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魔兽随身助手App怎么关闭游戏声音 魔兽世界军团伙伴App声音关闭方法
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Copyright © . All Rights Reserved9月7日发现App Store 已上线,可以做职业大厅任务,还有谁知道这个app怎么关音效?
在哪里啊我App Store找不到啊&br&&br&刚试了一下很方便,很合适我这种上班党。&br&音量的话直接静音好了
在哪里啊我App Store找不到啊 刚试了一下很方便,很合适我这种上班党。 音量的话直接静音好了
谢邀。&br&&br&目前还没下载,稳定使用后相信这个方便得很。&br&&br&要塞闷声发大财的时候就该来这个了,现在来的话还不算太晚。不管怎么说这是WOW向移动端跨出的一大步,值得鼓励。&br&&br&目前这个和手机英雄榜相对独立,希望能够整合到一起,能和炉石整合到一起变成手机战网的话,想想都觉得很Coooooooooool。&br&&br&除了当下的职业大厅外,德拉诺要塞、船坞和半山农场估计在手机上复活无望了。这也正常,这个投入估计没多少产出。&br&&br&小宠物对战和抓小宠物这些很好玩的东西为何不尽早加入呢?我相信这一定能和Pokemon Go分庭抗礼啊。&br&&br&日更新:&br&&br&日17:30已经开始使用,晚上要挨个小号做神器有空再给大号练练级,所以没来得及更新***。评论区两位质疑的朋友请看更新。之前的看法不做修改。&br&&br&&img src=&/454c88315de1dff65a0fdf7c71967f65_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&1280& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&/454c88315de1dff65a0fdf7c71967f65_r.jpg&&&img src=&/f2dfec376fee79ec4088_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&1280& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&/f2dfec376fee79ec4088_r.jpg&&&img src=&/db2e82e32baf80aa69d8af49b5d9ac5e_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&720& data-rawheight=&1280& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&720& data-original=&/db2e82e32baf80aa69d8af49b5d9ac5e_r.jpg&&界面友好,操作简单,常年非洲人的我居然没遇见任何BUG。横竖是个扣点卡的,功能我当然希望越多越好啦~在被窝躺着逮小宠物想想就来感啊。
谢邀。 目前还没下载,稳定使用后相信这个方便得很。 要塞闷声发大财的时候就该来这个了,现在来的话还不算太晚。不管怎么说这是WOW向移动端跨出的一大步,值得鼓励。 目前这个和手机英雄榜相对独立,希望能够整合到一起,能和炉石整合到一起变成手机战网的…
[魔兽世界]Legion - 军团再临原声音乐合集
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    Active: 2219 users[WoW] Legion
    LET THE HUNT BEGINThe Tomb of Sargeras has been reopened, and the demons of the Burning Legion pour into our world. Their full, terrifying might is fixed on summoning the Dark Titan to Azeroth--and they’ve already located the key to his return.With the Alliance and Horde devastated, only you can take up Warcraft’s most legendary artifacts, scour the ancient Broken Isles for relics of the Titans, and challenge the Legion before Azeroth’s last hope dies.Steel yourself, champion. Extinction is imminent.New Class - DEMON HUNTER!Dominate your foes as a Demon Hunter, an elven outcast shunned for daring to wield the terrible powers of the Legion. Exhibiting superior mobility and a preternatural sense of awareness, Demon Hunters can tap into forbidden powers at times of dire need, metamorphosing into terrifying fel forms. Focus on Havoc to demolish any who stand in your way with fiery demonic attacks, or specialize in Vengeance and go toe to toe with even the most powerful demons, withstanding massive punishment as their attacks fuel your hatred.Artifacts - Wield Weapons of Unimaginable PowerOnly Azeroth’s most seasoned veterans possess the fortitude to wield artifacts of legend against the Burning Legion. Your myth-forged weapon grows in power as you do, and your choices will change its abilities and the way it looks, sounds, and feels in combat. Fashion your artifact into the perfect instrument of battle, and guide your faction in its most desperate hour.New continent: The Broken IslesNew class: Demon HunterArtifacts: customizable weapons that grow in power as you doClass-specific Order Halls and followersAll New Dungeons and RaidsNew World BossesLevel cap raised to 110Revamped PvP progression systemImproved transmogrification systemImproved social featuresCharacter Boost--immediately raise one character to level 100New Challenge Mode System!Release Date 30th August 2016Anyone who has pre-purchased Legion will be able to make their Demon Hunter and play through their starting experience during the pre release patch before the game goes live (normally 2 weeks before launch!)You're Demon Hunter experience will be that of a DK style. You start level 98, level through some quests gaining abilities along the way, resulting in getting level 100 at the end of it when you are then able to go to the broken isles like everyone else to level to 110!
    Connoisseur of Night ClubsTeam Liquid Football Thread Guru! -
    Chelsea FC &3 -- Current T Footy Thread !
    Class Overview System!Blizzard announced that it will blog about the upcoming changes it wants to make for each specific class in the upcoming expansion. This expansion they are changing the design of 12 classes and making sure they are all different and will list the changes and the direction they want to take said character.Over the next week they will all be released and i'll link them here for you all to see!New Features!Challenge Modes!Changes from Warlords;Challenge mode dungeons will no longer scale players down to a fixed power level.There are no longer Bronze, Silver, and Gold timers, just one timer that is roughly the same as Silver would have been.The leaderboards will focus on the highest difficulty level you have cleared, not times.KeystonesKeystone are used to start the Challenge Mode dungeon.Keystones come from world quests, with everyone able to obtain one each week. Keystones have a power level that determines the difficulty and reward from the challenge mode dungeon.The higher the power level gets, the more damage the enemies do and the more health they have.Higher level keystones will have some additional affixes. For example:Enemies enrage at 30% health remaining, doing 100% increased damage.Additional enemies appear in the dungeon.Enemy corpses explode and do damage shortly after death.The party takes constant damage over time in the dungeon.Keystone affixes will be the same for the entire region each week, so there is no need to try and find an optimal keystone.When you successfully clear the dungeon before the timer expires, your keystone is upgraded to the next level.If you fail to clear the dungeon before the timer expires, your keystone is depleted.Depleted keystones can still be used to start additional runs, but those runs won't give a loot chest at the end.If you do beat the timer on a depleted keystone run, your keystone will be upgraded and empowered again, so you can attempt the next difficulty level for loot.For example: if you are trying Level 6 Halls of Valor and just barely fail, you will get a Level 6 quality reward chest for your group at the end of the run, but you now have a depleted Level 6 Halls of Valor keystone. You can try again and if you manage to beat the time, you will upgrade your keystone to a fresh empowered Level 7 keystone that will give you loot.Challenge Mode Dungeons and LootThe system will start slightly above Heroic Dungeon difficulty.The difficulty of challenge mode dungeons should be able to scale endlessly.There will be a cap on loot quality being increased from difficulty:For example, if a Tier 20 challenge mode dungeon is very hard to complete, they may cap the loot potential there, even if there are a couple of groups that can go a little higher.This is somewhat like how current challenge modes have a gold timer that is designed to be attainable by virtually any reasonably balanced group. Players can try for even faster times for prestige or leaderboard ranks, but there aren't any more rewards.You get a jackpot at the end of the week with loot quality based on your best run, which will be significantly higher than loot from regular runs.There is a possibility of getting a lucky upgrade from the regular runs, but at some point your main goal will become the weekly chest.If you are a skilled fully Mythic geared player, you will be able to do a very high tier challenge mode dungeon and they want to give you a chance to get loot comparable to that.Loot will be in a range of item levels, somewhat like what Mythic dungeons offer in Patch 6.2.3. While there is a chance to get items equal to the best ones from Mythic raids, that is not the default expectation.Challenge mode dungeons complement high end raiders gameplay, not replace it.For players who do Normal difficulty raiding, but actually prefer a smaller group setting, this could replace raiding.Challenge mode dungeons won't be part of the random matchmaking system.Guilds, social circles, and group finder will be where you find players.Having an unused keystone is a desired commodity, so people will be lining up to use your Keystone on a Sunday.Questing in LegionThere are going to be a wide variety of rewards from the world quests. Some examples include gold, experience, Artifact Power, crafting materials, things that benefit your class order, rare mounts, rare pets, and gear.The world quests on your map will exist without picking up a quest from the emissaries in your class hall. You should be able to see how much time remains before they are gone. The emissary quests are just there to give you some structure.You can do as many of the world quests as you want. At some point you will start clearing out your map and you will have to wait for new ones to appear.The quests that offer more attractive rewards aren't going to appear as frequently as the smaller quests. Most players will pick and choose what is most exciting to them and leave the rest alone.Originally the plan was to work your way through the Broken Isles zones in a clockwise manner. The team learned from flex and scaling in Warlords.The Broken Isles will let you do the four leveling zones in any order you want, as all of the zones scale.All roads lead to Suramar, which is a max level zone.You can play with your friends, as the zones scale. Level 105 and 102 players can go to a zone and quest together. Players aren't being scaled, the world is.If it takes 12 seconds to kill a boar at level 102, it will take 12 seconds when at level 106. Ideally players won't even notice the scaling.There will still be enemies that won't scale for you to come back and tackle at max level. Like the random fel reaver walking around hellfire peninsula!
