
出国旅游英语口语对话600篇 购物篇(52):购买手套(mp3)
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When I was a little girl,|当我还是个小女孩的时候
there were real prices and mom prices.|东西分成原价和妈妈价两类
Real prices got you shiny, sparkly things that lasted three
and mom prices got you brown things...|而妈妈价是...褐色的东西
... that lasted forever.|可以用一辈子
You notice they were 50 percent off?|你留意到这双鞋可是打5折?
Look at...|- 看看...
But when I looked into shop windows,|但当我看着商店的橱窗
I saw another world.|我看到了另一个世界
A dreamy world full of perfect things.|一个充满完美商品的梦幻世界
A world where grown-up girls got what they
They were beautiful.|她们太美了
Like fairies or princesses.|就像仙女和公主一样
They didn't even need any money, they had magic cards.|她们甚至不需要钱
I wanted one.|我也想有一张
Little did I know...|小时候我怎么也没想到
... I would end up with 12.|我居然有了12张
Rebecca Bloomwood. Occupation: Journalist.|Rebecca Bloomwood
Jacket: Visa. Dress: AMEX.|外套:Visa卡 连衣裙:AMEX卡
Belt: MasterCard.|皮带:MasterCard卡
It's vintage. And I got one percent cash back.|这是古典款式
Bag: Gucci!|手袋:Gucci的!
And worth every penny.|花多少钱都值得
Moving to New York, I met guys.|搬到纽约来 我会遇上一些男人
And that kind of put things in perspective.|让我对一切充满期待
'Cause you know that thing, when you see someone cute and he
smiles,|因为当你遇到一帅哥 他对着你笑
and your heart kind of goes|你的心就会像
like warm butter sliding down hot toast?|暖暖的奶油被涂在热吐司上
Well, that's what it's like when I see a store.|嗯 这就是我看到商店的感觉
Only it's better.|只是感觉更美妙
You see, a man will never love you|你知道 男人永远不会像
or treat you as well as a store.|商店那样子爱你 款待你
If a man doesn't fit, you can't exchange him seven days
later|要是男人不合适 你也不能7天内退货
for a gorgeous cashmere sweater.|把他换成羊绒毛衣
And a store always smells good.|商店里的味道总是那么清新
A store can awaken a lust for things|商店总能燃起你的欲望
you never even knew you needed.|渴求你不曾知道你需要的东西
And when your fingers grasp those shiny, new
Oh, yes! Oh, yes!|噢 就是这样!噢 就是这样!
Oh, no... I spent $900.|噢 不...我花了900元
So you are covering the yard and tool expo, right?|你负责报道园艺及工具博览会
I'm on it.|交给我好了
OK, don't panic.|好吧 别惊慌
Calm. Calm. Bloomingdale's.|冷静 冷静&
Well, that would be the pants.|嗯 那是裤子
I had to get the pants to match the...|我需要那条裤子来衬...
- Oh, shoes. - I...|- 噢 鞋子 - 我...
Hold on...|等一下...
- Somebody's stolen my credit card! - Oh, my God.|- 有人偷了我的信用卡! - 噢
Somebody has stolen my credit card and gone|有人偷了我的信用卡
on an insane spending spree around New York.|而且在纽约到处乱花钱
- No! - Yeah!|- 不! - 是呀!
Outdoor World? I've never been to Outdoor
Yes, you have.|不 你去过
- You bought that tent, remember? - No, I didn't.|- 你买了个帐篷 记得吗? - 不
- For Kristen's going-away present. - Never seen a tent.|-
是Kristen的欢送礼物 - 我从没见过帐篷
I organized the collection and gave you the money.|我负责筹款
"Special skills: Fencing"? Fluent in Finnish?|"特殊技能: 剑术?"
What? Who doesn't pad their resume?|怎么了?谁不美化他们的简历?
Shoe! Thanks.|鞋子!谢谢
Why can't you get changed in your own
And let everyone at Gardening Today|让的每个人都知道
know I've secretly arranged an interview at Alette
Did I mention I have an interview at Alette
Only about a billion times.|说过好几百次了
- OK... - It's kind of a leap, isn't it?|- 好吧... - 感觉这变化有点大
Gardening to fashion?|从园艺到时尚?
I mean, not that I meant you couldn't do it...|我是说 不是说你做不到...
Suze... since I was 14 I wanted to work at Alette
magazine.|Suze...14岁开始 我就想替杂志工作
If I can just get this job I will be happy
forever.|要是我能得到这份工作& 我就能永远都开开心心了
Rebecca, you just got a credit card bill of $900.|Rebecca
You do not need a scarf.|你不需要围巾了
Then again...|是呀...
...who needs a scarf?|...谁需要围巾?
