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《上古卷轴5》爱的大冒险全任务及啪啪啪攻略 上古卷轴5爱的实验室啪啪啪攻略
15:45:28 来源:星网论坛 作者:nelsonyunliu 编辑:墨池 
  This quest is a little touchy, but seems to work well for most people. 这个任务会稍微有点棘手,不过好像大多数人都没出问题。
  Save your game before the assault on Aerin at the end. 在最后阶段准备去杀艾灵前存一次当。
  PROBLEM: A character the quest needs is dead 问题:关联NPC死了
  Google resurrecting a character in Skyrim using the console
  PROBLEM: Quest will not start 问题:任务无法开启
  To even start this quest all the following must be true: 确保以下所有项目都已达成
  Mjoll must be alive 穆月尔存活
  Aerin must be alive and doing his default Game stuff. If you've done something interesting with Aerin (killed him, chained him to a post, banished him to a dungeon) this quest will not work. 艾灵必须存活,且按照游戏默认的日常行为活动。如果你对他做了什么有意思的事(杀了他,把他绑在柱子上,把他丢进地下城),这个任务将无法运行。
  Illia must be alive 伊尔雅必须活着
  Maul must be alive 摩尔必须活着(摩尔就是你一进裂谷城拦住你说话的NPC)
  Sapphire must be alive 蓝宝石必须活着
  Ingun Black-Briar must be alive 因甘.黑荆棘必须活着
  The quest Repentance is best not to have been completed 任务“忏悔”最好没有完成
  The quest Grimsever's Return must not have been complete 千万别做“找回无情切割者”这个任务
  The quest Few and Far Between must not have been completed (这个任务名的官方名词我忘记了,总之加上前面说的,在这个任务之前,裂谷城所有任务和黑光塔楼里那个任务都别碰)
  Pretty much all of this will be true the first time you stroll through the front gate of Riften. 在你第一次进入裂谷城大门后确保以上所有条件都满足
  You can force the quest to start with the console command: 你可以通过控制台命令强制开启这个任务(SetStage SexLabAmorousAdventuresAerin 10)
  SetStage SexLabAmorousAdventuresAerin 10
  PROBLEM: Mjoll is pissed that Aerin died 任务流程中,你杀掉艾灵后穆月尔抓狂了
  She will cool off after a few days. However I have never seen this issue in my own game. 过几天她就没事了。不过我自己从来没遇到这方面问题
  The timing should be that she comes into the house after Aerin is already dead and never see him die. 任务设定穆月尔进入房间时间是在艾灵死亡以后,不让她看见你杀死艾灵
  I would try reloading a save from before going in the house and running it again. The timing may improve. 试试读取进入房间之前的存档然后在运行一遍,穆月尔进入的时机或许会有改变。
  PROBLEM: Lovers become invisible during sex. 问题:情人在爱爱的时候隐身
  Another one I've never seen myself. The issue is going to be in SexLab itself since that runs all those animations. 也是一个我自己没遇到过的问题。这应该是实验室系统本身的问题因为是它在运行所有动作。
  Try hitting the "3" key to run Free Cam and moving the camera around. 试试按实验室默认的“3”键,进入自由爱爱视角,然后移动镜头看。
  Mjoll the Lioness(Lover) Reference ID: 00019DF7 穆月尔
  Ingun Black-Briar(Lover) Reference ID: 00019DD4 因甘.黑荆棘
  Sapphire(Lover) Reference ID: 000C19A5 蓝宝石
  Illia(Lover) Reference ID: 0004B22E 伊尔雅
  Maul Reference ID: 0003BE26 摩尔
  Aerin Reference ID: 00019DF8 艾灵
  This is kind of a complicated quest with a lot of moving parts. It is designed to run (like All Amorous Adventures quests) at the point where you first meet the characters. In this instance, when you enter Riften for the first time. 这是一个复杂的任务,带有许多跑来跑去的部分。它被设置为在你第一次见到那些NPC后运行(像其他所有的大冒险任务)。本任务在你第一次进入裂谷城后即开始运行。
  Also, it has a lot of conversations. Hey, it can't be all monster slaying. On the bright side... it's all fully voiced [:)] 同样,本任务有大量对话。嘿!这个游戏不可能就只有砍怪吧。从好的一方面来说,对话都有语音
  Note: Aerin will die as a result of doing this quest. I have a very hands-off policy with the game's characters but with Aerin I had to make an exception. He's always there, creeping around after Mjoll. Marry her and he moves in. He's always there, staring hovering over her while she sleeps. Dude freaks me out. He's a stalker. I had to kill him. I apologize to anyone who is upset by Aerin's untimely demise. 注意:在任务最后艾灵将死去。我的原则是尽量少动游戏的NPC不过艾灵是个例外。他总是像爬虫一样跟在穆月尔后面。和穆月尔结婚后他还会搬来一起住(如果是选择住在女方处),老是在穆月尔身边走来走去并且死盯着她。这货实在把我惹烦了!他是个跟踪狂!我必须干掉他。如果有人为艾灵的意外死亡难过,那么我表示歉意。(别开玩笑了作者,谢你还来不及呢!)
