
Heinrich StieglitzBilder des Orientsquoted in ElizabethSeldenChina in German Poetry from l773 t0 1833212--3?
Cf?Morris R?CohenThe Meaning of Human History148--150(AristotleVitruviusIbn Khaldum)?
(an activity of immobility--Nicom?Eth?Bk VIIch?I4BasicWorks of Ar~totleRandom House1058)“j(der Unbewegliche)“”
(Es regt sich alles zwardoch el"bleibt unbewegtDaniel yonCzepkoSexcenta monodistiche Sapientumin M?WehrliDeuts-che Barocklyrik3?Aufl?l70)“j(die Ruhein der Bewegung)“”(Gott hilt sich miiuschenstilldatum bew-egt sich die Welt um ihnG?KellerDer gr~ne HeinrichIIl?1S~mtl?WerkeAufbauIV374)“”(1017)?“”“”“”(““”(“……j““……J)
(sebben nel cristal mobile immotasua sembianza abbia il fon--tc--NBarberini“La Fontanaj)quoted in J?RoussetCi-rcd et le PaonNOUV?6d?l 54)“”(1iquidal'onda e pur gelata appare--G?M?Materdona“La Fontanadi Ponte Sisto in RomaJ2in G?G?FerreroMarino e i Mar&-isti776)“”“J
“j(external reverence)“(inward contempt)
(cf?Peter GayStyle in HistoryMcGraw?Hill Paper Back43?-4)--,6,(insaying this we express no belief)(1a r~gle des r6glesla premiere maxime)(E?BevanLater Greek Religion52 ff?Sextus EmpiricusMontai?
gneEssais?xxiii“Bib?de la Pl6iadeIl 3 lDescartesDtours dco M~thodeIIled?G?Gadoffre23)“”(mental reservation)
“(Senno senza ForzadeSavi)(vissero sol col senno a chiuse porte)(in pu?bblieo)(Opere JJ G?Bruno e JJ r Campane?1la?Riccardo Ricciardi799)“”“”(437--8) “”(an sich)“"(ffir sieh)(HcgelPhiinomenologie des Geisteshrsg??Hoffmeister22)?“”(452)
…………”“”? “”“
“j“2)“……” “”“”“”“l“”“”“”“”“”““”?“…………“”?“……
“j()(knave?proof)(f001?proof)(1 008--9)
“(geistiges Opium)”1840“
(dureh den Pietismusdieses schlimmste Opium)(Ludwig B6rneeine DenkschriftIVLutetiaXVIWerke und Briefe ?AufbauVI1 94327)
40 “……“”“”
“(und eben--SO ist es mit dem geheimnisvollen Strome in den Tiefen desmenschlichen Gemfites beschaffendie Sprache z~ihlt und nenntand beschreibt seine Vefwand!ungen in fremden Stoff dieTonkunst str6mt ihn uns selber vor--W?H?Wackenroder?Herzensergiessungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders ed? AGillies1 48)
&“”“”“(1anguage is used linearly)“”(Naturain reticulum sua genera connexitnon catenamhomines nonpossunt nisi catenam sequicam non plura simul[possint]ser-mone exponereAlbrecht von HailerHistoria stirpium indige-narum Helvetiae inchoataquoted in R?ArnheimVisual Thin?king234cf?246--7)“”(“J“”)“(cfJ?Frank“Spatial Form inModern Literature”in R?W?Stallmaned?Critiques and Essaysin Criticism20--J4f?9322)(a formal railway line ofsentence)(throwing a pebble into apond)(Virginia WoolfLettersed?N?Nicolson and J?Trautman1976IIl135--6)(aie einfache Reihenfolge
Faden der Erzihlung)(sich in einer unendlich verwobenen Fl~cheausbreitet) (Robert MusilDer Mann ohneEigenschaftenKap?122BerlinVerlag Volk und Welt1975I8301)?(to try the possibility of theimpossible)(owing to thenarrative form?many events simultaneously transacted can bepresented--PoeticsXXIVS?H?ButcherAristotle’S Theoryof Poetry and Fine Art91--3)(aus dem Nacheinander?erzg?hlen auchnoch ein Nacheinander?geschehen wirdTZielinskiaDicBehandlung gleichzeitiger Ereignisse im antiken Epos"quotedin E?LimmertBauformen des Erziihlens6?Aufl?l97585)lll~ ?70
“”“”“”““”“”“?“”(1ike that of a looking--glasswhich is never tiredor worn by any multitude of objects which it reflects??Emer-SOnA Modern Anthologyed?K?Kazin and D?Aaron239)“”
“……”“”“”(cfD?LodgeZhe Modes of Modern Writ?ing9 ff?22 ff?33 L“realism in the neutral sense"VS area?
