跪求华之悲鸣游戏截图 有的发给小弟一下 感激不尽

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发表于 17-5-8 14:41
发表于 17-5-10 17:24
同求啊 楼主有吗
发表于 17-5-11 00:51
同求啊 楼主有吗
发表于 17-5-11 10:25
GMT+8, 17-5-13 21:35
powered by discuz!小木虫 --- 600万学术达人喜爱的学术科研平台
The ground-state geometry of pyrrole–water(PWn ). clusters was optimized at the restricted Hartree–Fock (RHF) level. Optimization of the 1πσ* excited-state geometry was performed using the complete-active-space self-consistent-field (CASSCF) method. The standard split-valence double zeta Gaussian basis set 6-31G** with polarization functions on all atoms was used. For the excited-state optimizations this basis set was supplemented with a set of s and p diffuse Gaussian
functions localized at a floating center. The nuclear geometry of the cluster in the 1πσ*) state (including the position of the floating center) and the exponent of the s and p diffuse functions were optimized in a self-consistent manner until the energy change was below the threshold for optimization.
& &A similar technique has been used in calculations of the dipole bound anions of molecular complexes.The active space for the CASSCF calculations includes all π valence orbitals of the pyrrole ring and the σ* orbital. The active space thus correlates six electrons in six orbitals. Cs symmetry of the PWn Cluster was imposed in the course of the geometry optimization. Within the Cs point group the wave function of the 1πσ* state transforms according to the non-totally symmetric A'' presentation and thus cannot collapse to the ground state. The geometry optimizations were performed with the GAMESS package. To incorporate electron-correlation effects for the excited states, single-point calculations at optimized geometries along the reaction path were performed with the aid of the CASPT2 method(second-order perturbation theory based on the CASSCF reference). The CASPT2 calculations were performed with the MOLCAS-4 package , using the ANO-L basis set of split-valence doublezeta quality with polarization functions on all atoms and diffuse s and p Gaussian functions at the floating center.
红色字体到底是什么意思?the exponent of the s and p diffuse functions 这个指数是指什么。
& && & 您好!能不能麻烦你跟我说一下你对这段话的大概理解啊。我看了说明书,对这篇文献中的红色字体部分还是不太懂。我自己对这篇文献的理解是采用一个Bq(空原子),在Bq上添加了弥散函数。
#p opt casscf(2,2,nroot=2)/gen&&scfcyc=200 scfcon=5 guess=read iop(2/16=2)
Title Card Required
C& && && && && && &1& && && && &&&B1
C& && && && && && &2& && && && &&&B2& & 1& && && && &&&A1
C& && && && && && &3& && && && &&&B3& & 2& && && && &&&A2& & 1& && && && &&&D1
N& && && && && && &4& && && && &&&B4& & 3& && && && &&&A3& & 2& && && && &&&D2
H& && && && && && &5& && && && &&&B5& & 4& && && && &&&A4& & 3& && && && &&&D3
H& && && && && && &1& && && && &&&B6& & 5& && && && &&&A5& & 4& && && && &&&D4
H& && && && && && &2& && && && &&&B7& & 1& && && && &&&A6& & 5& && && && &&&D5
H& && && && && && &3& && && && &&&B8& & 2& && && && &&&A7& & 1& && && && &&&D6
H& && && && && && &4& && && && &&&B9& & 3& && && && &&&A8& & 2& && && && &&&D7
H& && && && && && &5& && && && & B10& & 4& && && && &&&A9& & 3& && && && &&&D8
O& && && && && && &5& && && && & B11& & 4& && && && & A10& & 3& && && && &&&D9
H& && && && && &&&12& && && && & B12& & 5& && && && & A11& & 4& && && && & D10
H& && && && && && &4& && && && & B13& & 3& && && && & A12& & 2& && && && & D11
O& && && && && && &4& && && && & B14& & 3& && && && & A13& & 2& && && && & D12
H& && && && && &&&15& && && && & B15& & 4& && && && & A14& & 3& && && && & D13
Bq& && && && && & 12& && && && & B16& & 5& && && && & A15& & 4& && && && & D14
& &B1& && && && & 1.
& &B2& && && && & 1.
& &B3& && && && & 1.
& &B4& && && && & 1.
& &B5& && && && & 0.
& &B6& && && && & 1.
& &B7& && && && & 1.
& &B8& && && && & 1.
& &B9& && && && & 1.
& &B10& && && && &3.
& &B11& && && && &3.
& &B12& && && && &0.
& &B13& && && && &4.
& &B14& && && && &3.
& &B15& && && && &0.
& &B16& && && && &1.
& &A1& && && &&&107.
& &A2& && && &&&107.
& &A3& && && &&&108.
& &A4& && && &&&125.
& &A5& && && &&&121.
& &A6& && && &&&126.
& &A7& && && &&&126.
& &A8& && && &&&130.
& &A9& && && &&&118.
& &A10& && && & 124.
& &A11& && && & 123.
& &A12& && && & 150.
& &A13& && && & 148.
& &A14& && && & 121.
& &A15& && && &&&61.
& &D1& && && && & 0.
& &D2& && && && & 0.
& &D3& && && &&&180.
& &D4& && && &&&180.
& &D5& && && &&&180.
& &D6& && && &&&180.
& &D7& && && &&&180.
& &D8& && && &&&168.
& &D9& && && &&&180.
& &D10& && && &&&61.
& &D11& && && & 156.
& &D12& && && & 180.
& &D13& && && & 112.
& &D14& && && && &0.
北京学而思教育科技有限公司 地址:北京市海淀区北三环甲18号中鼎大厦A座1层102室 ***:010-
随时随地聊科研查看: 367|回复: 3
发表于 17-5-8 14:41
发表于 17-5-10 17:24
同求啊 楼主有吗
发表于 17-5-11 00:51
同求啊 楼主有吗
发表于 17-5-11 10:25
GMT+8, 17-5-13 21:35
powered by discuz!


