
&&&01.请问,在北京做影视特效一般要多少钱一个月?据调查:应届生在影视行业的平均薪资为,远远高过其他行业。而在半年后平均薪资高达。拿应届生刚入职的薪资来说,编导、策划的薪资一般在左右,摄像灯光的薪资在左右,影视后...查看完整版&&&02.请问,在北京做影视特效一般要多少钱一个月?中国的动画产业原创能力不足,发展受到严重制约。目前,全国动画从业者不到1万人,只及韩国的1/3,因此中国动画人才的需求正处于严重紧缺状态。动画设计作为新兴的创意工作,专业人才社会地位相对较高,薪资水平也普...查看完整版&&&03.请问,在北京做影视动画一般要多少钱一个月?中国的动画产业原创能力不足,发展受到严重制约。目前,全国动画从业者不到1万人,只及韩国的1/3,因此中国动画人才的需求正处于严重紧缺状态。动画设计作为新兴的创意工作,专业人才社会地位相对较高,薪资水平也普...查看完整版&&&04.请问,在北京做影视动画一般要多少钱一个月?据调查:应届生在影视行业的平均薪资为,远远高过其他行业。而在半年后平均薪资高达。拿应届生刚入职的薪资来说,编导、策划的薪资一般在左右,摄像灯光的薪资在左右,影视后...查看完整版&&&05.请问,在北京做影视动画一般要多少钱一个月?预期在未来几年内,数字影视产业将成为我国文化娱乐产业的重要支柱全国2000家电视台、5000家影视制作公司和大大小小上万家网络媒体都急需大量的数字影视制作人员。目前数字影视制作行业需要的技术人员数量约为150万人...查看完整版&&&06.请问,在北京做MAYA动画一般要多少钱一个月?中国的动画产业原创能力不足,发展受到严重制约。目前,全国动画从业者不到1万人,只及韩国的1/3,因此中国动画人才的需求正处于严重紧缺状态。动画设计作为新兴的创意工作,专业人才社会地位相对较高,薪资水平也普...查看完整版&&&07.请问,在北京做3D动画一般要多少钱一个月?预期在未来几年内,数字影视产业将成为我国文化娱乐产业的重要支柱全国2000家电视台、5000家影视制作公司和大大小小上万家网络媒体都急需大量的数字影视制作人员。目前数字影视制作行业需要的技术人员数量约为150万人...查看完整版&&&08.请问,在北京做CG动画一般要多少钱一个月?预期在未来几年内,数字影视产业将成为我国文化娱乐产业的重要支柱全国2000家电视台、5000家影视制作公司和大大小小上万家网络媒体都急需大量的数字影视制作人员。目前数字影视制作行业需要的技术人员数量约为150万人...查看完整版&&&09.请问,在北京做3D动画一般要多少钱一个月?据调查:应届生在影视行业的平均薪资为,远远高过其他行业。而在半年后平均薪资高达。拿应届生刚入职的薪资来说,编导、策划的薪资一般在左右,摄像灯光的薪资在左右,影视后...查看完整版&&&10.请问,在北京做影视动画场景设计一般要多少钱一个月?中国的动画产业原创能力不足,发展受到严重制约。目前,全国动画从业者不到1万人,只及韩国的1/3,因此中国动画人才的需求正处于严重紧缺状态。动画设计作为新兴的创意工作,专业人才社会地位相对较高,薪资水平也普...查看完整版&&&&&&&&&转载本文&UBB代码&HTML代码复制到剪贴板...&更多内容??????????&&&热帖排行&&&频道精选&微信扫码关注本站公众号wangchaonetcn&  免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与王朝网络无关。王朝网络登载此文出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。&王朝女性&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&王朝分栏&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&王朝编程&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&王朝导购&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&王朝其他&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&&2005-&&版权所有&译言网 | 15部没有剧本的伟大电影场景
译言网 | 15部没有剧本的伟大电影场景
Everyone knows that a film has a script, and this script must be followed when being filmed. However, sometimes, unscripted things happen which make movies what they become, whether it’s made up lines, or simply new ideas. This list features 15 of the best scenes and lines that were made up by either the actors or directors and were not in the original script. 大家都知道一部电影就有一个剧本,拍电影的时候就必须得照着这个剧本来拍。然而,有时候,不管是临时补上台词还是即兴发挥,不按剧本行事会让电影更像电影。这分列表网罗了15个最佳电影场景和台词,都是原始剧本中没有出现却由演员和或导演临时加上去的。 15 Mars Attacks Alien language (Tim Burton, 1996)
第15名 火星入侵      外星人语言(蒂姆.波顿,1966)
In Mars Attacks, no dialogue was written for the Martians so Frank Welker made up his own language for them.
