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DotA IMBA系列最新版本英雄资料介绍
发布时间: 22:23:01
洪流:洪流会在施法后立刻喷发。 法伤加成:0.75Ω 潮汐使者:每隔7/5/3/1秒会获得一次潮汐之力,使施法者可以获得一定范围内的溅射能力,潮汐之力依次为涨潮/退潮。涨潮时提高40/80/120/160点攻击力,退潮时会降低波及单位20/40/60/80点攻击力,3/6/9/12点护甲,以及20%/40%/60%/80%点移动速度,持续3秒。 地图地标:若被标记的是敌方单位,则会将其周围600码的单位也拉回到标记的位置。 幽灵船:幽灵船撞毁后对范围内目标造成3/4/5秒晕眩,幽灵船途经的敌方单位会被幽灵船所牵引,直至幽灵船撞毁。(无法牵引Roshan) 法伤加成:1Ω
   洗礼:改为对目标区域释放,作用半径225码,并对受影响单位周围250码的敌人造成伤害。施法距离增至750 驱逐:每秒扣除225/300/375/450码范围内所有敌方英雄1%、1.5%、2%、2.5%的法力值 退化光环:只降低移动速度,受到光环影响的单位部分技能效果会失效(例如人马大,盛宴,超负荷,炽魂,月刃,连击,属性偷取,潮汐使者等等),作用范围300/375/450/525码。 守护天使:自动为你抵挡一次致死伤害,并使你在接下来的1/1.5/2秒内处于无敌状态,该效果在35秒内最多触发1次。 作用范围:600(全地图) 冷却时间:150(80)秒 括号内为装备神杖后的数值
&撼地神牛: &
沟壑:长度提高为原来的4倍,伤害提高为原来的两倍。 法伤加成:1Ω 强化图腾:你的下一次攻击会对275范围内的单位造成100%的溅散效果。从增加基础攻击力变为增加属性攻击力。 余震:触发该效果会令该点在5秒内下凹,使周围的敌方单位逐渐滑入其中。 回音击:大招判断范围提高为2倍,并且除施法者和建筑外所有单位都会产生弹射。主冲击波伤害提高为225/325/425,弹射冲击波伤害提高为40/60/80。装备蓝杖后,震波伤害提高为 75/120/165&,震波有效半径从1200码提高为2000码 法伤加成:1Ω
&山岭巨人: &
投掷:被投掷目标会产生类似于打水漂的效果。根据技能等级,额外投掷1/2/3/4次 长大:不再降低攻击速度,同时体积会大幅度变大。增加40/80/120(80/120/160)点攻击力。 括号内为装备蓝杖后的数值
野性之斧:在5秒内降低目标5/10/15/20点的护甲。 野性呼唤:战鹰每秒会另其周围的友军英雄回复0.5%最大法力值,战鹰及高级战鹰分别拥有60%/95%的法术抗性;豪猪每1.5秒会释放针刺,对周围敌方单位造成35点物理伤害。豪猪/高级豪猪血量从400/500上调为,每次受到伤害时会触发一次100点伤害的刚毛飞射,内置冷却0.5秒 野性之心:你每次攻击有15%的概率令周围475码范围内的所有友军狂暴,在3秒内提高100%、150%、200%、250%的攻击速度。 原始咆哮:减速效果无法被驱散,每点力量可以使击退距离提高1码,击退时间延长0.01秒,击退半径提高2码 施法距离:900(1200) 冷却时间:60(20)秒 括号内为装备蓝杖后的数值
&流浪剑客: &
风暴震击:向目标或目标点跳跃,落地后对周围单位造成100/200/300/400的伤害和2/2.3/2.6/2.9秒的眩晕,并在短时间内提高50%的攻击速度,加速效果持续2/2.5/3/3.5秒。施法距离:600/700/800/900。 巨力挥舞:溅射范围缩至175,造成你攻击力20%/30%/40%/50%的伤害。你的攻击有4%、8%、12%、16%几率发动一刀两断,直接扣除目标50%的现有生命值。该效果无视魔免,护甲,魔抗,无敌。 战吼:额外提高受影响单位20%/30%/40%/50%的力量值,持续15秒 神之力量:增加的攻击力数值为流浪剑客力量值的1.5(2)/3(4)/4.5(6)倍,持续25秒。 括号内为装备蓝杖后的数值
&熊猫酒仙: &
雷霆一击:造成100+75%力量值/175+100%力量值/250+125%力量值/300+150%力量值的伤害并使目标攻击有50%的概率丢失,持续4.25(10)秒。减速效果不变。冷却时间:5.5秒 魔法消耗:90/95/100/105 潘达利亚的美酒:在持续时间内,雷霆一击和醉拳的效果提升1/1/1/2级并额外提高20%的移动速速和20的攻击速度,至多持续5秒。 冷却时间:30/20/10/10 魔法消耗:50 醉拳:有6%/12%/18%/24%的概率闪避物理攻击,在闪避成功后,提高40/60/80/100点的攻击速度和40%/60%/80%/100%的移动速度,每点敏捷额外提高0.4/0.6/0.8/1点攻击力,并有5%/10%/15%/20%的概率造成暴击。 元素分离:每次会召唤9个熊猫。继承施法者本身所有装备的被动效果和光环效果
&牛头人酋长: &
回音重踏:被重踏踩中的敌人在4秒后会引发小型重踏,对自身及周围325码内的敌方单位再度造成全额的伤害和2.5/3/3.5/4秒的眩晕。 伤害无视魔免 法伤加成:0.71Ω 先祖之魂:施法距离从1000提高为00/1600,移除最大单位数量限制,先祖之魂返回时获得的增益持续15秒。 无视魔免 自然秩序:减魔抗效果不变,移除英雄单位30%/60%/90%/120%的属性护甲和所有由敏捷增加的护甲,移除普通单位3/6/9/12点护甲。作用范围增至300/400/500/600 裂地者:裂纹塌陷的延迟时间增至3秒,伤害改为相当于酋长血量40%/50%/60%(50%/60%/70%)的伤害,减速效果提升至30%/50%/70%。冷却时间:100(65) 括号内为装备蓝杖后的数值。 法伤加成:0.5Ω