lism in the qualitative sensgJ”“”“‘”()“?1“”()“”(emoin plusieurs heros etheroinesqui sont beaux et blancs en papier et SOUS le masquede romanqui sont bien laids et bien basanez en chair et ell OSd6couvert--A?Fureti~reLe Roman bourgeoisl~ditions Pot?teret8)(far la conoscenza personale di Lesbia cdi Cinziadi Beatrice e di Laura)(B?CroeeLaPoesia5 cd?88--9)
“”(watchman)(a~iend of the lovers who has been standing guard)(A?P'remingered?Encyclopedia of Poetryand Poetics8)“”“”“Jj“”“”“)C(character)(function)(cf?V?ProppMorphology of the Folktaletr?L?Scott2nd ed?21)“”“Jr
of Songs15“am blackbut comelyS~cf?M?Praz?TheRomantic Agony44)“)C(Dark Lady)“”“”“)(741)“”“‘j
“”()“”“”(the light lonely touch of hispaddle in the watermaking the silence appear deeper)“j(their loud clamor addedto the quiet of the sceneinstead of disturbing itN?Haw-thorneThe American Notebooksed?Randall Stewart1932PP?13159--60)
“”(an old man lying fast asleep withclouds under him)“E)
”“”(Diable memporte si j’en ai oui direla moindi'e choseThralianaed?Katharine C?Balderston2nd ed?II699)
Ketten tanzenjes sich schwer machen und dann die T~usch- ung der Leichtigkeit dariiberbreiten--Menschliches
(Samuel Rogers)“”“
”(I never could dance in fetters”ed Tennyson
Memoirby His SonI268)
“?“”“”(philological circle)(Cf?L?Spitzer“Linguistics and Literary History?2note 6in D?C?Freemaned? Linguistics and Literary Style36--8)“”(CestGestaltung et R~iekgestaltung……germination de ce qui vavoircompris--M?Merleau?PontyLe Visible et l'lnvisible243)“”“”“”“~,"(anticipationVor?
C“‘?’‘’‘1&“”(Anachar?sis)(four fingersbreadth in thickness)“J(the passengers were just SO farfrom death--Diogenes LaertiusLives of Eminent Philosophers??103“LoebJ2’109)“”“ju
“”“”“”“”“??“”““”“j“”“ ”?“J()“”“”“”&E“J“()”“”“J“”“?“?“”“”“()?“C“”“J“”“”“”& p&
(n e?st contentet nOUSnous mourons par son ordreEt c’esta lui de rire et c’estnOUS de mordre--HugoL’Ann&terrible“Janvier”ix“Dans le Cirquej)“‘‘’”
“‘”“?”(Who painted the leontel me who?etc?Chau?cerZhe Canterbury TbIes“The Wife of Bath’S Prologue”697?)
? 218 “J(riches and power are attended and followed by follyand folly in turn by licencewh?
attended by sobrietyv“Loeb”107)
and moderationIsocrates219
(Some?one has acted out of charactere?g?a mean man generously)“(Its the change before death--E?PartridgeA Dictionary of Catch Phrases127)“”(To change oBe
smell of death--w?H?Auden and L?Kronenbergered?TheFaber Book of Aphorisms61)
]qu(1a237(1’accord du despotisme asiat-c)vraie[union dans un corps politique]est une union dharmo?niequi fait que toutes les parties?quelques oppos6es qu’ellesnous paraissent concourent an bien g6n6ral de la soci6t6commedes dissonances de la musique concourentl'accord total--Mon
tesquieuConsiddrations sur les Causes de la Grandeur des Rom?ains et de leur Ddcadencech?9)“”“”228
“”(“70dos los duelos con pan buenos”
edMarinVIIl1 1)“”
2“&&ILL“”“”“”& p&
“”(Put them[the Heads of States]in a field and lbtthem fight it out!Partridgeop?cit?l78)
’?“‘ ……
