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Xend无法启动一、Xend无法启动,日志如下:[ 17:14:09 5036] INFO (SrvDaemon:339) Xend Daemon started[ 17:14:09 5036] INFO (SrvDaemon:343) Xend changeset: unavailable.[ 17:14:09 5036] ERROR (SrvDaemon:356) Exception starting xend (bogus escape (end of line))Traceback (most recent call last): File &/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/xen/xend/server/SrvDaemon.py&, line 346, in run & &relocate.listenRelocation() File &/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/xen/xend/server/relocate.py&, line 154, in listenRelocation & &hosts_allow = pile, hosts_allow.split(& &)) File &/usr/lib64/python2.6/re.py&, line 190, in compile & &return _compile(pattern, flags) File &/usr/lib64/python2.6/re.py&, line 245, in _compileraise error, v # invalid expression原因:因为/etc/xen/xend-config.sxp有过改动解决方法:拷贝没有改动过的相同文件到问题目录下#scp /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp 二、Xend无法启动,日志如下:xend服务无法重新启动,/var/lod/xen/xend.log日志如下原因:数据库遭破坏,重命名数据目录名#mv /var/lib/xend /var/lib/xend.bak#/etc/init.d/xend restart数据库编译***一、编译错误:-- MySQL 5.5.21-- Could NOT find Curses (missing: CURSES_LIBRARY CURSES_INCLUDE_PATH) CMake Error at cmake/readline.cmake:83 (MESSAGE):Curses library not found. Please install appropriate package,remove CMakeCache.txt and rerun cmake.On Debian/Ubuntu, package name is libncurses5-dev, on Redhat and derivates it is ncurses-devel.解决方法:[root@localhost mysql]# yum install ncurses二、编译错误:CMake Error at cmake/bison.cmake:78 (MESSAGE):Bison (GNU parser generator) is required to build MySQL.Please installbison.Call Stack (most recent call first):sql/CMakeLists.txt:189 (RUN_BISON)解决方式[root@oracle141 Percona-Server-5.5.18-rel23.0]# yum install 编译***成功后Mysql无法启动MYSQL无法启动报下面错误:ERROR! MySQL (Percona Server) PID file could not be found!Starting MySQL (Percona Server). ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/var/lib/mysql/xenserver5.pid).解决方法:到***目录下拷贝mysql.server文件到/etc/init.d/, &拷贝f文件到/f如:cp /usr/local/mysql_percona5.5.25/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/Cp /usr/local/mysql/ support-files/ f /f然后给用户执行***目录权限如给root用户设置权限cd /usr/local/mysqlchown -R root .sudo bin/mysqld_safe –user=root &设置后执行、/etc/init.d/mysql.server restart 成功启动Mysql数据库源代码编译***版本选择使用分支:Percona官网:版本:5.5.18(主要原因是taobao目前基于这个版本)下载:公司或***方式:从源代码编译操作步骤:可以参考MySQL官方文档: 具体步骤添加数据库使用的用户shell& groupadd mysqlshell& 执行编译***下载***包并解压?shell&tar zxvf Percona-Server-5.5.25a-rel27.1.tar.gzshell& cd Percona-Server-5.5.25a-rel27.1shell& cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={***目录,建议这样定义/usr/local/mysql} -DSYSCONFDIR={配置文件目录,建议为***目录/conf --DMYSQL_DATADIR={数据文件目录,/data/mysql/data}shell& yum -y install ncurses-develshell& rm -rf Percona-Server-5.5.18-rel23.0shell&tar zxvf Percona-Server-5.5.25a-rel27.1.tar.gzshell& cd Percona-Server-5.5.25a-rel27.1shell& cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={***目录,建议这样定义/usr/local/mysql} -DSYSCONFDIR={配置文件目录,建议为***目录/conf --DMYSQL_DATADIR={数据文件目录,/data/mysql/data}shell& yum -y install shell& cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={***目录,建议这样定义/usr/local/mysql} -DSYSCONFDIR={配置文件目录,建议为***目录/conf --DMYSQL_DATADIR={数据文件目录,/data/mysql/data}shell& makeshell& make install注意,MySQL 5.5开始使用cmake替代configure来进行编译配置。在编译时,指定-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX参数即可。如果对编译参数有特别的需要,可以参考***完成后,进行数据库配置shell&shell& chown -R mysql .shell& chgrp -R mysql .shell& scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir={***目录/usr/local/mysql } --ldata={数据文件目录,如果不指定,会使用默认的数据目录/data/mysql/data }shell& chown -R root .shell& chown -R mysql datashell&cp /usr/local/mysql/ support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.dshell&Cp /usr/local/mysql/ support-files/ f /fshell& chown -R root .给***目录设置权限shell&/etc/init.d/mysql.server restartvi /etc/profile在最后面添加export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin/shell&source /etc/profileshell&mysqlmysql&quit创建数据库时,数据目录–ldata可以根据需要进行调整。存储引擎选择公司应用统一使用innodb作为存储引擎。percona默认使用该存储引擎,所以不需要特别设置。网卡程序无法更新一、网卡程序无法更新,运行./autorun.sh出现如下提示:Check old driver and unload it. Build the module and install make: * /lib/modules/3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64/build: No such file or directory. Stop. make[1]: [clean] Error 2 make: ** [clean] Error 2原因:没有***内核更新包#yum update kernel#yum -y install kernel-headers#yum -y install kernel-develyum -y groupinstall &Development Tools& &Legacy Software Development& &Development Libraries&#./运行最新1、Mysql数据库主机名称改变后无法启动数据库服务,日志报错如下:Starting MySQL (Percona Server).... ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/data/mysql/data/bigdata6.pid).