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Do Genetic Susceptibility, Toll-like Receptors, and Pathogen-associated Molecular Patterns Modulate the Effects of Wear?
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Do Genetic Susceptibility, Toll-like Receptors, and Pathogen-associated Molecular Patterns Modulate the Effects of Wear?Edward M. GreenfieldSymposium: ABJS Carl T. Brighton Workshop on Implant Wear and Tribocorrosion of Total Joint ReplacementsDOI:
10.-014-3786-4Cite this article as: Greenfield, E.M. Clin Orthop Relat Res (: 3709. doi:10.-014-3786-4
Overwhelming evidence supports the concept that wear particles are the primary initiator of aseptic loosening of orthopaedic implants. It is likely, however, that other factors modulate the biologic response to wear particles. 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