    Connoisseur of Night ClubsTeam Liquid Football Thread Guru! -
    Chelsea FC &3 -- Current T Footy Thread !
    Looking forward to it
    Just finished reading the priest changes. Big changes to Discipline, strange changes to holy and good changes for shadow! I think holy just became stupidly easy and very strong with its cooldowns.
    Connoisseur of Night ClubsTeam Liquid Football Thread Guru! -
    Chelsea FC &3 -- Current T Footy Thread !
    On November 09
    Pandemona wrote:Just finished reading the priest changes. Big changes to Discipline, strange changes to holy and good changes for shadow! I think holy just became stupidly easy and very strong with its cooldowns. We dont even have numbers, lets not be hasty lolI do have some concerns tho. If Holy relies to much on their cooldowns it could become awkward with healing but will have to try it before I get worried.Disc tho...They tried this before with Mistweavers and as someone who played a monk during MoP I feel for Disc. Blizzard failed once before with creating a healing through damage spec. I donno if i trust them to do it correctly this see it posted yet so
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
    On November 09
    Pandemona wrote:Just finished reading the priest changes. Big changes to Discipline, strange changes to holy and good changes for shadow! I think holy just became stupidly easy and very strong with its cooldowns. Where can I read up on class changes?
    Off-season = best season
    Seeing as there's quite a while left in WoD why the thread change? Can people still talk about WoD in here? (I never personally spoke about it but I enjoyed reading peoples opinions)
    Pandemona linked them, scroll up a little :D
    AdministratorLaws change depending on who's making them, but justice is justice
    I mean the cooldowns seem absurd and they are only 1 minute long and alrSerendipityPassiveWhen you cast Flash Heal or Heal, the cooldown of Holy Word: Serenity is reduced by 6 sec.When you cast Prayer of Healing or Prayer of Mending, the cooldown of Holy Word: Sanctify is reduced by 6 sec.Couple of casts and you are looking at the 1 minute cooldowns of "huge amount" heals for low mana seems like it is going to need huge balance works Even if the heal is just 30% hp for example of a 110 tank hp, that every x seconds maybe seems pretty huge and hard to keep in tune? Thats my take from it anyway, casting ur heal heal heal into big Serenity to then heal heal heal to reduce its cooldown into another big heal. But that was my take from it, that it seems to put it into a huge burst heal category for something that is wrote down cheapily in mana cost and cooldown is not that long. On November 09
    atrox_ wrote:Seeing as there's quite a while left in WoD why the thread change? Can people still talk about WoD in here? (I never personally spoke about it but I enjoyed reading peoples opinions)Of course you can, just the last few pages of WoD was about blizzcon and legion anyway. We have already "finished" end game boss in WoD so there isn't anything major left.I thought it was time we discuss Legion some more in a new thread :D
    Connoisseur of Night ClubsTeam Liquid Football Thread Guru! -
    Chelsea FC &3 -- Current T Footy Thread !
    On November 09
    atrox_ wrote:Seeing as there's quite a while left in WoD why the thread change? Can people still talk about WoD in here? (I never personally spoke about it but I enjoyed reading peoples opinions)Of course, talk about anything WoW related in here. It's just nice having a new and updated OP now that more and more Legion info is coming out.