#Vi /data/mysql/data/bigdata2.err:42:55 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /data/mysql/data:42:55 [Warning] The syntax '--log-slow-queries' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '--slow-query-log'/'--slow-query-log-file' instead.:42:55 [Note] Flashcache bypass: disabled:42:55 [Note] Flashcache setup error is : ioctl failed:42:55 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled:42:55 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins:42:55 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3:42:55 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 1.0G:42:56 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer poolInnoDB: Error: log file ./ib_logfile0 is of different size 0 5242880 bytesInnoDB: than specified in the .cnf file 0
bytes!:42:57 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.:42:57 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.^G/usr/local/mysql_percona5.5.25/bin/mysqld: File '/data/mysql/logs/slow-queries.log' not found (Errcode: 13):42:57 [ERROR] Could not use /data/mysql/logs/slow-queries.log for logging (error 13). Turning logging off for the whole duration of the MySQL server process. To turn it on again: fix the cause, shutdown the MySQL server and restart it.:42:57 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB:42:57 [ERROR] Aborting解决方法:1. 当前日志文件过大,超出了my.cnf中定义的大小(默认为64M),删除日志文件再重启;(建议)2. my.cnf文件配置过高,重新定义其中的参数(根据服务器情况定义);3. 杀掉mysql_safe和mysqld进程,然后再重启;4. 注释/f里的skip-federated注释掉即#skip-federated;二、问题:启动mysql服务时报如下错误Starting MySQL (Percona Server).The server quit without upd[FAILED]D file (/data/mysql/data/bigdata4.pid).:18:12 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /data/mysql/data:18:12 [Warning] The syntax '--log-slow-queries' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '--slow-query-log'/'--slow-query-log-file' instead.:18:12 [Note] Flashcache bypass: disabled:18:12 [Note] Flashcache setup error is : ioctl failed:18:12 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled:18:12 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins:18:12 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3:18:13 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 1.0GInnoDB: mmap( bytes) errno 12:18:13 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool:18:13 InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool:18:13 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.:18:13 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.^G/usr/local/mysql_percona5.5.25/bin/mysqld: File '/data/mysql/logs/slow-queries.log' not found (Errcode: 13):18:13 [ERROR] Could not use /data/mysql/logs/slow-queries.log for logging (error 13). Turning logging off for the whole duration of the MySQL server process. To turn it on again: fix the cause, shutdown the MySQL server and restart it.:18:13 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB:18:13 [ERROR] Aborting:18:13 [Note] /usr/local/mysql_percona5.5.25/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete:18:13 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /data/mysql/data/bigdata7.pid ended解决方法:1、 修改配置文件参数vi /f2、拷贝my.cnf文件覆盖etc目录下的文件3、重新初始化数据库scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/mysql_percona5.5.25/ --ldata=/data/mysql/data/本文出自 “” 博客,谢绝转载!
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Translations Team & Userbars Creator
Topic: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
I have TP-LINK TL WN422G USB 2.0 WLANDrivers:V1 versionV2 versionUSB\VID_0CF3&PID_1006&REV_0108Everest Log:Descrizione periferica& & ATHEROS USB2.0 WLANID di periferica& & 0CF3-1006Classe della periferica& & FF / FFProtocollo della periferica& & FFProduttore& & ATHEROSProdotto& & USB2.0 WLANNumero di serie& & 12345Versione USB supportata& & 2.00Velocità attuale& & High& (USB 2.0)Thank you
Researcher & DriverPacks Moderator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
You could try this one (DriverVer=05/20/.0.49) from& .com (sigh) & (OP: why won't that url display properly?& incorrect syntax?)WindowsUpdateCatalog has v2.0.0.32 Better yet, how about (Win7=07/28/.0.53;Vista=07/28/.0.76;XP=07/28/.0.93) from TP-Link themselves (including utility, although i, myself, IMHO no longer trust 'Atheros' WiFi utilities - I've seen them auto connect to public WiFi!):& &
& &EDIT:& oops, that driver was for 7015 deviceID's - the , & 1006 HWID's are commented out, along with the String descriptions.These may be the last drivers available for this type of Atheros USB WiFi Chipset, as Atheros was acquired by Qualcomm recently.& Hopefully at least one of these drivers works for your hardware.I wonder (openly) if a generic version of this driver exists with all applicable HWID's?