Wrap some old jeans around your neck, that'll keep you
warm.|在脖子上围条旧牛仔裤 就能保暖了
That's what your mother would do.|你妈就会那样
You're right, she would.|说得对 她就是这么做的
The point about this scarf is that|关键是这条围巾
it would become part of a definition of your...|它会成为你的象征...
Of your psyche.|你精神的象征
Do you see what I mean?|你明白我的意思了吗?
No, I do. Keep talking.|嗯 我明白 继续说
It would make your eyes look bigger.|它会让你眼睛看上去更大
It would make my haircut look more expensive.|它会让我的发型看上去更昂贵
You'd wear it with everything.|它配什么都好看
It would be an investment.|这是一项投资
You would walk into that interview confident.|这样你面试时会充满自信
- Confident. - And poised.|- 自信 - 而且泰然自若
- Poised. - The girl in the green scarf.|- 泰然自若 - 那个围绿色围巾的女孩
The green scarf, please.|我要这条绿色围巾 谢谢
Good choice. It's the last one.|选得好 这是最后一条了
That'll be $120. How would you like to pay?|谢谢你120元 你想怎么付款呢?
Here's $50 in cash, can you put 30 on this card...|给你50元现金
Ten on that.|这张10元
Twenty on that.|这张20元
- It's so cute. - Declined.|- 它太好看了 - 被拒了
Really? Could you just... Could you try it again?|什么?你能不能...
Really declined.|真的被拒了
- Could you put this to one side? - I can't hold sale items.|-
你能不能把它放到一边...? - 打折商品无法保留
- Excuse me. It's an emergency. - Back of the line!|- 让一下 紧急情况 -
Excuse me, this is an emergency. Excuse you, excuse me!|不好意思 这是紧急情况
你让一让 不好意思!
- Do you do cash back? - What?|- 你能兑现吗? - 什么?
If I give you a check for $23, will you give me|要是我给你一张23元的支票
one of your hot dogs and $20 cash back, please?|一个热狗和20块现金
- Do I look like a bank? - I have an interview.|- 我看上去像银行吗? -
They don't hold items. It's a desperately important
scarf.|但他们不能保留打折商品 那是条极重要的围巾
Desperately important scarf.|极重要的围巾
Know what? It's for my great-aunt. She's in the hospital.|你知道吧?
是送给我婶祖母 她住院了
Can you ask them to turn the heating up?|你不能让医院把暖气温度调高吗?
Want mustard with that?|需要加芥末吗?
Please. I will buy all of your hot dogs.|求求你了 我买下你所有的热狗
- You'll take 97 hot dogs? - Done.|- 你97个热狗都买了? - 成交
Who do I make it...|我要怎么...
That means you just paid $23 for a hot dog!|你这是花了23元买一个热狗!
You want your scarf, I want my hot dog.|你想要你的围巾 我想要我的热狗
Cost and worth are very different things.|价格和价值不是一回事
Thank you! My aunt will really appreciate it.|谢谢你!我婶祖母会很感谢你的
- Hi. - Hi.|- Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
I'm here for the interview at Alette magazine.|我是来杂志面试的
Alette... Oh, filled, internally. Yesterday.|...噢
满了& 昨天说内部招到人了
They did post it on the Web. Let's see, who got the job?|他们在网页贴了出来
让我看看 是谁得到了这份工作?
Oh... Speak of the devil.|噢...说曹操曹操到
Alicia... Billington.
She has the longest legs in the world.|她有着世界上最长的双腿
She notes resentfully.|她心里一清二楚
Great. Faulty.|好极了 包都出问题了
- Nice scarf. - Thanks. I bought it for the interview.|- 围巾很不错 - 谢谢
Scusi... Come on.|等一下...过来
As we speak, interviews are being held|这会儿 正好有个面试
at Successful Saving.|在
- The money magazine? - Snort not, sweet child.|- 金融杂志? - 不要小看它
Alette may be your Emerald City,|也许才是你的翡翠城 (翡翠城:的场景)
but Successful Saving could be your yellow-brick
Dantay-West is a family of magazines that acts like a
Deeply nepotistic. Ugh.|非常偏袒内部人才
So my advice to you, dear Dorothy,|我给你的意见是 亲爱的桃乐西 (桃乐西:女主角)
is thus... Once you're in... you're in.|所以...一旦加入了...就是自家人了
I'm in.|我加入
Hello, Successful Saving.|你好
Ms. Bloomwood?|Bloodwood***?
So what form does this interview take?|这个面试是什么形式的?
Is it just mainly a general chat, hobbies...|是概况的了解 兴趣什么的...
