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Audiofier SEQui2R EX v1.3 KONTAKT | 8.91 GbSomething has changed in SEQui2R, from now on SEQui2R is sold only as SEQui2R EX. It includes all the expansions plus the new Expansion 4 “Fingers and plectrums”. SEQui2R EX’s engine has been updated to V1.3 and includes some new features. And the best part is, the price has also changed. Sub Sound Sources SEQui2R EX now includes 2 new Sub Layers. One per Sound Source.You can choose 2 additional sounds and decide at what velocity they will play instead of the main sound source. This adds amazing new possibilities for complex sequences of evolving/ variating sounds. All Expansions Included. SEQui2R EX includes all 4 Expansions. A total of 11.35 GB (NCW Compressed), 660 Sound Sources. Over 435000 sound combinations. SEQui2R EX Sound Sources include:? Organic and acoustic instruments, Digital and Analog synths, Guitars and Basses, Ethnic Instruments, Atonal Percussions and much more. All of them Natural and Morphed to the Impossible. And with ALL the Expansion Packs SEQui2R EX’s sounds palette becomes.Unique Step SequencerSEQui2R is more than a step sequencer, a gater, an arpeggiator or a pulse engine with SEQui2R You are in control. You choose the notes that suit your composition and SEQui2R will do the rest. SEQui2R features two separated sound engines, 8 distinct phrases recorders, with independent step panner, step volume, 2 step filters, step distortion and a step lo-fi per engine.Saving The Best For Last!SEQui2R EX incredible Step Sequencer unique features include:Reveseable sounds per step,Portamento per step2 Stutter Modes per stepOrnamento Per stepRandom/ Improvisation per Step!Multi edit modes,Random sound/ Fx/ phrases Generator,Midi Drag And Drop Functionand much more!Audiofier&SEQui2R&EX&v1.3&开播&|8.91&Gb有些事已经改变在&SEQui2R,从现在起&SEQui2R&出售仅为&SEQui2R。它包括所有的扩展,再加上新的扩张&4&手指和玲珑剔透&。EX&SEQui2R&引擎更新到&V1.3,包括一些新的特点。最好的部分是,价格也已更改。次级声源&SEQui2R&EX&现在包括&2&新子图层。每个声源之一。你可以选择&2&附加的声音,并决定在什么速度,他们将发挥而不是主要的声源。这将添加惊人新的可能性,为不断变化的复杂序列/整听起来。包括所有的扩展。SEQui2R&EX&包括所有&4&个扩展。共&11.35&GB&(NCW&压缩)&660&声源。超过&435000&声音组合。SEQui2R EX 声音来源包括? 有机和声学仪器、 数字和模拟合成器、 吉他和低音、 民族乐器、 无调性的打击乐和更多。所有这些自然和仿型不可能。调色板随着所有扩展包&SEQui2R&EX 的声音。独特的步音序器SEQui2R&是超过一步音序器,启程,琶音器或脉冲发动机&SEQui2R&你是在控制中。你选择适合你的作文写的笔记,SEQui2R&将做的休息。SEQui2R&功能两个分离声音引擎,8&不同短语录像机,独立步淘金,步卷&2&步过滤器、&步失真、&低保真每个引擎迈出的一步。最后保存最好的&!SEQui2R&EX&令人难以置信的一步音序器独特的特征包括?每一步,Reveseable&声音每一步的滑音2&口吃的模式,每一步Ornamento&每一步随机 /&即兴创作每一步&!多编辑模式,随机的声音 /&Fx /&短语发电机,Midi&拖和放功能以及更多&!
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