Last edited by TechDud ( 00:07:19)
& && & (Win7-max)
- NT6.x& & & &
Translations Team & Userbars Creator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
Thank you TechDud, i was also asking for generic version to add to driverpack
Researcher & DriverPacks Moderator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
now has usb drivers DriverVer=06/01/.0.19 for Win7 (x86 & x64) available.& Generically includes your HWID, among others.
& &Installshield package included has the utility, etc.%ATHER.DeviceDesc.9271% = ATHER_DEV_9271.ndi,& & &USB\VID_0CF3&PID_9271%ATHER.DeviceDesc.9271% = ATHER_DEV_9271_SS.ndi,& USB\VID_0CF3&PID_9271&REV_0108&SS%ATHER.DeviceDesc.7010% = ATHER_DEV_7010.ndi,& & &USB\VID_0CF3&PID_7010%ATHER.DeviceDesc.1006% = ATHER_DEV_1006.ndi,& & &USB\VID_0CF3&PID_1006[NETGEAR.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%NTGR.DeviceDesc.9030%& = NTGR_DEV_9030.ndi,& & & USB\VID_0846&PID_9030[DLINK.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%DLINK.DeviceDesc.3A10%& = DLINK_DEV_3A10.ndi,& & USB\VID_07D1&PID_3A10[AZUREW***E.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3327%& = AZWV_DEV_3327.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3327%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3328%& = AZWV_DEV_3328.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3328%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3346%& = AZWV_DEV_3346.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3346%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3348%& = AZWV_DEV_3348.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3348%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3349%& = AZWV_DEV_3349.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3349%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3350%& = AZWV_DEV_3350.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3350ATHER.DeviceDesc.9271& & & & = &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&ATHER.DeviceDesc.7010& & & & = &Atheros AR7010 Wireless Network Adapter&ATHER.DeviceDesc.1006& & & & = &Atheros 11G USB Wireless Network Adapter&NTGR.DeviceDesc.9030& & & & &= &NETGEAR WNA Wireless USB Adapter&DLINK.DeviceDesc.3A10& & & & = &High-Power Wireless 150 USB adapter&AZWV.DeviceDesc.3327& & & & &= &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&
Last edited by TechDud ( 20:21:55)
& && & (Win7-max)
- NT6.x& & & &
Researcher & DriverPacks Moderator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
i have an oem link.& From NetGear (Win7=10/11/.0.57;Vista=10/10/.0.80;XP=09/30/.0.98) here -&
supports generic hardware: [Atheros.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%ATHER.DeviceDesc.9271% = ATHER_DEV_9271.ndi,& & &USB\VID_0CF3&PID_9271%ATHER.DeviceDesc.7010% = ATHER_DEV_7010.ndi,& & &USB\VID_0CF3&PID_7010%ATHER.DeviceDesc.7015% = ATHER_DEV_7015.ndi,& & &USB\VID_0CF3&PID_7015%ATHER.DeviceDesc.1006% = ATHER_DEV_1006.ndi,& & &USB\VID_0CF3&PID_1006[NETGEAR.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%NTGR.DeviceDesc.9030%& = NTGR_DEV_9030.ndi,& & & USB\VID_0846&PID_9030%NTGR.DeviceDesc.9018%& = NTGR_DEV_9018.ndi,& & & USB\VID_0846&PID_9018[DLINK.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%DLINK.DeviceDesc.3A10%& = DLINK_DEV_3A10.ndi,& & USB\VID_07D1&PID_3A10[AZUREW***E.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3327%& = AZWV_DEV_3327.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3327%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3328%& = AZWV_DEV_3328.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3328%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3346%& = AZWV_DEV_3346.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3346%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3348%& = AZWV_DEV_3348.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3348%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3349%& = AZWV_DEV_3349.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3349%AZWV.DeviceDesc.3350%& = AZWV_DEV_3350.ndi,& & & USB\VID_13D3&PID_3350[LITEON.