谁有I'll give you electricity完整版的拜托了冰箱泰妍完整版拜托了冰箱泰妍完整版

看绯闻女孩学英语 Season 1, Episode 11: Roman Holiday
-Gossip girl: Gossip girl here- your one and only source into the scandalous lives, of Manhattan's elite.)
&gossip: 闲聊,随笔&source: 来源&scandalous: 不体面的,可耻的,丑闻的&elite: 精英,名流
-Serena: How's your mom doing?
-Blair: My dad left her for another man.
-Dan: Something about uh uh, mom and a neighbor?
&neighbor: 邻居
-Rufus: Yeah. It's complicated.
&complicated: 复杂的,难懂的
-Dan: Mom's having an affair, it's easy for me to say it.
&affair: 私通,风流韵事,不正当的恋爱关系
-Alison: It happened one time, and it's over.
&happen: 发生&over: 结束的
-Rufus: Then why did our daughter have to go to Hudson and drag you back here?
&drag: 拖,拖累
&I'm sorry I kissed you, but I did it because I thought he should know how it feels to lose&& you.
-Bass: So when can we go public?
&public: 公共的,公众的
-Lily: My kids have to know first.
-Dan: My friend Vanessa she moved away to Vermont last year,
&我的朋友Vanessa 去年她去了佛蒙特
&And now she's back.
-Serena: You guys just have everything in common,
&common: 共同的
&And, um, I'm just getting to know him.
-Blair: This thing between us, it's over for good.
&Nate is a gentleman., he would never cause a scene.
&gentleman: 绅士&cause: 引起&never: 从不&scene: 当众出丑,(尤指)在公共场所吵架(或打闹、发脾气、举止粗暴等)&
-Chuck: Where to Mr. Bass,the airport?
&去哪儿 Bass先生,机场?
Santa, baby,, a '54 convertible, too
&Santa, Baby, A '54 Convertible, Too
&Light blue ,&light blue
&Light Blue , Light Blue
-Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, it's Christmas in New York,
&upper: 上层的,上部的&sider: 帮派成员,(人、事业等的)坚决支持者
&And along with the season,comes the Constance Billard St. Jude's bazaar,
&bazaar: (通常为俱乐部、教堂等筹款的)义卖;义卖市场
&随着节日的到来,Constance Billard St. Jude慈善义卖也开始了。
&Where the only thing bizarre are the donated items for sale.)
&bizarre: 奇异的&donate: 捐赠&item: 项,项目&sale: 销售
-Dan: How about an antique butter churn?
&antique: 古董;老式的,陈旧的&butter: 黄油,奶油&churn: 搅乳器
-Serena: Oh, my gosh. That would go so well with my loom.
&gosh: 天啊,糟了&loom: 织布机
&I know what I'm getting you for Christmas now. All right.
-Dan: Oh, for when I move to Siberia?
&move: 搬家
-Serena: No.
-Dan: Come on. New York hardly even gets cold anymore, and it never snows.
&hardly: 几乎不 &even: 甚至
&Who wants chestnuts roasted on an open fire when it feels like Florida?
&chestnut: 栗子&roast: 烤,烘焙
-Serena: Okay, global warming Grinch.
&grinch: 圣诞怪杰,[美国口语]扫兴的家伙;败兴的事情
-Dan: I'm just saying, Christmas should be white and snowy,
&snowy: 下雪的,多雪的
&I'd even settle for Manhattan slush.
&slush: 半融的雪(或冰);雪泥;软冰
-Vanessa: There you are.
-Dan: Hey, Vanessa. What are you doing here?
&嘿,Vanessa 你怎么来了?
-Serena: Hey.
-Vanessa: Merry Christmas.
&merry: 快乐的
-Dan: This is a copy of &The New Yorker. &
©: (书、报、杂志、版画等的)一本,一册,一份
一本&纽约客& 。
&Thank you, but you know I already have a subscription.
&already: 已经&subscription: 订购;订阅
-Vanessa: There's something else
&What does it say, Serena?
&写的什么呢 Serena?
-Serena: &Dear Mr. Humphrey, we are pleased to advise you
&pleased: 高兴的&advise: 通知
&that we would like to publish your short story
publish: 出版,公布
&In our summer fiction issue, featuring '20 under 20.'&
&fiction: 小说,短篇故事&issue: 发行物;(书刊的)期,号;版次&feature: (书刊)特载
-Vanessa: It's a contest for young unknown writers, and I might have...
&contest: 竞赛,比赛&unknown: 未知的,未成名的&writer: 作家
-Dan: Oh, my god!,
-Vanessa: Submitted you.
&submit: 递交,主张,呈送
-Dan: I'm gonna be published in &The New Yorker. & that oh.
&This ca this can't be real, is is this is this real?
-Serena: This is so great.
&I haven't even read one of your stories.
-Vanessa: Oh, don't worry.? He has&t showed them to anyone
&show: 展示
&I swiped this one out of his drawer on the pretense of borrowing a stapler.
&swipe: [俚语]偷窃&drawer: 抽屉&pretense: 藉口,虚假,伪装&stapler: 钉书机
-Dan: Slick. You never did return that stapler, by the way.
&slick: 狡猾的,诡诈的&return: 归还,返回,回来&
-Serena: Let's see, you story is called &10805.&
&我们来瞧瞧,这个故事叫作 &10805&,
&What's that date?
&date: 日期
-Dan: Vanessa, thank you. I don't know how you did this,
&Vanessa 谢谢真不知道你是怎么做到的
&But this is the best present ever.
&present: 礼物
(So hurry, down the chimney tonight
&So Hurry Down The Chimney Tonight
&Hurry tonight
&Hurry Tonight
&Santa, baby
&Santa: [口语] = Santa Claus: 圣诞老人
Santa, Baby )
-Rufus: I can't believe we just took a cab for $32.
&cab: 出租汽车
-Alison: Well, I can't believe you were gonna wait an hour for another subway.
&subway: 地铁
-Rufus: They said another train was on its way.
-Alison: Uh, excuse me. Pardon me, oh.
&excuse: 原谅&pardon: 宽恕,原谅
-Lily: Oh. Rufus, Alison, hello.
噢,Rufus,Alison 你们好。
-Alison: Hi.
-Lily: Oh, Rufus. Uh, you remember my friend Bartholomew Bass?
Rufus,你记得我朋友Bartholomew Bass吧?
-Bass: Hi. From, uh, Eleanor's?
-Rufus: Yeah. Hello
-Alison: Eleanor's?,
-Rufus: Oh, this is my wife Alison.
-Alison: Hi.,
-Bass: How do you do?
-Lily: Well, it's lovely to see you both.
&lovely: [口语]令人愉快的
&Excuse us, please.
-Alison: I guess Lily's targeted her next billionaire.
&guess: 想,认为&target: 把&作为目标&billionaire: 亿万富翁
-Rufus: Actually, I think she's had him in her sights for a while.
&actually: 实际上&sight: 视界,视野
-Lily: Well, that was awkward.
&awkward: 尴尬的
-Bass: It wouldn't be if you let people know what we were doing together.
-Lily: I'm just starting to trust you again。
&trust: 相信,信任
-Bass: And the only reason you didn't trust me last time
&Was because of a misunderstanding.