巨石碾压:以2.5倍的移动速度向目标地点滚去,对途径敌人造成100/200/300/400点伤害,到达目标地点后再造成额外的100点伤害和0.5秒眩晕。 施法距离:800/00。冷却时间:12秒。魔法消耗:100 大地重击:对目标发动一次重击,造成100%/150%/200%/250%你的攻击力的伤害,降低其100%的属性护甲,持续3/4/5/6秒。 施法距离:200。冷却时间:8.5秒。魔法消耗:65 震波:每成功释放一次法术,在5秒内的下一次攻击就会对目标及其周围400码的敌方单位造成0.6/1/1.4/1.8秒的眩晕。 山石崩裂:向目标地点跳跃,落地后引起周围400码地形变动,使得内外单位在6810秒内无法自由通过,对波及的敌方单位造成300/500/700点伤害和2/2.5/3秒眩晕。 施法距离:2000。冷却时间:75秒。魔法消耗:200/250/300
、,关注!From Dota 2 Wiki
Dota IMBA is a
played on a regular Dota 2 map, with 10 or 20 players (5v5 or 10v10).
The goal of the game is to destroy the enemy ancient (10v10 or custom maps can have total number of kills by a team (20-150) as their objective);
Gold and experience gain from creeps and structures ranges from 130%-400% of their normal values (depending on the mode played);
Roshan has been entirely reworked with added skills and stat changes to remain a
Heroes available in Dota IMBA are divided into 2 categories:
IMBA heroes - heroes with (IMBA) at the end of their names. These heroes have their skill sets modified, additional properties are denoted in orange.
"Lazy" heroes - heroes that only received value changes or minor imbafication to their skills.
Items have been changed in a similar manner:
Some items have new properties, some have their attr
Several new items exist in this game mode, including new upgrade paths
The main emphasis of Dota IMBA are the changes made to heroes which promotes a unique gameplay that redefines the standard play of Dota 2 with new abilities in conjunction with new and reworked items. Heroes have different play styles which stem from their unique abilities and combinations of attributes.
Heroes are separated into two classes: IMBA Heroes and Lazy Heroes. IMBA Heroes have custom skills and enhanced mechanics, while Lazy Heroes have their numbers tweaked to make them stronger.
IMBA Heroes use their regular Dota counterparts as a base, and are built on top of that,
making them much more powerful in the process. IMBA heroes appear as "&Hero name& (IMBA)" to differentiate them from the "lazy heroes" below.
The abilities of IMBA heroes are tweaked such that every skill accentuates each hero's strengths, whilst maintaining their weaknesses.
