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VasarelyCsontváryZsolnayMartynSchaárModernAmerigo TotNemesKIADV?NYOKkiállítások
Mai programok
Képz?- és Iparm?vészet
Múzeumpedagógia (Képz?- és iparm?vészet)
Karó k?zt a potyka - Kisszerszámos halászat
Madarak f?ld?n, égen
Múzeumpedagógia (természettudomány)
Múzeumpedagógia (néprajz)
Sopianae - Baranya római kori leletei - állandó régészeti kiállítás
Kincsek a Nílus partjáról - Túlvilági utazás az ókori Egyiptomban
Korszakokon átível? t?rténelem - Cella Trichora épületek Sopianae északi temet?jében
Múzeumpedagógia (régészet)
Január végéig tekinthet? meg a Szent Korona, a jogar és az országalma másolata
Nemzeti &nnep&nk alkalm&b&l &rkezett ideiglenesen a JPM Csontv&ry M&zeumba (P&cs, Janus Pannonius u. 11.) a Szent Korona a jogar &s az orsz&galma m&solata egy mag&ngy?jt? j&volt&b&l. A h&rom m?t&rgy janu&r 31-&ig csod&lhat& meg ingyenesen a m&zeum nyitva tart&si idej&ben.
Püsp?ki tárlatvezetés a Csontváry Múzeumban
T&rlatvezet&st tart dr. Udvardy Gy&rgy megy&sp&sp&k 2018. janu&r 5-&n, p&nteken 16 &rakor a JPM Csontv&ry M&zeumban (P&cs, Janus Pannonius u. 11.).
December 23-án zárva tart a Természettudományi Múzeum
December 23-&n technikai okokb&l z&rva tart a Term&szettudom&nyi M&zeum. K&sz&nj&k l&togat&ink meg&rt&s&t!&
A pécsi múzeumok karácsonyi és újévi nyitva tartása
A p&csi Janus Pannonius M&zeum &lland& &s id?szaki ki&ll&t&sainak nyitva tart&sa 2017. december 24. &s 2018. janu&r 2. k&z&tt.
Kávéházi este Weber Xavér Ferenc csendéletér?l
Az esztend?ben m&g egy alkalommal &sszegy?lnek a p&csi m?bar&tok egy k&v&h&zi est&re december 15-&n 17 &rakor a Nappali K&v&z&ban (P&cs, Kir&ly utca 23-25.). A Janus Pannonius M&zeum <al rendezett sorozatban Weber Xav&r Ferenc (P&cs, 1829 & M&nchen, 1887) Vanitas-csend&let, 1860-as &vek (karton, olaj, 40x50 cm) c&m? alkot&sa ihleti a besz&lget&st. A m? a megnyit& rendezv&nyt k&vet?en egy h&napon kereszt&l megtekinthet? lesz a k&v&z&ban.
Adventi családi nap a Csontváry Múzeumban
Interakt&v &s k&zm?ves foglalkoz&s, mes&l? muzeol&gusok, valamint a Csontv&ry-, az egyiptomi &s a Cella Trichora-ki&ll&t&sban tartand& t&rlatvezet&s v&rja az &rdekl?d?ket az &v utols& m&zeumi csal&di napj&n december 16-&n 10 &s 14 &ra k&z&tt. A Csontv&ry-ki&ll&t&s &p&let&ben megrendezett (Janus Pannonius u. 11.) esem&nyen a szervez?k finom falatokkal (kal&cs, apr&s&tem&nyek), te&val, &s kellemes zen&vel is kedveskednek.
Barlangtól a királyi palotáig - a k?zépkori pálos rend régészeti és t?rténeti kutatásáról
Nem mindig k&nny? eligazodni a rengeteg inform&ci& k&z&tt, amelyekkel a k&z&pkori p&los t&rt&netet kutat&k szembes&lhetnek. Pet? Zsuzsa Eszter, a Magyar Nemzeti M&zeum r&g&sz-muzeol&gusa 2017. december 12-&n 16.30-kor a Csontv&ry M&zeum (P&cs, Janus Pannonius u. 11.) &p&let&ben megrendezett Korszakokon &t&vel? t&rt&nelem c&m? id?szakos ki&ll&t&s term&ben tart el?ad&st a t&m&ban.
Három értékes festménnyel gazdagodott a JPM gy?jteménye
A Magyar Nemzeti Bank 2014 janu&rj&ban elind&tott &Ert&kt&r programja keret&ben Csernus Tibor fest?m?v&sz () h&rom m?ve ker< a Janus Pannonius M&zeum gy?jtem&ny&be tart&s let&tbe.
Családi nap a legszebb madárfotók ?lelésében
Madarak f&ld&n, &gen c&mmel ki&ll&t&s ny&lik a JPM Term&szettudom&nyi M&zeumban (P&cs, Szabads&g u. 2.) a birdphotography.hu legjobb 2017-ben k&sz< mad&rfot&ib&l december 9-&n 14 &rakor. A megnyit& &nneps&get 15.00-18.00 &ra k&z&tt csal&di nap k&veti.