&misunderstand: 误解,误会
-Lily: Yes, and to avoid another one,
&avoid: 避免
&that if it doesn't work out between us again,
&I'm gonna feel twice as humiliated.
&twice: 两倍,两次&humiliate: 使丢脸,使蒙羞,屈辱
-Bass: Not telling people about us ensures that we don't work out.
&ensure: 确定,保证
&Look, when I committed myself to you, I meant it.
&commit: 承诺&
&You know, I am in love with you.
-Lily: What are you waiting for? Blair.
&Oh, happy holidays.
-Blair: Happy holidays m wah, Ms. Van Der Woodsen.
&节日快乐。Van Der Woodsen夫人
&Mr. Bass, I didn't think that you were still in town.
&I figured that you were with...,
&figure: 认为
-Bass: With Charles? No. Sadly,
&sadly: 悲惨地,可悲地
&I am stuck here on business while he suns himself at my hotel in Monaco.
&stuck: 被困住的,被卡住的&sun: 晒太阳&hotel: 酒店
&I have my staff keeping an eye on him,
staff: [美国英语]职员;工作人员
&And I'll join him for new year's.
&join: 加入
-Blair: Oh, right., I I, uh, was wondering
&wondering: 觉得奇怪的
&Why he'd been so quiet, and Monaco answers my question.
&quiet: 安静的,静止的
&Yeah. Lovely to see you two. Bye.
-Bass: You, too.
(Monaco huh?Anything I need to know)
&摩纳哥是吧? 都告诉我。
-Serena: Blair, there you are.
-Blair: I I can't talk right now, Serena. I'm late, and I have
我现在没办法聊天,Serena 我迟到了,我...
-Serena: A huge sweet tooth?
huge: 巨大的,超大的&tooth: 牙齿;嗜好
-Blair: They're for my dad and me, we get them every year,
&And he landed on Paris, 27 minutes ago.
&land: 降落,着陆
他从巴黎飞过来了 27分钟前降落了,
-Serena: Oh, then vite, vite!?
&vite: 轻快地,急速地
&Come on. I said vite!
-Blair: Hey! Nice holiday spirit, scrooge!
&spirit: 精神,态度&scrooge: 吝啬鬼
-Serena: Oh, gosh. So it's gonna be a real Waldorf Christmas?
-Blair: Well, a real Waldorf Christmas eve.
&eve: 前夕,前夜
&Eleanor drew the line at Christmas day.
&draw: 画&line: 线,界线
&That's only for me, her and Dorota.
-Serena: &Well, you still have a couple of days to do that?
-Blair: No, it'll be more than just a couple days.
&I'm gonna convince him to stay in New York.
&convince: 说服,使&相信
-Serena: What about Paris and Roman?
-Blair: Roman is a phase, my father belongs here with me.
&phase: 阶段&belong: 属于
&He only left New York to ride out the scandal. Oh!
scandal: 丑闻,绯闻
&Time to come home, don't you think?
&Hey, did you want to ask me something?
-Serena: Yes, a gift idea for Dan?
&Vanessa got the most thoughtful Dan like present ever.
&thoughtful: 体贴的
-Blair: Why don't you just buy him a Cedric? And call it a day?
-Serena: Thank you for being totally not helpful at all.
&totally: 完全&helpful: 有帮助的
&See you tomorrow night.
-Blair: Bye.
-Harold: Hi! Blair bear!
-Blair: Oh!,
-Harold: Oh, look at you. Mm. More beautiful than ever.
Uh, sweetheart, you remember Roman?
-Roman: Blair. Ah., mm. You are still perfection.
&perfection: 完善,尽善尽美
&Delicate, yet full with flavor, like a macaron.
&delicate: 优美的,雅致的&flavor: 香味,滋味&macaron: 蛋白杏仁甜饼
-Eleanor: Imagine my surprise when the elevator door opened
&imagine: 想像&surprise: 惊讶&elevator: 电梯
&And out popped both of 'em.
&pop: (突然地)伸出;抛出
-Harold: Well,I didn't think you'd mind.
&mind: 介意
&It's the perfect opportunity for you two to get to know each another better.
&perfect: 完美的,极好的&opportunity: 机会
-Blair: Absolutely, it's for you.
&absolutely: 当然
-Harold: Oh, sweetheart, you remembered. It, uh, our tradition.
&sweetheart: 甜心,宝贝&tradition: 传统
-Blair: That's for you.
-Roman: Merci, Blair.
&merci: [法语]谢谢
&谢谢 Blair。
-Blair: My pleasure.
&pleasure: 高兴,荣幸
-Rufus: My son, the writer.
-Alison: Published writer.
&publish: 出版,发行
-Jenny: Yeah, you got your dream girl and your story in &The New Yorker.&
maybe you should just die now.
-Dan: That's true. I may have peaked.
&peak: 达到高峰
&This one is from the Smiths, &season's greetings.&, that's very original.
&season: 节假期&greeting: 问候&original: 独创性的,新颖的
&这是Smith寄来的,&节日贺卡& 很有独创性。
-Jenny: Their name's Smith, they don't have to be original.
&他们叫Smith 用不着有创意的。
-Dan: This one is from, uh, Alex.
&这个是.. Alex的。
-Alison: What?
-Dan: &Alison, meet meet me, on the 24th for&,
&&Alison 24号来见我..&,
-Alison: No, Dan.
-Alison: And that's not a Christmas card.
&card: 卡片
-Rufus: (lowered voice), why is he writing to you?
&lower: 降低&voice: 声音
&Sending cards to the house, asking to see you?
&send: 寄送
-Alison: I don't know
-Dan: Guys, we're we're still here, we can hear you.
-Alison: Rufus, it's over with Alex, okay?
&over: 结束的
&I I'm home now, with my family.
-Rufus: Good. Let's all rewind and just pretend this never happened. (clears throat)
&rewind: 倒带,倒回&pretend: 假装,伪称&clear: 清理&throat: 嗓子,喉咙
&This&s not gonna ruin our Christmas。
&ruin: 毁掉,毁坏,破坏
-Blair: I can't believe you're okay with this.
-Eleanor: Who said I am okay with this?
&What am I supposed to do, make a scene?
scene: 当众出丑,(尤指)在公共场所吵架(或打闹、发脾气、举止粗暴等)
&Behave like some pathetic scorned wife? No.
&behave: 表现&pathetic: 可怜的,悲哀的,感伤的&scorned: 被看不起的,被看轻的
&表现得像个可怜的秦香莲? 才不要。
-Blair: Roman does not even know how to ice skate.
&Can't you escort him out of the park on your way to the meeting,
&escort: 护送,护卫&park: 公园
&maybe drop him at a nail salon?
&drop: 放下&nail: 指甲&salon: 沙龙,大会客室
-Eleanor: I cannot bother myself trying to wrestle Roman away from you.
&bother: 烦扰&wrestle: 使劲移动
&I have to mentally prepare.
&mentally: 心理上,精神上&prepare: 准备
&I am meeting with the C.E.O., of Victoria's secret, after all.
C.E.O.= chief executive officer: 首席执行官&secret: 秘密
-Roman: Victoria's secret?