Mist Coil heals Abaddon instead of hurting him
Aphotic Shield has 2 charges, lasts much longer and can be cast on structures.
Curse of Avernus stacks 2/3/4/5 times.
Borrowed Time has the Aghanim's effect by default (absorbs part of damage dealt to nearby allies). Scepter makes it so damaging any ally near Abaddon heals every ally near him.
Berserker's Call grants Axe a bonus 200 armor, and increases attack speed of those under its effects.
Battle Hunger has no base duration, lasting until purged, or removed by killing a unit. Battle Hunger prevents the target from regenerating health naturally and ends if the target comes near its own fountain.
Counter Helix deals extra damage based on how much strength he has.
Culling Blade's damage threshold increases based on Axe's own maximum health. Aghanim's Scepter further increases the kill threshold and amount of health added to the threshold, also increases the duration of the speed buff when killing an enemy with Culling Blade
Hoof Stomp creates a gladiatorial arena around Centaur, trapping enemies inside it for its duration, enemies who enter the arena after it's made are also trapped. While inside the arena, Centaur gains a high amount of damage reduction.
Double Edge's damage is increased by 100% of Centaur's strength.
Return triggers when any damage is dealt to Centaur, and grants some passive damage block.
Stampede causes affected allies to stun trampled enemies. Aghanim's Scepter adds free pathing and massive damage reduction.
Tidebringer can randomly grant Kunkka up to 3 Tide buffs. Each of those buffs adds bonus effects to Tidebringer and Torrent when they are off cooldown.
Tide buffs have separate chances to proc, which means it's possible for them all to be present or absent simultaneously.
X Marks the Spot can be activated to bring any nearby allies of the currently marked hero back to the X.
Ghost Ship drags enemies hit by the ship to the crash point. Scepter causes the ship to spawn twice as far back, and improves the Rum's damage reduction.
Magnetize is a new passive ability, automatically learned at level 1. Heroes damaged by Magnus will be briefly magnetized, causing them to be attracted to other magnetized units, and more susceptible to his other abilities.
Shockwave has improved range, width, damage, speed and now splits up when hitting a Magnetized units.
Empower now grants cleave on attack, is permanent on Magnus (when learned) and can be reapplied on a already Empowered unit to make the target move and attack faster.
Skewer has improved range, cast time, width, and cooldown.
Reverse Polarity now pulls every enemy units on the map and damage and stun enemies which are too close to Magnus. Magnetized enemies will be pulled from much further away.
Void grants vision of the target, and reduces its vision radius.
Crippling Fear also mutes the target's items when cast during the night.
Hunter in the Night grants extra move and attack speed each time Darkness is cast.
Darkness allows Night Stalker to know the enemy team's positions when cast, and removes his movement/attack speed limitations for its duration.
Purification heals a base amount and a bonus amount of the targets health max health and deals 75% damage of health restored. Purification can be cast on Repelled targets. Purification will automatically trigger on Omniknight if his health drops below a certain percentage of his max health.
Repel automatically applies to Omniknight when cast.
Degen Aura reduces enemies' attack damage over time.
Guardian Angel has increased effect radius, affects buildings and applies repel to affected targets.
Meat Hook can be made sharper (keeps its normal range, gains damage) or lighter (gains range and speed, keeps its normal damage). Pudge can freely toggle between the two states, of which effects become stronger as he levels up.
Rot's damage and area of effect increase with each Flesh Heap stack, up to 30.
Flesh Heap grants bonus magic resistance with each stack, up to 30 (Strength can still be increased indefinitely).
Dismember deals bonus damage equal to Pudge's strength, and heals him for the same amount. Scepter adds a Rupture effect to Meat Hook, dealing damage to the target as it is reeling back.
Burrowstrike has an increased range, and applies Desert Sting on any enemies hit by it.
Sand Storm causes enemies to be pulled by fierce winds, spinning them around Sand King and hampering movement.
Desert Sting (renamed Caustic Finale) causes enemies to pulse with a small quake every time they are damaged. This quake damages and slows nearby enemies of Sand King.
Epicenter can be channeled for twice its regular duration, creating an amount of pulses proportional to the time spent channeling (double the normal amount if fully channeled). Scepter adds more pulses, and causes enemies in a very large radius to be pulled towards Sand King.
Storm Hammer (renamed SVEN Bolt) launches Sven himself as the projectile, making him invulnerable while travelling. Gains bonus damage and increased effect radius if used while God's Strength is active.
