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Unlike football or basketball, there is a healthy competition between baseball game franchises on the market this year. Take Two Interactive's 2K Sports has done a fairly good job with the MLB 2K series across all platforms since EA Sports lost the license in 2005, but Sony's relative newcomer The Show has been creeping up the standings. This year, MLB 2K11 and MLB 11 The Show go head-to-head in a one-game playoff to win over baseball fans as their favorite way to belt a 3-run shot, or strike out the side.
Since Sony's San Diego studio makes The Show exclusive to the company's consoles (PS3, PS2, PSP) while 2K 11 is console agnostic, much of your decision on which to purchase will be based on which platforms you own. If you have access to both Sony and other consoles though, figuring out whether The Show or 2K11 is better for you will likely come down to personal preference. Instead of giving each game an independent review with its own score, I thought it would make much more sense to tell you how each game handles each discipline and aspect of baseball. Here's how they matched up in pitching, hitting, fielding, game modes, and overall presentation. With baseball season in full swing (heh) starting yesterday, let's start comparing MLB 2K11 and MLB 11 The Show in case you want to bring that action to your gaming console.
The ad campaign for 2K11 is all about how hard it is to pitch a perfect game both in the videogame and in Major League Baseball (even though there were 3 last season, er, sorry Detroit, 2). While having 27 up and 27 down in 2K11 is definitely hard, I thought the mechanic for pitching made it really easy to hit your targets. Maybe that's because pitching is a complete abstraction: To throw a pitch, you choose what type like fastball or slider and the desired location. Two concentric circles appear and you must time a gesture made with the right analog stick when the spokes of the two circles match. The gestures are different for each type of pitch, and some like that pesky 12-6 curveball are harder to achieve than others, but with practice you can easily paint the inside corner of the strike zone or tempt a hitter to swing at breaking ball just outside the zone. I did like when I had runners on base, the pitcher's composure makes the "cursor" for choosing location bounce around and the gestures must be completed faster pitching for the stretch. More than once, I threw a wild pitch if my gesture wasn't completed correctly or in time.
I thought that pitching felt way more authentic in The Show. After picking a pitch, you pull down on a vertical meter until you hit the shaded sweet spot and then push up to meet your release point. It's pretty easy to throw a fastball down the middle, but gets increasingly difficult to paint the corners of the strike zone by pushing up to the left or right to hit the inside or outside. If there's a runner on base, pitching from the stretch gives you even less time to place that pitch exactly where you want it. Matching the release point to where the pitch ends up makes pitching more of a learned skill analogous to real baseball than meaningless gestures in 2K11.
《职棒大联盟2K11》MLB Today模式游戏心得
15:54:37 来源:Xbox Life 作者:Jutz_Zollern 编辑:迦偌 
暌违多年,在美国职棒大联盟闯荡的台湾之光王建民,今年球季后半终于伤愈复出了!虽然从洋基转到华盛顿国民队(Washington Nationals)之后的先发表现显得有点一胜难求,该队战绩落后也无缘晋级季后赛,但只要有台湾之光主投的赛事,无论凌晨还是早上,相信大家一定还是紧盯着转播,为王建民的表现而喝采吧?
现在你不必只用看的加油了!拿起你的Xbox 360手把、带着你对棒球的热情,直接进入Major League Baseball 2K11《职棒大联盟2K11》游戏,映入眼帘的就是该系列最著名的MLB Today模式。 MLB Today将当日美国大联盟举行的赛事整理出来,配合即时更新的资料,让你可以立刻用最接近真实情况的球员阵容与实力,一边看转播、一边亲手为支持的球队与球员加油!因此只要是王建民出赛的当天,你就可以在《职棒大联盟2K11》里为台湾之光投出精彩的球赛!
第一次进入游戏就可以看到MLB Today模式的介面。
在游戏中,我们的王建民拥有五种球路,实力最强的当然就是名闻遐迩的伸卡球(Sinker)了!其他的依实力高低,分别为叉指球(Splitter,球会下坠)、叉指变速球(Split Change,不只下坠还会减慢速度)、滑球(Slider)及速球(Fastball)。虽然王建民并非速球型的选手,但投起来尚能维持94~92 MPH的速度,因此捕手经常会以此跟伸卡球做搭配,诱骗对方打者打成内野滚地球;另外偶尔还会配一点滑球,是跟伸卡球偏移方向相反的球路,也可以骗过准备要打伸卡球或速球的打者,让他们三振。
不过王建民的速球还是稍微疲弱了一点,在为后续使用伸卡球决胜负之前的铺陈当中,倘若使用速球而被打者逮到,或是玩家在投伸卡球时操控不良的话,都很有可能被击出安打,甚至一下失个2~4分也是正常的事。因此在这里建议大家在投球时要把伸卡球尽量投到位,速球也要避开对方好球带的红色热区(Red Zone,打者擅长的进垒点),同时偶尔不要遵循捕手的配求建议,用下坠系球路做为最后致胜的武器,应该就能将王建民的​​失分控制在可以忍受的范围之内。
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