Z?ld Mikulás és adventi foglalkozások a JPM Természettudományi Múzeum szervezésében
A JPM Term&szettudom&nyi M&zeuma december els? het&ben adventi programokat hirdet &vod&s, iskol&s gyermekek &s csal&djaik sz&m&ra.
Játszd el magad! - színház a múzeumban
Ebben a f&l&vben, szeptember &ta zajlik a Janus Pannonius M&zeum J&tszd el magad! c&m? mintaprojektje, amelyben a P&csv&radi V&r, valamint egy p&csi &s h&rom p&csv&radi nevel&si, oktat&si int&zm&ny vesz r&szt. A c&l, hogy a dr&mapedag&giai m&dszereket alkalmaz& foglalkoz&ssorozat &jdons&got adjon, a kidolgozott &s kipr&b< programok, m&dszerek m&s muze&lis, illetve k&znevel&si int&zm&ny sz&m&ra is hasznos&that&ak legyenek.
A Múzeumutcába is beg?rdül az ,,Arany 200 busz”
Arany J&nos sz&let&s&nek 200. &vfordul&j&ra a Pet?fi Irodalmi M&zeum l&trehozta a k<? &letm?ve el?tt tisztelg? &Onarck&p &larcokban c&m? ki&ll&t&s&nak utaz& v<ozat&t. A Janus Pannonius M&zeum koordin&l&s&ban az iskolai oktat&st kieg&sz&t?, &talak&tott &Arany 200 busz& november 28-&t&l december 3-&ig P&csett t&bb helyen is l&togathat& lesz.
Megyei múzeumpedagógiai találkozó Pécsett és Komlón
A Szabadt&ri N&prajzi M&zeum M&zeumi Oktat&si &s M&dszertani K&zpont (SZNM MOKK) &s a Janus Pannonius M&zeum, valamint a Koml&i Helyt&rt&neti &s Term&szettudom&nyi Gy?jtem&ny a &M&zeumi &s k&nyvt&ri fejleszt&sek mindenkinek& EFOP-3.3.3- VEKOP-16-
projekt keret&ben megyei m&zeumpedag&giai tal&lkoz&t szervez november 22-&n.
Z?ld Mikulás a Természettudományi Múzeumban
J&tsz&sarok &s mesefoglalkoz&s v&rja a kicsiket&december 6-&n a Term&szettudom&nyi M&zeumban (P&cs, Szabads&g u. 2.). A programra november 30-ig lehet jelentkezni.
A képtárcsináló - Romváry Ferenc k?nyvet írt visszaemlékezéseib?l
A k&pt&rcsin&l& & Curriculum vitae c&mmel jelent meg Romv&ry Ferenc &letrajzi k&nyve, amelynek bemutat&ja november 16-&n 18.00 &rakor lesz a M?v&szetek H&z&ban (P&cs, Sz&chenyi t&r 7-8.).
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Janus Pannonius Muzeum. Evkonyve杂志
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Janus Pannonius Muzeum. Evkonyve期刊文章
We found a simple and interesting generalization of thenon-supersymmetric Janus solution in type IIB string theory.
TheJanus solution can be thought of as a thick AdSd-sliced domain wallin AdSd+1 space.
It turns out that the AdSd-sliced domainwall can support its own AdSd-1-sliced domain wall within it.Indeed this pattern persists further until it reaches theAdS2-slice of the domain wall within self-similar AdSp (2 & p & d)-sliced domain walls.
In other words the solution represents asequence of little Janus nested in the interface of the parent Janusaccording to a remarkably simple ``nesting'' rule.
Via the AdS/CFTduality, the dual gauge theory description is in general an interfaceCFT of higher codimensions.
We study several aspects of generalized Janus configuration, whichincludes a theta term. We investigate the vacuum structure of thetheory and find that unlike the Janus configuration without thetaterm there is no nontrivial vacuum. We also discuss BPS solitonconfiguration both by supersymmetry analysis and from energyfunctional. The half BPS configurations could be realized byintroducing transverse (p,q)-strings in original braneconfiguration corresponding to generalized Janus configuration. Itturns out the BPS soliton could be taken as modified dyon. Wediscuss the solution of half BPS equations for the sharp interfacecase. Moreover we construct less supersymmetric Janusconfiguration with theta term.