Great Cleave can be activated to focus on a single target, making him lose the cleave but giving him true strike for the duration, and causing the target
he attacks to take increased damage from all sources.
Warcry now gives bonus armor AND strength. Warcry can be activated while stunned and purges any debuffs currently affecting Sven.
God's Strength grants nearby allies increased damage as well. Aghanim's Scepter adds even more damage, as well as cleave, to nearby allies (ranged units as well).
Wraithfire Blast has improved cast range, damage and now splits up to nearby enemies for half damage and stun duration while an uncontrollable wraith slows and attacks the main target.
Vampiric Presence is a new passive ability made from Vampiric Aura and Mortal Strike. It grants lifesteal, a chance to deal critical damage and steals the target strength on crit.
Kingdom Come is a new chanelling ability which stuns, damages and summons wraiths on every victims that slow and attack when finished.
Reincarnation now slows every enemies on the map and grants the Wraith King bonus strength based on allies around him.
Base Attack Time lowered to 1.2
Mana Break burns a % of the target's mana, capping at 50/100/150/200 mana per hit.
Blink costs no mana.
Spell Shield grants bonus damage when enemies spend mana near him - the more mana is spent, the more damage he gains. Whenever 600 mana is spent by enemies near Anti-Mage, he will be cleansed of all debuffs. Can be activated to double the base magic resistance.
Mana Void burns a % of the target's total mana before calculating damage, capping at 250/375/500 mana. Scepter doubles both the percentage and the cap.
A new skill, Shadow Jaunt, allows Bounty Hunter to blink to a tracked target and immediately start attacking it. Refreshes Jinada when used.
Shuriken Toss pins targets to the ground, preventing them from moving too far from the impact point.
Jinada has improved cooldown and damage.
Shadow Walk now grants bonus movement speed, and its bonus damage is multiplied by Jinada. Track can be cast without breaking invisibility.
Track grants bonus gold based on the tracked target's level. Scepter causes track's debuff to become unpurgeable, invisible to enemies, increases all damage taken by the target, and steals part of its unreliable gold on a successful kill.
Strafe now passively increases attack speed and makes Clinkz fires extra arrows at his target while active.
Searing Arrows is now a passive ability and reduces the victim's armor. Not an UAM.
Skeleton Walk has improved movement speed bonus and lingers a little bit when the invisibility is broken.
Death Pact has improved cast point, cast range and can now be cast on heroes. Last longer on Creeps than on Heroes but is potentially stronger. Enemies Heroes take 10% of their maximum health as damage.
Frost Arrows apply st at 4 stacks, the target will be frozen for a short duration.
Gust knocks targets back to the edge of Drow's range, deals damage, and slows.
Precision Aura can be toggled freely, and has double effect on Drow herself.
Marksmanship grants extra movement speed, range, and night vision. Scepter increases the agility bonus, and makes Drow passively invisible whenever she is under a tree's shadow.
Timelord is a new passive ability, automatically learned at level 1, and upgraded together with Chronosphere for free. Grants Void 1000 maximum attack speed instead of the normal 600, and allows him to increase enemies' abilities' current cooldowns by 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7 seconds with each hit. Does not affect abilities not currently on cooldown.
Time Walk leaves a trail of short-lived chronospheres in Void's wake, briefly stunning enemies near him. Void also now steals enemies' time when passing over them, slowing them while becoming faster himself.
Backtrack can be activated, massively increasing backtrack's chance to evade damage for a few seconds, but then losing all of its benefits for a longer duration afterward.
Time Lock creates a small chronosphere on a bash, locking all nearby enemies in time while damaging them. This small chrono does not affect allies.
Chronosphere uses up all of the Faceless Void's mana to create a huge chronosphere. Duration and radius increase with the amount of mana used. Also grants him 30/60/90 bonus attack speed while inside the chrono.
Aghanim's scepter upgrade allows Void's allies to move inside the chronosphere without being frozen, although at greatly diminished speeds.
Starstorm launches several secondary waves after the main one. Secondary waves deal less damage.
Sacred Arrow is global, and ignores creeps during the night.
Leap is target point cast and the range scales.
Moonlight Shadow has reduced fade time. Scepter causes it to always be in effect during the night, but has a very long fade time.
Stifling Dagger briefly disarms targets, and has an increased cast range.
Phantom Strike hits every enemy between Phantom Assassin and her target once.
Blur's power increases every time Phantom Assassin is hit, granting her extra evasion and movement speed.
