
08-11-05 &
直接打13个“3”。 3
直接打13个“3”。 3
直接打13个“3”。 3
你所***程序需要的钥匙。 就是CD上的序列号,印刷或与CD/DVD绑定的一组编码 可以由数字\字母\数字与字母构成 一般地,CD-KEY都具有唯一性
n. m. 1. 肋部[指人或马等兽类]se coucher sur le ~
侧卧être sur le ~
病倒; 筋疲力尽mettre sur le ~
是疲惫不堪, 是筋疲力尽tirer au ~
逃避勤务, 借故偷懒[指士兵]presser les ~s de son cheval
夹紧马肚se battre les ~s
白费力气, 白费劲2. 侧, 侧面, 旁侧~ d'une montagne
山的侧面, 山坡à ~ de
在. . . 侧面, 在. . . 的斜坡上~ d'un vaisseau
船侧~ à ~ 并排地[指船只]3. 【军】侧翼prêter le ~
①将侧翼暴露给敌人 ②给对方以可乘之机; 受人以口实4. 侧堤[指城堡]5. 【机】径向齿侧6. 【纹章】纹章的中段左右部分7. 母胎, 母腹常见用法être sur le flanc fam累倒 法 语 助 手
近义词:, &, &, &, &反义词:
1. n. m. 【机械】径向齿侧2. n. m. 【军事】侧翼:attaquer l'ennemi sur son~découvert向敌人暴露的侧翼进攻prêter le~ ①将侧翼暴露给敌人 ②给对方以可乘之机; 授人以口实:prêter le~à la critique招致批评n. m. 【纹章】纹章的中段左右部分flancm. 腰部, 侧腹部, 胁, 侧面; 侧; 翼部flanc de dent齿面flanc de vaisseau船舷flanc droit右腹部plaque de flanc舷外板pont (suspendu, à flanc de colline)悬索桥tron?on à flanc de coteau山坡路段
Il est sur le flanc.他精疲力尽。Elle se couche sur le flanc.她侧睡着。tirer au flanc [au cul]〈俗语〉逃避勤务, 借故偷懒 [指士兵]se coucher sur le flanc侧卧présenter le flanc à l'ennemi把侧翼转向敌人découvrir le flanc aux attaques将侧翼暴露于攻击之下prêter le flanc à la critique招致批评cheval qui bat des flancs喘息的马Une maison s'accrochait au flanc de la colline.〈引申义〉一座房屋坐落在小山腰上。attaquer l'ennemi sur son flanc découvert向敌人暴露的侧翼进攻presser les flancs de son cheval夹紧马肚>> C'était une troupe d'électeurs qui arrivait à la rescousse, prenant en flanc les partisans de Kamerfield.他们从侧面向卡梅尔菲尔德的拥护者发动了进攻。Avec bcp de difficulté nous sommes arrivés à flanc de la colline, les bruits des hommes se font entendre.终于爬到了半山腰,结果听到有雀跃呼喊声。72Les Marseillais quadrillent parfaitement le terrain. Les Lyonnais cherchent à forcer la décision en passant par les ailes, principalement par le flanc gauche.马赛防守的不错,里昂在两侧到来倒去,一般还是以左路进攻Elle gênait notre vie. Elle gênait nos projets la mamé. A quelque temps de là, prétextant des vacances, je l'emmenais là-haut, au flanc du Lubéron.她打扰了我们的生活,她打乱了我们的计划,奶奶. 有一次,借着放假,我带着她登上了吕贝隆的山腰(在普罗旺斯那边,应该是个敬老院之类的地方)Percez dans un des flancs un orifice à l'arrière de l'emplacement du contr?leur pour l'évacuation de l'air chaud créé par celui-ci.演习在一个侧墙一个洞,在车尾的网站控制器,可以为疏散热空气所造成的。
法语爱好者的家园 留学与考试的助手 提供各种法语相关的信息与服务
  如果您在使用 steam 时遇到了问题或者您是第一次来这里寻求帮助,麻烦
您先浏览一下这篇帖子,按 Ctrl + F 键找找看有没有您需要的。我会随时更新
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
steam 连通性问题。
1、steam 运行需要哪些端口?
Steam 主程序需要:
UDP 1200 (For the Friends service)
UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive
TCP 27020 to 27050 inclusive
所有 Dedicated Server 程序需要:
UDP 27015 and 27020 (Default HLDS, SRCDS and HLTV ports)
TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)
注意:如果您使用 Windows XP sp1 的防火墙,必须打开 TCP 端口 2701,否
则 Source Dedicated Server 将无法执行 RCON 操作。
点击这里,或者将下面这段地址复制到 IE 地址栏运行即可。(注意:请您先打
开 steam 主程序)
steam 支付问题。
1、通过 steam 支付安全吗?
2、如果我想直接通过 steam 购买游戏,我需要什么?
American Express
我自己的游戏是用 HSBC 的信用卡买的,国内的信用卡行不行我不知道。当然,
steam 自我诊断程序。
steam 非常重要的一项功能,运行它 steam 可以自我诊断,并把结果以网页方
点击这里,或者将下面这段地址复制到 IE 地址栏运行即可。
Secure Connection Falid 相关问题。
如果你的网络有问题,当你在连接到使用 VAC 反***的服务器时可能出现该故
请您先调整网络防火墙(比如先关掉看看),然后使用上文提到的 steam 自我端
steam 游戏运行时崩溃、死机相关。
首先,请确保您的机器***有 Microsoft Directx 9.0c。取得 Directx 10 MSDN
测试资格的请不要用 dx10 来玩 steam。还有,自己改过 dx 版本请改回去。
2、我的系统是 Linux,怎么办?
