
麻烦了,希望你能帮帮我,实在来不及了,求翻译,不要机器翻译-翻译成英文 不要机器翻译,希望能帮我翻译的好点
双方在签署本合同时不能预见。(4) 故障维修:合同内设备故障,乙方须在接到故障通知后30分钟内***回应。(3) 零件更换:对于批量保养的零件更换(按保养计划进行)。(3)乙方为甲方维修备件时:每月一次,乙方将对所有承揽设备进行例行服务检查、电气部分、控制部分、合同收费范围:(1)本服务合同是长期合同,乙方按时间间隔提供相应的服务:本合同签字生效后,甲方预付合同总价的50% ,余款合约期满15天内一次付清,与本合同具同等的法律效力.十一。2。八:(1)不可抗力包括.4 空压机保养维修包含设备本体内部机械部分,由甲方确认后按实结算,甲方根据乙方出具的******款额,检查内容详见(每周一次巡回检查工作内容),甲方应安排好设备的保养计划,如有变动,提前二到三天通知乙方,乙方应在4小时内赶到现场进行更换。提供技术服务费***,请提前2天书面通知乙方、骚乱、叛乱以及超设计标准的地震、不能克服的自然事件和社会事件。此类事件包括,请提前1天书面通知乙方、电脑板、保养建议,由甲方选择、决定,则该方可暂停履行其义务,协商能够达成一致时。(2) 年度保养:定于双方协定之日开始、瘟疫、战争(1) 检查。(4)如甲方未能按时付款,乙方有权停止下一轮的服务,并以书面方式通知甲方。十、附件1,2,3是本合同的附件。
(2)付款方式。(3)定期保养的备品备件的服务费用 (不包括每日,每周的日常运行、观察和记录工作、检修保养)。九、合同金额及付款方式:(1)本合同中所需保养维修的空压机及辅助设备的维修服务费共计。(2)不可抗力的影响若不可抗力事件的发生完全或部分妨碍一方履行本合同项下的任何义务:发生争议时:水灾、火灾。如果受不可抗力事件影响的一方未能尽其努力采取合理措施减少不可抗力事件的影响:人民币10000元。(2)如果甲方需要额外的(除XX计划要求之外的)备件及技术服务。它们的维修和保养费用另计。七、不可抗力,知会甲方采取初步紧急措施,并在4小时内赶至现场处理,乙方按实向甲方收取费用。该通知中说明不可抗力事件的发生日期和预计持续的时间、台风等,甲方确认已收到所需更换的零件后,收取相应的费用,则该方承担由此而扩大的损失,在收到乙方***后30个工作日内将款项汇入乙方的账户,以减少因不可抗力事件给另一方或双方带来的损失。双方及时协商制定并实施补救计划及合理的替代措施以减少或消除不可抗力事件的影响、事件性质、对该方履行本合同的影响及该方为减少不可抗力事件影响所采取的措施。(7)受不可抗力事件影响的一方在不可抗力事件发生之日起10天内向另一方提供一份由不可抗力事件发生地公证机构出具的证明文件。(8) 受不可抗力事件影响的一方采取合理的措施、对发生及后果不能避免并且超过合理控制范围的、争议的解决方法、控制管路油路的保养及维修。2.5空压机的电机、电脑板、空气端和冷却器的维修和保养是不确定事件。故本合同不包括电机、电脑板、空气端和冷却器维修、保养的费用。乙方视实际情况对电机,但前提是:(3)暂停履行的范围和时间不超过消除不可抗力事件影响的合理需要;(4) 受不可抗力事件影响的一方继续履行本合同下未受不可抗力事件影响的其他义务,包括所有到期付款的义务;(5)一旦不可抗力事件结束,受不可抗力影响方尽快恢复履行本合同。(6)若任何一方因不可抗力事件而不能履行本合同,则该方尽快书面通知另一方,向苏州市仲裁委员会申请仲裁,应首先采用协商方式解决、空气端和冷却器提出维修,另行签订书面协议。经协商不能达成协议时,大写:壹万元整,对所有承揽设备进行一次全面大保养。甲方应安排好设备的保养计划,如有变动rticle 1: Inspection: It shall be done once each month. Party B shall carry out all the routine service check for all the equipments under the contract. Their costs for repair and maintenance will be calculated as extra ones. VII: The range and time of the suspension shall not exceed the reasonable requirements of geteliminating the influences
Article 4. Party A should make
appropriate maintenance plans for the equipments. If any changes shall occur, Party A should inform Party B in written form one day before the change. Party B shall make suggestions on repairs and maintenance about their situations according to the actual facts.2. As s to the inspection details: Changing parts, while Party A is free to choose and make decisions, please refer to (job descriptions of the once-a-week patrol inspection ).5 The repair and maintenance of the motors, computer boards, control pipes and the oil circuit within the equipment, plagues, wars,riots, rebellions and
earthquakes and typhoons that are beyond design creteria and so on. Article 2.Article 3, air ends and coolers of the air pump are random events. 2.4 The maintenance of air pump includes the mechanical parts, the electrical parts, the control parts: Force majeure include the following items: The natural events and social events that both parties can not foresee when they sign the contrac and their occurrence and consequences can not be avoided and beyond reasonable boundaries and they can not be ov......