Coup de Grace's critical chance is increased when hitting targets during Phantom Strike.
Aghanim's Scepter upgrade adds a small chance to instantly kill any targets hit by your attacks or Stifling Dagger.
Shrapnel has global cast range.
Take Aim has two versions: Anti-Materiel Rifle, which roots Sniper to the ground and reduces attack speed, but gives him gre and Submachine Gun, which decreases Sniper's greatly reduces Sniper's attack range and reduces his damage, but drastically increases attack speed.
Headshot has different effects based on which version of Take Aim is currently active. Regular Headshots will deal bonus damage and slow targets, Submachine Gun Headshots deal no bonus damage, but ministuns targets, and Anti-Materiel Rifle Headshots will launch a grenade which shreds armor, causes knockback and deals damage, in an are around the target
Assassinate can always be cast on targets under Shrapnel, ignoring its normal cast range. Deals physical damage and ministuns.
Aghanim's Scepter upgrade adds a strong slow and knockback effect, and increases Assassinate's damage.
Hax makes Troll Warlord as a Melee and Ranged Hero at the same time and grants a chance to bash enemies.
Whirling Axes has improved radius, damage and is now its own ability and doesn't rely on Berserker's Rage anymore. Axes' blind becomes stronger as enemies are getting hit by them.
Throwing Axes has improved cast range, cooldown and is now its own ability and doesn't rely on Berserker's Rage anymore. Axes deal more damage as they hit enemies and additionnal axes are added for every 20 agility points.
Fervor has a shorter duration but removes attack speed limit when learned. Can be stacked indefinitely.
Battle Trance now affects EVERY allied units and every successful hits grant bonus attack speed.
Aghanim's Scepter reduces allied BAT for the duration.
Rancor is a new innate ability. Every time an ally of the Vengeful Spirit is killed, its killer will gain a stack of Rancor (two if Venge herself died). Rancor stacks make the Spirit's skills stronger.
Magic Missile's damage increases, and the projectile becomes undisjointable, when targetting heroes affected by Rancor. After hitting the main target, the Magic Missile splits, also hitting any nearby enemies with stacks of Rancor.
Wave of Terror causes heroes hit to become terrified. Terrified heroes take 10% bonus damage from all sources, per Rancor stack, if they can see the Vengeful Spirit and are facing her.
Vengeance Aura grants nearby allies a chance to crit for 160% damage. This critical damage increases by 10% for each stack of Rancor currently in Vengeance Aura's area of effect.
Nether Swap allows the user to Swapback a few seconds after using Nether Swap. Also damages and briefly stuns enemies with Rancor stacks close to the start and end points of Nether Swap.
Aghanim's Scepter upgrade decreases Nether Swap's cooldown, and doubles all stacks of Rancor received by enemies.
Compound Toxicity is a new innate ability. Each of the Venomancer's poisons weaken their target, causing it to take 10% more magic damage. This effect stacks when applied by different skills.
Venomous Gale deals damage based on the enemy's maximum HP, or a fixed value - whichever is higher. When Veno casts Venomous Gale, all nearby Scourge Wards will do the same.
Poison Sting stacks infinitely. Each stack reduces armor, slows, and deals 1 damage per second. Stacks decay at a rate of 10% per second (minimum of 2 stacks). Venomancer's attacks apply 2/3/4/5 stacks, while each plague/scourge ward's adds 1 stack per attack.
Plague Ward plants a Scourge Ward, which dies in 2 hero/tower hits or 4 creep hits, plus 0/1/2/3 Plague Wards which die in 1 hero/tower hit or 2 creep hits. The Scourge Ward attacks every enemy in range.
Poison Nova can deal lethal damage. Deals damage per second equal to a percentage of the target's current health, with a minimum of 30/55/80.
Aghanim's Scepter upgrade increases Poison Nova's minimum damage, and causes it to become contagious - enemies too close to infected ones will also become affected by Poison Nova.
Enfeeble reduces the target's attributes.
Brain Sap drains mana in addition to health, and causes the target's spells to cost extra mana to cast.
Nightmare spreads when a nightmared target is attacked, instead of ending.
Fiend's Grip lasts for twice as long as the time it was channeled for (can be chanelled for up to 2.5 seconds). Scepter increases maximum channel time (3.5 seconds), and causes enemies looking at Bane during the channel to become affected by Fiend's Grip as well.
Crystal Nova will leave a lingering ice field when used, which damages and slows enemies, and increases allies' move speed.