Oh, no, no, no. It's very specific on finance.|噢 不 不 不
Butterfly investments, futures. That sort of thing.|投?的蝴蝶效应 期货
- But he's worth 1.2 billion... - Good luck.|- 但是它值12亿元... -
- Thanks. - We talked and talked. Said nothing.|- 谢谢 - 我们谈了那么久
Yeah, of course I did. He understands the rules.|对 当然了
It's always... Of course we got the bill.|它总是...当然我们能拿到钱
Listen, I've got to go. I'm interviewing.|听着 我得挂了 我得面试
Mm-mm. Yeah, no, not me... Bye.|嗯 对 不 不是我...再见
Sorry about that. Right, um, Rebecca...|抱歉 好了 嗯 Rebecca...
- Ah! We met! - Hi! We did. Thank you.|- 噢!我们见过面了! - 嗨!我们见过了
Sick aunt, scarf. Yep. Did you get it to her?|生病的婶婶 围巾 对吧
I did. And when a stranger is kind like that, it's just...|给了
一个陌生人像你那么友善 实在是...
- Wow. - That's lovely. Um...|- 哇 - 那很好 嗯...
- Do you have a resume for me? - I do. Yes, I do!|- 你带简历来了吗? - 我带了
嗯 我带来!
I... could pretty much just tell you.|我...告诉你也一样吧
My name is Rebecca Bloomwood,|我名字叫Rebecca Bloomwood
I've been a journalist for five years.|我做记者已经五年了
I'm very comfortable juggling numbers,|我对篡改数字非常在行
I speak fluent Finnish, I know...|我会说流利的芬兰语 我知道...
- Finnish? - Yes, Finnish.|- 芬兰语? - 对 芬兰语
- I'm also... - That's interesting. Why Finnish?|- 我也... - 这很有趣
What's behind you?|你后面的是什么?
- Um... - Oh, my God.|- 嗯 - 噢 天呀
Oh, it's a naked man. Oh, sorry.|噢 是个赤裸的男人 很抱歉
It gave me such a fright. I, uh...|我吓到了 我...
I didn't know what it was. Clearly, he's beheaded.|我不知道那是什么
Who would do that to him?|是谁这么做的?
Well, a few questions.|嗯 我有几个问题
But, look! Makes you wonder|但是 看呀!会让你想知道
what they're looking at on the fifth floor, right?|5楼的人会看到啥
You could turn your desk around and just stare at it all
day.|你可以把桌子转过去 就能整天对着他
I would.|我就...
- Not. - Ms. Bloomwood.|- 不会 - Bloodwood***
I'm not a pervert.|我不是变态的
Sit down.|坐下来
I'm sorry, I'm terrible at interviews.|我很抱歉 我面试太糟糕了
Any financial stories that have caught your eye
Yes. And I am glad that you brought that up.|嗯 我很高兴你这么问
Because I am furious. No, I really am.|因为我很愤怒 是的 说真的
No, I mean, what is the story with the recent fish crisis?|我是说
Fish crisis?|鱼类危机?
- Fiscal... crisis. - Fiscal crisis.|- 国库...危机 - 国库危机
- Terrifying. Fiscally, I mean. - How so?|- 太可怕了 国库的 我是说 -
- For the fiscal family. - I'm sorry.|- 因为在国库里 - 对不起
- Not a moment too soon. - Ms. Bloomwood, you dropped your scarf.|-
没关系 - Bloodwood*** 你的围巾掉了
She died.|她死了
Oh, Ms. Bloomwood, you have had a very, very tough 25 minutes.|噢
Bloodwood***& 刚才的25分钟可真难熬啊
I'm glad you understand! So many people just...
OK, so I would propose we curtail...|好吧 我想我们可以缩短...
Did you just scrub my name off?|你是不是把我名字划掉了?
- Oh, no. Routine. - That seems premature.|- 噢 不 惯例而已 -
OK, I'm gonna propose that we curtail this interview forthwith.|好吧
So I'll leave you and your numbers,|我会离开 留下你和你的数字
but thank you very much for seeing me,|但是谢谢你见我
and I appreciate... Oh!|我很感激...噢!
I appreciate everything. Good day.|我很感激一切 祝你顺利
Good day.|祝你顺利
Come on. Let's go give Mrs. Great Outdoors her tent.|别这样
She's not retiring.|她不是退休
- What? - She's abandoning a sinking ship.|- 什么? - 她是离弃一艘沉船
That little rat! The magazine's folding and she knew!|那个卑鄙小人!
杂志社要倒闭了 她知道的!
She knew and she didn't tell anybody.|她知道 但是她不告诉我们
Well, on the bright side, you hated working for that magazine.|嗯
从好的方面来看 你讨厌在那工作呀
It was my income, Suze. I need my income!|那是我的收入来源 Suze
OK, Bex, the most important thing is not to panic.|好吧 Bex
- Don't answer the phone! - No!|- 别接***! - 不!
