i“i ll take itt的同义句。

I’ll take it.改为同义句?
I will buy it.
I'll buy it.
I'll buy it.
I am going to take it {be going to(do)=will do}
I’ll take it同义句 三个空
i'll buy it
我的速度最快哦, 请好评,谢谢
【问题】:i'll do it right away同义句
【***】:i‘ll do it immediately
in no time
I'll buy it
I'll buy it
I'll buy it
I'll buy it.
扫描下载二维码I take it是什么意思_I take it在线翻译_I take it什么意思_I take it的意思_I take it的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
I take it是什么意思
I take it是什么意思 I take it在线翻译 I take it什么意思 I take it的意思 I take it的翻译 I take it的解释 I take it的发音 I take it的同义词
I take itI take it 双语例句1. That Black-chinned Fruit Dove was one of what is now only a very small number of resident/regular birds that I had yet to see in Taiwan, it was a new one for me and I was absolutely delighted at having been able to see it as I had no site for the species (though it did take a seven hour wait!).&&&&这只小绿鸠是少数我在台湾尚未看过的留鸟之一,对我而言是一个新的鸟种。非常高兴能够看到它,因为我没有这种鸟的鸟点(虽然花了我七小时的等待时间)。2. If I break off this unfulfilling relationship, it could take years to get back on my feet again.&&&&如果我半途而废,也要花费几年的时间恢复元气。3. I found a few top-quality books I really liked. So I said to him obliquely that his luggage was overweight and airlines wouldn`t take it.&&&&我看上了他的几本书,属于上上品的书,便拐弯抹角地说他的行李超重了,飞机上不允许带的。4. But my mother she was very concerned about me, and it is cold in my mother told me t I was sick, the first one around me to take care of my people i the evening, my mother waited until I fell asleep, give me a quilt cover Cai Shui, I do not know.&&&&但是,妈妈她非常关心我,天气冷了妈妈叫我加衣服;我生病了,第一个在我身边照顾我的人就是妈妈;晚上,妈妈一直等到我睡着了,给我盖好了被子才睡,我却不知道。5. Begins to take his kid salmon en croute It what-look, I don't-y ou know what&&&&你知道6. I think no z one is surpris, but probably a lot of people Online are curious about how China is going to take it`s Online next step during this global economic recession.&&&&我想大家一定都不意外,但一定有很多人会好奇大陆的下一?要怎?走尤其在这个全球经济危机下。7. 911查询?英语单词7. I take it you didn`t find Freeman. Forget it Corporal. We are puling out.&&&&我已经知道了你没有找到弗里曼,忘了他吧,下士。8. I would never take you for a handyman. Is it some of your handiwork?&&&&我从未当你是个手工匠,这件是你的作品吗?9. Let me take a shot at it and I'll come back after I have a rough draft.&&&&我先试一试,写好了草稿再来问你,然后再讨论好吗?10. I take it10. I backed off, and that`s a technical foul. I`ll take it.&&&&然后我退回来,这应该仅仅是一个技术犯规,我可以接受。11. It is old because it has been discussed repeatedly and fully down through the history of both eastern and western ethnics. It is kernel because, as a kind of moral phenomena, it embodies the moral stand people should take and the moral requirement people should meet when dealing with such moral relations as he VS I, group VS I and the humankind VS I.&&&&&&说它古老,是因为在中西伦理思想史中,对道德责任的论述早已有之且立论宏富;说它关键,是因为道德责任作为一种道德现象,体现了人们在处理人-我、他-我、群-我、类-我之道德关系时所应当秉奉的道德立场与道德要求。12. It is kernel because, as a kind of moral phenomena, it embodies the moral stand people should take and the moral requirement people should meet when dealing with such moral relations as he VS I, group VS I and the humankind VS I.&&&&&&说它古老,是因为在中西伦理思想史中,对道德责任的论述早已有之且立论宏富;说它关键,是因为道德责任作为一种道德现象,体现了人们在处理人-我、他-我、群-我、类-我之道德关系时所应当秉奉的道德立场与道德要求。13. I WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE IT.&&&&&&我有能力完成它。14. 14. Give it to me, or I will be forced to take it.&&&&&&把它给我,不然我可要硬来了。15. 15. When I go down a path, I take it to the end.