3、我的系统是 Windows Vista,则怎么办?
如果你用的版本& x64 Build 5456,或者你的机器没有接近变态的配置,还是老老
实实换用 Windows XP 吧。
4、我的机器是 Windows 2003、Longhorn server MSDN,怎么办?
晕,你还是换用 Windows XP 吧。
请您将 Windows 启动时的附加项目禁用。方法如下:
开始 -&&运行 - msconfig - 启动 - 将所有项目前面的小勾去掉。重启系统看看。
估计你的游戏 .gcf 文件损坏了,请查找下文。
游戏的 Loading 相关问题。
1、我卡在了游戏的 Loading 界面,怎么办?
盘符:\您 steam ***目录\steamapps\您的 steam 用户名\ 内的所有文件。
Your map xxx.bsp Differs from the servers 相关。
方法同上,删除 盘符:\您 steam ***目录\steamapps\您的 steam 用户名\ 内的所有文件。
请您进行 .gcf 文件检查,方法请见下文。
4 、我用的是盗版的 css。
steam 离线模式相关。
如果您的网络突然中断了,而您又想玩 steam 游戏,您就可以使用 steam 离线模式。
2、我能不能给一台上不了网的机器装,并且使用离线模式让他玩 HL2 ?
steam 每隔 30 天会强制更新,也许修改系统日期可以。
steam 游戏跳桢、爆音相关
首先,您的机器要满足 steam 游戏的需要,游戏特效要量力而行。通常全屏抗
有 GeForce 7800 SLI GTX,那我建议你能开的全开,呵呵。
请您更新显卡驱动和 Directx。
ATI 用户:
Nvidia 用户:
请您检查 .gcf 文件是否损坏,方法见下文。
.gcf 文件相关
1、什么是. gcf 文件,干什么用的,在哪儿?
.gcf文件是 steam 的核心内容,所有的 steam 程序实际上都在 .gcf 文件里,
steam 更新实际上也是在更新它们。所有的文件都在 steam\steamapps 文件夹
方块或是游戏崩溃。很多故障都是由于 .gcf 文件出错而引起的。
3、我怎么知道我的 .gcf 文件是不是好的?
打开 steam,选择 我的游戏 - 属性 - 本地文件 - 校检 即可。
不同,可能就有问题。steam 的文件检查实际上就是在进行 MD5 检查,只不过更
各文件MD5值请参见置顶贴“ ▽ Steam™ 相关下载。”。
VAC 相关。
1、什么是 VAC?
全称是“Valve Anti-Cheat ”,一套由 Valve 开发的反***程序,几乎无人能
破解。详细的关于 VAC 的技术说明可以在论坛置顶贴中找。
2、不是还有个什么 CD 吗?
CD全称是“Cheating - Death”,是由UnitedAdmins开发的一套反***系统,已
Instruction at 0x######## referenced memory at 0x######## The
memory could not be read 相关。
告诉你什么很么内存不能为 read 之类的,都属于这类问题。
 .gcf - directx - 显卡驱动 -&&各类驱动 - 超频? - 机器过热? - 硬件劣质?
&&检查dx: 开始 - 运行 - dxdiag,看看有没有什么错误。
 检查硬盘: 开始 - 运行 - sfc /scannow。如果你玩游戏时死机,或者你经常随意
 磁盘碎片整理:NTFS 就算了,FAT 我建议你们看看。
 检查 .gcf 文件。
 关掉启动项和QQ、MSN之类的。QQ一定要关,那东西程序结构不怎么好,MSN 最
 给你游戏快捷方式加上启动参数 -window +mat_forcehardwaresync 0
This game is currently unavailable 相关。
首先找到您的 steam ***目录,然后删除 clientregistry.blob 文件。
删掉游戏缓冲文件,即删除 盘符:\您 steam ***目录\steamapps\您的 steam
用户名\ 内的所有文件。
steam 账号的使用相关。
1、steam 账号能在别人的机器上使用么?
2、steam 账号能多人用么?
同一个 steam 账号。
steam 游戏显示问题。
1、我对电脑知识不了解,我想让 steam 自动为我的机器选择游戏设置,怎么办?
使用 -autoconfig 选项运行即可。
2、steam 的游戏有没有像 windows 一样的“安全模式”?
有。具体打开方式清见下表。(将代码复制到 IE 地址栏运行即可)
Half-Life 2& && && && && && && && && && && && &steam://runsafe/220
Counter-Strike: Source& && && && && &&&steam://runsafe/240
Half-Life: Source& && && && && && && && && &steam://runsafe/280
Day of Defeat: Source& && && && && && &steam://runsafe/300
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch& && && && && &&&steam://runsafe/320
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source& && && &steam://runsafe/360
Half-Life 2: Episode One& && && && && & steam://runsafe/380
SiN Episodes: Emergence& && && && &&&steam://runsafe/1300
Counter-Strike& && && && && && && && && &&&steam://runsafe/10
Team Fortress Classic& && && && && && & steam://runsafe/20
Day of Defeat& && && && && && && && && && &steam://runsafe/30
Deathmatch Classic& && && && && && && & steam://runsafe/40
Opposing Force& && && && && && && && && & steam://runsafe/50
Ricochet& && && && && && && && && && && && &&&steam://runsafe/60
Half-Life& && && && && && && && && && && && &&&steam://runsafe/70
Condition Zero& && && && && && && && && &&&steam://runsafe/80
Half-Life: Blue Shift& && && && && && && & steam://runsafe/130
3、我能强制游戏使用 dx 版本吗?