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%ATHER.DeviceDesc.9271% = ATHER_DEV_9271.ndi,& & &USB\VID_04CA&PID_4605[SMC.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%SMC.DeviceDesc.A704%& &= SMC_DEV_A704.ndi,& & & &USB\VID_083A&PID_A704[VIA.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%VIA.DeviceDesc.3801%& &= ATHER_DEV_9271.ndi,& & &USB\VID_040D&PID_3801[VERIZON.NTX86]; DisplayName& & & & & & & &Section& & & & & & & & &DeviceID; -----------& & & & & & & &-------& & & & & & & & &--------%VRZN.DeviceDesc.1200%& = ATHER_DEV_7015.ndi,& & &USB\VID_1668&PID_1200ATHER.DeviceDesc.9271& & & & = &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&ATHER.DeviceDesc.7010& & & & = &Atheros AR7010 Wireless Network Adapter&ATHER.DeviceDesc.7015& & & & = &Atheros AR7015 Wireless Network Adapter&ATHER.DeviceDesc.1006& & & & = &Atheros 11G USB Wireless Network Adapter&NTGR.DeviceDesc.9030& & & & &= &NETGEAR WNA Wireless USB Adapter&NTGR.DeviceDesc.9018& & & & &= &NETGEAR WNDA3200 Wireless 11N Dual-band USB Adapter&DLINK.DeviceDesc.3A10& & & & = &High-Power Wireless 150 USB adapter&AZWV.DeviceDesc.3327& & & & &= &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&AZWV.DeviceDesc.3328& & & & &= &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&AZWV.DeviceDesc.3346& & & & &= &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&AZWV.DeviceDesc.3348& & & & &= &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&AZWV.DeviceDesc.3349& & & & &= &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&AZWV.DeviceDesc.3350& & & & &= &Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter&SMC.DeviceDesc.A704& & & & & = &SMC Networks EZ Connect N 802.11n Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter&VIA.DeviceDesc.3801& & & & & = &VIA 802.11b/g/n USB Wireless Network Adapter&VRZN.DeviceDesc.1200& & & & &= &Verizon Wireless N 300 USB Adapter&Needed uncorking.& here:& Edit:*** updated below ***
Last edited by TechDud ( 10:08:29)
& && & (Win7-max)
- NT6.x& & & &
Researcher & DriverPacks Moderator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
This driver is for Atheros AR9170-based USB WiFi Adaptors (Vista_DriverVer=04/27/.0.135;Win7_DriverVer=04/27/.0.19)
Last edited by TechDud ( 10:06:30)
& && & (Win7-max)
- NT6.x& & & &
Researcher & DriverPacks Moderator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
Here's one more Atheros AR9170-based driver.D-Link DWA-160 rev: A (Vista_DriverVer=06/23/.0.137; Win7_DriverVer=06/23/.0.21) is mixed with some obviously unnecessary Ralink drivers (for rev: B).
& && & (Win7-max)
- NT6.x& & & &
Researcher & DriverPacks Moderator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
I forgot to mention this AR701x/AR9271 USB-WiFi & &DriverVer=04/20/.0.84 for Vista, & &DriverVer=04/20/.0.62 for Windows7 including a utility that appears to support all major Windows versionshere --&
Added support for Panasonic, Sony & MS (xbox360) devices here --&
It's not quite as new as v9.2.0.19 mentioned above.& At least this one has a known OEM link & supports more HW AFIK, IMHO (LOL).Edit:&
AR701x/AR9271_Win7_v9.2.0.19 (station-drivers sourced) inclXbox360WiFi-N & utility here --&
Beware that it supports less HW than the v2.0.0.62 driver.
Last edited by TechDud ( 11:13:07)
& && & (Win7-max)
- NT6.x& & & &
Researcher & DriverPacks Moderator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
AR9170 series USB WiFi updated to {vista DriverVer = 12/21/.0.139 ; win7 DriverVer = 12/21/.0.23} WHQL& &here --& & & &direct dl --& Driver changes:& - 3com references replaced with HP& & & & & & & & & & & &- RoamingMode enabled by default& & & & & & & & & & & &- Dlink ShowZeroLengthSSID & maxTxPower variables addedSubmitted here for Win-All (incl. Ovislink)& --&
Last edited by TechDud ( 19:17:47)
& && & (Win7-max)
- NT6.x& & & &
Researcher & DriverPacks Moderator
Re: [REQ] Atheros USB 2.0 WLAN
Atheros AR701x & AR9271 USB WiFi dongles updated to {DriverVer& &= 11/17/.0.87} WHQL'ed for Vista & {DriverVer& &= 10/06/.0.64} WHQL'ed for 7here --&& &
& && & (Win7-max)
- NT6.x& & & &
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