Frostbite will automatically be used against enemies which damage Crystal Maiden.
Brilliance Aura grants bonus intelligence, and regenerates a percentage of each ally's mana pool.
Freezing Field stuns enemies caught in it for the first few seconds. Scepter allows it to be cast anywhere in 1000 range of Crystal Maiden.
Poison Touch now has a fixed initial slow and duration. Each time the affected target takes damage, the slow will be increased. If the slow reaches 100%, the target will be briefly stunned and take bonus damage, and the slow will reset to 20% afterwards. The effects last until the duration of Poison Touch ends.
Shallow Grave triggers automatically if Dazzle is fatally wounded, and converts any fatal damage dealt during its protection to healing when it ends.
Shadow Wave increases affected allies' armor, and decreases damaged enemies' armor. This effect stacks. No bounce limit.
Weave instantly applies part of its total armor bonus/penalty. Scepter increases the armor change, and allows it to affect towers.
Event Horizon increases stuns duration around Enigma.
Malefice has improved mana cost, duration and now pulls the target to Black Hole, Midnight Pulse and Enigma himself.
Demonic Conversion has improved duration and Eidolons become stronger has Enigma levels up. Eidolons can split up forever.
Midnight Pulse has improved radius and now pulls enemies toward the center of Midnight Pulse.
Black Hole has improved cast range, radius, damage and pulls enemies from far away. Every units in Black Hole make it stronger.
Aghanim's Scepter adds 5.25% of enemies' max health as damage.
Dual Breath has been separated in two skills, Fire Breath and Ice Breath. Whenever one of the skills is used, Jakiro's Q spell slot switches to the other one.
Each breath is a short-ranged aerial charge, applying a damaging debuff to any enemies caught in Jakiro's path. Fire Breath deals more damage and slows attack speed, while Ice Breath deals lower damage and slows movement speed.
Ice Path has a greatly increased range, and deals a bit more damage.
Liquid Fire can be used from longer range, and is no longer a unique attack modifier.
Macropyre now covers a large cone-shaped area. Fire Breath, Ice Breath and Liquid Fire's durations do not count down inside Macropyre. Scepter increases damage per second, and adds a freezing effect to the Macropyre, which stuns enemies caught in it initially, then slows them.
Frost Nova passively emits a Frost Aura which has a chance to blast enemies affected by it with a Frost Nova every second, and progressively slows them if they stay in the aura's area of effect.
Ice Armor applies its slow to any enemy that deals damage to Lich (including spells).
Sacrifice can be used on allied, neutral or enemy creeps, and heals Lich with the excess hit points of the creep if his mana is full.
Chain Frost has no maximum amount of bounces, and will always prioritize heroes. Scepter dramatically increases the bounce range and projectile speed.
Dragon slave" secondary blasts after the main one at the target point. Secondary blasts deal less damage.
Light Strike Array launches several pillars of light in a line, each erupting shortly after the last one.
Fiery Soul can be activated to increase the mana cost of Lina's spells in exchange for dramatically reducing their cooldown.
Laguna Blade deals damage to every enemy in a line between Lina and the target. Scepter adds 200% of Lina's intelligence to the damage.
Death Pulse is a toggled ability which, when active, constantly emits pulses of healing/damage in short bursts. Being hit by Death Pulse increases magic damage taken, and being healed by it increases healing received by further instances of Death Pulse.
Heartstopper Aura has an increased effect to units under its effects, as long as they stay within its area of effect.
Sadist triggers on any unit dying around Necrolyte.
Reaper's Scythe deals damage based on the target's maximum HP; this damage is increased by 1% for each 1% hp the target is missing. Scepter increases damage and prevents buying back.
Nyx Assassin's primary attribute is now intelligence
Impale repeats part of the damage the target has taken on the last few seconds.
Mana Burn has improved multiplier and range.
Spiked Carapace reflects all instances of hero damage throughout its duration.
Vendetta stores the damage that Nyx Assassin takes, applying it to the next Vendetta attack's target. Aghanim's Scepter adds the Burrow ability and removes Vendetta's damage storage limit.
Arcane Orb instantly destroys illusions and summoned units, steals
more intelligence from its target on every hit and deals a higher percentage of damage.
Astral Imprisonment now deals pure damage (still doesn't pierce spell immunity). Has maximum duration at all levels and steals intelligence equal to the amount you would steal with 0/1/2/3 hits of the current level of Arcane Orb.