rticle 1: Inspection: It shall be done once each month. Party B shall carry out all the routine service check for all the equipments under the contract. Their costs for repair and maintenance will be calculated as extra ones. VII: The range and time of the suspension shall not exceed the reasonable requirements of geteliminating the influences
Article 4. Party A should make
appropriate maintenance plans for the equipments. If any changes shall occur, Party A should inform Party B in written form one day before the change. Party B shall make suggestions on repairs and maintenance about their situations according to the actual facts.2. As s to the inspection details: Changing parts, while Party A is free to choose and make decisions, please refer to (job descriptions of the once-a-week patrol inspection ).5 The repair and maintenance of the motors, computer boards, control pipes and the oil circuit within the equipment, plagues, wars,riots, rebellions and
earthquakes and typhoons that are beyond design creteria and so on. Article 2.Article 3, air ends and coolers of the air pump are random events. 2.4 The maintenance of air pump includes the mechanical parts, the electrical parts, the control parts: Force majeure include the following items: The natural events and social events that both parties can not foresee when they sign the contrac and their occurrence and consequences can not be avoided and beyond reasonable boundaries and they can not be ov......
repair and maintenance costs, air terminal and cooler is uncertain events. The contract does not include motor, typhoon.( 2 ) did not affect the force majeureIf it is not force majeure events completely or partially prevent a party to perform any of the obligations hereunder, the party may suspend the performance of its obligations, but the premise is:( 3 ) to suspend the performance of range and time does not exceed the reasonable need not eliminate the events of force majeure influence, Party A has received confirmation for replacement parts, two to three days in advance notice to Party B, Party B should be rushed to the scene to change in 4 hou4 ):( 1 ) irresistible force includes: fault repair failure equipment contract, Party B shall. They repair and maintenance expenses.2, the party a written notice to the other party as soon as possible. The notice that is not a force majeure event date and expected duration, decided to choose, by Party a.;( 5 ) if not a force majeure event ended, the irresistible influence the performance of the contract as soon as possible to restore, can not overcome the natural and social events.4 air compressor maintenance repair include maintenance and repair equipment inside the body of mechanical part, do not force majeure, computer plate, nature of the incident, to foresee the occurrence and consequences can not be avoided and more than a reasonable control range.( 6 ) if any party under force majeure events but not to perform the c......
Article 1: Inspection: It shall be done once each ...
大家好,我最近很烦,接下来的问题我会说的比较详细,希望你们能耐心看完,看能不能帮帮我解答疑问! 家……
这种学习方法好啊!你可以忽略或者粗糙的处理已知的作业,用更多的时间去自学新知识拓宽知识面。 不要误以...
好烦好烦,谁来帮帮我??关于爱情,希望能得到大家的帮助! 我2010年跟我的女朋友拍拖了,拍拖期间,...……
你好。我的CAD水印消除不了,看到了你的留言,能麻烦你帮帮我吗。 谢谢。 希望能得到你的帮助……
是由于***Auto CAD 2008时有大量的Windows Installer 程序包 (.msi...
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& && && &家中有一只大狗,差不多8岁的样子,前几天生了5个小狗,大出血,不吃不喝,今天去挂水回来,喝的水全部吐掉,医生说估计没救了,5只小狗还没开眼,1只已经饿死,眼看大狗死了小狗估计也活不了,有谁家有刚生崽的大狗,可以让小狗去吃奶吗,看着4个小狗和生命垂危的大狗真是心痛啊,毕竟已经养了8年,有感情了,有谁能帮帮我们家小狗狗啊。
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