
How about things? What we may say if we want to introduce things?
Students then had a chance to write the introduction of a speech about their favorite thing to do and present it in groups.
The website offers news, health tips, entertainment listings and overviews of gay and lesbian communities in other countries.
The objects I've looked at this week have tracked that move - from tools for survival not so different from what other animals might use, to a great work of art and the beginnings of religion.
Now, can you introduce your objects with it?
Finally, since the data is stored in a relational database, the paper describes the item tracking query and object-oriented path query into SQL statements as the template form.
In both cases, the authors found that women had a strong preference for the low pitch male voice and remembered objects more accurately when they have been introduced by the deep male voice.
In the first chapter, the author gives a general description of the crime of smuggling goods and articles and introduces the legislative evolution, features and definitions of the crime.
The process makes objects that are 65 percent lighter than traditionally machined objects, and uses about one-tenth the materials, according to Eureka Magazine.
通过使用第3部分中 创建物品交换系统 一节介绍的机制,可以很容易地实现这种区域切换。
Implementing the toll is also simple, using mechanisms similar to those discussed in the
Creating a barter/exchange system section in part three of this series.
How to determine the hazard scope of inflammables and explosives, gasoline, diesel oil and LPG storage tank. in EPA was introduced in this article by an example.
Now Mike is at home. He is talking to his parents about the things they had.
跟踪和支持活动都要接触客 户,因此这是向客户介绍新产品、新物品与新服务,进而做跟进销售的良机。
Follow up and support activities all tough the customer so they are an opportunity to mention new products, supplies, and services to the customer and possibly make follow on sales.
Men who sound like singer Barry White or actor James Earl Jones can get ahead in the mating game because women remember a deep male voice, scientists have revealed.
If a food poisoning taken place , what a tour guide should do ?
Shop around and look at reviews - you want something which will give you a good introduction to your new hobby, not something that falls apart after a few uses.
In this latest installment of our ongoing series on the Internet of Things, we look at one of the big advantages of Internet-connected objects: trackability .
This book introduces a new format for describing magic items, which combines useful elements of past item formats with the familiar functionality of spell descriptions from the Player's Handbook.
Rather than splitting these sets up by item category, however, each complete set is presented together for easy reference.
He introduced that the room has nearly everything necessary for a standard hotel room, like an independent toilet, beds, TV, a closet and a frig.
In the last two programmes, we looked at stone tools, which raised the question of whether it's making 'things' that makes us human.
This loyalty is a reflection of the enjoyment and pride shoppers feel about buying items that are good value and yet have a high quality product presentation.
Ultrasound-guided biopsy had been accepted widely in the clinical practice. This paper focused on the preparation of article, sterilization of instrument and operation sequence.
Wendy: If you need any new supplies, you get them from the Stationery Supplies Section. I'll introduce you to Paula later.
This paper introduces a sensitive and stable system with its circuit for monitor the life vest in an airplane to prevent from stealing.
This paper introduced some keys of nursing cooperation: caring about patients mental status, preparing instruments and medicines w
This paper introduced some keys of nursing cooperation: caring about patients mental status, preparing instruments and medicines w
- 来自原声例句
I'm looking for buried treasure!
Find Treasure: This ability no longer deactivates upon death.
Hop, hop, hop with the live bunnies that will help you to seek the treasures of Easter and start off with the gastronomic find of Vasco's Easter Sunday Brunch.
Reuben wandered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures.
Reuben wandered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures.
The story happened in the ancient China. In the primitive tribe a small but brave man Little Banghui and his buddies started their fantasy adventure trip to looking for the legendary treasures.
Soon the leaves fell and the winds blew cold and gusty from the bay Reuben wanDered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures.
On this winter's afternoon a child was standing there, her forehead against the glass, earnest and enormous eyes studying each treasure as if she were looking for something quite special.
They sat down to count their newfound treasure. They quickly forgot about finding Death.
They were looking for the reassure of the wrecked ship.
Or to find in the prospector of man and , after being connected to the artefact, to learn its history from the first mouths.
Hunt for hidden objects and uncover the clues the thieves left behind, piece together what happened, and return the lost treasure to Mysterious City: Cairo.
Each parable records the anguish of losing, the effort of searching, and the joy of finding something of great worth.
Each parable records the anguish of losing, the effort of searching, and the joy of finding something of great worth.
- 来自原声例句
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