- It might be a debt collector! - Hello?|- 也许是债务人! - 你好?
- It's Derek Smeath. - The list. Get the list!|- 是Derek Smeath - 列表
- I think I saw it over here. - Take the lamp!|- 我想我看到它在那里 -
- It's here! - Bloomingdale's...|- 在这里! -
- Hospital for depression. - Detained in Finland on work.|- 去医院治疗抑郁
- 因工作滞留在芬兰
Visa, dead dog.|Visa那废物
All City Debt Collection. You have to do it.|城市债务追讨公司 你来说
- Hello! Hi! -& Ms. Bloomwood?|- 你好! 嗨! -
- Hello. - I'm sorry. It's actually not.|- 你好 - 很抱歉 我不是她
She's still recovering from... You know...
I'll have her call you as soon as...|我会让她尽快打给你
- Yes? - As soon as she's come back|- 对 - 只要她一回来
- from... From... - Finland! Finland!|- 从...从... - 芬兰!芬兰!
- Clearly she's not too... - Aah!|- 显然她还没有... - 呃!
Why do so many of your excuses involve
'Cause no one checks up on Finland, Tarkie.|因为没有人会去芬兰查 Tarkie
How am I going to pay you the rent now?|现在我怎么付你房租呢?
Well, I'm ripping up your rent check!|嗯 我马上把你的房租支票撕掉!
No, Suze, you can't do it again.|不 Suze 你不能再这么做了
It's my apartment, well, my parent's apartment,|这是我的公寓 嗯
- but it's my rules. - I'm gonna buy you the biggest present.|-
但是规矩是我定的 - 我要给你买一份最大的礼物
I am! I know where I'm going to go. There's a sale at
Macy's!|是的!我知道去哪儿最好 梅西百货正在大减价!
I'll be at my place.|我会在我家里的
Thanks, baby. Bex, I'll get the tequila, you get the bills.|谢谢你 宝贝
Bex 我去拿龙舌兰酒 你去拿账单
I'll do this. It can't be that bad.|我来吧 不会那么糟的
It's just like a Band-Aid. It's gonna be fine.|这就像是撕创可贴 会没事的
Bex! Two hundred dollars on Marc Jacobs underwear?|Bex!你在Marc
Jacobs 花了2百美元买内衣?
Oh, underwear is a basic human right.|噢 内衣是基本人权呀
Seventy-eight dollars on lavender honey!|薰衣草蜜花了78元!
I felt sorry for the shop assistant. She had a lazy
eye.|我替商店助理感到抱歉& 她眼神太懒散了
I didn't know which way she was looking. It was so
sad.|我不知道她在看哪个方向& 太糟糕了
I can't even talk about this one.|这个我都不想开口了
A foot spa? What were you doing at a foot spa?|脚部水疗?你去哪里干嘛?
Let's take a break.|我们休息一下吧
They said I was a valued customer.|他们说我是非常重要的客人
Now they send me hate mail.|现在他们给我寄威胁信了
Oh, God...|噢 天呀...
How are you going to pay off sixteen thousand twelve
and 62 dollars and 70 cents with no job?|而且你连工作都没有了?
I could win the lottery.|我可以中彩票
Maybe you should have a backup plan.|也许你该有个B计划
Oh! Backup plan, I got it, I got it. Backup plan.|噢! B计划 我想到了 我想到了
OK. When Tarkie thought of his dream job,|好吧 当Tarkie想到他梦想的工作
he, um, wrote this proposal just about him, you know,|他会写个自己的计划
what he's made of and that's what you can do.|写写他真实的自我 你也可以啊
You can write a fashion piece and send it to Alette.|你可以写篇时尚文稿
Like, "Hey, Alette, look what I can do!"|就像说"嘿&
You just gotta figure out what to write about.|你只需要想想写点什么
"Consider your shoe an investment.|"把你的鞋子当作是一项投资
Everything is resting upon it.|一切都取决于它
The most important point is that every shoe|最重要的是每一双鞋子
should earn its place in your..."|都应该赢得你的..."
Bex, this is so funny. You're so smart.|Bex 这太有趣了 你太聪明了
- You're the best writer ever! - Do you like it?|- 你是史上最好的作者! -
- You're fabulous! - Wait! Another one.|- 你太难以置信了! - 等一下!再写一封
To that guy at that savings thingy magazine who didn't hire
"Dear Uptight Editor...|"亲爱的拮据编辑...
- You can stick your job up your ass." - Man on a bike!|-
那份工作你留着放屁吧" - 骑单车的男人!