可以。使用 mat_dxlevel 70\80\90\91 即可。
You have been disconnected from the serverReason: Error verifying
STEAM UserID ticket 相关问题。
请找到您的 steam ***文件夹,删掉下列3个文件
steam 好友列表问题。
请找到您的 steam ***文件夹,删掉 \config 下类似 userdata_#######.vdf
1、我玩 cs 时总是卡在“载入资源”那个画面上,进度条不动,我该怎么办?
在控制台输入 fs_lazy_precache 1 尝试。
那就不要载入资源了,输入 precache 0 关闭资源载入。
steam 移动***问题。
可以。您可以直接通过复制、粘贴 steam ***文件夹来进行移动操作。在移动
完成后,删除 ClientRegistry.Blob 并重启 steam 即可。
steam 后台运行问题。
1、有哪些程序会影响到 steam?
2、我想看看我的机器运行的后台程序是否影响了 steam?
请您将代码复制到 IE 地址栏并运行:
steam 更新、预载问题。
1、我在通过 steam ***新游戏时卡在了“正在从磁盘预读什么什么”的地方,
心急吃不了热豆腐,呵呵。steam 在这点上不是很 BT(处理文件方式和 BT 不同,
其实也很变态的)而很 eMule。因为 steam 总是在创建好和文件下载完成时一样
不动,Ctrl + Alt + Del 结束 steam.exe 进程。
2、Pre-load 问题?
这个我们也没办法,按照 steam 的提示来吧。
连接不到 Steam Network 问题。
请您运行 steam 连接检测,并将结果发贴或找我。
Steam.exe (Main Exception): ERROR: delete of steam.exe failed, Win32
Error 5 Access is denied 相关。
这个问题可能在你更新 steam 到 27% 重启时出现。请确保你没有在 steam 更新
时去移动、剪切 steam.exe。也不要同时打开多个 steam。
Unable to init shader system 相关。
首先,请更新您的显卡驱动。尤其是 ATI 用户。其次要确保您的 windows 图形加速
处于“完全”状态。当然 directx 的各项加速都必须完整。
windows 图形加速: 回到桌面 - 鼠标左键 - 属性 - 属性 - 高级 - 写入合并(把滑竿拉
Directx 加速:开始 - 运行 - 输入 dxdiag&&- 显示 - 打开各项加速。
还有,请不要用集成显卡来玩 source 游戏。
麻烦您在游戏中降低 dx 等级。方法是在控制台(按“~”)中输入下列代码。
DirectX Version 9.0 = -dxlevel 90
DirectX Version 8.1 = -dxlevel 81
DirectX Version 8.0 = -dxlevel 80
DirectX Version 7.0 = -dxlevel 70
fps 相关问题。
1、什么是 fps?
fps就是指每秒钟屏幕上的画面改变多少次。例如电影每秒换21张,NTSC 29.97等
且显示器刷新率没弄好,可能会玩着恶心、呕吐。如果 fps 合适,那么你可以享受
2、我想要提高 fps,怎么办?
我个人认为 fps 在70 左右就可以了,当然你要到 150 也行。如果你想提高 fps ,准
3、仅对游戏调整设置可以提高 fps 吗?
可以,比如说分辨率,FSAA等等的对 fps 都有很大影响。除了游戏里面提供的调整
+r_rootlod # - 模型细节# is 0 高, 1 is 中 and 2 for 低
+mat_picmip # - 材质细节 # is 0 for high, 1 is medium, and 2 for low
+mat_reducefillrate # - 光影特效 # is 0 for high and 1 for low
+r_waterforceexpensive # - 水 # is 0 for low and 1 for high
+r_waterforcereflectentities # -水面反射 # is 0 for low and 1 for high
+r_shadowrendertotexture # - 阴影细节 # is 0 for high and 1 for low
+mat_colorcorrection # - 颜色校正 # is 0 for low and 1 for high
+mat_trilinear 0 - 双通道模型过滤(least system-intensive)
+mat_trilinear 1 - Use Triliniear Mode (more system-intensive)
+mat_forceaniso # - Use Trilinear Mode (where # is 2, 4, 8, or 16 - higher levels of filtering require more system resources)
+mat_hdr_level # - HDR 效果# is 0 for &off& (requires least resources) and 2 for &full&
WARNING: CL_FlushEntityPacket 相关问题。
路质量不好或者是你一边开着 bt 一边打 cs,有可能会引发这个错误。
rate #& && && && && && && &&&ADSL在之间
cl_updaterate 20& && &&&默认20,自己根据实际调整
cl_cmdrate 30& && && && &默认30,自己根据实际调整
玩 source 游戏不舒服相关。
1、我玩 hl2 时反胃、头疼。怎么办?