-Eleanor: Yes, I'm, I'm designing a line of retro chic sleepwear, and lingerie and I
&design: 设计&retro: 复古的&chic: 别致的&lingerie: 妇女贴身内衣
-Blair: I'm looking forward the samples. We're all very proud.
&sample: 样品&proud: 骄傲的,自豪的
&In fact, mom, why don't you tell Roman all about it?
-Eleanor: Oh, yes.
-Blair: I'm sure he'd be fascinated.
&fascinated: 被强烈吸引住的,着迷的
&It's so good to have you here.
-Harold: Well, it's good to be here.
&Now where's the handsome Nate? Am I gonna see him tonight?
&handsome: 英俊的&gonna: =going to: 将会&tonight: 今晚
-Blair: Well, he's in Connecticut with his mother。
&He said he would try to catch a train and make it to the party tonight.
catch: 赶上,搭乘&party: 派对
-Harold: Yeah, well,Eleanor Waldorf soiree in another New York institution that I miss.
soiree: [法语] 晚会,社交聚会[亦作 soir&e]&&institution: [口语]为人所熟悉的人(或事) &miss: 想念
&好,Eleanor Waldorf要再次举办我想念的派对了。
-Blair: You know, you don't have to miss any of it.
&miss: 错过
-Harold: I wish that I could be in two places at once, my dear, but impossible, sorry.
&impossible: 不可能的
&You know that chateau near Lyon that I told you about?
&chateau: 城堡
&Mmhmm, Roman and I bought it.
&恩, Roman和我买了下来。
-Blair: You bought that place?
-Harold: Yes.
-Blair: And with Roman?
-Harold: The house is flooded with light.
&flood: 充满,充斥
&The fireplaces are big enough, I mean, you can walk into them.
&fireplace: 壁炉
&The gardens are incredible.
&incredible: 难以置信的,不可思议的
-Jack: Uh, pardon me. I'm taking my niece skating,
&pardon: 原谅&niece: 侄女,外甥女&skating: 溜冰
&And I can't seem to locate the rink.
&seem: 似乎&locate: 找出&rink: 溜冰场
-Eleanor: But it's, it's right over there.
-Jack: Of course. The throng of children in mittens
&throng: 人群,一大群人&mitten: 连指手套,露指手套
&Should have tipped me off, thank you.
tip: [口语]向&提供内部消息
-Eleanor: You're welcome.
-Roman: The handsome man was just flirting with you.
&flirt: 调情
-Eleanor: That's absurd, he was not flirting with me.
&absurd: 荒唐的
&Roman, it is going to be so dull for you to sit and watch them skate.
&dull: 迟钝的,无趣的
&Roman 你要坐在旁边看着他们滑冰真是太愚蠢了。
-Blair: Yes. Why don't you go to the petting zoo and feed the sheep?
&pet: 宠物&zoo: 动物园&feed: 喂养&sheep: 绵羊
-Roman: Or why don't I join you on the rink? It looks fun.
&join: 加入&rink: 溜冰场&fun: 有趣的
-Harold: Wonderful.
-Roman: Yes. Super.
&super: [口语]极棒的,顶呱呱的
-Harold: I'll get you skates, see you there.
-Blair: Super.
-Vanessa: You're not autographing those and selling them on EBay, are you?
&autograph: 签名,亲笔签名,自署&EBay: 易趣(一知名网上购物网站)
-Dan: No. No, no.
&I'm just checking out some of the previous publishers,
check: 检查,核查 &previous: 在&之前,先前的,以前的&publisher: 出版者,发行人
&And I'm I'm in great company here. It's The New Yorker.&
&company: 同伴
&V., how can I top this? I can't, really,
&top: 超越
&V. 我怎么可能超越呢,不可能的。
&Unless I rig the Oscars for one of your documentaries.
&unless: 除非&rig: 拼凑(或草草)做成&documentary: 纪录片
-Vanessa: You got in on your own merit.
&own: 自己的&merit: 功绩
&The only gift I gave you was to lick a stamp, and as for me,
&lick: 舔,鞭打&stamp: 邮票
&The annual Dan Humphrey Christmas CD mix is more than enough.
&annual: 每年的&mix: [广播]混录,混声唱片(或磁带),合成歌带
每年圣诞节Dan Humphrey的合集CD就已经足够了。
-Dan: All right, yeah.
&Hey. What's in the bag?
-Serena: Perfection. Look, I know it's not Christmas yet, but open it, please.
perfection: 理想的人(或物)
&I can't wait. I'm too excited.
&excited: 兴奋的
-Dan: Oh, my.
-Serena: I noticed the other day that you don't wear a watch,
notice: 注意
&And then it occurred to me it's because you don't have a watch,
&occur: 发生;被想起,被想到
&And you're gonna need one to be punctual for all the meetings
&punctual: 准时的,守时的
&With editors and publishers, now that you're a fancy and apparently self-important writer.
editor: 编辑 &publisher: 出版者,发行人&fancy: [美国俚语]真棒,漂亮极了,非常好 apparently: 显然&self-important: 妄自尊大的
&You don't like it, you want the brown band.
&band: (木、金属、橡皮等的)带,环
-Dan: No, no, no. I love the band.
&I love the whole thing. It's it's the most amazing watch I've ever seen,
&amazing: 令人惊异的
&But I can't accept this.
&accept: 接受,同意,承担
-Serena: What? Oh, yes, you can.
&什么? 你可以要的。
&Look, it's more of a gift for me
&Because I had so much fun picking it out for you.
&fun: 乐趣
&You have to.
-Dan: Serena, I buy a book for my dad every Christmas.
&Serena 每年圣诞我都买本书送我爸爸
&I think the most elaborate gift I've ever given has been a pair of rubber boots, from l.l. Bean.
&elaborate: 精细的,精美的&rubber: 橡胶的&boot: 靴子
&我想我送过最好的礼物是L.L. Bean的一双胶靴。
-Serena: So then I overdid it?
&overdo: 做得过分,过度,夸张
-Dan: I think even your underdoing it would be overdoing it.
&underdo: 不尽全力
&Look, um, let's let's, let's set some rules,
&set: 设定&rule: 规则
&Maybe some helpful guidelines.
&guideline: 指导方针,行动纲领
-Serena: Fine. Deadline?
&deadline: (报纸等稿件的)截稿线,(新闻)原稿截止时间
-Dan: Um, tomorrow morning. Price limit?
&price: 价格&limit: 限制
-Serena: 50 bucks.
-Dan: All right., may the best gift win.
-Vanessa: (lowered voice) hey,
-Serena: um..., hey.
-Vanessa: If it's any help, I can tell you Dan's favorite used book shop.
&favorite: 最喜欢的&used: 用过的;旧的
-Serena: That's okay., I think I got it.
-Rufus: Are you Alex?,
-Alex: Who are you?
-Rufus: Rufus Humphrey. Unless you want to be carried out of here,
&unless: 除非
&Rufus Humphrey,除非你想被人从这里抬出去
&You're gonna stay the hell away from my wife.
-Alex: Calm down now.
-Rufus: You sent a letter to my wife
&At my house, where my children live?
&Whatever you had with her is over.