&&&&&&当我决定走一条路的时候,我就会走到尽头。16. It's always been that way. When I go down a path, I take it to the end.&&&&&&当我决定走一条路的时候,我就会走到尽头。17. 17. I take it you never mentioned this during any of your prenatal visits.&&&&&&我想你从来没在任何产前检查时提到这些18. To look at problem is possible than your vigorous point from some angles, because I know peasants` sufferings, I know what peasants want, what is thought of, what should be done, compared with some people it take all day pay an old sore there aren`t this pieces of books the sons, have you come not experiencing every one of skill(the regrettable to the chance, wise man do foolish thing often, clever excessive person is people that is put in an position often).&&&&&&从某些角度看问题有可能要比你强点,因为我知道农民的疾苦,我知道农民要什么,想什么,要干些什么,不像某些人拿个书本子整天报怨这个报怨那个,有本事你来体验一回(可惜没这个机会吧,聪明人往往要做傻事,聪明过头的人,往往是得不到重用的人)。19. The only thing that I feels and what other aspiring JEE students fails to see is instead of taking mechanical/chemical or civil in IT BHU, it is alot better to take Computers in some good NIT.&&&&&&唯一的一件事,我感觉和其他什?抱负高考学生看不到,是不是采取机械/化学或民事bhu它,它是一个更好的地段采取电脑一些好的nit。20. This is the remix to ignition hot and fresh out the kitchen mama rollin that body got evey man in her wishin sippin on coke and rum im like so what im drunk its the freakin weekend baby im about to have me some fun crystall poppin in the stretch navigator we got food every where as if the party was catored we got fellas to my left honnies on my right we bring em both together we got drinkin all night then after the show its the and after the party its the and round about 4 you gotta then head take it to the room and freak somebody can i get a toot toot can i get a beep beep runnin her hands through my'fro bouncin on 24's while they say on the radio...&&&&&&这是再混合到点火热的和新鲜的外面的厨房妈妈rollin那身体得到evey男人在她的wishin sippin在可乐和甜酒 im象因而什么im喝醉了的它的freakin周末婴孩 im关于到有我一些娱乐 crystall poppin在伸展航海家我们得到食物每一的什么地方好象党是catored 我们得到fellas到我的左边的 honnies在我的正义我们拿来全身两者共同我们得到drinkin全部的夜然后之后表示它的和之后党它的和周围4你必须然后头拿它到房间和怪诞重要人物能我获得嘟嘟声嘟嘟声能我获得哔哔声哔哔声 runnin她的手穿过我的'往 bouncin在24's 当他们说下去无线电通信。。。I take it 单语例句I take it在线翻译1. If I traveled by train, it would be much more comfortable but would take two or three hours longer.2. Matteo and Valentino, they're constantly ganging up on me but I can take it!3. When I registered an account to catch up with friends, it didn't take long before I lost interest.4. What's the point of moving to China, if I don't take the chance to examine it while I can?5. I agree with just about everything he says, especially that it would take some time and patience to build civil society in China.6. I decided to take it on because I felt it would be a hard nut to crack and it would be " chewable ".7. " I would think people would take it as a compliment, " he said.8. I feel for Arsene, it's never easy to take when you concede so late on.9. I do take something now when I have this problem, and I've found that I'm groggy in the morning when I take it.10. I don't take hard liquor because I don't feel good with it.I take it的翻译I take it是什么意思,I take it在线翻译,I take it什么意思,I take it的意思,I take it的翻译,I take it的解释,I take it的发音,I take it的同义词,I take it的反义词,I take it的例句,I take it的相关词组,I take it意思是什么,I take it怎么翻译,单词I take it是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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