"Here's $20. Buy yourself some decent clothes."|"这里有20元
I'm back!|我回来了!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.|噢 天呀 噢 天呀
This is for Alette magazine.|这是给杂志的
Please, please. Kiss it for good luck.|拜托了 拜托了亲吻它 祈求好运
- Mwah! - And this one...|- 还有这个...
...is for Mr. Successful Saving.|...是给成功理财先生的
Bleah... Money, money, money.|恶...钱 钱 钱
I better get the job, I've got no money.|我最好得到那份工作 我没有钱了
I've got no money.|我没有钱了
# You put the lime in the coconut...|* 你把石灰撒到椰子上... *
Doesn't this just cheer you up?|这不令你高兴吗?
- It's not working, Mom. - Come on, you'll get another job.|- 没效果
妈妈 - 别这样 你会得到另一份工作的
Life is like a swap meet. You never know|生活就像旧物交换会 你永远不知道
when great riches...|财富的出现...
...are going to turn up unexpectedly.|通常是不可预料的
What can I get for a quarter?|25美分能买些什么?
- Comme ?a? - It's fantastic.|- 是吗? - 好看极了
- What are they gettin' for that? - It's growing on me.|- 那个要多少钱? -
- How much for this? - Twenty dollars.|- 这个多少钱? - 20元
- Oh! - ?Hola?|- 噢! - 你好?
Um, Rebecca. Luke Brandon, Successful Saving.|Rebecca 我是的Luke
Sorry to call so early, but I got your
letter.|抱歉那么早打给你& 但是我收到你的信件了
And I have to say it was a bit of a surprise.|我得说我有点惊讶
Well, I hope I made my point.|嗯 我希望我表明了我的观点
Oh, you did. You did. Very well.|哦 确实 你写得十分清楚
The whole metaphor. Very clever.|尤其是隐喻部分 非常机智
Yes, wasn't it. The whole metaphor was...|那可不 对吧&
Wait... What? I'm sorry...|等等... 什么? 抱歉没听清...
Describing the principles of security investment|形容证券投资的准则
in terms of the way different women purchase different
was... different.|真是很... 别出心裁
Hello? Sounds like you might be in the middle of something.|喂?
I was trying to say that it gave me an idea.|我要说的是这让我突然有个想法
Would you like to come in? I don't...|你想加入我们吗? 我并不是...
Can I help you, dear?|宝贝 有什么想买的吗?
I think I just sent the editor of Alette magazine
to buy herself decent clothes and stick her job up her
ass.|来买点体面的衣服 保住饭碗
These go...|这些是给...
- Hey, clothes for Alette. - I'll call her assistant.|- 嘿
AIette需要的衣服 - 我会打给她的助理的
Hi. Clothes are here for Alette's approval.|嘿
She'll be right out.|她一会出来
What do you think about you and me going out on Friday
- Ooh... - I mean, if you want to.|- 哦... - 我是说 如果你愿意的话
Would you like to go out on Friday night?|你周五晚想出去吗?
I don't know. I might have plans.|我还不知道呢 可能会有计划吧
You might... Do you ever wear any of this stuff?|你可以...
Some of it's a little far out for me.|有些对我来说不太合适
- Totally far out. - Yeah.|- 太不合适了& - 没错
It's crazy, but I guess that's the world of high fashion?|太疯狂了
- Yes. - Yeah, I know about that.|- 没错 - 对 我知道的
I am one of the best. I don't let this out of my sight.|我做得很好
I guard it with my life.|我用生命来保护这些东西
A lot of pressure on me|我压力很大啊
to make sure everyone gets these letters...|要确保信送到每个人手上...
- Get them there on time. - Got to get my job done.|-
准时送达& - 必须要完成我的工作
See, I take my job very seriously.|瞧 我严谨得对待我的工作
- Yes. And to deliver... - Oh, really?|- 没错 要投递... - 哦 真的?
And to deliver the mail, but as the mail carrier|要投递信件
it's a lot of pressure on me to get people their
I've never lost a letter yet.|我从没弄丢过一封信
I want no more vertical buttonholes.|我再也不想看到竖排扣眼的设计了
I'm so bored with vertical buttonholes.|我烦死这种设计了
Is this for the Kaleidoscope shoot with
Oh, but this!|哦 这件不要!
Cavalli. He has read my mind.|Cavalli 他太了解我了
It's marvelous. We can use it all.|太棒了 这些衣服都可以用
Take it in.|推进去
Oh, God. What are you doing?|哦 天啊 你怎么在这儿?
This is Alette. Is this where you should be?|这是Alette杂志社
Oh, yes. Oh, yes.|哦 对 哦 对
Dantay-West didn't hire me to be an editor of this magazine.|Dantay
West并不仅仅是 邀我来出任这本杂志的编辑
They hired me to throw it a rope and pull it out of the
And that's...|这就是...