-Alex: Why don't you sit down?
-Rufus: She told you to leave her alone.
-Alex: I'm sorry. That's not what she told me a couple days ago.
-Rufus: Excuse me. You... You spoke to her?
(&c& is for the candy trim
* &C& Is For The Candy Trim *
&around the Christmas tree
* Around The Christmas Tree *
&&h& is for the happiness
* &H& Is For The Happiness *)
-Harold: Damn it. You can do it, you can do it.
damn: 该死的
&Look at all these children.
&They're skating around fearlessly. Come on.
&fearlessly: 无畏地,勇敢地
-Roman: They got a lot shorter way to fall.
-Harold: Blair, will you help us here? We need you。
-Blair: Just a second, my laces came undone.
&lace: 鞋带&undone: 解开的
(Only 1 question: how did you fake ur virginity for N?)
&fake: 伪装&virginity: 处女身份,童贞
-Harold: Now here we go. Ready? Now go to Blair, okay.
&You can do it!,
-Roman: Blair! Come give us a lesson.
&Blair! 来教我们一下。
-Gossip girl: Spotted spinning at Wollman rink。
&spotted: 引起注意的&spin: 旋转&rink: 滑冰场
&The Blair capades all the grace of Nancy Kerrigan,
&grace: 优雅,雅致,魅力
&But packing the punch of Tonya Harding.
&pack: [美国俚语]经常备带;配有&punch: 以拳重击
&但却使出了Tonya Harding的一记重拳。
-Harold: Pauvre Roman. Va? Are you all right?
&pauvre: 可怜的,贫乏的
-Roman: I'm so clumsy. My foot got caught behind the skate, oh.
&clumsy: 笨拙的&skate: 冰鞋
-Blair: Oh, here. Let me help you.
&(Elevator bell dings),
&elevator: 电梯&bell: 铃&ding: 响,鸣
I cannot believe that daddy decided to stay with Roman
&believe: 相信&decide: 决定
&Instead of having tea at the Carlyle with me.
&The E.R. Doctor said he would make a full recovery.
E.R.=emergency room: 急诊室 &recovery: 复原,恢复
&Everything is ruined.
&ruin: 破坏,毁坏
-Eleanor: Why would you say that? You and I had a marvelous time.
&marvelous: [口语]极佳的,绝妙的
-Blair: Well, I'm sorry, mother, it's just not the same.
&I don't understand how that French fox stole my father
&understand: 理解,明白&fox: [美国俚语]英俊男子,迷人的美男子&steal: 偷
&And your husband and always seems to come off like an innocent lamb.
innocent: 无辜的&lamb: 小羊,羔羊
-Eleanor: Roman was not always so innocent, you know.
-Blair: Really? What's his story?
-Eleanor: Mm, well, when I first met him,
&He was going out with this model named Freddy,
&model: 模特
&And Freddy was a horrible scoundrel.
&horrible: 可怕的,令人讨厌的&scoundrel: 无赖
-Blair: Roman would actually into somebody like that?
&actually: 实际上&into: 极喜欢的
-Eleanor: Into him? He was he was absolutely infatuated with him.
&absolutely: 完全地&infatuated: 入迷的,昏头昏脑的
&爱? 他是为他神魂颠倒了。
&Freddy had him under some kind of spell. I was the one who got him to break out of it
&spell: 符咒,魅力
&And turn his life around. Don't mention Freddy to your father.
&mention: 提起,提到
&It is a sore subject.
sore: [口语] 令人烦恼的,恼火的&subject: 主题,话题
-Blair: Okay. What was Freddy's last name?
-Alison: Hey. Where were you?
&I tried to call you, but your phone was off.
&off: 关闭的
-Rufus: I kept your date for you with Alex.
&date: 约会
我替你去赴你和 Alex的约会了。
&He's actually a pretty cool guy other than the fact that he's in love with my wife.
&pretty: 相当地 &cool: 极好的
&He told me about your phone call.
-Alison: He... Felt that I owed him an explanation,
&owe: 亏欠&explanation: 解释
&And he was right.
-Rufus: And you didn't tell me that because...
-Alison: Because there was nothing to tell.
&I told Alex that I was back with my family and to stop calling.
-Rufus: Would you have come back... If jenny hadn't shown up to bring you?
-Alison: If I hadn't, would lily be here right now?
&如果我不回来 Lily会取代我吗?
-Rufus: I guess by turning our backs on these other people,
&We thought we could fix ourselves.
&fix: 修补
-Alison: Maybe other people aren't the problem. Maybe we changed.
-Rufus: And at what point do we admit
&point: 点&admit: 承认
&That no matter how much we want it or how hard we try...
-Alison: It's just not working.
-Dan: I know it's been maybe ten minutes since I last asked,
&But are you still sure you don't want to talk about it?
-Jenny: Dad said he didn't want to ruin our Christmas,
&ruin: 毁坏
&That's what, I'm trying to do.
-Dan: Hey, well, just in case to change your mind
case: 情况
-Jenny: You're here. I know. Okay. How about this?
&At least you know it's something Serena doesn't have.
-Dan: A year of cheese for $600? Are these people kidding?
&cheese: 芝士,干酪
&I could buy a cow for that much money and make my own cheese.
-Jenny: You just said &make my own cheese.& that's disgusting.
&disgusting: 令人做呕的,让人厌烦的
&你刚说&自己做芝士& 真是恶心。
-Dan: I'm never gonna find a gift for Serena.
-Jenny: Yeah, and your gift needs to be special enough
&special: 特别的,专门的
&To make up for the rest of her Christmas.
-Dan: What do you mean?
-Jenny: Well, she's living in a hotel.
&You know, how homey can it be?
&homey: 家庭式的,自在的,舒适的
&It's not exactly festive.
&exactly: 精确地,正是,恰好,完全&festive: 庆祝的,喜庆的,欢乐的
&Eric told me they don't even allow trees.
&allow: 允许
-Chuck: Leave a message, and I might listen., (beep)
&beep: 哔哔声
-Blair: (scoffs) Chuck, you are not answering my calls to torture me,
&scoff: 嘲笑&torture: 拷问,折磨
&Chuck 你不接我的***是为了折磨我
&I am sure, but please, for the love of god,
&Do not tell anybody about us, okay?
&Please? Please.
-Serena: Hey. You told me to come right away. Is everything all right?
-Blair: Yeah.
-Serena: Why aren't you with your dad?
-Blair: Uh, I need your log-in for your agency site.
agency: 中介&site: 网站
&From your modeling days.
&model: 当模特
-Serena: My modeling days?
&I did one print ad for GAP when I was 12.
&print: 印刷品,图片&ad: 广告&
&What, are you holding an open call or something?
-Blair: I have one specific look in mind.
&specific: 特殊的,明确的
-Serena: Uh, okay, well I don't know if it'll still even be in here, but..
&Well, look at that.
-Blair: Addresses and phone numbers. Perfect.
&address: 地址&perfect: 完美的,极好的
&You know I called you an hour ago. B.T.W ,you're late.
&B.T.W=by the way: 顺便说一句
-Serena: Um, you're lucky I'm even here at all.
&It's Christmas eve, and I still haven't found a gift for Dan.