电影&&火星入侵&&中,火星人没有语言可以交流,于是弗兰克.威尔克自己编了一套火星语。 Fact: The Martian Girl dress had no zipper or buttons (to make it as smooth as possible), so Lisa Marie had to be sewn into it every day. 爆料:火星女孩的衣服没有拉链或扣子(以使衣服看起来更平整),所以丽莎.玛丽只好每天都把这些东西缝在衣服上。 14 40 Year Old Virgin You know how I know you’re gay? (Judd Apatow, 2005)
第14名 四十岁老处男     难道你不知道我知道你是男同志??(贾德?阿帕图,2005)
Paul Rudd and Seth Rogan played off each other brilliantly in this scene, however, a different version than the one in the video was used for the real movie. All of the “You know how I know you’re gay” insults were unscripted and in fact, a large portion of the film was improvised.
保罗?路德与塞思.罗根在此场景中上演了彼此最牛逼的一幕,然而,电影真正出来的时候却跟录影带上的版本不一样。所有来自“难道你不知道我知道你是男同志?”这句侮辱同志的话都没出现在剧本上而实际上,电影绝大部分都是演员们的即兴演出。 Fact: During the “you know how I know you’re gay” scene, Paul Rudd is wearing a t-shirt that has a picture of himself on it. 爆料:在这个著名的“难道你不知道我知道你是同志”的场景中,保罗.路德就穿着一件上面有他头像的T恤。 13 Tootsie Party talk
(Sydney Pollack, 1982)
第13名 杜丝先生     聚会上的谈话(西德尼.波拉克,1982)
Bill Murray plays Dustin Hoffman’s play writing roommate, and in this scene, he is talking to a bunch of people at a party. Pollack wanted a monologue from Murray, and the other actors in the scene were not informed making any response, interesting. His stories are made to seem like they last the whole party and were all completely ad libbed by Murray.
比尔.莫瑞扮演达斯汀.霍夫曼正在写剧本的室友,这出戏里,莫瑞在派对上对着一群人谈笑风生。波拉克想要莫瑞的独角戏,然后别的演员也心有灵犀地做出相应的反应,和搞笑。莫瑞的表现让人觉得他们要延长整个派对的时间而所有这些表演全是莫瑞临时编的。 Fact: Dustin Hoffman suggested the title, which was his mother’s dog’s nickname. 爆料:达斯汀.霍夫曼曾提到,片名,就是他母亲家的狗的爱称。 12 Shaun of the Dead Ed in the Pub
(Edgar Wright, 2004)
第12名 僵尸肖恩     艾德酒吧里的一场戏(艾格.莱特)
There are several different takes of the scene where Nick Frost’s character Ed attempts to cheer up Shaun by telling stories about the pub regulars. In the scenes, he describes the woman as an ex-pornstar, supposedly all made up on the spot. Simon Pegg’s laughter is genuine as a result of this.
这出戏中有几处不同的取景镜头:尼克.福斯特的角色艾德说着酒吧荤段子要跟肖恩干杯。在这些场景中,福斯特把女人描述成以前是做艳星的,所有的化妆全是为了遮住疤。听完这话,西蒙.佩吉会心地笑了起来。 Fact: The non-featured zombie extras were paid the princely sum of £1 a day for their troubles. 爆料:那些僵尸道具惹来的麻烦让剧组一天付出高昂的一英磅代价。 11 A Clockwork Orange Dance rape scene (Stanley Kubrick, 1971)
第11名 发条橙     舞着强奸(斯坦利.库布里克,1971)
Kubrick’s classic about the adventures of a young man is one of his finest works, and one of three movies on this list alone. The scene in which the gang break into the house was shot many times, but Kubrick wasn’t happy with how it looked. He suggested to Malcolm McDowell, who played Alex de Large, that he add in a little dance spontaneously during the next take. He did, and it was included in the final film.