“”“j((While the perception thatthere is white before US cannot be falsethe perception that what iswhite is this or that may be false--De AnimaIII?3op?cit?589)&“”“”“”(997)“”(La sperienza non falla maima sol fallano i vostri giudizi--Leonardo da Vinci?E#w Aus
wahl aUS seinem Schriftenhrsg? V?Macchi61 e 62Die Sinnetrfigen nichtdas Urteil triigtGoetheSpruchweisheit in S&ntl?Werk?“7empel?KlassikerIH476?Cf?C?K?OgdenBentham’STheory of Fictions66JS?MillA System of LogicBk Vch?1§2Longmans and Green4-20-1)“
?““”“)(11 veder morire una persona amatamoltomerlo lacerante che il vederla deperire e trasformarsi nel corpo enellanimo da malattia?Perchb nel primo caso le illusioni rest?anonel secondo svaniscono--LeopardiZibaldoneedF?Flora386)“”?think a great beauty is most to be pitied?Shecompletely outlives herselfW?HazlittConversations ofJamesNorthcotein J?Thorntoned?Zabe rdA“EverymanS Lib)268)“jC)?“”“”“”
y‘”(1a faute dappr6hension etla b6tise)(Essais?xiop?cit?406)
“C)“‘?? 378
505“J15 05(ddtournercette attention)(1a retourner)(ib?l 74)(Ce travail de L’artistecest ex-actement le travail inverse“etc?Proust?Le Tempts retrouvdin A la Recherche du Temps perduj“Bib?de la Pl6iadej)IIl896)“t
(Du HaldeLettres 6doqan?tes et curieuses de Chineedet?LVissi~re1979469)
“‘’‘……‘‘‘‘’‘‘”“‘‘‘‘‘‘”“……”“……‘? ?
“”“”(Federico Garcia Lorca)“JC)(Verde vient0?Verdes ramas“Romance sonambul0”)(7he wind is green here only because ofwhere it blowsStanley Burnshawed?The Poem Bself,Peli-can238)“?”??“‘’”“”“Jr“J1“”“”
(William Hazlitt)(7he curb is taken off our passionswe areoff our guard)“”(Weare not hypocrites in our sleep“On Dreams” CompleteWorksed?P?PHoweXIl23)497--8
1311“J1(sweet forgetting)(Leopardi"Canto nottur?no di un Past6're errante dellAsia”“O greggia mia che posi0h te beatache la miseria tuacred0non saiF'OpereRiecardo Ricciardi,106--7)(Guido Gozza--rio“La Differenzaj“Penso e ripensoche mai pensa l'ocagracidante alia riva del canale?|Pare felice!…|…Ma tunon pensi?La tua sorte 6 bella!”--C?L?Golin0?Contem--porary Italian Poetry2)(Betrachte dieHdeUSW?)
“”“”“j(1a dive Bouteille)~,(Bacbuc)“”(Notezamis
que de vin divin on devientRabelaisLe Cinquiesme Livrech?45Oeuv?comp?ed?J?PlattardV169)
“”(the dogS system oflogic)“?”(What issmellsand what does not smell is nothingF?H?BradleyPrinciples of LogicI31)(845--6)(those animal?trainer bl0?kes)(PG?WodehouseCarryonJeeveslFixing it for Freddie”)“”?
“”(LcTiers Livre?chX“
pifficile chose estre le conseil de mariageet des sots homeriqu?es et virgilianes”)“”541
“? ”&&“……”“j“”“”“” “?1487--90
troisi~me temps qui nest ny nuit“La Nuit des Nuits”J?Roussetque francaiseI1 72)
ny jour--Du Bois?HusAnthologie de la Podsie baro-578
“‘2(Et le porte qui feintet le ph~osophequi raisonnesont 6galementet dans le meme senscons6quentsOll incons~quents“De la Po~sie dramatiqueZ?X“DuPlan”Oeuvcomp?ed?J?AssdzatVII334--5)
)(n salue beaucoup et SOU??Le sourire de th6fitreoh lon montre les dentsmais olesyeux ne sourient pas--StendhalOeuvres intimes“Bib?de laP16iadej516)“((Eile ren aremerei6 par un souriremais nOR pas des yeuxjou66551)
“”&“” ?
and sicknesses SO trouble USthat they make life to seem longfor all its shortness--HerodotusVII?46“Loebj)Ill361)“”?&“”(&&“”)()“?”“
“”“”““”“”“”(Et les bons historiens fuyent comme ulle eau ?dormante et mer morte des narrations calmespour regaigherles seditionsles guerresoff ils savent que nous les appelons ?EssaisIIl?xii“De la Phisionomie”op?cit?1007) “”(Die Weltgeschichte ist nicht der Boden des Glficks?DiePerioden des Glficks sind leere Blitter in ihr??Vorlesungenfiber erie Philosophie der GeschichteReclam62)55“‘’(Happy the peo-pie whose annals are tiresome)‘”(Happy the people whose annals are vacant--Carlyle?TheFrench RevolutionBkIch1Chapman and Hall24)(Montesquieu’S ?aphorismHappy the people whose annals are blank in historybooksFrederick the Great Bk x VIch1Chapman andHallIV128)“)(No news ?is good news)“ ‘)&&“
”“”&&“”“l(A warlikevarious and a tragical age is the best towrite ofbut worst to write inAbraham CowleyEss~sand Other Prose Writingsed?A?B?Gough5)“”(Cest lorsque la fureur de la guerre civile OH dufanatisme arme les hommes de poignardset que le sang coulegrands riots sur la terre?que le laurier dApollon s’agite etverdit?Il en veut 6tre arros6I1 se"ri6trit dans les temps d'e lapaix et du loisir?Le g6nie est de tous les tempsetc?Did--erot“De la P06sie dramatique”XVIIIop?cit?VII371-2)?“”(Perhaps it is well for those who delightin poetry that Laura was inflexible and obduratefor the swe?etest song ceases when the feathers have lined the nestW?
SLandor"Francesco Petrarca~ Complete Worksed?T?E
Welby and S?WheelerXIl29)“
”(Fuda quel punto in poiuna vita delle pi5 tranq,uilledelle pifi felicidelle pifi invidia?bilidi maniera chese ve!’avessi a raccontarevi seccherebbea morte--A?ManzoniI Promessi Sposicap?38OpereRic-cardo Ricciardi958)“”(The happiest womenlike thehappiest nationshave no history--George EliotThe MOHthe FlossBk IVch?3“7he World’S Classicsj445)“j(Jede epische oder dramatische Dich tung nfimlich kann immerllnr ein RingenStreben und Kfimpfen um Glficknie aber dasbleibende und vollendete Glfick selbst darstellen … weil einechtesbleibendes Gliick nicht m5glich istkann est kein Gegen?stand der Kunst seynDe Welt als Wille und Vorstellungv 58SamtlWerk?hrsg?E?Grisebach1,415)“~(All happy families resemble one anothereveryunhappy family is unhappy in its own wayAnna Karenina?Pt lch?1)“”
(Men are good in one waybut bad in many--Nichomache?an EthicsBkIch?6op?cit?959cf?MontaigneEssais?IixoP?cit52“Sicomme la v6rit6le mensonge navoit quunvisage”etc?GoetheSpruchweisheitop?cit?45 1-2“Das Wah?reGute und Vortrettliche ist einfach@00 0 Das Irren aber isthSchst mannigfaltigj)etc?) ?
“‘’”(idle and craftie Braines)(Impostures)(they ought all to be despised…the Sp?reading and Publishing of them is in no sort to be Despised)(For they have done much Mischiefe)
(Bacon“Of Prophecies”Essays‘‘The World’s Classics
?“……”“‘……‘ ‘C“”
(SOthat the character of a hypocrite is entirely out of the powerof the pencilwithout some adjoining circumstance to discoverhimas smiling and stabbing at the same time01"thee
W?HogarthThe Anal3’sis of Beaut)’ch?15ed?JBurke137)“”
?(!e collier dont je suis attach6)(La ForttaineFables
1?v“Le Loup et le Chien”)“j(Mit Eisen wird?in KnechtmitGold ein Furst gebundenAndreas Gryphius“Melancholie desHerrschersJIM?Wehrliop?cit??25)“j“”“C)“C(Whatwould it pleasure me to have my throat out with diamonds?orto be smotherdWith cassia?or to be shot to death with pe?ads?--J?WebsterZhe Duchess QMn(iIV?iiPrays by Webst?er and Ford,”“Everyman’S”l59)“”
722(Diewirklichen Gedanken gehen bei wirklichen Dichtern all?versch?1eiert einherwie die Agypterinnennur das tiefe Auge des Ge?dankens blickt frei fiber den Schleier hinweg--MenschrichesAllz--umenschlichesIl?ii?~105op?cit920)
“”“”“”“”“j“Jr“”“C“”()c‘……‘”“”“”(Alphonse Allais)“”(Le Salon des lncoh6rents)“”“”&“”“”“”
frontenon vien i?lerl tosto aUe nostre pupilleParadis0III?14--5)(Marino)(Ninfa mlln?gitrice)(ne distinguer sapeail biancoumor da le sue mani intattech’altro non discernea che latte inlatte--op?cit??361 0“”“r
‘?x&“?x“”“”…………”“”(Meister Eckhart)(tfisent s~len sitzent in dem himel fif einer na?delstizeF?PfeifferDeutsche Mystiker des l4?Jahrhunderts?II474)
“……”“j“……”“”“……x()(amplification)(reductio ad absurdum)“”
“”“”“ ‘’”“”“)“”“”“”“”“)“”“jJ()“J()“”“”(~-tc)“”
“……Et‘ ’”&&“”
?“”“‘”“”“j(1e real est l'essence de Dieu1’trcsuprame en m6chancet6Mario Prazop??cit?102--3)“jC&
“”“”&“‘……”(il lie faict que fureter et quester
tournoiantbastissant et S’empestrant en sa besognecomme noSvers de soyeet sY estouffe--Essais1[1?xiiiop?cit?l028)(593)?…(Zot--quato TassoV?ii)(CfSS Pra?wetKarl Marx and World Literature160)(39--40) ?
“”?“”“”?“”“?……j(SpineUo of Arezzo)(representingLucifer establishing his seat in the north and the fall of theangelswho change into devils as they rain upon the earthGiorgio VasariZhe Lives of the PaintersSculptorsand Archi?tects“Everyman’S Library”I
“‘”?“”“j)(1316)“”(pa?thos of distance)“”“)“”?“”(&
“q j(“”“”“”“…………………………”“?2“”“”“kj?“”“”“”“j)“”?“”“)&&“”“()”
f&“”“)“Jr(re Moyne“Un flot gron-de en fuyant lautre qui le pousse)CBussi~resTon riot quichasse l'autre et ton onde fuyante”JRoussetop?cit142)“……”(See the mountains kisshigh heavenAnd the waves clasp one another|…
all these kissi ngs worthIf thou kiss not me?Shelley“Lo-ve’s Philosophy”)(Jeremias Gotthelf)(Das geht gerade SO wie in wogenden Seein wirbe?1nden Flusseda tanzen die Wellen auch miteinanderals obslauter Herrlichkeit w~ireund ist es ausgetanztSO verschlingt ei?ne die anderequoted in W?Muschg?Tragische Literaturges?chichte?3?Aufl?l46)
?(Pierodi Cosimo)(He stopped to examine a wall where sickpersons had used to spitimagining that he saw there combatsof horses and the most fantastic cities and extraordinary lands-capes ever beheld?He cherished the same fancies of cloudsGiorgio Vasariop?cit??II177)“‘L“J“”“”““”“j“”(10471073)&““”“”“……”“““”(287)
“”(seeing in)“”(seeing as)
(Lady Mary Wortley Montagu)(the Countess of Bute)“”
(You are no more obliged to me for bringing you into theworldthan I am to you for coming into it and I nevernever made use of that common?place(and like most common?place false) argumentas exacting any return of affectionLetters?“Everyman’s Library”400)
(adancer???could imitate even the liquidity of water and the sharp?BeSS of fire in the liveliness of his movements???Lucian
“7he Dance”“LoebCV233)
“”(613“”“”“”()“ ”“”“”“”&“”
“&S‘‘’‘?‘’‘’‘‘‘’& p&
(Patroclus) (Her [Briseis’]sister captivesechoed groan for groan|Nor mourned Patroclus’fortunesbuttheir own--n~ad,XIXtr?APope“The WorldS Classics~389)“”“”
(fingendo desser pazzo)
(Bandell0Le NovelleII?xxiLaterzaIll63)
(Campanella)(Di se stess0quand0ecc?)
simulare in loc0prudentia est()P?cit??855)
(7homas More)()(Katharine M?BriggsBritish f0Zalesand LegendsSampler19771 3--4)
“(the Faith-fu!Hound)“”“j“”“”(s?Baring?GouldCurious Myths of the Middle Ages,134W?J?GruffyddRhiannon59)?
“”““”“”(Le crimeest…originellement naturel?La vertuau contraireest artifi?ciellesurnaturelle--Baudelaire“l~loge du Maquillage”Oeuv?comp?“la Pl6iade”912)“artificiel”“” ?
(UnmittelbarkeitAbstandlosieit)?(il ne faut pas sexprimer comme on sentmais commeOil se souvient aus der sanften und~rnenden Erinnerungmag el"dichtenpoetry takes its origin from emotion recollec-ted in tranquillity--A?G6rardL’Idde romanlique de la Podsieell Angleterre?34A?WellekHistory of Modern Criticism?56240WMiiller?SeidelProbleme der literarischen Wertung2?Aufl?75--9)“”
……J“”“”“J(Pope“The last and greatest an--the art to blot)“”(AQuiller?Couch “
+darlings”)“”(Stefan Zweig“Schrei-ben heisst wegschneiden k6nnenj)“”1196?
(Henry James)“J(intensity of illusion)“”(a uniform intensity)(ordering intensitieseach valley andeach peak in its proper place--Wayne C?Boothj7he Rhetoric ofFiction196160)“j)(In allen Kunstwerken mUSSOS etwas wie Brot geben~MenschlichesAllzumenschliches?Bd IIAbtii~98op?cit?919)“”“”(“”&&“”)“”“”“J2IZi
(it struck him with astonishment and seemed rather theproduction of another person than his ownquoted in AmyLowellJohn Keats?151)
……”“”“”“”“”“”“(emotion)“”(motus)?(ALalande op?cit??278--9)“”“J
(Andreas Gryphius)“”(Dem hie die Welt ZH engeDemwird ein enges Grab ZU weitM?Wehrliopcit?56)
“”“”“”(JohnDonne)(The Extasie)(Our eye?beames twisted…And pictures in our eyes togetWas all our propagation???Complete poetry and Sele~ctedProseed?J?Hayward38)
“?x?“)‘‘)”“?2“J“1“”“”“”“”“”(Herzen citant un Anglais“Les Franqaismangent du veau froid chaudementnousnous Anglais man-geons notre boeuf chaud froidement’…Journal des Goncourt?8 f6vrier l8656d?d6finitive1197)“jj“”“”“”
“”“‘Z“”“”(Au?gustus was sensible that mankind is governed by namesNorwas he deceived in his expectationetc?GibbonThe Declineand Fall ofAc Roman Empire?eh3“Worlds Classics~,80)?“?x“jj
“C(1 150)“?”“Cy“”&“
“”(u faut commencer l'~tude de l’histoire…par les tempsles plus voisins en remontant jusquaux si~cles de la fableOUla mythologie)(Grotius)(Diderot“Plan d’une Universit6 pour le Gouvernment de Russiel? op?cit?IIl492--3)()?Ass6zat)(Guizot)(Pokro?vskij)“”(History is politicsprojected into the past)(M?FriedbergA Decade of Eupho-ria122 n241 n?
“ j(Me?thought Plato had turned into a crow and had lighted on myheadwhere he pecked at my bald spot and croaked as helooked all round?So I inferPlat0that you are going toutter many lies over my head--AthenaeusThe Deipnosophists,XL 505--7“Loeb”V269--79)“”
?“……‘‘”““”“”““”(the do-mesticating or diminishing metaphor)(748--9)&“”“”
“”(contenta dei deserti)(Eduard M6rike)&&(“Aufeine Lam?pe”)“”(Was aber schGn isseligscheint es in ihm selbst)(EStaigerDie Kunst der Interpreta?tion3?Aufl?35--7“Ein Briefwechsel mit Martin Heidegger””“”(contenta)“C)(selig)
“‘”(Euripides)(Sophocles)“”(Yes[he is a woitlarl?hater]in his tragediesfor certainly whenhe is in bed he is a woman?10ver--The DeipnosophistsXIIl?557
“LoebVI15)“”‘“”(1058)(Marcel ProustLa Prison~nitre“Mais est?ce quil a jamais assassin6 quelqu’unDos?toievsky?etc?op?cit??III379--81)(1a vanit6 des~tudes oo on essaye de deviner de qui parleun auteufe j7emps retrouv~ib??907--9)
“”“ ”““j“j“”
(Machia-velli)(Ma il barbagianni le diede una gran fiancata?dimaniera che ella stizzosa e in gran c51era montata gli strinse fier--amente i sonagli--M?BandelloLe Novelle?I?40LaterzaII
“”“”“”“x“”“”(But if they arc--arc their coats&waistcoatsalso seen~Letters and JournalsedLeslie A?MarchandVII1 92)0“”“”
“”“”“()j)“()”“”“j &“‘‘”?
“”“’‘’‘’‘”(2( ?
“”“)“”“”“”“(7ake out your handkerchiefforyou will want it)”(Leslie A?MarchandByronI99)“”“”
“ ?‘……”“”“”156
‘ ……”“
“‘?”“……? Jr“”?“……”26“”“”