Essence Aura restores a small amount of mana on every spell cast (no longer chance-based); it also lets OD gain intelligence temporarily when allies spend mana under Essence Aura's effects, and grants him extra mana for every point of intelligence he has.
Sanity's Eclipse now deals pure damage (still does not pierce spell immunity). Aghanim's Scepter applies Astral Imprisonment to the targets before calculating damage.
Nether Blast has improved cast range, radius and now explodes immediately. Addtionnal Nether Blasts explode after a delay, dealing less damage but slowing and decreasing the target's magic resistance.
Decrepify now explodes and deal damage at the end of the effect based on damage taken while Decrepified.
Nether Ward has improved cast range, damage per used mana and can now copy enemies' spell and cast them when used around it.
Life Drain is no longer a channeled ability.
Aghanim's Scepter adds 6% of the target current health as damage/heal and removes the ability cooldown.
A new innate ability, Delightful Torment, decreases the cooldown of her spells slightly every time she damages an enemy hero.
Poison Dagger targets are not effected by Shadow Strike will trigger it for free when they are attacked.
Blink has an increased range, and casts a half-damage Scream of Pain on its start and end points.
Scream of Pain briefly disorients targets. Disoriented targets will take damage when attacking or casting spells.
Sonic Wave deafens targets. Deaf targets will lose their balance and become unable to move properly, randomly switching directions mid-movement. Scepter causes each enemy hero hit by Sonic Wave to emit a Scream of Pain.
Land Mine will follow enemy heroes which enter their area of effect. They will slowly accelerate while following enemies. Scepter causes each mine to deal additional damage equal to 7% of the target's HP.
Land Mine has a chance to be cast on each attack, exploding at the attacked target's location.
Stasis Trap can be cast on creeps, and will cause a chain reaction when triggered. Scepter adds mana burn in the area of effect when the traps are activated.
Suicide Squad, Attack! will leave a parting gift to enemies on Techies' every death, in the form of one of each mine if already learned. Scepter causes two of each mine to drop on death instead of one.
Remote Mines can now be toggled to detonate automatically when creeps or heroes enter their area of effect.
Minefield Sign, when upgraded with Scepter, will make nearby mines immune to truesight. New mines placed gain the ability to be teleported to the Minefield Sign.
Tinker's redesigned around his Rearm's new mechanic, Overcharge. Whenever Tinker casts Rearm, he overheats his machinery, gaining a stack of Overcharge for a brief duration. Each stack continuously consumes mana, but increases Tinker's spells' effects.
Laser does more damage with each stack of Overcharge, but has lower damage and range to start with.
Heat-Seaking Missile increases in number with each stack of Overcharge, buts has lower damage and range. Hits random enemies in range, but always prioritizes heroes. Inflicts a Flare debuff which provides vision over the target for 3 seconds.
March of the Machines now spawns damaging drones from Spawner Machines, dealing twice the damage but at half the number. Each stack of Overcharge increases the number of Spawner Machines by 1.
Rearm is now instant cast and has a cooldown of 3/2/1 seconds, providing a stack of Overcharge upon each cast outside of the fountain.
Fatal Bonds has improved search radius and max bonded units.
Shadow Word has improved cast point and cast range. Now reduces enemies' damage, attack and movement speed, the debuff becomes stronger as it lasts. When it ends, it spreads to every units around the target (but himself).
Upheaval has improved cast point, radius and is no longer a channeled ability. Summons a ward to slow every enemies around it. The slow affect attack and movement speed.
Chaotic Offering summons a Golem that can carry items. Golem's health increases based on Warlock's level.
Aghanim's Scepter turn Chaotic Offering into a channeled ability which spawns weaker golems over the duration.
Lazy Heroes' skills work exactly the same as in regular Dota, but with increased power overall - lower cooldowns, mana costs, higher damage, etc. They were put into the game so that the hero pool isn't so limited as IMBA heroes take time to create.
Unstable Concoction charges up to 10 seconds.
Greevil's Greed has increased gold gain.
Chemical Rage greatly reduces base attack time.
Extremely random. Base damage from 1 to 99.
Chaos Bolt stun duration from 1 to 6 seconds
Chaos Strike crit chance decreases as it is leveled (but damage increases dramatically).
Phantasm creates has 3 illusions at all levels, which take less damage as the skill is leveled up.
Fissure has a dramatically increased range.
Enchant Totem provides the same bonus damage through all levels. Cooldown scales.