调整正确。如果你的刷新率在 60Hz 以下(液晶的没关系),那么我玩着玩着也
会头晕。还有,如果你的 fps 在 40 以下,你去换台机器吧。以前我们总说
Doom 3 审美疲劳,半条命这东西比较真实,要是弄不好也容易疲劳。如果你不知
道你的 fps,在控制台输入 net_graph 1 即可显示 fps。如果 fps & 30,那你还
5.1 声道输出相关。
1、我有 5.1 的声卡,每次我调到 5.1 输出就没声音,怎么办?
老大,你是 2.1 的音像吧,你仔细听,声音都在中置的音像中( center channel),
老老实实用 2.1 吧。
2、我有 5.1 的声卡,还有 5.1 的音箱,怎么办?
Nvidia nForce 主板用户请更新&&Nforce 2 SoundStorm 驱动
AC97 (很恶@#$%#的一种) 请残照下表更新驱动:
AC97 Family
There are older working and perhaps a new driver that will work for 'AC97 generation chips.
Here is a summary of the Realtek driver versions:
Currently we are seeing that:
AC97 / 等等 到 ALC850:
3.55 has been reported to work properly in Half-Life 2& && &&&(正常)
3.57 has been reported to work properly in Half-Life 2& && &&&(正常)
3.63 has been reported to work properly in Half-Life 2& && &&&(正常)
3.66 has been reported to not work properly& && &&&(不正常)
3.67 has been reported to not work properly& && &&&(不正常)
3.68 is now available (30Dec2004) (but has been reported to not work properly)& && &&&(不正常)
3.69 is now available (03Feb2005) and has been reported to somewhat fix the HL2/CSS/Hl2DM 5.1 sound problems, there may be things only partially working on your particular system.& && & (不正常)
NET_SendPacket ERROR :WSAEI*** (winsock error)&&相关问题。
如果你在连接服务器时得到了 WSAEI*** (10004) Interrupted function call,那么你
的机器没有正确打开 27005 端口,或者该端口被占用。
Winsock DLL 组建错误
Bad TCP/IP stack
Conflicting Ports
VIA KT133A motherboard chipset w/o proper 4-in-1 patch
Error: Server Verification Failed 相关。
接到任何一个服务器,请检查防火墙并按照上文进行 steam 自检,发贴或与我们
LAN Games Restricted to Class C Clients 相关。
理论上讲你不能使用 来连接你的服务器。你可以尝试在“收藏
服务器”里添加你在 server console 里看到的那个 IP 地址(Internal IP),然后
尝试连接。你要是不会看自己的外部 IP,点一下论坛你头像旁边的按钮即可。
mod 相关。
如果你在*** steam 之前就***好了mod,那么 steam 会自动进行设置并将游戏
2、我已经装好了 steam,怎么装 mod?
Half-Life1's mod 请参照下面的目录***
C:\Steam\SteamApps\&account&\half-life\valve& & &----- 原始半条命
Half-Life2's mod 请***在
C:\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods 下面。即你*** steam 文件夹中名为 SteamApps
目录下 SourceMods 文件夹中。如果你在玩游戏时遇到 client.dll is different from the server 错误,请
更新你的 mod。
Steam.exe(main exception):Unable to find Steam.dll entry point InternalSteamStartEngine 相关
根据 Valve 的说法,这个错误是由于 steam ***有问题所致。请您首先尝试删除 steam 目录下
clientregistry.blob 文件,如果还是不行请重新*** steam。
Half-Life Fast HTTP Asset Downloading 相关。
1、我的服务器使用了自定义的skin、model、maps,我能不能专门弄个 http 服务器,免得每个进入
可以。Half-Life now supports the download of custom content (maps, skins, sounds, and so on) from a HTTP server (ie: webserver) when connecting, instead of downloading directly from the game server itself.
HTTP downloading has three major benefits:
1. There is no impact on the game server when downloading custom content, as a completely separate HTTP content server does the transfer
2. Players will download custom content at their maximum transfer rate, resulting in *much* faster downloads
3. Players who are downloading custom content do not take up a player slot on the server while they wait
When a player connects to a server utilizing custom content, one of two things will occur:
1. If the server is not configured for HTTP download, the game server will use the normal &trickle& download mechanism
2. If the server is configured for HTTP downloading, the player will see an enhanced download dialog, and much faster downloads. While this content is downloading, they are not connected to the game server. Once the download finishes, they are automatically reconnected to the game server, and ready to play.
3. If any of the custom content is not present on the HTTP content server or the case of the file name does not match then the player will disconnect from the HTTP and fall back and download any remaining content via trickle download from the server.
1. Make a list of all the custom files (bsp, wav, mdl, etc) used on your server
2. Put these files on a HTTP server (ie: webserver), keeping the folder layout intact
3. OPTIONAL: To display a &banner image& to players that download content, place a 340x56 pixel image in the file &custom content directory&/gfx/banner.gif
4. Set the sv_downloadurl cvar to &http://yourserver/custom_content_directory/&
Your server uses the non-standard map &de_generic&, which requires the following files:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\ess\Counter-Strike\cstrike\maps\de_generic.map
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\ess\Counter-Strike\cstrike\de_generic.wad
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\ess\Counter-Strike\cstrike\sound\ambience\de_generic_a.wav
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\ess\Counter-Strike\cstrike\sound\ambience\de_generic_b.wav
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\ess\Counter-Strike\cstrike\sound\ambience\de_generic_c.wav
You have web space (perhaps through your ISP) with the URL &/~matt& that you will use to host your custom content.
