
&& &&& 叹息之墙!身高不够的格林是如何成为联盟顶…
美国JRS之声叹息之墙!身高不够的格林是如何成为联盟顶级护筐高手的?[OC] How 6'7 Draymond Green manages to protect the rim at an elite level (with gifs)【原创干货】身高仅仅2米01,(6尺7),追梦格林是如何成为精英级的护筐高手的?Draymond Green is undersized. That's why he was taken in the 2nd round, and that's why it took an injury to David Lee for him to become the starting power forward for the Golden State Warriors. But instead of letting his height define him, he compensates brilliantly by displaying some of the best defensive intangibles this league. Having a wide body with a seven foot one wing span helps, and together they're the reason he ranks among the top rim protectors in this league - allowing just 44.8% at the rim on 748 combined attempts in the totality of the past season (RS + PS). Below I'll break down my observations of what Green does well to make up for his height追梦格林是同位置的“小个子”球员,所以他才会掉到第二轮才被选中,所以直到大卫李受伤追梦格林才爬上勇士首发大前锋的位置。但追梦没有被自己的身高所限制,相反的,他在场上有联盟顶级的防守。宽厚的身材和达到7尺1的臂展是他在防守端的利器,这也让他成功跻身联盟顶级护筐球员的行列--上赛季他在篮下一共面对748次对手的出手(常规赛552+季后赛226),强对手的篮下命中率压制到44.8%(常规赛44.6%+季后赛38.9%)。下面我就分析一下追梦格林是如何用自己在场上的行为来弥补身高上的劣势的。Timing and Awareness时机的把握和出色的防守意识Rather than chase the ball, Green reacts to his man. The millisecond they jump is when he leaves his feet and contests the shot. He does an excellent job of locating the ball to alter the shot without fouling, as shown in the two highlights below that occurred in consecutive possessions格林在防守端不会跟着球跑,他的注意力一直在球员身上。对方球员起跳的一瞬间,追梦也会拔地而起去争夺篮球。就像下面两张连续进攻的gif所展示的那样,他对于球的轨迹和位置的判断非常出色,所以很多情况下能在干扰投篮的情况下避免犯规。Westbrook has what appears to be an easy lob for his seven foot center Steven Adams....that is until Green interferes, timing his jump perfectly and erasing the possession entirely威少看似给7尺大汉亚当斯传了一个轻松的上篮,然而追梦斜刺里杀出,起跳的时机堪称完美,完全占据了那个位置。The Blazers run a well designed play to get Lillard an open alley opp, but Green reacts accordingly and disrupts the attempt开拓者这里跑出了一次设计的很好的进攻,让利拉德获得了一个空位空接的机会,但格林随机应变,完全阻止了这次进攻。Notice when he starts moving. It's before CJ McCollum even begins to pass the ball, he has already diagnosed the play which allows him to get a head start on breaking up the possession. Rather than follow the ball, he's following Lillard running free to the basket. Small things like this is how you can be a great defender as a big man despite being smaller than your match-up.可以注意一下格林启动的时机,甚至在CJ麦科勒姆传球前他就已经意识到他们想干什么,这也让他能抢占先机,提前占据有利的位置。他没有顶着球看,相反的,他看到了利拉德的无球跑动,洞悉到他跑向篮筐的行为。对位身高不占优势,怎么才能成为出色的防守球员?这些小细节就是关键。Intelligence and covering ground机智,再加上覆盖半场的跑动In today's game, Draymond defines the term "everywhere at once" defensively because of his ability to help and recover at a very high level. Green is able to sharply read and react to what the opposition is doing, often putting himself in perfect positioning to make a play on the ball. Part of that is instinct, part of that is having great mobility, part of that is just being really damn smart.当今的比赛里,格林基本就诠释了什么叫防守端“闪现没CD”,他帮助协防、换位的能力实在是太强了。格林能阅读出对手的意图,然后随之做出反应,经常能让自己抢先占据有利的球场位置,对球发起进攻。当然这部分是本能的体现,还有强大的移动能力做后勤,当然,免不了的是得足够足够的机智。Above he steps out on the P&R to contain Allen Crabbe, and in a moments notice whips back to Ed Davis to swat away the layup attempt. The entire time he knows the pass is going to Davis, and encourages that to happen by feigning towards the ball handler.&比如这段,防守挡拆时格林跟出去阻挡克拉布的路线,然后在他意识到球会回到艾德戴维斯手里后迅速撤回去防守戴维斯的上篮。整个过程中格林都知道球还是会到戴维斯手里,所以他上提包夹持球人,让出了传球的路线。Draymond baits Durant to pass the ball out of the double team to Kyle Singler, darts back before the ball even leaves his hands and forces a stripIf he's even a split second late on either of those possessions, it's a score for the opposition.格林在这里包夹杜兰特,迫使他把球传出去给到辛格勒,然后在阿杜传出去的球还没有脱手前就跑去辛格勒那里,抢下一次球权。期间任何一步格林只要稍慢一点,这回合就会转换成雷霆的一次得分了。Here Draymond stuffs who is arguably the greatest finisher in NBA history - LeBron JamesThe end result of this possession is a block, but look at what happens prior to that. He notices JR Smith running to the corner, switches with Barnes literally pushing him in the direction of his new assignment, and then has the wherewithal to somehow reject the best player in basketball with a full head of steam.再看看他是怎么防守联盟历史上都数一数二的篮下总结者勒布朗詹姆斯的。这回合以一个封盖结束,但之前发生的一些细节值得好好看看。格林注意到了JR跑向了底角,在巴恩斯想换位防过去的时候,他几乎是把巴恩斯推到了新的防守位置上,然后不知怎么的就封盖掉了联盟冲起来最难防的人。&Later in the series, he made a similar heads up play against Channing FryeEspecially impressive about this swat is having the presence of mind to tap it back out to his teammate for the rebound系列赛的后期,他对钱宁弗莱也干了一样的事情。这一下最令人印象深刻的部分是,格林脑子清楚到还能意识到要把球拍出去让队友抢下篮板。Here Green forms a fucking wall keeping the Blazers from getting any type of look inside the paint, guarding against three different players on a single possession and ultimately forcing a turnover by Mason Plumlee在下面这个会合里,格林真是一堵移动堡垒,全程防守了开拓者不同的球员,让他们根本连禁区是什么样都没机会瞅一眼,最终还迫使普拉姆利一次失误。You will never mistake Green as someone who is an elite athlete, but his foot speed is as good as it gets at the position, and combined with his ability to quickly process whats happening on the court is where his rarely used yet apt nickname "Dancing Bear" comes from你永远都不会把格林误当做是什么运动能力精英级别的球员,但他的移动速度真的是非常非常的出色,再加上他能迅速分析除场上局面的能力,也就不难解释他现在很少有人提及的那个昵称的由来了--“舞熊”Using his body运用身体的能力Protecting the rim isn't all about blocking shots, but also impeding the momentum and altering the attempt of a hopeful finisher. Sometimes it's just enough to be an obstacle in the way of someone trying to score, even if not directly being a threat to impact the ball itself. Illustrated perfectly with his defense against Harden. Hands straight up, doesn't initiate contact护筐不只是完成封盖,延阻进攻和干扰出色球员的投篮也是关键的部分。有时杵在那里成为对方前行得分的障碍物就足够了,即使这么做并没有对球有什么实质性的压力。这一点在他防守哈登的这一球里得到了充分的体现。高举双手,不主动去做对球不必要的进攻。Similarly, against a driving Damian Lillard (who has no problem making Varejao look like he should be in retirement), he uses his literal ass to shield the rim from his man, forcing Dame to mess up his gather and be forced into a very difficult attempt相似的一幕,面对运球过人的利拉德(他刚成功的让瓦莱乔看起来应该退役了),格林卖了自己整个屁股,成为了护筐的关键,迫使利拉德的收球动作发生了变化,不得不以非常困难的姿势体位完成出手。Transition extraordinaire Corey Brewer has a hard time finishing through the brick wall that is Draymond Green, who absorbs the contact and greatly alters the attempt转换进攻专家布鲁尔在这一球里非常的难受,撞到追梦格林仿佛就像是撞了墙,而格林很好的控制了这次身体接触,完美干扰了布鲁尔的出手。Doesn't get recorded on a stat sheet, but possessions like that are invaluable to a team defense and a reason why Green's rim protection numbers are strong despite "only" averaging 1.4 blocks per game.这些都不会出现在技术统计里面,但像这样的回合对球队的防守真的是价值连城。这也解释了为什么格林这样出色的护筐球员场均“仅仅只有”1.4个封盖。Tenacity韧性It goes without saying, you need to leave your pride at the door and expose yourself to getting embarrassed if you want to be a great rim protector. Sometimes that can end horriblybut most of the timeit works out wellWhen the Warriors run their small ball lineup with Green at center, it's incumbent upon him to be the last line of defense and it's a role that he handles better than most who tower over him.All gifs come from a ridiculously long but quality video compilation found here/Check it out if you want to see dozens of other possessions just like the ones featured想要成为出色的护筐球员,你必须放下自己的“尊严”,不要害怕成为背景,相信这点不用我多解释。有时会有尴尬的结果--但大部分时候效果拔群当勇士使出五小阵容,格林担当中锋的时候,他的责任就是成为球队的最后一道防线。在这一点上,他比很多比他高的多的球员都要出色。文中所有的GIF都来自于这个很长很长的格林防守视频/如果你想看人类防守精华格林的各种防守,可以点进去自己看。我们的公众号:ChinaReddit,还处于成长之中~,微博:虎扑美国JRS之声~希望得到您更多的改善建议和支持!
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