&Now all the stores are closing, and I'm totally screwed.
closing: 收市的&totally: 完全&screwed: screw的过去分词,弄糟,搞砸
&Do you have any idea what you can buy for under $50 these days?
-Blair: I don't know. A single entry at a mid-priced restaurant?
&single: 单身的,单一的&mid-priced: 价格中等的&restaurant: 餐厅
&Three quarters of a DVD box set?
&set: 一套
&Maybe a pair of Wolford stockings.
&stockings: 长袜
或许买一双 Wolford的袜子?
-Serena: Oh, stockings. Yes, great idea for Dan.
&Blair, please, this is serious.
&serious: 严肃的,认真的
-Blair: I don't know. Why don't you buy him a gold money clip from Cartier,
&clip: 夹子,别针
&say it's $49.99? He won't know the difference.
&difference: 差异,区别
&就说是49块9毛9 反正他也不知道。
-Serena: What are you doing anyway?
&anyway: 不管怎么样
-Blair: I'm booking me a model.
&book: 预订&model: 模特
-Vanessa: Hey.
-Serena: I come to you hat in hand, tail between my legs and off my high horse
hat: 帽子&
&I spent the entire day searching for the perfect gift for Dan.
&entire: 全部的,整个的&spend: 花费,度过&
&Now all the stores are closing, Christmas day is looming,
&loom: 逼近
&And, um... I need your help.
-Vanessa: I could take this opportunity to gloat, but I actually like you.
&opportunity: 机会&gloat: 满足地看,独自暗笑&actually: 实际上,
&So let's get down to business. What do you have so far?
business: 事情&
-Serena: Um,I found a first edition J.L. Hall book,
edition: 版本,版
我有第一版的J.L. Hall的书,
&Original Italian poster of the &400 blows&
&original: 原版的,初始的&poster: 海报
&And a Montblanc fountain pen.
&fountain: 喷泉,水源
-Vanessa: All very thoughtful.
&thoughtful: 体贴的,深思的
-Serena: And all exceed $50.
&exceed: 超过,越过,胜出
-Vanessa: Right. Well, Dan's not really that into things.
&into: 对&很有兴趣;极喜欢
-Serena: Which makes shopping for him kind of hopeless.
hopeless: 没有希望的,绝望的
&The only thing he wants for Christmas is snow.
&It's not like I can give him that.
-Vanessa: You sure?
-Eleanor: &Happy holidays. Welcome. Welcome
&Oh! Hi. Hi. Hi. I don't know if you've noticed we're doing things a little untraditionally this year.
¬ice: 注意,布告,通知&untraditional: 非传统性的
&I don't know if you've heard I'm designing a line of lingerie for Victoria's secret.
&design: 设计&lingerie: 妇女贴身内衣
&I walked into the store and I fell in love with this tree.
&Isn't that lipstick clever? Isn't it?
&lipstick: 口红&clever: 令人满意的
&Good. Have some eggnog.
&eggnog: 蛋酒
-Lily: Hello?
-Rufus: Hey. It's me.
-Lily: Hey.
-Rufus: So, uh, running into each other at the school fair kind of awkward.
fair: 展览会,市集&awkward: 笨拙的,尴尬的
-Lily: I suppose so, especially after our last phone call.
&suppose: 应该,以为,认为&especially: 特别,尤其&last: 上次,最后一次
&Rufus, we really shouldn't be speaking.
&Rufus 我们真的不该说话。
-Rufus: No,I know.
-Lily: But if there's something you want to say, you should go ahead and say it
-Rufus: Is there something you want me to say?
-Lily: Rufus... Why are you calling?
-Rufus: Oh, I.. just wanted to say Merry Christmas.
&Hope you have a good holiday.
-Lily: Yes, well... I'm, um, flying to Anguilla with Bart tonight,
&So I'm expecting it to be a great holiday
&expect: 盼望,期待,认为
&One for the ages, in fact.
&Good night, Rufus. Goodbye.
&晚安 Rufus,拜拜。
&(whispers) Anguilla,What is the matter with me?
&whisper: 低声地说&matter: 事情
-Eleanor: (laughs) I don't think so. Oh.
&Oh. Excuse me. What are you doing here?
-Jack: Well, I was hoping to see you again.
&I thought it great good fortune that Roman tracked me down
fortune: 运气&track: 跟踪
&At the skating rink and extended an invitation.
&extend: 提供;给予&invitation: 邀请,请柬
-Eleanor: Oh, well... Enjoy the party.
&enjoy: 享受
&How dare you invite a strange man into my home.?
&dare: 敢,胆敢
-Roman: Jack came? Go talk to him.
&Bring vodka.
-Eleanor: (whispers) Roman... you practically picked him up off the street.
&practically: [口语]几乎;简直&
-Roman: And then I googled him. His name is Jack Roth.
&google: 在谷歌网上查找信息,Google是国外著名的搜索引擎
然后我google了一下,他叫 Jack Roth。
&He owns a prominent hedge fund with offices in London and Barcelona,
&own: 拥有&prominent: 杰出的,突出的&hedge: [商业]保值措施;套购保值,套期保值
&fund: 基金&
&And he finds you very attractive.
&attractive: 有迷惑力的;有吸引力
-Eleanor: Well, that's no excuse,
&excuse: 借口
&And I am doing just fine without your Romantic help.
&romantic: 有浪漫色彩的;多情的
-Roman: Are you? Eleanor, we've been friends for a long time....
是吗? Eleanor 我们做了很多年的朋友了,
&Since before Marc Jacobs went into rehab.
&rehab: 康复中心
&自从...在Marc Jacobs进勒戒所之前
-Eleanor: Friends don't steal other friends' husbands.
&steal: 偷
-Blair: Is Nate there? Oh. A few hours ago?
&Chuck Bass didn't call for him, did he?
&Chuck Bass没打***给他吧,是不是?
&Uh, never mind. Did Nate say where he was going?
&No, no. Don't disturb Mrs. Archibald.
&disturb: 扰乱,妨碍,使不安
&Um, I'm sure he's on his way here now.
&All right. Thank you.
&Dorota's gonna kill you if you get glue on that comforter.
&glue: 胶水&comforter: [美国英语]被子,盖被
-Serena: Sorry we've turned your room into an art studio,
&studio: 工作场所,画室
&But the clock is ticking. (computer beeps)
&tick: 指钟滴答响&computer: 计算机,电脑 &beep: 发出嘟嘟声
-Vanessa: I'm done.
&done: 完成的
-Serena: (laughs) oh, my gosh. Wow. That that's amazing.
&gosh: 天啊&amazing: 令人惊异的
&Thank you so much, Vanessa. This is gonna be... Incredible.
&incredible: 难以置信的
&太谢谢你了,Vanessa 这一定会很棒的
-Vanessa: Good. I'm glad I could help. I think he'll really love it.
&glad: 高兴的
-Blair: Vanessa? I think I'd like to help with this little project.
&project: 事业,计划
&Would you come and help me find another pair of scissors?
&scissor: 剪刀
&It's so nice what you're doing for your friend Dan,
&Helping his girlfriend make his Christmas present.
&present: 礼物
&Serena is so grateful
&grateful: 感激的,感谢的
&Because she likes to see the best in people.