    AdministratorLaws change depending on who's making them, but justice is justice
    On November 09
    Redox wrote:On November 09
    Pandemona wrote:Just finished reading the priest changes. Big changes to Discipline, strange changes to holy and good changes for shadow! I think holy just became stupidly easy and very strong with its cooldowns. Where can I read up on class changes? Nvm just realized there is nothing on my class (monk healer) yet.
    Off-season = best season
    I have linked the class changes btw in the 2nd post. The links with your class in, take you to the blogs discussing changes
    thought i made that clear! By Thursday we will have the last class (rogue) announced. Today we have Mage and Paladin to follow. Times in PDT of release are 5am-11am-5pm
    Connoisseur of Night ClubsTeam Liquid Football Thread Guru! -
    Chelsea FC &3 -- Current T Footy Thread !
    I'm a bit concerned on how the balance of new holy and disc will work out. From the looks of it Disc seems like it'll either provide inadequate heals or become even more mandatory than old Disc priests. Maybe in a raid environment having a disc priest for a DPS intensive boss could work but in five mans when you're the sole healer idk. I guess that's why they added tri spec. The changes look really nice and I'm excited to try them out come legion but both look really brutal to balance. But I'm of the view that you do cool shit then figure out balance so I'm happy with it overall. Still eagerly waiting to see what they do with Windwalker monks especially storm, earth and fire which they said they're going to address for Legion.
    Glorious SEA doto
    On November 09
    Pandemona wrote:I mean the cooldowns seem absurd and they are only 1 minute long and alrSerendipityPassiveWhen you cast Flash Heal or Heal, the cooldown of Holy Word: Serenity is reduced by 6 sec.When you cast Prayer of Healing or Prayer of Mending, the cooldown of Holy Word: Sanctify is reduced by 6 sec.Couple of casts and you are looking at the 1 minute cooldowns of &huge amount& heals for low mana seems like it is going to need huge balance works Even if the heal is just 30% hp for example of a 110 tank hp, that every x seconds maybe seems pretty huge and hard to keep in tune? Thats my take from it anyway, casting ur heal heal heal into big Serenity to then heal heal heal to reduce its cooldown into another big heal. But that was my take from it, that it seems to put it into a huge burst heal category for something that is wrote down cheapily in mana cost and cooldown is not that long. :DCurrent holy already kinda works like that with Circle of Healing and its cd being reduced by all other heal casts. It now mostly resolves around spamming renew and CoH on cd. Ofcourse the numbers on the new spells cant be to big or you indeed get the problem you mentioned.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
    As a long time priest player I really like how the changes read. Just hoping Disc won't be overpowered or completely underpowered, but I have a good feeling about it.Really interesting for me is the &huge damage& in the description of VT and SW, I hope the DOTs will actually do dmg instead of being low dmg debuffs which are just there to provide procsAlso the PoH description seems like it won't be restricted to groups anymore! But the 15yard radius seems a bit small?
    On November 09
    Fusilero wrote:I'm a bit concerned on how the balance of new holy and disc will work out. From the looks of it Disc seems like it'll either provide inadequate heals or become even more mandatory than old Disc priests. Maybe in a raid environment having a disc priest for a DPS intensive boss could work but in five mans when you're the sole healer idk. I guess that's why they added tri spec. The changes look really nice and I'm excited to try them out come legion but both look really brutal to balance. But I'm of the view that you do cool shit then figure out balance so I'm happy with it overall. Still eagerly waiting to see what they do with Windwalker monks especially storm, earth and fire which they said they're going to address for Legion.They kinda already said what Storm, Earth and Fire would doYou turn it on and split into three, turn it off and you recombine into one. They won't attack the same target as you, but they will find something nearby to attack. You do lose the customizability of assigning targets, but it will do something useful at all times.
    sounds like you basically get 2 guardian mobs (pets you cant control) that start hitting random mobs.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
    RIP old thread
    When is it possible to play the DH? I'm planning on playing again like a month before the release of WoD to prepare and I'd like to level one up.
    might come out of wow retirement for legion. sadly stopped in 2012.
    On November 10
    RvB wrote:When is it possible to play the DH? I'm planning on playing again like a month before the release of WoD to prepare and I'd like to level one up.No date is known yet but the pre-order does include early access to the DH class.My guess is when the pre-patch go's live. which is normaly ~a month before the expansion releases.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
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