  Note: Completing this quest seems to have a couple side affects. One, you'll probably end up being able to hang out a Mjoll's place when you're in Riften and you're probably going to end up with a key from Aerin. Two, Making love to Mjoll is going to increase her disposition and you probably are going to be able to enlist her as a follower before retrieving her sword "Grimsever" for her. 注意:完成了这个任务似乎有两个副作用。第一,你也许将得到艾灵的要是从而可以居住在穆月尔的房间;第二,和穆月尔爱爱后将增加她对你的好感,这样你不为她找回无情切割者就可以召她为随从。
  Note: Sapphire has a known bug in the base game where she will continue to say "I have no business with you." 注意:蓝宝石会有一个已知的原始游戏BUG----始终跟你说“我懒得鸟你”(其实这是因为做了沙德的债务任务)
  Walk through the front gate and you'll see Aerin and Mjoll having a conversion about the Thieves Guild. When they conclude, chat up Mjoll and talk about her great beauty. 进入裂谷城正大门后你会看见艾灵和穆月尔谈论盗贼工会。等他们说完了,就上去和穆月尔对话,告诉她你觉得她是大美女。
  A scene starts where Aerin seems to punish Mjoll somehow. Aerin will then tell the player Mjoll is off limits and drops Sapphire's name. 会有一个场景动画发生,似乎是艾灵在用某种方法惩罚穆月尔。之后艾灵会告诉抓根宝别碰穆月尔,并且说出蓝宝石这个名字。
  Next, talk to Sapphire. You will need to wait until she's done with her conversation with Shadr 接下来,找到蓝宝石,在她和沙德说完话后找她对话。
  Next, talk to Maul. He's probably out on the docks. 接下来,和摩尔对话。他应该是在城外的码头上。(从铁匠铺边上的门出去)
  Returning from the docks, Mjoll will run up and talk to you 从码头回来,穆月尔会跑来找你并和你对话。
  Next, talk to Aerin (actually he'll probably find and talk to you). 接下来,和艾灵对话(实际上他很可能会主动找你对话)
  Next, talk to Ingun Black-Briar. 接下来,找因甘.黑荆棘对话。
  The next step takes you out of Riften to Darklight Tower where you will meet Illia. Illia has her own quest Repentance. She's a little difficult to talk to since she's in a big hurry to go kill her mom. And you are going to have to help her do that. Once you've gotten through all her blocking dialogue about her immediate issues, you can talk to her about what's going on in Riften. 下一步你将离开裂谷场前往黑光塔楼并遇到伊尔雅。伊尔雅有一个任务“忏悔”。她不太想说话而是急着去杀老妈,你将帮她完成这件事。当你迫使她讲出不愿吐露所有关于当前的麻烦,你可以进一步从她那里了解裂谷城里出了什么事。
  Talk to Illia again after you defeat the Boss (yeah, her mom) 等干掉她老妈后再和伊尔雅对话(是的,她老妈)
  With new insight into what's going on in Riften, head back to town. 在洞悉了裂谷城里发生的事情真相后,直接回城。
  You'll find Mjoll, Sapphire and Ingun Black-Briar waiting for you near the Bee and Barb. Talk to Mjoll. 你会找看到穆月尔、因甘和蓝宝石在客栈附近等你。和穆月尔交谈。
  Head into Aerin's house and be ready for a fight. Aerin has new friends, and they don't like you. 前往艾灵的家并且准备好杀人。艾灵身边多了些新朋友,而且他们不喜欢你。
  Mjoll, Sapphire and Ingun Black-Briar will head into the house in turn. 穆月尔、蓝宝石和因甘会依次进入房间。
  Talk to Mjoll 和穆月尔对话
  Talk to Sapphire 和蓝宝石对话
  Talk to Ingun 和因甘对话
  Quest completes. 任务完成
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日前一款名为“Holds The City Overhaul”的惊人城市扩建Mod出现在了人们的眼前,而它所带来的改变绝对是翻天覆地的。