库布里克杰作之一是一个年轻人冒险的故事,也是出现在此榜单三部电影中的其中一部。场景中,一群人闯入一户人家并对房子多次扫射,但是库布里克却对这个镜头不满意。他建议大亚历克斯的扮演者马尔科姆?麦克道威尔在下一个场景时加上一点自然而然式的舞蹈。马尔科姆?麦克道威尔照做了,这一段舞也出现在电影的最终版本里。 Fact: Filming the rape scene was so difficult for the actress originally cast in the role. She quit and the part was recast to Adrienne Corri, who was said to have been furious with Stanley Kubrick for the scores of takes he required for this infamous scene, feeling it should have been done swiftly. 爆料:对于原定女演员来说,拍摄强奸这场戏很困难。她辞演了然后这个角色重新选角落在了艾德里安娜?科里身上,据说科里曾对斯坦利.库布里克大发雷庭,就为了这个库布里克所要的猥亵的场景的背景音乐,科里觉得那场景应该赶快结束。 10 Caddyshack The Cinderella story (Harold Ramis, 1980)
第10名 疯狂高尔夫     灰姑娘的故事(哈罗德.拉米斯,1980)
Bill Murray improvised the “Cinderella story” sequence from two lines of stage direction. Director Harold Ramis simply asked Murray to emulate a kid announcing his own fantasy sports moment. Murray simply asked for four rows of ‘mums and did the scene in one take.
比尔.莫瑞利用剧本演出说明里的两行台词即兴发挥了“灰姑娘”的桥段。导演哈罗德.拉米斯只不过叫莫瑞模仿一个孩子在宣布自己最得意的比赛时刻的样子,莫瑞就在要求安排四排充当妈妈的演员之后在一个场景中完成了这一幕。 Fact: The scene where Carl and Ty are talking in Carl’s “house” was almost entirely improvised between Bill Murray and Chevy Chase. 爆料:在卡尔家卡尔和谢谈话的场景几乎全是比尔.莫瑞与舍威?查滋的即兴表演。 9 Saving Private Ryan The barn story (Steven Spielberg, 1998)
第9位 拯救大兵瑞恩     谷仓故事(斯蒂芬?斯皮尔伯格,1998)
    One of my favorite scenes in Saving Private Ryan, involves Matt Damon’s character telling Tom Hank’s character a story about his three brothers and a girl from back home. All of this was ad libbed by Matt Damon.
这部电影中我最喜欢的场景之一,就有马特.达蒙扮演的角色在对汤姆.汉克斯扮演的角色说起他来自家乡的三个哥哥和一个女孩的事情。所有的话都是马特.达蒙临时发挥的。 Fact: The Omaha Beach scene cost $11 million to shoot and involved up to 1000 extras, some of whom were members of the Irish Army Reserve. Of those extras, 20-30 of them were amputees issued with prosthetic limbs to simulate soldiers having their limbs blown off. 爆料:奥马哈海滩一幕耗资1100万美元拍摄,还用了1000名临时演员。这些临时演员中有些是爱尔兰后备役军人。他们中有20-30人都是截肢者,装着假肢来假装肢体被炸掉。 8 Full Metal Jacket Drill Sergeant (Stanley Kubrick, 1987)
第8名 金甲部队     教官(斯坦利.库布里克,1987)
R. Lee Ermey was actually a real drill sergeant and his part in this classic war film was largely unscripted. The beginning of the film is an absolute comic masterpiece, made famous by Ermey’s shouting at the guys who have just joined the army.
李.艾尔米实际上是一位真正的教官,他的角色在这部经典的战争电影中才是真正的不用剧本。电影一开始绝对是个喜剧杰作。 Fact: When Ermey said, “I’ll bet you’re the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddam common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I’ll be watching you,”, Kubrick had to stop and ask what a reach-around was as he&&didn’t know. 爆料:当艾尔米说:“我敢说你们就是这么些家伙,只会操人家的屁股,该死的,连手都不用。我就看着你们怎么着,”库布里克听到这里不得不打断他的话来问什么是“连手都不用”,因为库布里克不知道这话的意思。 7 Midnight Cowboy I’m walking here! (John Schlesinger, 1969)
第7名 午夜牛郎    我在散步!(约翰?施莱辛格,1969)      This has been disputed as being a genuine ad lib or not as Dustin Hoffman (who plays ‘Ratso’ Rizzo) claims he made it up, and the director claims it was always in the script. The defense of both parties is understandable as the line has become incredibly famous. As Hoffman is walking down the street with Jon Voight’s character, Joe Buck, a yellow cab nearly runs him over which leads Hoffman to bash on the hood and shout “I’m walking here!”, before retorting to his on-screen partner, “Actually, that ain’t a bad way to pick up insurance y’know.”, all in his unique New York parlance.