Aftershock has increased damage.
Echo Slam has similar starting damage, but does much greater damage when more units are present.
All skills have increased values.
Duel cooldown drastically reduced.
Viscous Nasal Goo has slightly increased armor loss and a higher max stack limit. Cooldown reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.
Quill Spray has slightly increased radius with increased base damage and damage per stack. Cooldown rescaled from 3 to 2.75/2.5/2.25/2.
Bristleback has much higher damage resistance on both the sides and back of Bristleback. Damage threshold decreased from 230 to 225.
Warpath has a higher amount of max stacks, as well as increased damage and movement speed per stack.
Searing Chains has increased number of targets.
Sleight of Fist has a very large radius and slightly lower cooldown.
Flame Guard has no cooldown.
All skills have increased values.
Split Shot no longer reduces damage dealt and hits more targets. Other skills have increased values.
Mirror Image creates more illusions, and illusions take much less damage.
Ensnare rescaled from 2/3/4/5 second duration to 3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds.
Riptide deals increased damage and reduces more armor.
Song of the Siren radius is larger.
Spirit Lance illusion takes less damage, has duration rescaled from 2/4/6/8 seconds to 8 seconds flat, and does increased damage.
Doppelganger has increased duration, larger gather area and reduced cooldown.
Phantom Rush has a much larger rush distance and reduced cooldown.
Juxtapose creates more illusions that deal more damage and take less damage.
First level of Necromastery grants the highest soul capacity, and each level of Necromastery increases damage per soul.
Essence Shift grants Slark 3/3/4/5 agility per stack of Essence Shift.
Refraction has increased instances, attack damage bonus and duration. Cooldown and mana cost reduced.
Meld deals increased damage and armor reduction. Cooldown reduced.
Psi Blades attack range and split range greatly increased.
Psionic Trap has greatly increased max number of traps. Traps also have increased movement slow upon activation. Cooldown reduced.
Reflection has a larger radius and reduced cooldown. Reflection illusions also last a solid 5.5 seconds and do increased damage and movement slow.
Conjure Image illusion lasts slightly longer, deals a solid 60% damage, and takes less damage. Cooldown is reduced.
Metamorphosis lasts longer, takes less time to activate, has movement speed rescaled from 25 to 10/0/10/20, increased base attack time and bonus damage. Cooldown is reduced.
Sunder has reduced cooldown, but now costs 100 mana across all levels. Minimum health percentage changed from 25% to 1%.
Earthshock has a larger radius and does increased damage and movement slow.
Overpower has a 1 second cooldown and doubled attack speed bonus. Duration is increased and has a decreased mana cost.
Fury Swipes does increased damage per stack.
Enrage has increased Fury Swipes multiplier, reduced mana cost and increased duration.
Cold Feet has an increased stun duration and a scaling break distance.
Ice Vortex has greatly increased range and reduced cooldown.
Chilling Touch grants some attack speed more damage.
Ice Blast does increased damage. Scepter increases the duration to 20 seconds.
Kinetic Field's formation delay has been reduced to 1/0.8/0.6/0.4 and lasts up to 5 seconds.
Glimpse has a global cast range.
The cooldown and mana costs of Impale and Hex are reduced.
Mana Drain has a greatly increased range and increased drain rate.
Finger of Death does a much larger amount of damage, but retains a long cooldown.
All skills have a global cast range.
Disruption illusions are more powerful, taking 150% damage at all levels and dealing 50%/60%/70%/80% of the disrupted hero's damage.
Shadow Poison's damage per stack is multiplicative.
All of Storm Spirit's abilities have increased damage, lower cooldown and lower mana cost.
The following heros are still not includable in Dota IMBA:
Lone Druid
Shadow Shaman
Most of these heroes are delayed due to balancing issues or due to technical issues, IE Meepo clones not gaining stats from main meepo items.
Dota IMBA overhauls most of the remaining mechanics in Dota 2, changing the pace of gameplay to suit the changes to heroes.
Dota IMBA is based on Mimiya's Warcraft III mod of the same name, and made with his consent.
Developers: Firetoad & Hewdraw
Title and loading screens: Zimberzimber
Big thanks to all the great fellas who hang in the #Dota2mods channel, helping any time they can! A special mention to BMD, for his barebones base mod and awesome libraries.
Finally, a hug to our loyal players, which frequently contribute in various ways to IMBA, be it with balance, bug reports, or just general feedback!


