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商誉: 1Genius Bar When you need a hardware repair, you can make a reservation at the Genius Bar. For software or services, get help even faster by phone or chat. Geniuses have extensive knowled
ge of our products, and they work with you face to face to provide technical support and troubleshoot hardware problems. Some repairs can even be completed right on the spot. 2 free workshops. The best place to learn about Apple products. It’s a place to learn about your Apple device;And a place to discover your creative side. We offer free workshops for people of all experience levels, along with youth programs like Apple Camp and Field Trip. Explore everything you can do on Mac, iPad, iPhone, or iPod. Create slideshows with Photos. Edit movies with iMovie. Or discover ways to make your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations look their absolute best. 3Free Youth Programs At the Apple Store, we offer kids a variety of programs tailored just for them. Youth Workshops, Field Trips, and Apple Camp are great ways to get kids thinking, learning, and creating — all while having fun. Field Trips for Students and Teachers On their Field Trip, students can create something amazing right on the spot with Apple products. Whatever they create, students will leave with a renewed outlook and motivation for learning. On their own Field Trip, teachers will learn how to enhance their curriculum with the help of Apple products and content. 4Refurbished and Clearance Apple Certified. Good as new. We test and certify all Apple refurbished products and include a 1-year warranty. Guaranteed Apple quality We back it with our standard one-year limited warranty. And you have the option of purchasing an AppleCare Product for it. 5Apple Reuse and Recycling Program We’ll give you credit for your device. Get credit for your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, and eligible smart phones and PCs from other manufacturers. Even if your equipment isn’t functional or doesn’t have any value, you can recycle your iPad, iPod, Mac, PC or smartphone responsibly through Apple for free. if it qualifies for reuse. that means your computer has monetary value that we’ll apply toward an Apple Gift Card. You can use the gift card for purchases at the Apple Online Store or at any Apple Retail Store. If your computer doesn’t qualify for reuse, we’ll recycle it responsibly at no cost to you. Environmental Responsibility We believe true innovation must consider everything. CLIMATE CHANGE We don’t want to debate climate change. We want to stop it. We understand that making as many products as we do has a significant impact on the environment. Our carbon footprint is something we’re always aware of, and it’s something we’re always working to address. We’ve found ways to use energy and materials more efficiently in our facilities, to get energy from cleaner sources, and to design some of the world’s most energy? efficient electronic products. In fact, all our product lines don’t just adhere to ENERGY STAR standards, they surpass them. And while we have a long way to go, our efforts are working. Even though we’re manufacturing and shipping more products than ever, our carbon emissions per product have been dropping since % of our U.S. operations run on renewable;100% of our data centers run on renewable energy;87% of our global operations run on renewable energy. RENEWABLE RESOURCE We take our passion for innovation beyond our products and into our practices. As part of our continuing mission to leave the world better than we found it, we’re partnering with The Conservation Fund to protect and create the type of forests we use in our packaging. We’ve developed a renewable micro?hydro project to power our data center in Prineville, Oregon. And we’re building a solar farm in China to offset energy used by our offices and retail stores. Because it’s our responsibility to make sure that while creating beautiful products, we’re also caring for our beautiful planet.FINITE RESOURCES Not everything can be replaced. So we reuse and recycle. We consider our environmental impact during the earliest stages of design — finding ways to create products that use fewer materials and last longer. The planet has a limited supply of clean water, so we make sure that our manufacturing processes reuse as much of it, as many times, as possible. When we work with suppliers that don’t meet our standards for water reuse, we help them improve until they do. And we make it easy and safe to recycle Apple products. TOXINS We leave some important things out of our products. With good reason. Many substances commonly used in the electronics industry can be harmful to people or the planet. So we design our products with cleaner, safer materials to reduce and eliminate these toxins. And we hold our suppliers accountable — we conduct factory audits, test components with independent laboratories, and verify the results in our own lab. It’s our mission to make sure anyone who assembles, uses, and recycles an Apple product can do so safely. Supplier Responsibility We go deep into our supply chain to enforce our social and environmental standards. So we continually strengthen our Supplier Code of Conduct to help implement safer and more ethical working conditions. Empowering Workers We empower workers through education. Apple is committed to providing and expanding educational opportunities for workers in our supply chain. Since 2008, more than 861,000 workers have taken advantage of our Supplier Employee Education and Development (SEED) program, which offers free courses ranging from economics to English. Now SEED is expanding beyond the traditional classroom setting to include more cutting-edge tools, including a new iPad-based learning program. Labor & Human Rights We demand that suppliers treat workers fairly and ethically at all times. Every supplier that does business with Apple must demonstrate the highest commitment to protecting workers’ rights. Health & Safety We insist on safe and healthy facilities for all workers. In 2014, participants in our Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Academy launched more than 870 projects in their facilities to improve working conditions. Apple also initiated an extensive mapping program to strengthen chemical management processes across our supply chain. Our Suppliers We publish our guidelines and suppliers for the world to see. Apple and ConnectED we’re joining President Obama in support of the ConnectED initiative by committing our products, our knowledge, and our passion for learning to 114 schools across the country. 114 Schools are receiving Apple ConnectED grants to support their educational goals with technology. 29 States across the country are represented among the recipients of Apple ConnectED grants. 92% Of students from our partner schools are of Hispanic, Black, Native American, Alaskan Native, or Asian heritage.