是真正的临时发挥还是如达斯汀.霍夫曼(拉茨.佐扮演者)所说的自编台词,至今仍有争议,导演称这在剧本上是有的。这台词太他妈的有名了,双方婆说婆有理,公说公有理的。在霍夫曼与乔恩?沃伊特扮演的角色沿街散步时,乔?巴克,一名出租车司机差点撞倒了他,这气得霍夫曼敲打着出租车的车头大叫“我在散步!”,早前还击他的屏幕搭档时,他用他的独特的纽约腔调这么说,“事实上,买份保险不失为一个好主意,你知道的。” Fact: Dustin Hoffman kept pebbles in his shoe to ensure his limp would be consistent from shot to shot. 爆料:达斯汀.霍夫曼会在他的鞋子里放入鹅卵石,这样一来他在电影中就能始终如一地保持一跳一跳地跛行。 6 The Shining Here’s Johnny! (Stanley Kubrick, 1980)
第6名 闪灵     约翰尼来了!(斯坦利.库布里克,1980)
A film adapted from the Stephen King novel about a father that goes mad while staying in an evil, isolated hotel for the winter, has become one of Kubrick’s most well-known films. The dark mood that is created as Jack Nicholson smashes his way through the door is
电影改编自史蒂芬.金的小说,小说描写的是一个疯掉的父亲,他冬天喜欢呆在一个邪恶,与外界隔离的酒店里。这是库布里克又一部最有名的电影。当杰克.尼科尔森砸开门时所创造的阴暗情绪,与他带给人的这个标志性视觉一并用在了约翰尼?卡森秀(当时极受欢迎的一个节目),让人极度毛骨悚然,然而在节目中却带来了幽默效果,这句话也成了电影中最广为流传的一句台词。当然,这话是尼科尔现场临时编的。 juxtaposed with his version of a catchphrase used on the Johnny Carson Show (A hugely popular show at the time), giving an incredibly creepy, yet humorous effect and making it the best-known line from the film. It was, of course, improvised by Nicholson.
在这里输入译文 Fact: Allegedly, Kubrick would scream and shout at Shelley Duval (playing Wendy Torrance) in order to get her to show real fear, and it’s even claimed her slapped her in one take. 爆料:据传,库布里克会冲雪莉.杜瓦尔(温迪.托兰斯扮演者)尖叫和大叫,以便她表现出真正的恐惧感,甚至还称要某个场景中给她来上一巴掌。 5 The Empire Strikes Back “I love you.” “I know” (Irvin Kershner, 1980)
第5名 帝国大反攻     “我爱你。”“我知道。”(欧文?克什纳,1980)
Harrison Ford plays the cocky rogue, Han Solo, and in one of his rare scenes where the script required him to show some compassion, the act Ford had cemented for Solo was so strong that the original line, “I love you too” didn’t work. George Lucas told Ford to just say what he thought was best and “I know” was the result, fitting in with his character’s persona perfectly. Fact: Carrie Fisher stood on a box for many of her scenes with Harrison Ford in order to make up for the height difference and have her appear in the frame with him. Carrie Fisher is about a foot shorter than Harrison Ford. 哈利森.福特扮演一个自大的走私客-韩.索罗,一个露面不多的场景中,剧本要求他表现出一点点同情心来,这一幕福特对索罗这角色有了进一步的理解,那就是此君是条硬汉,原台词“我也爱你”不符合硬汉性质。乔治.卢卡斯就告诉让福特按自己的想法说才是最好的,然后“我知道”就出来了,与福特的角色完全吻合。 爆料:为了弥补身高上的差异能与哈里森.福特同时入镜,卡丽?费希尔与哈里森.福特的多场戏都站在箱子上。卡丽?费希尔比哈里森.福特矮了一英尺。 4 Raiders Of The Lost Ark Sword fight (Steven Spielberg, 1981)
第4名 夺宝奇兵     剑战(斯蒂芬.斯皮尔伯格,1981)
This scene has been made famous not only for what it shows, but the story behind it. The original script had a long sword fight between Indiana (Harrison Ford) and the swordsman in black. However, a day before the shoot was due, Ford got terrible food poisoning and dysentery and after speaking to Spielberg, got the scene changed so that after the man’s impressive pre-fight moves, Indiana just shoots the guy dead, fitting in with the character’s ethos.