Janus carcinogens are carcinogenic agents that, under differing conditions of cell type or dose, can instead act as anticarcinogens. Studies by Haseman and Johnson [J.K. Haseman, F.M. Johnson, Analysis of rodent NTP bioassay data for anticarcinogenic effects, Mutat. Res., 350 (2], have demonstrated that many chemicals that are carcinogenic for one tissue type can have anticarcinogenic action on another tissue type. As Magni et al. [G.E. Magni, R.C. von Borstel, S. Sora, Mutagenic action during meiosis and antimutagenic action during mitosis by 5-aminoacridine in yeast, Mutat. Res., 1 (0] have shown in 1964, this principle holds true for chemical mutagens as well, that is 9-aminoacridine is an antimutagen in the vegetative cell and a mutagen in the sporulating cell. The conclusion can be drawn that two established carcinogens, tobacco and ionizing radiation, are indeed Janus carcinogens. In their review of ‘ambiguous carcinogens’ (their name), Weinberg and Storer [A.M. Weinberg, J.B. Storer, Ambiguous carcinogens and their regulation, Risk Anal., 5 (6], pointed out that tobacco can be classified as an ambiguous carcinogen anticarcinogenicity of tobacco smoke and/or tobacco itself (i.e, chewing tobacco) may be due to components in the mixture, not that of a single carcinogenic chemical that also may be anticarcinogenic. Kondo [S. Kondo, Health Effects of Low-Level Radiation, Kinki Univ. Press, Osaka, Japan and Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, WI,
pp.] has compiled data that demonstrate that human populations who survive exposures to ionizing radiation generally live longer and have less cancer than unirradiated human populations, and this Janus phenomenon goes beyond the more trivial concept of increased sensitivity to radiation of rapidly dividing tumor cells. Thiabendazole is an interesting compound in that it is both aneugenic and antimutagenic, and yet it does not appear to be a carcinogen or a mutagen. It is discussed here because aneugenesis and antimutagenesis are at extremes of the mutagenic spectrum. In general, mutagenic or carcinogenic actions usually are at least partially understood at a molecular level, whereas antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic actions usually are not. It is possible there may be numerous specific mechanisms underlying the Janus activity of different chemicals.
Presents a letter to the editor about the implementation of the Janus simulation as a combat multiplier.
Reviews the book 'The Faces of Janus: Marxism and Fascism in the Twentieth Century,' by A. James Gregor.
The saturnian coorbital satellites Janus and Epimetheus present a unique dynamical configuration in the Solar System, because of high-amplitude horseshoe orbits, due to a mass ratio of order unity. As a consequence, they swap their orbits every 4 years, while their orbital periods is about 0.695 days. Recently, Tiscareno et al. (Tiscareno, M.S., Thomas, P.C., Burns, J.A. [2009]. Icarus 204, 254&#x) got observational informations on the shapes and the rotational states of these satellites. In particular, they detected an offset in the expected equilibrium position of Janus, and a large libration of Epimetheus.We here propose to give a three-dimensional theory of the rotation of these satellites in using these observed data, and to compare it to the observed rotations. We consider the two satellites as triaxial rigid bodies, and we perform numerical integrations of the system in assuming the free librations as damped.The periods of the three free librations we get, associated with the three dimensions, are respectively 1.267, 2.179 and 2.098 days for Janus, and 0.747, 1.804 and 5.542 days for Epimetheus. The proximity of 0.747 days to the orbital period causes a high sensitivity of the librations of Epimetheus to the moments of inertia. Our theory explains the amplitude of the librations of Janus and the error bars of the librations of Epimetheus, but not an observed offset in the orientation of Janus.
We present a one-parameter deformation of the AdS4 × S7 vacuum, which is a regular solution in M-theory, invariant under SO(2,2) × SO(4) × SO(4), and which preserves 16 supersymmetries. The solution corresponds to a holographic realization of a Janus-like interface/defect theory, despite the absence of a dilaton in
M-theory. The 2+1-dimensional CFT dual results from the maximally symmetric CFT through the insertion of a dimension 2 operator which is localized along a 1+1-dimensional linear interface/defect, thereby partially breaking the superconformal symmetry. The solution admits a regular ABJM reduction to a quotient solution which is invariant under SO(2,2) × SO(4) × U(1)2, preserves 12 supersymmetries, and provides a Janus-like interface/defect
solution in ABJM theory.
This paper proposes a model to re-align DRDC s Client Group system to meet the requirement of maximized impact, agility and flexibility, as expressed in the Defence S&T Strategy 2006. This proposed model has been developed in the context of DRDC s initiative to rethink how its relationships with its clients should be articulated. As well, it is also intended to support the contribution of CORA s management to this initiative. The model is inspired from the mythological figure of Janus, where DRDC s DGs take a pivotal role in looking both at their clients and S&T areas of expertise, simultaneously.
摘要: 5 as well as hundreds of high redshift quasars. JANUS will facilitate study of the reionization phase; star formation; and galaxy formation in the very early universe. Here we discuss the mission design and status.">
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) provide extremely luminous background light sources that can be used to study the high redshift universe out to z ~ 12. Identification of high-z GRBs has been difficult to date because no good high-z indicators have been found in the prompt or afterglow emission of GRBs; so ground-based spectroscopic observations are required. JANUS is an Explorer mission that incorporates a GRB locator and a near-IR telescope with low resolution spectroscopic capability so that it can measure the redshifts of GRBs immediately after their discovery. It is expected to discover 50 GRBs with z > 5 as well as hundreds of high redshift quasars. JANUS will facilitate study of the reionization phase; star formation; and galaxy formation in the very early universe. Here we discuss the mission design and status.
Janus Pannonius Muzeum. Evkonyve分期列表:


