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Confessing your sins to her just does not work well. You have to be sincere about confessions, and that is pretty difficult around her. She does not wear any pants, and that suggests all sorts of interesting new sins.
She puts the Kael'thas into most bosses:Don't look so smug, I know what you're thinking... but &Location of instance first fought at& was merely a setback. Did you honestly think that I'd trust some &two adjectives and a noun of insulting choice&. Oh no no no, &he/she/it& was merely an instrument... a stepping stone to a much larger plan... and this time, you will not interfere.
The memories she can summon are , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and . They all have the same abilities, including a .
You might want to have your party group up so the memory is easier to pick up. It spawn near (behind?) a random party member and if it's the healer and the healer is miles away, it might be tough for the tank to pick it up and establish aggro on it.Apparently all the bosses have the same abilities, listed in a post above.Also I noticed the memory might actually be classified as the original boss. For me Onyxia appeared and was labeled as Dragonkin. Keep this in mind for special abilities (like undead/demons for pallies).
Toughest part about this fight on Heroic is the random spellcasting she does on people for 5k constantly.
Whitemane was way hotter.
&3 this boss.sexy soft voice, the ability to fight old-school badass bosses like Illidan, or vancleef or HOGGER.and on top of that she doesn't wear any pants.let's be honest, what more can we ask of a single boss? o_O(some mean players have suggested that she fights without the argent tabard on :P)
For those curious, she wears the
and with the hat being . Add in the
and you're done :)
A few hints for Death Knight tanks which I found out during my last few runs.First of all, I'm a human. Every Man For Himself -does- remove the fear effect. Second. If you time Anti-Magic Shell right, it prevents the fear entirely, along with the DoT, seeing as it's a magic effect.Third. Mind Freezing Paletress at every opportunity helps reduce the party damage, because the Smites are randomly targeted, she doesn't seem to have an aggro table for her spells, only for her melee attacks.Will be back with more.EDIT: Oh, snap, almost forgot. Can anyone post the sound files for this... ... lady? Thanks.
Thank you thank you thank you for the AMS tip!
After reading these comments I can on imagine how long it'll be before we get WhitemanexPaletress fanart.
Her spellcasting can be slowed through use of Curse of Tongues. This will help ease up on the amount of random damage the healer needs to take care of.
Crit in my pants
Man, they really overdid it with the voice acting for when she's hit.
Rofl. I just had to google image it and... this man speaks the truth.
remind any one of Whitemane?
Here's something I'm curious about (and it would be really neat if it were true): is the memory that's summoned based on your achievements? Like, for example, if nobody in your group has gotten the achievement for defeating Illidan, she won't summon a memory of him? I'm curious because I noticed that today for my group, she summoned a Memory of Hakkar, which spawned from me, and I have the achievement for killing Hakkar.Maybe someone who has gotten a Memory spawn for a boss they haven't actually killed can refute this?
I noticed the sound files weren't on here, so I thought i'd post them so that you all can enjoy the soothing words of the confessor as well./script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Aggro01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackHeavy01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackHeavy02.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackHeavy03.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackLight01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackLight02.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackLight03.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackMedium01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackMedium02.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_AttackMedium03.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Death01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Intro01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Intro02.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_MemoryDefeat01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_MemorySummon01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Slay01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Slay02.wav&)(these are my favorites)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundCritical01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundCritical02.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundCritical03.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundHeavy01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundHeavy02.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundHeavy03.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundLight01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundLight02.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundLight03.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundMedium01.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundMedium02.wav&)/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_WoundMedium03.wav&)
i DO not know y hogger is famous hes just a hog and a ger
Disproven.I happened to get a few &oldschool& bosses on my Death Knight - Things I have never done with any of my characters, actually. So it's just plain random.
... ... What?
I'm not sure if this is bad luck on my part or what, but I've been trying to get Marrowstrike by running this instance for two weeks (14 days) straight, and I've never been able to because everytime I do this heroic dungeon, Eadric spawns. I'm going to assume that having Eadric or the Argent Confessor come out is random, but man, if there's some way to influence who comes out, I would love to hear it.
