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Psebay is an atmospheric adventure in moto trial genre.EXCITING GAMEPLAY WITH DYNAMIC GR***ITY'Flying' over the hills and cliffs on a motorbike is surely compelling. But when the ground crumbles under your wheels and the world turns upside down, that's when it becomes really cool! You won't know it until you try it!SPECIAL ATMOSPHERE AND UNIQUE SOUNDBeautiful color palette along with deep surrounding sound creates enchanting ambiance from the first seconds of the game. Words cannot describe it - you have to feel it!STUNNING SCENERY IN SILHOUETTE STYLEAmazing landscapes and technological remains of a 'bygone' civilization perfectly complement the scenery and give the game a special charm. Their visual appeal inspires the players to discover new unusual places throughout the whole game.COMFORTABLE AND EASY CO***OLWhether you love moto trials or have never played such games doesn't matter. Playing PSEBAY is very simple. You'll quickly acquire the taste for the game once you ... start playing.Psebay is an adventure that will OVERTURN your perception of the genre.Psebay更新日志
o Added NEW LEVELSo Improved previous levelso Added new option to improve "Strength of helmet and motorcycle"o Added possibility of horizontal layout of control buttonso Added spurt backward for wheelie (double tap "backward tilt" button)o Many fixes and improvements热门应用
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