
&&《FIFA 11》虚拟球员成就特技解锁说明及技巧攻略
《FIFA 11》虚拟球员成就特技解锁说明及技巧攻略
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《FIFA 11(国际足盟大赛11)》虚拟球员(Virtual Pro)养成教学
10:53:38 来源:XboxLife 作者:qksniper 编辑:木淋 
刚创立好FIFA 11《国际足盟大赛11》的虚拟球员时,玩家往往会感到虚拟球员的各项素质比板凳球员还差上一大截,使得玩家都不敢指派自己的虚拟球员先发上场。原因在于虚拟球员大部份的基本能力都需要在练习场(The Arena)上开启,否则上场比赛时依然无法发挥球员的基本实力。当完成虚拟球员在练习场的能力后,便能开始在比赛中完成虚拟球员的素质成就。
透过Virtual Pro的Accomplishments选单,玩家可查阅虚拟球员的各项素质,按下手把LT/RT键翻页还能看到球员的素质成就。只要完成素质成就的条件要求,虚拟球员便会获得该成就的能力加成。值得一提的是,每一大类的素质成就里还会分成铜、银、金牌等级,每个等级还有各自不同的游戏难度要求。建议玩家先把练习场(The Arena)的素质成就练完后,再循序渐进把每个等级的素质成就逐一完成。
为了先让刚创好的虚拟球员至少拥有板凳能力,请先来到练习场上进行各项的练习。以下是The Arena的素质成就翻译,提供给有需要的玩家参考:
Beginner Accomplishments(铜牌):
1. Finish with some finesse:禁区内以Placed Shot(手把RB B键)射球得分。
2. Bury it with the laces:禁区***球(手把B键)得分。
3. Tuck home a penalty:12码罚球射进得分。
4. Juggle the ball 5 times:站立挑球(手把LT RB键,右类比捍往后推住)5次。
5. Drill one in from outside the box:禁区外射球得分。
6. Score with my weaker foot:使用非惯用脚射门得分。
7. Curl one in from 18 yards:18码外Placed Shot射球得分。
8. Try 3 of the skill moves:在练习场上使用三种二星等级Skill Move。
9. Catch the ball (Goalie):虚拟球员调整为守门员,在练习场上接到对手的射球。
10. Make a diving save (Goalie):虚拟球员调整为守门员,在练习场上飞扑(推动右类比杆)队友的射球。
◎12码罚球的部份,玩家在练习场上可按下手把Back键,选择Practice Set Piece的Penalty Kick,便能直接进行12码罚球。
◎使用三种二星等级的Skill Move,玩家进入My FIFA 11>Settings & Profile>Controls>Button Help>Skill Move参考,里面有一星到五星级的Skill Move。
友情提示:支持键盘左右键“← →”翻页
游戏制作:Electronic Arts
游戏发行:Electronic Arts
《FIFA 11》虚拟球员成就翻译
16:51:18 来源:gamer 作者:csiens 编辑:木淋 
Ball Skills (30)
1. Dribble around a player - dribble past any opposition player to get yourself closer to goal - Dribbling +1
1. 带球过人- 带球过任何一个敌方球员使你自己更靠近球门- 带球+1
2. 3 consecutive short passes - play 3 consecutive short passes without conceding possession - Ball Control +1
2. 连续3个短传- 连续完成3次短传并保持控球- 控球+1
3. 2 accurate crosses - play 2 accurate crosses that find a team mate in the box - Curve +1
3. 2次精准传中- 完成2次将球送至禁区内队友的传中- 曲度+1
4. Accurate through ball - find a team mate with a through ball of any type - Ball Control +1
4. 精准的穿越球- 以任何形式的穿越球传给队友- 控球+ 1
5. Fake the opposition - perform the fake shot whilst inside the penalty box - Dribbling +1
5. 欺骗对手- 在禁区内使出假射- 带球+1
6. Backheel the ball - find a team mate with a successful backheel pass - Ball Control +1
6. 脚跟传球- 以成功的脚跟传球传给队友- 控球+1
7. Beat a player with skill - dribble past any opposition player using any of the skill moves - Dribbling +2
7. 技巧过人- 以任何技巧过一名敌方球员- 带球+2
8. Set up a goal from a corner - find a team mate & create a goal from a corner kick - Curve +1
8. 角球得分- 以角球传给队友并得分- 曲度+1
9. Dribble past 3 players - dribble past opposition players 3 times in a single match - Dribbling +2
9. 带球过3人- 在单场比赛中带球过3名敌方球员- 带球+2
10. 6 consecutive short passes - play 6 consecutive short passes without conceding possession - Ball Control +2
10. 连续6次短传- 连续完成6次短传并保持控球- 控球+2
11. 75% short passes in 2 matches - finish 2 matches with 75% short pass completion (min 8) - Ball Control +1