You should burn in hell.
I'd support what you say, if I had any idea what he's talking about.Anyone speak Dumbass?
The aoe fear seems to cycle longer than 30 seconds so warriors can use
when it starts casting to avoid the fear throughout the entire fight.
Oh no...NOT WORK SAFE ---&
I've been to ToC (both heroic and normal) 5-6 times and have NEVER seen her. I always get that Eadric. Is it based on my character or something with the RNG? I really want to fight the boss, it seems like Eadric has 80% chance to appear, and she just 20% or even less. Someone who can shed some light on this problem?
I'm not entirely sure about this Fear that the add can put on your party but it seems that if you have shadow resistance aura, you might be able to resist the fear effect and the damage dealt by it all together.
Granted on their own those fights on their own are not that traumatizing but if you look at the context you fought them in they become much more traumatizing.Thunderaan - If you have Thunderfury he brings back memories of how long you waited for the second bindings to drop and all the gold you spent on those mats. If you killed him and were second in line for the blade to never see the binding drop again it reminds you of how you felt the whole night was a sick joke, thinking &This should be my moment :'(&. And lastly, If you got one bindings but never got the other it reminds you how you had your dreams shattered weekly.Ingvar - Represents the being of Wrath (UK being the first instance I'm guessing most people encountered in Wrath). Having to level again, having your quest mobs camped and stolen, the horrible horrible memories of general chat in virtually every zone in Outland and Northrend at that time. Cyanigosa - Represents Violet Hold. Like Ingvar she has a low drop chance on very nice preraid legs, which can be very annoying to farm.VH is a cake walk now, but it was a ^&*!@ when wiping in a heroic was not an uncommon occurance since you had to do everything over again. The bosses were also random making it tough to learn the fights...which lead to more wipes.Eck - Well just look at him...tell me that model doesn't send shivers down your spine. Also if you have ever attempted to do Glory of the Hero you will know
is one of the hardest to get.
/script PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Slay01.wav&)play that. I was almost certain that what I heard was &breast&
Fun fact: &Pale& means that there is a lack of color in something.&Tress& refers to locks of hairSo &Paletress& is similar in meaning to &Whitemane& Scarlet Monastary was merely a setback.
Oh god...that was Syntax Genocide!
Is it just me, or is the shape of the memory depending on the achievements of the player it spawns on?With my fresh DK I did this instance quite some times, and whenever the memory spawned on me, it was Delrissa or Van Cleef - The only pre-Wotlk instances I've done.Is this a coincidence, or a feature? Can anyone else tell his experiences?
Can you guys give some links pls :)
Old news, mate - As stated before, its been done many times now. This is just one of the many...
My eyes! Must unsee this retardedness!
I wonder under what conditions the actress made those Wound voices. &.&
You sir. Win.
If she could enrage, she should summon
instantly !
She can summon any boss that anyone in your group as ever foughet against, if none has ever killed an elite or a boss in your group (wich is impossible) she will summon on of the champions you have foughet before she came.
Rogues can cloak through the fear if they press it at the right time. Its a big help to the heals and a bit to the DPS. Also, my night elf seems to always creep closer to her without my prompting. He was once feared, turned a whole circle around her, and stood beside her. Love is in the air.
She should be able to summon a &Memory of Whitemane&, would make the fight even more awesome.
Talking of fear. Death Knights can use anti-magic shell while the memory is casting fear to be immune to it (if there is no shaman with tremor). Makes fight way easier.Why is it getting downranked? It is not like I am making it up or something
I've created a look-alike profile for Paletress: Take note that the shoulder and gloves have the correct look, but not available in the &Argent Crusade& color scheme used by Paletress. At a glance though, the entire outfit created should pass.
You'd hope the fight would differ depending on what Memory she summons, like having the Memories casting weaker versions of the boss' spells. Examples:Algalon - Phase Punch or Collapsing Star + Big BangArchimonde - his fire trail or somethingEck - EnrageEntropius - Black HoleHakkar - Corrupted Blood. Hell yes.Heigan - Eruption (aka, Dancefloor =P) HELL YES.Herod - Whirlwind (Blades of Light)Hogger - Headbutt?Ignis - Construct addsIllidan - Demon formIngvar - fights twiceKalitresh - his spearsLucifron - Impending DoomMalchezaar - InfernalsMutanus - mass Fear or SleepOnyxia - Deep Breath, hell yes!Edwin - guardsVashj - sporebatsVek'nilash - Unbalancing StrikeVezax - his aura. Nuff said.Would make for a much harder encounter though, and more strategies to remember... Maybe it could be a Hard Mode for Paletress of sorts?
Criteria of this achievement: .Summons the following NPCs: My two cents: the memories are all of the same strength because their power doesn't lie in their initial strength, but only how high one holds them in one's memory. One is meant to stave off these fears individually. Also, small note: No wowhead client user has run into a Memory of M'uru, but its still on the table.
I wonder if
is her .I know you don't fight them together, but they do parallel one another quite nicely as sets.
If you are a mage, spellsteal her renew while fighting Memories it heals you 22000 per tick, which helps a healer to be more focused on others and allows you to kill the memories faster
Protip for Tanks:To make your healer's job easier, you can taunt Paletress mid-cast (Holy Smite or Fire) and she will target switch to you for that particular spell rather than a random party member. So keep tabbing between her and the mob she summons, and intercept a few of those spell attacks.
2 key bits of advice for this fight if you have a mage. 1. Spellsteal the renew off the memory.2. Counterspell that stupid waking nightmare.
Original post as follows:i DO not know y hogger is famous hes just a hog and a gerQuoted for epicness (and to make sure it isn't lost for future readers), though possibly not in the way it was originally intended.
Does she have an Aggro table?As soon as the memory is down, I have a very hard time of getting her aggro, she keeps going after random people in the group
Actually I think its more like Herod, Cyanigosa, Ingvar, etc. are there as default. But the more important memories such as Archimonde, Illidan are pulled from the achievement menu. I've yet to see any BC raid bosses on my Death Knight.
It's called RNG. Everything, or almost everything, in this game is based off it. Get used to it.
Try changing the sex of your party leader. Having a female priest raid leader makes Onyxia deep breath more.
Really weird but today on a Toc normal run, when she said &Excellent work!* after her defeat, she fastly said this as well:&Arakalada veni& in demonic.I always knew she was some demon in disguise.
i concur... However this Girl is way more Nice ^^
Does anyone knows when she is coming to the battle and when Eadric?I am doing Toc Hc every day and i have been against her only one time.(Btw:The memory was Cyanigosa)
Something that should be noted that doesn't seem to get much mention is that interrupting her heal spells makes the fight MUCH easier.When she summons the add, tank the pet near her and have several people standing nearby, interrupting her renew spell as often as possible. Just one person interrupting will help considerably, but several will make the fight go even quicker. Death Knight's Mind Freeze works great, as not only does it interrupt but also prevents her from healing her pet, or casting any holy spells for a short period, and reduces her to weak physical attacks.Other things that help during the fight are shadow protection and a good healer :)
Mr. lorerox, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this site is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
The Holy Fire she casts is actually not randomly cast, but will instead hit the agro-holder. This is especially useful as a Warrior tank, as the frequency with which she casts it allows you to Spell Reflect pretty much all of them.
call me crazy but I wanted to test something out with the paletress. A few friends and I made level 78s in order to fight her. The catch was we never did any raid nor a dungeon. When we fought her there was no memory to summon! However she does still do the dialogue. The fight spazzed out and we all d/c and caused a crash XD
This fight is NOT random. The memory she summons is based on the combined achievements of the 5 players in the team. It is chosen at random from there. I commonly see Gruul and Illidan ONLY on my toon that I have completed those raids on. When we first did this instance we got nothing but heroics bosses until I switched to these toons (doing this place with my friends). If she summons a memory then somebody in that team has done that boss at some point on that toon. (Hence why it is rare to see bosses such as Algalon). I assume that there is a randomness involved that if, say, no players have any achievements it will pick from a pool of default bosses.
Really? I found -one- picture of them together when I used google image :P
Unfortunately rule 61 applys here aswell.
Lol that made no sense xP
When I fought her for the first time, I was only thinking about one thing:Don't summon Hogger, Don't summon Hogger, summon Illidan instead, I'm not prepared! For Hogger...
Yeah that's the one.
OK. A simple ''wrong''would have done just fine, but...Last edited byWhen it comes to Hogger, nothing is simple.
You're looking at the wrong place. I will not advertise, but sufficed to say, it has something to do with rule 34.
what is it with that Hogger Cult?i still don't understand - it is just silly lvl 11 elite from Elvin?
going for the achievement, i realized (as a hunter) i could easily avoid the fear by casting deterrence right before he set off the caston my Dk i used Lichbane and Anit-magic shellthese worked wonders, as it only took to trips to ToC to gain this. my priest however is another story
If you're a shaman, priest or any class with magic dispel, I recommend dispelling/purging her renew while fighting the memory. When the memory dies you don't have to bring her down from 100% again!Just to make it )
On heroic...Both Paletress and
drop a cache of loot after you defeat them, and they both contain , , , ,
and the . They also drop
as standard if the situation allows, however, only Eadric drops these:And only Paletress drops these:
Oh no! It got deleted! Well for all those who do not know, the most beyond epic comment was posted on this very page. One that defied all logic and reasoning, breaking the very fabric of space and time itself. Dare to read it?&i DO not know y hogger is famous hes just a hog and a ger&My heart swells.
Thank you, good herald. Your words are too kind./run PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Intro01.wav&)May the Light give me strength to provide a worthy challenge./run PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Intro02.wav&)Well, then. Let us begin./run PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Aggro01.wav&)Take this time to consider your past deeds. /run PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_MemorySummon01.wav&)Even the darkest memory fades when confronted!/run PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_MemoryDefeat01.wav&)Take your rest./run PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Slay01.wav&)Be at ease./run PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Slay02.wav&)Excellent work!/run PlaySoundFile(&Sound\\Creature\\Paletress\\AC_Paletress_Death01.wav&)
Great. Now I'm scared to go to ToC, cuz' I've kept the encounter with him WAY to much in my head...
Or who is traumatized by Thunderaan, Ingvar, Cyanigosa and Eck? They're all pushover fights! I know for a fact Ingvar was the bane of many young tanks back when Wrath of the Lich King came out. If they didn't move from the Smash, they'd get pretty much one-shotted.Eck tended to enrage quite often with the groups I went with for Heroic Gundrak, untill people were better geared. There's nothing more traumatizing than a huge mutated murloc eating your face off.Cyanigosa I'm not sure about... I guess the whole Violet Hold is pretty traumatizing. 'tis quite boring.As for Thunderaan, I didn't attempt him at 60, but the tears and sweat people put into gathering the stuff for Thunderfury could have a part of it, I suppose.
Another interesting similarity: both Whitemane and Paletress are fans of party-wide stuns mid-fight.
Been doing this instance twice now and neither of the times did Paletress nor Lana show up.
Is there a way to specifically get her as the 2nd boss? I have seen her only twice after MANY runs in this place (like at least 50 runs, & 4%).. I can not understand how you could even get the achievement. It is always Eadric.....