&I like to see the truth.
-Vanessa: Yeah? And what's that?
-Blair: I think you like Dan a little too much.
&Just thought I should let you know someone's watching.
&Merry Christmas.
-Vanessa: I'm taking off. Call me when you're done?
-Serena: Okay. Where you going?
-Blair: I'm gonna go check on my daddy.
-Eric: I thought you are gonna help。
-Blair: I think my work's done here.
-Lily: Oh, hello.
-Blair: Hi. Goodbye.
-Lily: When you two are done hiding up here, I'm taking you both out for dessert.
&hide: 隐藏&dessert: 甜点
-Serena: Can't mom. I'm busy.
-Lily: But this is important for our family.
&It'll just be the three of us.
-Serena: Mom, anytime you say it means you're dating someone new.
&Whoever it is, I don't care. I'll just meet him at the wedding.
&care: 在乎&wedding: 婚礼
-Lily: Fine, fine.
&Then will just tell you who it is,
&Because you're gonna be seeing him around from now on. It's Bart Bass.
因为从现在起你们会常常见到他,是Bart Bass。
-Eric and Serena: Bart Bass? Bart Bass?
&Bart Bass? Bart Bass?
-Serena: Mom, you cannot date Bart Bass.
&date: 约会,和&约会
妈妈,你不能和Bart Bass约会。
-Lily: You just said a moment ago you didn't care who it was?
&moment: 片刻,瞬间
-Serena: That was before I knew who he was
-Eric: He only has one facial expression. He scares me.
&facial: 脸部的&expression: 表情,表达&scare: 惊吓,惊恐
-Serena: And he raised chuck. That scares me.
&raise: 抚养
他还养大了Chuck 这让我害怕。
-Lily: Oh,Serena, as usual, you're being overly dramatic.
&overly: 过度地,极度地&dramatic: 过于夸张的,做作的
&Serena 和往常一样你太夸张了。
&I'm not marrying Bart. This is very casual,
&marry: 结婚,嫁,娶&casual: 偶然的,随性的
&And regardless, I'm not asking your permission.
®ardless: 不管,不注意&permission: 允许,同意,许可
-Jenny: You know when I suggested this plan, I didn't know that it would entail a robbery.
&suggest: 提议,建议&entail: 使必需&robbery: 抢劫
-Dan: Hey, hey, hey. I&d like to do a donation
&donation: 捐赠
&So it was more of a rescue than a robbery.
&rescue: 营救,解救
&You know those abandoned trees in that lot were just gonna be kindling the day after Christmas,
&abandoned: 被抛弃的&lot: 地段,一块土地&kindle: 燃烧,使着火
&And this tree that we have here is gonna be loved and admired.
&admire: 爱慕,称赞
-Jenny: Oh, yeah, you have a real talent for spin, my brother. Okay.
&talent: 才能,天资&spin: 导向性解释
-Dan: I wish I had more talent for heavy lifting. Oh.
-Jenny: Oh. Yeah, well, what you're doing for Serena is really Romantic.
&I wonder what mom and dad are getting each other for Christmas。
&wonder: 想知道
&I thought that if I got them under the same roof
&roof: 屋顶
&That things would go back to the way they were.
&They haven't, have they?
-Dan: I think there's a real possibility that they might split up.
&possibility: 可能性
-Jenny: If I hadn't brought her back, though,
&We could've just kept pretending that she's just in Hudson doing her art.
&pretend: 假装
-Dan: You did the right thing, Jen.
&你做的没错 Jen
&Really, you did, 'cause whatever happens now,
&At least, uh, we're not living in a fantasy, you know?
fantasy: 幻想
-Passenger: Wonderful party, Eleanor.
-Eleanor: So you... Ice skate?
-Jack: Occasionally, with my niece,
&occasionally: 偶尔地
&But she's much more talented than I am.
&talented: 有才能的
-Eleanor: (clears throat) well, I haven't skated since ages,
&clear: 清理&throat: 嗓子,喉咙
&But I used to love it when I was a girl.
-Jack: You must have been very beautiful out there on the ice. (elevator bell dings)
-Freddy: Oh, thank you. Excuse me.
&Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.
-Eleanor: (chuckles) Excuse me. Freddy, what on earth are you doing here?
&chuckle: 咯咯地笑
失陪一下,Freddy 你到这儿来干什么?
-Freddy: Oh, Roman invited me.
&invite: 邀请
-Eleanor: &What?
-Roman: Freddy, what... what are you doing here?
&Freddy 你怎么来了?
-Freddy: He said that you invited him.
-Roman: What?
-Harold: Freddy. Roman, explain this.
&explain: 解释
Freddy,Roman 解释一下。
-Roman: I can't.
-Freddy: And so true. How does one explain the indescribable pull
&indescribable: 难以描述的,难以形容的&pull: 吸引力;感染力
&to see an old lover, to feel that jolt of electricity?
lover: 情人,爱人 &jolt: 一击,震惊;令人震惊(或失望的事)&electricity: 电
-Harold: So you couldn't last two days in town without contacting him?
&last: 持续&contact: 联系,接触
-Roman: I can't believe you'd trust appearances and not me.
&trust: 相信,信任&appearance: 表面,出现
-Eleanor: Harold, dear, I&Roman did not invite Freddy.
&Harold 亲爱的我...不是Roman 请的Freddy
&I think Blair did.
-Harold: Blair?
-Eleanor: Freddy... If you want to be the featured model in my spring catalog
&featured: [美国英语]被给以显著地位的,被作为特色的,被作为号召物的;主演的&model: 模特 &catalog: 目录,产品目录
&You'd better tell us the truth.
-Freddy: She might have offered to buy me a Cruise...
&offer: 提供&
-Eleanor: Oh.
-Freddy: And renew my gym membership.
&renew: 重订(契约等)&gym: 健身房&membership: 会员资格
-Eleanor: (chuckles) well, you might as well take that cruise,
&Because you'll be featured in my catalog when hell freezes over.
hell: 地狱&freeze: 结冰
&Now please get out.
-Freddy: Thanks for the champagne.
&champagne: 香槟
-Eleanor: Merry Christmas.
-Gossip girl: Looks like daddy's little girl Isn't sugar and spice and everything nice after all.
&sugar: [口语]心爱的人,心肝&spice: 药料,香料,情趣
-Eleanor: I wish you would just slow down for a second
&And let her be.
-Harold: Well, I just can't believe that Blair would do something so cruel
&cruel: 残酷的,残忍的
&And Roman who's only ever been completely kind to her.
&completely: 完全地
&而Roman 对她一直都那么友好。
-Eleanor: It isn't Roman Blair's lashing out at,it's you.
&lash: 猛烈抨击;严词谴责
&Blair想打击的人不是Roman 是你。
&She was so looking forward to spending time with you alone,
alone: 单独地
&And then you show up at our doorstep with your lover,
&doorstep: 门阶
&Without a word of warning. How did you expect her to react?
&warning: 预先通知&expect: 希望,期待&react: 反应
-Harold: Well,I hoped that once we were together, it would all work out.
&once: 一&(就)&,一旦&(就&)
&I suppose that was pretty naive.
suppose: 认为,以为 &pretty: 相当地&naive: 天真的,幼稚的
-Eleanor: Blair learned scheming from her mother
&scheming: 诡计多端
&And unrealistic dreaming from her father.
&unrealistic: 不现实的,不切实际的&dreaming: 梦想
&She tries really hard to act all grownup,
&act: 表现&grownup: ***
&But don't you be fooled.
&fool: 愚弄,欺骗
&She's still a little girl who needs her daddy.
-Jenny: (grunts) Okay, stop, stop, stop. Ow.
&grunt: 咕哝着说
&Okay. What now?
-Dan: Now you go in there,
&You distract Dexter, the humorless concierge... Okay.
&distract: 转移,分心&humorless: 没有幽默感的&concierge: 看门人,门房
&你去引开Dexter 那个毫无幽默感的管理员,好吧。
&While I try and sneak this into an elevator.
&sneak: 潜行,偷偷摸摸做&elevator: 电梯
-Jenny: All right, um, who's gonna turn you into an Hercules
&Hercules: 力大无比的人,大力王
&So you can carry this thing by yourself?
-Dan: (groans) I did I did not say that plan was full approved.
&groan: 呻吟&approved: 经核准的,被认可
-Jenny: Yeah.
-Dan: Hey, Ms. Van Der Woods Lily, Hi.
&嘿,是Van Der Woods夫人 Lily 嗨
-Lily: Dan. Jenny. Tree.
&Dan Jenny 树
-Jenny: &Hi.
-Dan: Yeah, um, they don't allow Christmas trees inside,
&allow: 允许
&Which is why we're out here.
-Jenny: Which is why Dan's about to ask you for a favor.
&favor: 好意,喜爱
-Lily: Ah, does it involve distracting Dexter
&And sneaking into the elevator?
elevator: 电梯
-Dan: &Why? Would that work?
&work: 奏效
-Lily: No. Never. He has the eyes of a hawk,
&hawk: 鹰眼
&And he takes his job very seriously.
&seriously: 认真地,严肃地
-Dan: So I've noticed.
¬ice: 注意,通知
-Lily: But Bobby at the service entrance I think he could be bought.
&service: 服务&entrance: 入口
&但是服务台的Bobby 我想他是可以收买的
-Serena: I just sent him a text, &and Dan's on his way. (squeals)
&text: 短信&squeal: 发出长而尖锐的刺耳叫声
我刚给他发了信息 Dan就要来了
&Thank you so much.
-Vanessa: It's really no problem,
&And since there are no problems, I should go.
&since: 既然,因为
-Serena: Oh, no, no, no. Stay, please.
-Vanessa: You don't need me. We talked about how to turn everything on.
-Serena: No, I know I can do it, but I just want you to see Dan's face.
-Vanessa: I've really gotta get going.
&gotta=have got to: 必须
-Serena: Okay. Well, I'll tell him how much you did.
-Vanessa: Please don't. It's your present.
&Just... Enjoy your night.
-Nate: Hey, this is Nate. I can't come to the ph (beep)
&嘿,我是Nate 我不能接***。
-Harold: Can I come in?
&Our flight leaves in a few hours. I wanted to say goodbye.
&flight: 飞行,航班
&Please forgive me, Blair.
&forgive: 原谅
&请原谅我 Blair
&I should have told you that I was bringing Roman.
&I knew that having him here would be hard for you,
&But I love you so much, and I love Roman,
&And I was hoping that if we were all thrown together,
&That something... Perfect would happen
&perfect: 完美的,美好的
能够有... 美好的事发生
&And that you would love him, too.
-Blair: I was gonna convince you to move back to New York,
&convince: 说服,使相信
&But you bought a vineyard In France with Roman.
&vineyard: 葡萄园
&What's next, a commitment ceremony?
&commitment: 奉献,献身&ceremony: 仪式
&(scoffs) great.
&scoff: 嘲笑
&There's no room in your life for me anymore.
&room: 位置,空间
-Harold: Sweetheart, there is always room for you.
&sweetheart: 亲爱的人
&No matter where I am, no matter who I'm with.
&I, uh... This is part of your Christmas gift
&gift: 礼物
-Blair: Your house in France.
&It's very nice, daddy.
&I'm sure you and Roman will totally enjoy it.
&totally: 完全&enjoy: 享受
-Harold: And so will you,
&Because this... is your room.
-Blair: It's beautiful.
-Harold: We're having it decorated just for you.
&decorate: 装饰,装修
-Blair: A cat.
-Harold: A cat named &cat,& like in your favorite movie.
&favorite: 最喜爱的&movie: 电影
&It was Roman's idea.
&So... Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
&We're hoping that you'll spend the whole summer with us.
-Serena: Merry Christmas.
&Do you like it? Do you think it's cheesy?
&cheesy: 质次的;下等的
-Dan: No. No, no, it's it's incredible.
&incredible: 难以置信的
&How did you do this?
-Serena: Well, I had help from my elves.
&elves: elf的复数,精灵
-Dan: Your present is waiting for you at home,
&But, um,I did bring a little pre-present for you.
&pre-: &前&,&在前&
-Serena: Wait. This is your story.
-Dan: Yeah,it's the original.
&original: 原版的,初始的
&It's right out of the spiral notebook.
&spiral: 盘旋形的¬ebook: 笔记本
-Serena: I'm kinda scared to read it.
&kinda=kind of: 有点儿,有几分
&What happened on October 8th, 2005?
&Well, I was accidentally invited to a birthday party where I met a girl
&accidentally: 偶然地,意外地&party: 派对
&She only spoke two sentences to me,
&sentence: 句子
&But I've never forgotten her.
-Serena: Wait. Your story's about me?
-Dan: Are we really gonna do this?
-Serena: Yeah.
-Dan: The arts and crafts were impressive,
&art: 艺术(作)品&craft: 工艺;手艺&impressive: 给人深刻印象的;令人难忘的;感人的
&But how did you manage the real snow?
&manage: 设法做到
-Serena: I'm well connected. (laughs)
connected: 有联系的,有关系的
-Dan: This is, without question, the best Christmas ever.
-Serena: Ever in the history of Christmas.
-Dan: I hate to break the spell,
&hate: 讨厌&break: 打破&spell: 符咒
&But, uh, we better get home before our families wake up.
-Jack: (whispers) Eleanor... You are a marvel.
&marvel: 奇特的人物
-Eleanor: Oh, stop it. Mmm.
&(whispering) who knew there were men like you wandering around central park, lost? (laughs)
&wandering: 漫游的,迷路的&lost: 迷路的
(normal voice) oh.
normal: 正常的
-Harold: Eleanor, good morning,
&Eleanor 早上好
&And, Jack, nice to see you..
-Jack: Good morning
-Roman: Yes, wonderful.
-Harold: The flights were all canceled because of the weather.
&cancel: 取消&
&I wanted to tell Blair in person.
我想亲自告诉Blair ,
&Do not worry. We have a room at the Pierre.
-Eleanor: No, it's nonsense. You you'll stay with us.
&nonsense: 胡扯,胡说八道
-Harold: Thank you.
-Eleanor: You'll call me later?
-Jack: Oh,yes.
-Eleanor: I'll be spending Christmas with my... family.