11. 2场比赛维持75%短传成功率- 完成2场短传成功率75%以上的比赛(最少8分钟) - 控球+1
12. 5 ground through ball assists - create 5 goals from ground through balls in your career - Curve +2
12. 5次地面穿越球助攻- 在职业生涯中创造出5次地面穿越球助攻得分- 曲度+2
13. Dribble past 20 players - dribble past 20 opposition players through the course of your career - Dribbling +2
13. 带球过20人- 在职业生涯中带球过20名敌方球员- 带球+2
14. Score 5 curled free kicks - score 5 goals with curled free kicks in your career - Curve +2
14. 射进5颗曲线自由球- 在职业生涯中射进5颗曲线自由球- 曲度+2
15. 10 fake shots in the box - perform the fake shot whilst inside the box 10 times in your career - Dribbling +2
15. 禁区内10次假射- 在职业生涯中完成10次禁区内假射- 带球+2
16. 5 chipped through ball assists - create 5 goals from chipped through balls in your career - Ball Control +2
16. 5次空中穿越球助攻- 在职业生涯中创造出5次空中穿越球(LB+Y)助攻得分- 控球+2
17. 6 assists from crosses - assist your team mates 6 times in your career with crosses - Curve +3
17. 6次传中助攻- 在职业生涯中创造出6次传中队友助攻得分- 曲度+3
18. Beat 15 players with skill moves - dribble past 15 players using a skill move in your career - Dribbling +3
18. 技巧过15人- 在职业生涯中以任何技巧过15名敌方球员- 带球+3
19. 3 successful backheels - perform 3 backheel passes that find a team mate in your career - Ball Control +3
19. 3次成功的脚跟传球- 在职业生涯中成功的以3次脚跟传球传给队友- 控球+3
20. 10 curled free kicks - score 10 curled free kicks during the course of your career - Curve +4
20. 射进10颗曲线自由球- 在职业生涯中射进10颗曲线自由球- 曲度 +4
21. Dribble past 6 players - dribble past 6 opposition players in a single match - Dribbling +1
21. 带球过6人- 在单场比赛中带球过6名敌方球员- 带球+1
22. Score a weak foot volley - Score a goal with a volley using your weaker foot - Ball Control +1
22. 非惯用脚凌空射门得分-&&以你的非惯用脚射进一球凌空射门- 控球+1
23. Beat 3 players with skill - dribble past 3 opposition players in a match using skill moves - Dribbling +1
23. 技巧过3人- 在单场比赛中以任何技巧过3名敌方球员- 带球+1
24. 12 consecutive short passes - complete 12 consecutive short passes in a match - Ball Control +2
24. 连续12个短传- 在单场比赛中连续完成12次短传- 控球+2
25. 2 goals with far post crosses - assist your team mate with 2 high back post crosses in a match - Curve +2
25. 2次传中助攻- 在单场比赛中完成两次传中助攻得分- 曲度+2
26. Get past 8 players - dribble past 8 opposition players in a match - Dribbling +2
26. 带球过8人- 在单场比赛中带球过8名敌方球员- 带球+2
27. 2 backheels in a match - find your team mates with 2 backheel passes in a match - Ball Control +2
27. 单场2次脚跟传球- 在单场比赛中成功的以2次脚跟传球传给队友- 控球+2
28. Create 2 goals from corners - create 2 goals from corner kicks in a single match - Curve +3
28. 2次 角球得分- 在单场比赛中以角球传给队友并得分- 曲度+3
29. Beat 6 players with skill - dribble past 6 players in a match using skill moves - Dribbling +3
29. 按巧过6人- 在单场比赛中以任何技巧过6名敌方球员- 带球+3
30. 75% short passes in 10 games - finish 10 matches with 75% short pass completion (min 8) - Ball Control + 3
30. 10场比赛维持75%短传成功率- 完成10场短传成功率75%以上的比赛(最少8分钟) - 控球 +3
To Be Continued...
友情提示:支持键盘左右键“← →”翻页
游戏制作:Electronic Arts
游戏发行:Electronic Arts


