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英文翻译connection failurefailure of connection:&&&& ...:&&&& lose:&&&&cns connection not successfu ...:&&&&lateral docking miss:&&&&create connection pool faile ...:&&&&create connection pool manag ...:&&&&1.(被打败) lose (a ...:&&&&mistermination
例句与用法If the connection fails , examine the following如果连接失败,请检查以下内容: On a windows platform , the connection failed在windows平台上,连接失败。 A database connection attempt might fail for many reasons数据库连接失败的原因有多种。 Value is only used when an established connection has failed只有在建立好的连接失败时,才使用Explaining why the connection failed,解释为什么连接失败。 425 can ' t open data connection打开数据连接失败。 If the database connection fails , see your database administrator如果数据库连接失败,请与数据库管理员联系。 This can happen if the networking connection fails during the data transfer这可能是由于与数据传输器的网络连接失败的缘故。 The number of seconds the driver should wait before timing out a failed connection因连接失败而中止连接之前驱动程序应等待的秒数。 Returns a list of replication connection failures that are recorded by this adam instance返回此adam实例记录的复制连接失败的列表。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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