-Jack: Bye.
-Blair: What's going on?
-Harold: We're back for Christmas.
-Blair: Well, Roman, you are in for a treat,
&treat: 难得的乐事;快乐的事情
&Roman 这可是好事,
&Because a Waldorf Christmas is like no other.
-Eleanor: Come on, you. Oh
-Dan: Whew. Merry Christmas, dad. You're up early.
&up: 起床的
-Rufus: And you're getting in awfully late.
&awfully: 非常地,极端地
-Dan: Oh, yeah, well,
&I left you a message
-Rufus: Saying the tree shenanigans were taking all night,
&shenanigans: 恶作剧,把戏,诡计
&But I didn't think you meant literally all night.
&literally: 实际地,实在地,确实地
-Dan: Oh. Yeah,, yeah, the tree. It was a big production.
&production: [俚语]夸张,夸大;夸张的行动
&Uh, luckily Serena's mom was there to help with the plan.
-Rufus: Lily was there?
&I thought you mentioned she was out of the country.
&mention: 提起
-Dan: No. No, they're here.
&They're gonna go see &the nutcracker& tomorrow.
&nutcracker: 胡桃夹子
-Jenny: Do I smell the chocolate waffles?
&smell: 闻&waffle: 华夫饼
-Rufus: With hot caramel sauce.
&caramel: 焦糖糖果&sauce: 调味汁
-Alison: Your father's Christmas specialty
&specialty: 招牌菜,专长
-Jenny: Get me the rest of the chocolate chips
&chocolate: 巧克力&chip: (食物、糖果等的)薄片
-Dan: Good morning.
-Jenny: Good morning
-Rufus: (giggles) after breakfast and presents,
&I need to go to the gallery... (Alison) mm.
&gallery: 画廊
&To take care of some stuff.
&stuff: 东西
-Jenny: On Christmas morning?
-Rufus: Well, yeah, you know, art never sleeps.
-Alison: But u know what? The three of us could hang out together.
&It'll be great. We'll drink hot cocoa and watch a movie,
&cocoa: 巧克力饮料
&And then when your dad comes back, we can all go for a walk.
-Gossip girl: Hear those silver bells? It's Christmastime in the city.
silver: 银色的&bell: 铃
&Some families actually do make the yuletide gay,
&yuletide: 圣诞季节&gay: 欢乐的
&Managing to leave their troubles far away...
-Blair: Mom. Oh, it's beautiful. Thank you. Thank you.
-Roman: Oh, look. You look like a brunette Catherine Deneuve.
&brunette: 黑色或深色头发的女子
&噢,瞧你啊,你就像是深色头发的Catherine Deneuve。(法国头号美女)
&Quelle magnifique.
-Blair: It's so gorgeous.
&gorgeous: 华美的,灿烂的,好极了
&Merry Christmas, Dorota. It's so we can text.
&text: 发短信
圣诞快乐 Dorota 这样我们可以发短信了
&Do you like it?
-Dorota: Thank you, miss Blair.
&谢谢你 Blair***
-Gossip girl: Other families have a merry little Christmas
&merry: 快乐的
&Even when their troubles aren't so far away...
-Dan: So what did dad have to do at the gallery, exactly?
&exactly: 准确地,确切地
-Alison: Uh, paperwork, I think.
&paperwork: 文书工作
-Jenny: You're going back to Hudson, aren't you?
-Alison: Yeah.
But, hey, we are gonna be okay.
&Come here.
-Dan: We know. I'm sorry.
-Gossip girl: Some presents might end up getting returned...)
return: 退回
-Bass: I know how you like Florida.
-Eric: Yeah. Wow. Uh, number one fan.
&fan: [美国口语](运动、娱乐等的)狂热者,爱好者
&You know, I'm I'm sorry I didn't get anything for you,
&Mr. Bass, but, uh, i didn't know you'd be coming for Christmas.
-Bass: Ah, no worries, Eric. Please call me Bart.
&没关系,Eric 请叫我Bart。
-Gossip girl: But some gifts are for keeps.
-Serena: For you..
-Eric: Thank you
-Bass: Eric, Serena,
&I just want you to know that I have deep feelings for your mother.
&deep: 深深的 &feeling: 感情
-Serena: Mom, your phone.
-Lily: Oh.
-Bass: Uh, Lily, you're not gonna want to interrupt this moment.
&interrupt: 干扰,打断
&Lily 你不会想毁了这一刻吧。
-Gossip girl: Other presents come when you least expect them.)
&expect: 期望
-Rufus: Hey, lily. You know everything's closed on Christmas?
&closed: 关着的
嘿,Lily 你知道圣诞节到处都结束营业了吗?
&Diners that claim to be open 24/7
&diner: 小餐馆&claim: 声称&
&It's false advertising.
&false: 虚假的,假的&advertising: 广告
-Gossip girl: And everyone knows The biggest present comes in the smallest box.)
-Rufus: So, uh, Alison's leaving.
&She's spending time alone with the kids.
&kid: 孩子
&And I seem to have walked all the way from Brooklyn to your doorstep
&seem: 似乎,好像&doorstep: 门阶
&Without a jacket, in the snow.
&So what the hell? I miss you... and I have been missing you for a while.
&hell: 地狱&miss: 想念
-Bass: Lily...Would you do me the honor of being my wife?
&honor: 荣誉,头衔
-Eleanor, Roman, Dorota: Fromage! Cheese!
&frommage: 法语=cheese【照相时用以做出笑脸的用语,和中文的&茄子&一样】、
-Harold: Ah, perfect.
&perfect: 完美的,极好的
-Gossip girl: Then there are those boxes you wish you had never opened...)
wish: 希望
-Eleanor: Oh, I like the pa&
-Gossip girl: Don't worry, B. who would I tell?)
Have a holly jolly Christmas.)
&holly: 圣诞树(Ilex aquifolium)&& jolly: 愉快的,高兴的
&X.o.x.o., gossip girl.,
X.O.X.O.: &拥抱和亲吻&,或者&爱并亲吻&【X是亲吻,O是拥抱从鸟瞰的视角看,O正是两个人张开双臂拥抱对方,而X就像两个人嘴碰嘴。】&gossip: 绯闻
看绯闻女友学英语 尽在爱酷英语
爱酷英语 butter churn: 奶油搅拌器 settle for: 对…感到满足,满足于,将就 sweet tooth: 爱吃糖果(或甜食)的人 holiday spirit: 假日的气氛 draw the line: 限制;禁止;说某事不能做;给自己的行动划一条界限 ride out: 安然度过,经受得住,安然度过难关 be flooded with: 被……所淹没,充满,充斥 tip off: 给…警告(或暗示);向…提供内部消息;预先通风报信 make up for: 补偿,弥补 single entry: 简式记帐 hat in hand: 毕恭毕敬,谦恭地;卑躬屈膝 tail between my legs: 夹着尾巴,完全顺从 track down: 追踪,查到 hedge fund: 避险基金,套利基金 take off: 离开;走掉 when hell freezes over: 永远不会,绝不 lash out at: 猛烈抨击 spiral notebook: 螺旋记事本 Quelle magnifique: [法语]真独特,太漂亮了