I know the memory she evokes is random... but sometimes the random number generator just... seems to know.. somehow... o_OFor example one day I was playing my level 70 shammy and did regular UK for the first time. I died 3 times on Ingvar. Yes, three times in one fight. Should be achievement. I died the first time because I got aggro. Self-rezzed. Instantly died again (one of Ingvar's aoe's I think). Our healer druid b-rezzed me. I somehow managed to eat another aoe and died again, this time for good. It _; Shortly after this horrible encounter I logged on my 80 and queued for random heroic. 25 min later I was in ToC fighting Paletress... and guess what she summoned. Memory of Ingvar the Plunderer. Wtf. How did she know? HOW?&Even the darkest memory fades when confronted.&Argh just shut up.
can anyone help me? i need
so how can i get The Paletress at heroic mode instead of Eadric the Pure?
you must understand thiseven if YOU personaly never been in some instance or raid, in story it is Your party/raid who whitnessed all major events which occured in new history of Azerothso You banished Ragnaros back to his swimming pool, You dispatched of Nefarian and cut his plans about world dominance by Chromatic Dragonflight, You help Maiev kill Illidan and you cut off Kael's weird zombie headalso you Defeat Malygos and poke Yogg'Saron in his Eye...wait brain
all possible outcomes has been calculated...&DROOL&
Apparently can be pickpocketed for
I hated fighting this boss. Each time i had to mute my sound other wise my parents in the other room would think i was watching some well, naughty things...
Her shoulders are
don't bother looking for them.
How wasn't this posted yet? :ODo click, do turn down the volume.
Hi!All the people saw this NPC cause of it there are people that have interested of this transmog set. You will be disappointed but the original set doesn't exist. But I did a thorough search of her items and found most of it:Original items:Head - Chest -
/ Tabard - Waist - Legs -
(this boots has only the alliance)Staff - Alternative clothes for this set that I suggest as a replacement of items that I not foundShoulder -
Practically don't differ in colors but look even better than originalWrist -
/ .Hope, I'll help someone. Excuse me for my english (I'm russian) and Thanks for attention.
She flirts with Silvermoon champion behind Confession Screen.
Any way to make her spawn more often or am I just getting unlucky RNG? I've tried to fight her for the past 7 days and on 6 of those days I got Eadric.
is now a legendary card in Hearthstone, in The Grand Tournament Expansion: she also &summons& legendary minions in hearthstone as well! :D
is now a legendary card in Hearthstone, in The Grand Tournament Expansion:
Not as hot as the Scarlet babe but id love to see some double team action
But the real question is, why does she have no pants?
Not a fight you want to be queueing into any more at the correct level, even on normal mode, because thanks to the way character stats have changed, the damage is now insane.Basically Paletress spams an 8.4k damage spell every 1.25 seconds, as well as a 3.7k/s DoT, and needs to be interrupted every time she casts renew, or the add she summons just won't die so that you can focus her.As a 33k HP tank, I was losing 25% of my health from every hit, never mind what the add was doing to me. The only way to complete this fight was to keep rezzing and trying to get enough interrupts onto her (which then cause her to run at you to melee, putting you at risk of self-damage from her reflective shield) that we could whittle her summon to zero.I think I'll stick to this one on 90+ characters from now on.
英雄致命重要坦克DPS治疗可中断魔法诅咒毒药疾病暴怒[Tooltips and dungeon journal reflect ability values for one encounter version. Please refer to "Effect" section on spell pages to see values for all raid sizes and difficulties.]
- Argent Confessor Paletress smites a random player, inflicting Holy damage.
- Argent Confessor Paletress renews an ally, healing them every 3 sec. for 9 sec.
- Argent Confessor Paletress consumes a player in flames, inflicting Fire damage and inflicting additional Fire damage every 2 sec. for 8 sec.
- When Argent Confessor Paletress reaches 50% health remaining, she summons a creature from your past battles.
- While the Memory of the Past is active, Argent Confessor Paletress shields herself in a reflective barrier. This effect absorbs all damage taken and reflects 25% of the damage absorbed back onto the attacker.
Memory of the Past
- The Memory of the Past strikes fear in all players, inflicting periodic Shadow damage and causing them to flee in terror for 3 sec.
- The Memory of the Past shrouds a player in shadows of the past, inflicting Shadow damage and reducing attack and casting speeds by 90% for 4 sec.
- The Memory of the Past inflicts Physical damage to a player every second for 12 sec.
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