这一场戏的出名不仅仅是因为我们看到的样子且还因为这一场戏背后的故事。原剧本中有一场发生在印第安那(哈里森.福特)与黑衣剑客之间的剑战。然而,就在拍摄将完成的前一天,福特严重地食物中毒患了痢疾,之后福特跟斯皮尔伯格说,看能不能把这一场戏换了,这样一来后面出现的让人印象深刻的战前一幕就是印第安那用***把那家伙给毙了,完全符合角色风格。 Fact: In a deleted scene, where the character of Sallah is confronted by a Nazi soldier, John Rhys-Davies who was suffering from cholera at the time was required to bend down. Unfortunately this prompted the very sick Rhys-Davies to soil himself. 爆料:一个删掉的场景中,萨拉赫的角色被一个染上霍乱的纳粹兵遇到了。当时约翰.里斯-戴维斯身患霍乱而角色却被要求弯下腰来。不幸的是,这一举动葬送了病危的里斯-戴维斯。 3 Taxi Driver You talkin’ to me? (Martin Scorsese, 1976)
& 第3名 出租车司机    你在跟我说话吗?(马丁-斯科赛斯,1976)
  出租车司机里这句有名的“你在跟我说话吗?”的台词绝对完全是罗伯特?德尼罗临时发挥的。原始剧本只是说“特拉维斯像个镜中人”,但斯科赛斯非常喜欢德尼罗的临时发挥,所以这句话就保留在电影里。 Fact: What he’s saying is actually used as a warm up for actors, the idea being you put the emphasis on a different word each time you say it, i.e. “YOU talking to me?”, “You talking to ME?” and so on. 爆料:实际上他说的话是用来给演员们活跃气氛的,这个想法让在你每次说这句话时把重音放在不同的词上。比如:“你在跟我说话吗?”“你在跟我说话吗?”等等。 2 The Silence Of The Lambs The hiss (Jonathan Demme, 1991)
第2名 沉默的羔羊    吓人的声音(乔纳森?戴米,1991)
Although he has less than 25 minutes of screen time, Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal as the cannibal, Dr. Hannibal Lecter. The incredibly famous line, “A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.”, was immortalized by Hopkin’s hiss, which he originally did as a joke. The result disturbed Jodie Foster (playing Agent Starling) so much that the look on her face in genuine.
尽管露面不到25分钟,但安东尼?霍普金斯还是因为刻画了汉尼拔博士这个食人狂魔形象赢得了奥斯卡最佳男演员。最为有名的台词“曾有个人口调查员想试探我。我就伴着蚕豆把他的肝脏吃了下去,还有美味的红酒呢。”被霍普金斯那吓人的嘶嘶声变成不朽,可这句台词一开始是被他当成玩笑来演绎的。这句话让茱迪.福斯特(史达琳探员扮演者)非常困扰,连脸上都真实地写着她的困扰。 Fact: The pattern on the butterfly’s back in the movie posters is not the natural pattern of the Death’s-Head Hawk Moth. It is, in fact, Salvador Dalí’s “In Voluptas Mors”, a picture of seven naked women made to look like a human skull. 爆料:电影海报上蝴蝶背上的图案不是真正的骷髅蛾图案。事实上,那是超现实主义绘画大师萨尔瓦多?达利的作品“In Voluptas Mors”-幅由7个裸女组成的骷髅头画作。 1 Dr Strangelove 第1名 奇爱博士
Rated as one of the best films of all time, Peter Seller’s is often credited as the Co-Writer, improvising so many of his lines within the film. He plays 3 characters in the film, one of them being a wheelchair-bound nuclear weapons expert, who has past associations with the Nazis. Constantly calling the US president “Mein Fuhrer”, strangling himself, and pushing down his involuntary Nazi salutes all made Seller’s character what it is. The final line of the film, “Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!” was also apparently made up by Sellers, as he got out of his chair forgetting he was supposed to be disabled. 一直列为最佳电影之一的奇爱博士,彼得?塞勒斯常被冠与编剧头衔。他即兴创作了许多电影里原本没有的台词。在这部电影里,他一人分饰三角,其中一个角色就是坐在轮椅上,过去与纳粹党有关系的核武器专家。他不停地叫着美国总统“我的元首”,压抑自己,无意识地推崇自己的纳粹式敬礼,这使赛勒斯一角深入人心。影片最后的台词“我的元首,我能走路了!”明显是赛勒斯自己瞎编的,因为他离开了轮椅忘记自己在电影里是残障人士了。 Fact: In the novel on which the film is based upon, (Red Alert by Peter George) the character of Dr. Strangelove, doesn’t even exist. A testament to Seller’s incredible talents. 爆料:在原小说(彼特.乔治的红色警报)中,奇爱博士一角是不存在的。再次证明赛勒斯令人惊叹的天分。