maoapple26贡献于 0.0分 (0人评价)暂无用户评价 我要评价 ...将企业的社会责任定义为“企业的经济功能与社会功能相剥离的前提下,企业主动承担...受政府和社会公众的监督,承担社 会责任。 (4)公司制的优点是独立法人地 位、...接踵而来,从芒果公司的名称上我 们不难联想到另一国际手机品牌 “苹果”公司。...(二)声望定价策略 苹果公司在 iPhone 进行定价的时候,采取了典型的声望定价策略...体力成本上上的做法也是与一个富 有社会责任的大型公司的经营理念背道而驰, ...关于苹果公司企业形象分析报告 专姓学 业:道桥系公路工程管理 名: 梁洋号: ...也是与一个 富有社会责任的大型公司的经营理念背道而驰,所以,我个人认为苹 果...一定会损失企业利润 B.承担社会责任能为企业带来长远利益 C.承担社会责任能够间...文档贡献者 apple瓶子00 贡献于
1/2 专题推荐 百度认证-大数据...依法进行经营、管理和监督,并相应承担保值增值 责任...苹果公司苹果公司(Apple Inc. )是美国的一家高科技...志远博学垂范惜下自律沟通 社会责任企业社会责任是以...下列不属于 企业社会责任的是(A) ... A.保护企业利益 C.保护社会的利益和...文档贡献者 apple瓶子00 贡献于
互联网会议PPT资料大....下列做法中属于企业积极承担社会责任的措施有 A、请明星做广告代言,提高自己的...(12 分) (2)结合材料二,运用《经济生活》知识,分析说明苹果公司的经营成功对...由美国苹果公司设计和拥有的“苹果四代”具有丰厚的...某企业发行的首份五年社会责任报告涵盖了公司价值观...②强调的是企业追求自身的经济 效益,而不是承担社会...企业在追求经济效益的 同时必须承担相应的社会责任。以下属于企业社会责任的有 ①...结合材料,运用经济生活知识,说明苹果公司的成功经验对提高我国企业的竞争力有哪些...
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声望定价(prestige pricing):属于心理定价(psychological pricing)的一种,为了提高潜在消费者的认知价值,有些名牌商品或著名企业,故意把价格定成整数或高价,限制潜在的买主,并创造一种高品质的印象,成为声望定价或整数定价。质量不易鉴别的商品最适合采用此法,因为消费者有崇尚名牌的心理,往往以价格来判断质量。声望定价往往采用整数定价方式,其高昂的价格能使顾客产生&一分钱一分货&的感觉,从而在购买过程中得到精神的享受,达到良好效果。如,德国拜耳公司和我国同仁堂的药品,尽管价格较高,但是仍比一般的低价药畅销。保洁公司将海飞丝打入中国市场时,在同类商品中定价最高,结果反而畅销。声望定价是指企业利用消费者仰慕名牌商品的某种心理来制定商品的价格,故意把价格定成高价。对质量不易鉴别的商品,供应方最适宜采取此法,因为消费者有崇尚名牌的心理,往往以价格判断质量,认为高价代表高质量。但声望定价有时被销售厂商所滥用,如,价格制定高的离谱,使消费者不能接受。在很多情况下,顾客要使价格与质量相等,特别是当客观的产品质量信息难以得到或价格昂贵的时候。两种在物质上相同的产品可以通过不同的包装和索取不同的价格,从而利用顾客把高价格等同高质量的看法。声望定价是企业利用顾客仰慕名牌商品或名店的声望所产生的某种心理作用,制定高于其他同类商品的价格。顾客购买名牌产品不仅仅是为了消费,同时还要显示他们的身份和地位。因此,名牌产品价格定得过低。反而不能满足消费者的心理需要,但价格也不能定得过高,否则会使顾客难以接受。而且,这种高价必须以高质量的产品或周到的服务为基础。
参考资料: 网络营销学,百度百科
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