To do this, you copy the files needed for &de_generic& to your webspace, placing them in a folder called &my_cstrike& in your webspace top-level directory, keeping their directory layout intact.
You now have the following files in your webspace:
You now set the &sv_downloadurl& cvar on your game server to
Players who then connect to your server will automatically download the map &de_generic& and its required files from your webspace when they connect
(unless they already have it, of course).
* The maximum length of the sv_downloadurl is 127 characters
* A username and password can be specified for the HTTP server by embedding them in the sv_downloadurl like so:
( Note - recent IE patches make disable this functionality )
* If a connecting player has an existing file of the same name, it will not be overwritten. The download file will be skipped.
* Certain game-crtical and/or dangerous files cannot be downloaded (ie: *.exe, *.vbs, etc)
The command you enter into the server is:
sv_downloadurl &http://&yoururl&/valve/&
use quotemarks on either side of the string and include the final &/&.
(valve = hldm, cstrike = counterstrike, etc.)
Then you create folders for gfx/env, maps, overviews, sound, sprites and models and populate them with the respective resource and in the &valve& directory exactly the way you would populate your server normally, including the WAD files.
If the client has ANY of the files already (including the WAD) it will not be overwritten, there is no way to do that, the client must delete the out of date or offending resource himself.
NOTE: You need to make .res files for all the maps and you need to make sure all resource names listed (and placed at the http) are spelled exactly the same.
If the bsp has all lower-case letters for the entity then the .res file must be all lower-case and the file name itself must be all lower-case.
Win32 http servers are more case insensitive then linux http servers but its best to do the job right in the beginning otherwise you end up propagating bad resources to all the clients which will make things a real headache later.
Favorite 列表相关。
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切换到 Favorites 选项卡
更改 服务器过滤选项,选择“安全的‘Secure’ from the Anti-Cheat drop-down menu
再选上 Find Servers(寻找服务器) 选项并切换到 Favorites 选项卡
点击 Refresh (刷新)按钮
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HLTV 相关。
HLTV Documentation Version
1. Overview
2. Spectating Games
3. HLTV Basics
4. Broadcasting Games
5. Recording HLTV demos
6. Larger Broadcasts
7. HLTV Configuration
1. Overview
Half-Life TV offers the ability to have an unlimited number of spectators watching online games. They can follow the game just like they would as a spectator on the game server. Spectators are invisible to players and can't interact with the running game in any way. Each spectator can choose any view position or choose any player to track individually.
To have the most enjoyable spectating experience, spectators can enable the Auto-Director mode. Then the camera is changed automatically so that only interesting scenes are shown from a suitable viewpoint. Thus the spectator can lean back and won't miss any relevant action. All the time, spectators may communicate between each other using the standard HL chat system.
Most popular Half-Life MODs are supported like Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat and many others. HLTV providers have full control over their HLTV system, may change number of spectator slots, add text messages or change the HLTV logo.
The broadcast is delayed by a customizable amount of time, by default 30 seconds. This ensures that the playing teams can't use HLTV to get any usable information about their opponents. Providing a single HLTV server for up to 100 spectators is an easy task and doesn't need any changes in default configurations.
Installing a larger HLTV network for thousands of spectators needs some more planning time and experience about required bandwidth and CPU/RAM demands (see chapter 6).
2. Spectating Games
To watch a HLTV game, start Half-Life, open the Multiplayer menu and select 'Find Servers'. To search for currently broadcasted games, choose the 'Spectate' section and hit 'Refresh All'. After the list has been updated, double click on the server you want to spectate and you'll be connected.
If computer game leagues announce important matches to be broadcasted via HLTV, they often provide IP:Port addresses of their HLTV servers. Instead of searching them via the server browser, you can also go to the 'Favorites' folder and add the HLTV address to your server list by pressing the right mouse button. Otherwise, you can also open the console window and use the 'connect' command to spectate a certain game.
For example:
The default HLTV port number is 27020, but may be changed. It should always be included in the given address, since commonly this port number is different from the default port number 27015.
You can spectate the game in different modes: Chase Cam, First Person, Free Look, Map Overview and Map Chase. The easiest way to change modes is to press the JUMP key (default SPACE). Alternatively you can use the spectator menu, which can be enabled by pressing the DUCK key (default CTRL). Here you can customize your personal view style and enable the Auto-Director Mode. Press USE (default E) to cycle through the different Picture-In-Picture modes.
The following HL console commands can be used to customize spectator settings:
spec_autodirector &0|1& - turns Auto Director mode on or off
spec_drawcone &0|1& - shows your view cone in map overview mode
spec_drawnames &0|1& - shows player names under their icons
spec_drawstatus &0|1& - shows game information (time, map etc)
spec_pip &0|1& - turns Picture-In-Picture mode on or off
spec_menu - opens the spectator menu
spec_help - shows a help screen
spec_mode &1-6& [&0-4&] - set the main view mode, seconds parameter is the PIP mode. Not all combinations are valid.
Main modes are:
1 : Locked Chase 2 : Free Chase
3 : Free Roaming 4 : First Person
5 : Map Overview 6 : Chase Map Overview
PIP modes are:
0 : PIP off 1 : Free Chase
2 : First Person 3 : Map Overview
4 : Chase Map Overview
3. HLTV Basics
The core of the HLTV broadcasting system is the HLTV server, also called HLTV proxy. The HLTV executable is a console application that works much like a HL dedicated server. To broadcast a game running on a certain game server, the HLTV proxy connects to this server just like a normal player.
Spectators connect themselves to the HLTV proxy and the game data stream is relayed through the HLTV proxy to all connected spectator clients. The next figure shows a basic HLTV configuration:
HL Game Server -& HLTV Proxy =& Spectator Clients
The number of clients that one HLTV proxy can serve depends on available hardware and network resources. Theoretically, a single proxy can hold a maximum of 255 spectator clients. But be careful, even a proxy with 100 spectator clients needs a full 2 MBit line to run smoothly. If more spectator slots are needed, the required network load must be distributed over multiple HLTV proxies.
The first HLTV proxy connected to the game server is called the Master proxy, which sets the general broadcast settings like game stream delay or packet rate. All other HLTV proxies linked to this proxy are the Relay proxies. Their total number and link order is not restricted, they may form a chain or tree of proxies. Most important is that their location is in different networks to ensure a balanced bandwidth usage.
-& HLTV Relay Proxy 1 =& Spectator Clients
HL Game Server -& HLTV Master -& HLTV Relay Proxy 2 =& Spectator Clients
-& HLTV Relay Proxy 3 =& Spectator Clients
4. Broadcasting Games
Let's assume the most simple configuration, a single HLTV proxy in a LAN environment. This is a very common situation and the default HLTV settings doesn't need to be changed. Choose a dedicated computer as your HLTV proxy and install the Half-Life Dedicated Server, which also includes all files needed by a HLTV proxy. This isn't needed if Half-Life is already installed.
Start the HLTV application (HL icon with a small camera) and the HLTV console will open, showing some initialization messages (if that takes a long time, HLTV maybe can't resolve some IP addresses, then start HLTV with the '-nodns' command line option). Then the console is ready to accept your commands, here we use '&' as the console prompt. First give your HLTV proxy an unique name:
&name &My HLTV Proxy&
Let's assume you have started the proxy on host and the game server, you want to spectate is running on host Then connect the HLTV proxy to this game server by typing:
After a few seconds HLTV will be fully connected and ready to serve spectator clients. Use the 'status' command to verify that the HLTV proxy has connected properly :
--- HLTV Status ---
Online 00:23, FPS 79.0, Version 2435 (Win32)
Local IP, Network In 1.7, Out 1.0, Loss 0.00
Local Slots 128, Spectators 0, Proxies 0
Total Slots 128, Spectators 0, Proxies 1
Source Game Server, Delay 30
Server Name &Half-Life dedicated server&
Time 01:35, Game &valve&, Map &maps/rapidcore.bsp&, Players 1
The 'status' command shows your own IP address, HLTV system cycles per second, total incoming and outgoing network traffic in kB/sec. Local slot and spectator numbers your HLTV proxy is providing, total numbers are the sum of all slots & spectators on all proxies broadcasting this game. The game source can be a game server, another HLTV proxy or a demo file.
5. Recording HLTV demos
HLTV demo files are like normal recorded games in Half-Life, but you can choose any view point, view mode or player to chase during replay. To play back a HLTV demo, a HLTV proxy is not needed. Just start Half-Life and type in console &playdemo &demoname&& or &viewdemo &demoname&& (viewdemo offers more options during playback like fast forward/backward, pause &&&slowmotion). To record a HLTV demo, connect the proxy to a game server (see last chapter) and type in console:
record &name&
All games will be recorded after issuing this command. The demo files will be saved in the current Mod directory, e.g. \cstrike. All demo files have a special naming convention &name&-&YYMMDDhhmm&-&map&.dem, including the given name, date/time and map name. Demo files record the same data as send to spectator clients. That means also, the demo file records the game with the same delay as used for spectators. To verify, that a demo file is recorded use the &status& command. The recording may be stopped with &stoprecording&.
Sometimes a HLTV broadcast is not wanted and the HLTV proxy is only used to record a demo file. In this case, some HLTV settings should be made to gain optimal recording results:
maxclients 0 // don't allow any spectator clients
delay 0 // no game stream delay
rate 10000 // maximum data rate
updaterate 20 // standard update rate
nomaster 1 // don't register at master servers
6. Larger Broadcasts
Setting up a HLTV network that can handle a larger number of spectators (&1000) is a difficult and time consuming task. The following guide should help to configure and run such a HLTV network. One of the most important rule should be &Quality, not Quantity&. It's better to offer a smaller number of spectator slots, than operating at the maximum bandwidth limit, thus all spectators would suffer from lags and timeouts. Check carefully your available bandwidth capacity and calculate how many spectators can be handled by your HLTV servers. The average bandwidth demand per spectator is between 2 and 3 KB/sec and depends on the current mod, map and number of players. CPU and RAM shouldn't be a bottleneck on modern PC systems.
This list for common Internet connection types gives a feeling, how bandwidth demanding HLTV can be:
- ISDN 64 Kbps : 2 spectators
- DSL 128 Kbps (upstream) : 5 spectators
- T1 1.5 Mbps : 75 spectators
- LAN 10 Mbps : 500 spectators
- T3 75 Mbps : 4000 spectators
Use the &maxclients& command to set how many clients should be accepted by a HLTV proxy. Make sure that the &maxrate& variable is set too a reasonable value, e.g. 3500 kB/sec. Lower values are possible, but make sure spectators don't get too much &choke& during a running game.
The &maxrate& command doesn't effect the bandwidth limit between HLTV proxies, only for spectator clients. To lower the general bandwidth demand, you can turn off the internal HLTV chat (&chatmode 0&) or decrease the game update rate from the default value 20 to 10 (&updaterate 10&). A lower update rate may save up to 25% network traffic and is an acceptable tradeoff in this case since spectators doesn't need a high update rate like real players does.
A very common setup for large broadcasts is to use 2 dedicated HLTV servers to create a private and a public HLTV segment. Let's assume the game server is in a closed LAN and not accessible from outside. This ensures a maximum security against attacks (DOS etc) from outside. The HLTV master server is started within the LAN and it's IP address should be kept secret. The second HLTV server is started outside the LAN with a global IP and is connected to the HLTV master server. This second HLTV server is the public HLTV dispatcher, which IP address is given to the audience. Any relay proxies are connected to this HLTV dispatcher. Thus the HLTV master server
is in a secure LAN environment and can be used for demo recording or for HL clients serving video projectors. Spectators connect to the HLTV dispatcher and are relayed through the HLTV network to a relay proxy with a low usage. Thus the total network load is balanced between all connected HLTV proxies.
+---- Private LAN -----+ +------ Public Internet --------+
-& HLTV Proxy 1
HL Server -& HLTV Master -& HLTV Dispatcher -& HLTV Proxy 2 -& HLTV Proxy 3
The configuration files of HLTV master and HLTV dispatcher are different:
nomaster 1 // don't register at WON/STEAM master servers
proxypassword MyPWD // protect HLTV server
publicgame 0 // don't show game server IP
dispatchmode 0 // don't dispatch spectators
forcemaster 1 // register at WON/STEAM master servers
publicgame 0 // don't show game server IP
dispatchmode 2 // dispatch all clients to other proxies
hostname MyGame // public HLTV server name
If you're running 3 or more HLTV servers in total, it's a good idea to use RCON to manage them via a single server admin tool. To enable RCON on a HLTV server an &adminpassword& must been set. Also &proxypassword& should be set to ensure only known HLTV providers can connect to your HLTV network. Otherwise anybody can connect with slow HLTV proxies and disturb your network load balancing.
7. HLTV Configuration
A short note about console command syntax.
A command description follows the following notation:
command ¶meter& [¶meter&] - description
A command may have one or more parameters. Parameters in brackets [] are optional.
Common used parameters are :
&string& : text, must be in quotes if text contains spaces &My Name&
&n& : a whole number, e.g. 42
&f& : a floating point number, e.g. 4.2
&IP:Port& : an IP address, e.g.
&a|b|c& : a set of options, a or b or c
Note, any of these special characters &, &, |, [ or ] are not part of the final command as typed in the console. Lots of these commands are Boolean switches, were 1 is meaning ON and 0 is respectively OFF.
connect &IP:Port& - connect HLTV proxy to game server (default port 27015)
disconnect - disconnects proxy from server, but doesn't stop the
broadcast. All spectator clients stay connected.
stop [&text&] - disconnects from server, disconnects all clients and
stops demo recording. Optional goodbye message.
quit - quits the HLTV process
retry - retries the last server connection
autoretry &0|1& - if enabled, proxy will retry connection to server if
connection was interrupted for any reason
name &text& - sets the HLTV proxy scoreboard name
hostname &text& - sets the HLTV host name for game browser list
serverpassword &text& - sets the game server password
adminpassword &text& - sets password for RCON & commentator
proxypassword &text& - sets password for other relay proxies
spectatorpassword &text& - sets spectator password. Will also exclude
proxy from global load balancing
clients - lists connected spectator clients
proxies - lists connected relay proxies
players - lists players on game server
kick &ID& - kicks a spectator client from proxy
bann &IP& - banns an IP address (completely ignored)
clearbanns - removes all IPs from bann list
say &text& - sends a text message to game server (chat with players)
msg &text& [&duration& &pos x& &pos y& &color hex rgba&]
- sends a text message to all spectators as big HUD text
localmsg &text& [&duration& &pos x& &pos y& &color hex rgba&]
- same as msg, but only seen by local clients
servercmd &string& - forwards console command to game server
clientcmd &group& &string&
- forwards a console command to all clients of given group: 1=spectators, 2=proxies, 3=all
loopcmd &id& &n& &string&
- loopcmd will execute &string& every &n& seconds.
&id& is a number between 1 and 64 to identify this loopcmd.
&loopcmd &id& none&
- will disable a looping command again.
- without any parameter will list any command currently in the list.
signoncommands &string&
- Console commands that will be executed by local spectator clients after connection is established.
& &Commands may be separated by semicolons.
maxclients &n& - set spectator number limit for this proxy (default 128)
- delays the game stream for n seconds on the Master Proxy.
& & The default value is 30 seconds to avoid cheating.
If the delay is set to a value below 10 seconds (e.g. 0), the auto director function will be disabled.
rate &n& - bandwidth rate the game server sends data to the proxy
updaterate &n& - game updates per seconds send from server to proxy
maxrate &n& - sets the maximum bandwidth rate for spectator clients
maxloss &f&
- Sets the acceptable packet loss rate, default value is 0.05 (5%).