Hi, everyone. I'm Rebecca Bloomwood.|大家好 我是Rebecca BIoomwood
Sit down, Rebecca.|坐下 Rebecca
What makes a magazine move from the
Real, unvarnished stories,|是真实的 质朴的故事
whether the people that we are writing about like them or
Successful Saving is currently the People magazine|成功理财杂志现在是
of financial journalism, and this is where that ends.|这也是终极目标
From now...|从今天起...
From now on we don't copy, we examine.|从今天起 我们不再模仿 我们去试验
- We probe. - Ooh!|- 我们去调查 - 哦!
I liked your piece. I said that on the phone.|我喜欢你那篇稿子
- Good. Good. - Hayley!|- 好 好& - HayIey!
What do you say a three-week trial.|来三周的实习期怎么样
- And give her this cubicle. - Oh, this one's lovely.|-
给她这张办公桌& - 哦 真不错啊
They're all three by six.|这桌子都是3*6米规格的
You can start with a thousand words on the effect of
interest rate on store card APRs.|对信用卡的年利率的影响 一千字
You still have the label on your new glasses.|你的眼镜上还挂着标签呢
What? Oh.|什么? 哦
You took a job at a savings magazine? You?|你在理财财经杂志上班? 你?
I know it sounds bad, but it is, in fact,|我也知道听着挺怪的 但确实如此
part of a very structured plan.|像是规划得很好的计划的一部分
Yeah, that's great, but then in a lot of ways|没错 这很棒 但从很多方面来说
it's kinda not great. What do they call it|也不见得是个美差 那句话怎么说来着?
when an animal rights person gets trampled to death by a
cow?|就像是动物保护协会的人 被头牛踩死的时候?
I don't think there is a word for that.|没有这种说法吧
"Ironic." Ironic that Rebecca Bloomwood|''讽刺''&
对于Rebecca BIoomwood来说
is advising people on how to handle money.|她要教大家如何理财 真是讽刺
But I guess it would be nice|但我觉得这也不错
if my maid of honor could afford her own
- He asked? - Yes!|- 他求婚了? - 对!
Oh, my God! You should've been there.|哦 天啊! 你真该也在那儿的
- How did he say it? - Hey!|- 他怎么说的? - 嘿!
The, uh, credit limit on your card was reached.|你的卡达到信用额度极限了
You know, I think I want my husband- to-be to propose to me in
Barneys.|我希望我未来老公 能在巴尼斯纽约精品店跟我求婚
- What are you doing? - Nothing.|- 你在干嘛? - 没啥
- Yes, you are. - I just found the perfect book for you.|- 不
你有干啥& - 我给你找到这本最适合你的书
Control Your Urge to Shop, with Garrett E. Barton.|控制你的购物欲 由Garrett
E. Barton主讲
That's me.|就是敝人
Do you find yourself constantly drawn toward
- Yes. - Nope.|- 对 - 没有
Does your heart quicken when you see new
in neatly stacked piles?|整齐的叠堆起来的商品?
- Yes! This guy's good. - No.|- 对! 这人说得没错& -
Did you answer no to these questions and are consequently in
denial?|对这些问题你是否回答"不" 也在抵制?
- Yes. - No!|- 是的 - 不!
Did you just say "no" again?|你是不是又答了''不''?
- No. - Yes.|- 不 - 是的
Step one: de-clutter your life. Throw it all out.|第一步: 清理你的生活
Just box it up and toss it!|装起来 丢了!
Simplicity and order are your new watchwords.|简洁有序将是你的新口号
Excuse me. Hello?|抱歉 你好?
It's a fresh start calling.|这个来电呼唤着新的开始
And it's for you.|你的新开始
On your way to work,|在你上班途中
ignore the siren call of the store window.|忽视那些橱窗里发来的诱惑之声
Your new mantra is, "Do I need this?"|你的新祷告文是 ''我需要这个吗?''
What's this?|这是什么?
A thousand words on store card APRs?|关于信用卡年利率的一千字稿件?
Which looks as if it's been copied straight out of Money for
No, I wanted a thousand words on APRs from an angle.|不 我要的是你从某个角度
Is that not an angle?|这不就是一个角度吗?
Not unless you call "head-on" an angle.|除非你把''平板陈述''也称之为角度
- No, I don't. - Try it again.|- 不 我没有& - 重写
- Remind me why I hired you. - OK.|- 就当提醒我为啥要雇用你&
Did you just type "good angles on APRs" into Google?|你刚刚是否拿谷歌搜
Yes. I Googled.|是的 我拿谷歌搜了
- Am I fired? - Get your coat.|- 我被炒了? - 拿起你的外套
You know these guys, right?|你认识这些人 对吧?
Comintex? Communications company?|Comintex ? 通信公司?
Yes. Absolutely.|是的 当然
This year has been a year of unparalleled growth|今年对于整个通信业来说
in the communications industry.|经历了空前的发展
Overall, pal. Not in your company.|总体来说 伙计 你们公司可不是这样的
For us, at Comintex,|对于我们Comintex公司而言
profits reflect that this has been a year of
both of APL and of the Dutch fiber-optic company,
Neatly masking the 24 million in bonuses|巧妙的掩盖了发放的2千4百万的奖金
- these guys paid themselves. - Hmph. I know.|- 他们发给自己 - ?
Now, what we have here, Rebecca, is a situation in which someone|现在
我们所需做的 Rebecca& 在这种情况下就是需要有人
needs to be asking some very hard questions.|去提一些刁难的问题
- Absolutely. - Put your hand up.|- 必须的 - 快举手
- What? No! - Put your hand up.|- 什么? 不要! - 快举手
I don't have hard-hitting questions.|我可没啥刁钻的问题可问的
- I'll give you questions. - I'm gonna take notes.|- 我告诉你几个问题 -
- No, Put your hand up. - I'm more of a student.|- 不
快举手& - 我不过是个新手而已
You'll be fine. Put your hand up.|你没问题的 快举手
Hello. Hi. Hello.|哈罗 你好 哈罗
- He's not listening. He can't hear me. - Louder. Stand up.|- 他没听见
他听不见 - 大声点 站起来
- Rebecca Bloomwood! ...should see a...|- Rebecca BIoomwood! -
- From. From. From. From. - Hi, from Successful Saving.|- 我是 我是 我是
- 你好 我是"成功理财"的记者
It's a magazine.|这是本杂志
We'll be taking questions after the report.|在报告结束后 我们会有提问环节
Good. Uh...|好的 ?...
- Ask him how much he earns. - How much do you burn?|- 问他 他的薪水是多少 -
- Earn. - Earn.|- 薪水 - 薪水
- Excuse me? - Louder.|- 抱歉? - 大声点
What do you earn?|你的薪水是多少?
- We'll take questions after. - Why award themselves bonuses...|-
我们稍后才能进行提问 - 为何要给自己发奖金...
Why did you award yourself bonuses...|为何给你们自己发奖金...
...twenty-four million... ...of 23...|- ...2千4百万... -
- Twenty-four. Million. ...billion...|- 2千 4百万 - ...亿...
- Million dollars... ...while investors lost eight percent?|-
百万美元... - 尤其是当投资者损失8%资产的时候
...while your investors lost eight percent?|尤其是当投资者损失8%资产的时候
As I said, I'll be happy to answer questions...|正如我说过的
Is that true?|这是真的吗?
A long pause and no answer.|长时间的犹豫 没有给出***
- Long pause, no answer. - No, no...|- 长时间的犹豫
没有给出***& - 不 不...
OK. You know why we did that?|你知道我们为什么要这么做吗?
Some kind of cruel initiation rite?|像是种残酷的成年礼?
Listen to this.|听听这个
"Security can mean different things to different people.|''对于不同的人而言
For some, it's going to a party wearing the right
shoes.|对于某些人& 这就像是穿着合适的鞋子去参加派对
This might leave you feeling secure for an
but have a crippling effect on you in later
- I wrote that. - You wrote that.|- 我写的& -
Now, what firms like Comintex|现在 像Comintex这种公司
thrive on is an endemic lack of public
They get away with murder because...|它们瞒天过海是因为...
Maisie with a root beer and a $200 investment portfolio,|Maisie爱喝汽水
what does she know?|她能知道什么呢?
What does she actually know about what those guys are
What she's told.|在于别人告诉她情况
And if the magazines she looks to for answers|如果她寻找***的杂志
aren't asking the right questions,|不能很犀利地提出问题
it isn't good for Maisie.|这对于Maisie来说不是一本好杂志
I want you to tell the truth in a way that Maisie can
understand.|我希望你能用一种Maisie 也能明白的方式来阐释真相
Now, go home, write me an initial outline|现在回家去吧 给我写一份初步的概要
and e-mail it to me by 3:00. OK?|3点之前发邮件给我 好吧?
Oh, no.|哦 不
Oh, yeah. Nice!|哦 耶 很好!
You know, I just got a call from Jeff Kanter at
Comintex.|我刚接到Comintex公司的Jeff Kanter的***
They're having their stockholders' meeting.|他们在开股东大会
- Yes, I sent someone. - Yeah, you did.|- 对 我派人去了&
- 没错 你是派人去了
A real find, actually, the girl I sent.|我眼光独到啊 真的 我派去的那个女孩儿
She's sparky, honest.|她很犀利 诚恳
Exactly the type that I was hoping to find.|正是我寻找的类型
I assume that's why Edgar West got you to recruit me.|我想这就是为什么
Edgar West让你雇用我的原因
- Damn it! - Ooh. Slice.|- 该死! - 哦 右曲球啊
I hired you to fix the bottom line of this
and we know the key to that is advertising
Now, you hired me to create a product that sells,|现在
- not to sell a product. - What if I'm with Edgar West.|-
而不是单单去卖旧产品 - 如果我倒向Edgar West这边呢
We're playing golf, and he just turns to me, sort of nonchalantly,
and says,|我们一起打高尔夫 他刚冷淡地跟我说
"Hey, I'd like to know why Luke Brandon decided to hire|''嘿 我想知道为什么
Luke Brandon会决定雇用
a journalist who could damage the commercial interests of
- What do you think about that? - I haven't, because she won't.|-
你感觉如何? - 我不会的 她也不会这样做的
I feel like I've run a marathon.|我觉得自己是在马拉松赛跑
They have Galliano!|他们卖加利亚诺!
They have Gucci half off, Calvin Klein half
off!|他们的Gucci对折& CK对折!
You'll get your turn, just be patient.|会轮到你的 耐心等着吧
At every point I will ask, "Do I need
There's another entrance this way!|这边是新入场通道!
Well, these cashmere gloves I need|哇 我需要这个羊绒手套
as it is winter and I have... hands.|因为这是冬天 而我长有一双手
So that's all.|这就是原因
I'll buy these and these alone.|我只卖这个和这个
My gosh, Missoni!|天啊 米索尼!
Now walk away, strong and frugal.|现在就离开 坚定且节俭
Oh, my God! Pucci boots.|哦 天啊! 璞琪的靴子
Fifty percent off?|降价50%?
Do I need these?|我需要买这个吗?
Do I need these?& Do I need
Jeannie, Pucci boots!|Jeannie , 璞琪的靴子!
Uh, oh, I'm so sorry. I had 'em first.|哦 很抱歉 我先抢到的
But you put them down.|但你放下来了
No, I know I did, but I saw 'em first, so I'm gonna take 'em.|不
我知道我放下了 但是是我先看到的 所以我要买
Then you took your hands off them.|但是你把它们放下了
Give me the boots, and no one gets hurt!|把靴子给我 免得有人要受伤!
Give me the boots. Give me the boots!|把靴子给我 把靴子给我!
Look! There's a sale on Burberry!|看! Burberry搞特价啦!
That's the oldest trick in the book!|这是最老套的骗术了!
- Give 'em! - Don't you tell me...|- 给我! - 你竟敢...
Give me the boots!|把靴子给我!
I waited in line all morning for this!|我排了一早上的队就为了这个!
Ah! Ha-ha!|啊! 哈哈!
"Your store card is like a 50 percent-off cashmere
The first time you meet,|初次相见时
it promises to be your best friend.|它发誓会成为你最好的伴侣
Until you look closely and realize it's not real
cashmere."|直到你看仔细& 才意识到它其实不是纯羊绒的''
You've been ripped off.|你被骗了
Right. You get it? You get it.|对 你听明白了? 你听明白了
- We get it. Now go away. - Ha!|- 我们都听明白了 现在你走吧& -
"Then, as winter comes, you discover that your coat|''然后 冬天来临
isn't actually a friend at all.|根本不是你的朋友
You should have read the fine print.|你应该看看衣服的细则说明
Should look more closely what you're getting into."|应该仔细看清楚
You should put a picture in that.|你该放张相片进去
It's a present. Haven't got 'round to filling it yet.|这是个礼物
My mom bought me this exact one from a thrift
Probably paid half what you paid,|可能只是你这个价格的一半
not that they often shop at thrift stores.|不是说他们经常逛打折店
- What? - This is good.|- 怎么了? - 写的很好
- Really? - Mmm.|- 真的? - ?
Is it by Rebecca Bloomwood?|是Rebecca BIoomwood写的?
Yes! My friend Suze saw me writing it.|当然! 我的朋友Suze亲眼看见我写的
I mean, is that how you want your name to appear?|我是说
- "By Rebecca Bloomwood"? - Oh, right.|- ''作者 Rebecca BIoomwood''?
I don't want to be too associated with this
Because I just think it would be better|我想这样更好
to be slightly more of an everyman.|做个无名小卒胜过于名人
Um, a little more ooh-ooh-ohh.|? 就是一点神秘兮兮
Mysterious, rather than just... Becky? Hmm.|神秘 而不是... Becky?


