
D. avoiding
8.I’m afraid you have got a lot more questions to ___ me
C. ask for
D. challenge
9.I have got something to ___ you.
B. consult to
C. ask for
D. consult with
10.You can buy the dollars forward to reduce or eliminate the risk
of an ___ movement in exchange rates.
A. inverse
B. adverse
D. diverse
11.A long position involves inflows ___ than outflows in a
A. smaller
B. greater
12.In order to save the stock market from collapsing and to
guarantee the financial repaying ability, the government will have
to raise the ___.
A. exchange rate
C. benefit
D. interest rate
13.Anyway, either ___ of action runs a risk.
14.There are many ways to ___ analyze the futures market.
A. skillfully
B. craftily
C. methodically
D. technically
15.The futures market is used primarily for either risk management
or ___, and neither purpose requires delivery.
B. venture
C. speculation
D. adventure
16.Only the ___ of the options on futures is obligated to
D. customer
17.Just give me the facts ___.
A. all in all
C. in a nutshell
D. in nutshells
18.Other market participants purchase options as a way to ___ on
asset price movements.
A. contemplate
C. conjecture
D. speculate
19.It is important to realize that option ___ need not be
A. reading
B. opening
C. issuing
D. writing
20.The fuction of futures markets are price ___, price risk
hedging, and improving market efficiency.
A. invention
B. discovery
C. founding
D. reading
试卷总分:100& &测试时间:--
1.The owner may counter bid and we may ___ for something between
$160,000 and $170, 000.
B. determine
2.The price of an option consists of two components intrinsic value
and ___value.
C. inherent
D. extrinsic
3.An option must always sell for at least its ___ value or there
will be arbitrage opportunities.
A. intrinsic
B. extrinsic
C. inherent
4.When an owener of real property has died testate, title to the
propery is said to pass by ___ to the person so designated in the
A. descent
D. purchase
5.Some experts say that the ___ market may develop to replace
forward contracts over the next few years.
C. futures
D. currency
6.When an owener of real property has died intestate, title to the
propery is said to pass by ___ to the heirs.
A. descent
D. purchase
7.In order to avoid any loss due to the fall in exchange rates, the
company will ___ option.
B. exercise
C. practice
D. perform
8.The vehicle insurers say the lorries are complete ___ .
A. out of use
B. useless
C. write-offs
D. write out
9.In law, the word estate, as it relates to property, is defined as
the ___ one has in property.
B. interest
10.It’s ___ land, but its location is perfect.
A. unexpressed
B. unexplored
C. unimproved
D. unexposed
11.The term "option" in "currency option" suggests the choice of
the ___ to use or not to use.
A. customer
12.___ is the most common form of ownership.
A. Capitalized interest
B. Fee interest
C. Single interests
D. Terminable interests
13.It is your data on the rising labor costs in Beijing that gave
David the idea of ___ our unprofitable operation there.
A. phasing out
B. phasing in
C. phrasing out
D. phrasing in
14.Let’s ___ of $ 150,000.
B. put in a bid
C. put a bid
D. put bid
15.In law, the word real, as it relates to property, means ___ as
distinguished from personal property.
A. belongings
B. substance
16.With the option,the customer has an insurance-like product to
___ itself against downside risk.
B. include
C. shelter
17.With the ___, the customer kills off the downside risk and keeps
the upside possibility.
D. futures
18.Why don’t you bring me ___ on this piece of land you wanted me
to check out.
A. up-to-date
B. up-to-the-date
C. to date
D. on a date
19.The party granting the right to buy or sell an asset is called
the option seller or ___ of the option.
D. customer
20.In order to attract new industry, California issues industrial
___ bonds.
A. revenue