& & If packet loss is higher, new spectator clients will be rejected.
maxqueries &n& - maximum of status queries per second requested by server browsers
dispatchmode &0|1|2&
- Dispatch mode 1 (AUTO) will redirect connecting clients to other proxies balancing
& & work load between all proxies.
& & In dispatch mode 2 (ALWAYS) any spectator clients will be redirected,
& & so this proxy serves only as dispatcher.
& & Dispatch mode 0 (OFF) won't redirect any clients.
publicgame &0|1& - if public is 1, game server IP will be visible to spectators and 'joingame' is allowed.
offlinetext &string& - info text clients will see as reject reason if HLTV isn't broadcasting yet
chatmode &0|1|2&
- if chatmode is 0, spectators can't chat.
- If set to 1, only spectators connected to the same proxy can see their chat messages.
- In chatmode 2 all spectators can chat between each other
& &&&(then Master and all Relay proxies must have set chatmode 2).
bannerfile &file& - specifies a TGA file (RGBA) that will be shown as logo in spectator GUI.
ping &host:port& - pings a HL server on the given port (default 27015)
nomaster &0|1& - if enabled, proxy won't register at WON/STEAM master servers
forcemaster &0|1& - if enabled, proxy will register at WON/STEAM master server
heartbeat - sends manually a status packet to WON/STEAM master servers
region &n& - set the region your HLTV proxy is located in
rcon &string& - sends a remote control command to other servers
rconaddress &IP:Port& - sets the remote control target address
rconpassword &string& - sets the password for the remote controlled host
cheeringthreshold &f& - number of cheering players must be above this
threshold to play the cheering sound (by default 0.25).
blockvoice &0|1&
- if set, all incoming voice data is blocked.
& & This is useful to override incoming voice commentators or player voice with own commentators voice.
cmdlist - shows all registered proxy commands
logfile &0|1& - starts/stops console logging in &logfile&date&.log&
status - shows proxy status information
modules - shows all loaded HLTV modules and versions
exec &filename& - executes a .cfg file
echo &string& - prints a text to HLTV console
developer &0|1& - additional debug messages are shown in developer mode
record &filename& - records all following games to demo files using name
syntax &filename-&date&-&map&.dem&
stoprecording - stops recording a demo file
playdemo &filename& - starts broadcasting a demo file
The console does auto-completion by hitting 'TAB'.
All commands in the config file &hltv.cfg& are executed during startup.
NOTE: Updating your server with HLDSUpdatetool will overwrite the HLTV.CFG file!
Some parameters can only be set in the command line:
-port &n& - sets the HLTV proxy port that spectators connect to (default 27020)
-ip &IP& - forces the proxy to use this IP on a multihomed host
-comm &filename& - sets a master server info file other than woncomm.lst
-nodns - disables any DNS resolving (useful for LAN proxies)
-maxfps &n& - sets maximum system cycles per seconds (default 100)
-highpriority - starts the HLTV proxy as high priority process
-steam - proxy enables special Steam support
-dev - developer mode
These parameters cannot be changed during runtime, thus they can't be used in config files.
All console commands can be used in the command line, if a &+& is pre-pended to them,
for example:
hltv.exe +connect localhost:27015 -port 27021
A Half-Life server can set sv_proxies &n&, to determine how many proxies are allowed to connect. If HLTV proxies should be forbidden, set it to 0, otherwise 1 to allow for a Master Proxy. Other values are experimental.
For HLTV news, updates and help visit
Copyright (2003 Valve LLC.)
Typical output from modules command:
Module nulldirector, Interface GenericModule, Version 2681
Module proxy001, Interface proxy001, Version 2681
Module demo, Interface democlient000, Version 2681
Module world001, Interface world001, Version 2741
Module server001, Interface server001, Version 2741
Module master, Interface master000, Version 2681
Module status, Interface status000, Version 2681
Module network001, Interface network001, Version 2741
--- 8 modules in total ---
Latest version of Registered console commands:
[ 本帖最后由 景天 于
12:01 AM 编辑 ]
Services: Passed
There were no services found that conflict with Steam or the games.
Layered Service Providers: Passed
There were no LSPs found that should conflict with Steam or the games.
Possible Suggestions
If you continue to have problems updating Steam, please exit from Steam, and then delete the following files from your Steam directory.
C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.dll
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamUI.dll
C:\Program Files\Steam\ClientRegistry.Blob
If you continue to have problems finding any servers, please exit from Steam, and then delete the following files from your Steam\config directory.
C:\Program Files\Steam\config\serverbrowser.vdf
C:\Program Files\Steam\config\masterservers.vdf
Basic Information
[+] Counter-Strike
No settings could be found for this game. This may be a third-party game, or the game has not been launched
[+] Condition Zero
No settings could be found for this game. This may be a third-party game, or the game has not been launched
[+] Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
Steam.exe (Main Exception): ERROR: delete of steam.exe failed, Win32
Error 5 Access is denied&&怎么解决啊,,我没有在 steam 更新
时去移动、剪切 steam.exe。也没有同时打开多个 steam。
SteamCN 蒸汽动力 & Chinese Steam User Fan Site.
20:41, PE: 0.211441s , QE: 124, Gzip On, Redis On.


