运行游戏出现game must run in a 16 bitbits per pixell mods 怎

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精华0帖子威望0 点积分3403 点注册时间最后登录
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List of Game Rendering Resolutions + some info on the hardware scaling
The other thread was getting to big for its own good, and as has been requested often enough, an easy-to-find compilation of discovered resolutions is needed.
I or other mods may update this thread as time goes.
Thanks go to Quaz for his efforts and most of the list. Thanks also go to grandmaster for providing direct screenshots from HDMI outputs.
Would you like to know more?&&Here is how the resolutions can be determined.
In order to reduce the number of people asking about hardware scaling, please read the following:
Xenos is the hardware scaler, not HANA/ANA, which are just the video output chips dealing with digital/analog output to the various connections made with the display. Dave Baumann
***IVO takes more samples for scaling so it is expected that the scaling is better (the algorithm also appears to be some form of bicubic, not a simple bilinear) Update: see below
Hardware scaling to the output resolution chosen in the dashboard is automagically performed .
In upscaling to 1080p, some games may first scale to 720p in software before the GPU scales to a 1080p output. e.g. RR6, SCIV, VF5, CoD4, H3, TR:L...
Some games let the GPU handle the scaling to 1080p directly from the arbitrary resolution. e.g. MotoGP 06, PGR3, ESIV:O...
&lanczos is just one of the selectable filters. Ultimately each game 'could' opt to use a different filter/sample count combination (though I suspect most don't bother).& -Fafalada
For whatever reason, the Pure Video scaler in the G7x derived GPU (RSX) is gimped to horizontal scaling of specific front buffer resolutions. See B3D Article
As of the January 2007 PS3 SDK, only the following front buffer resolutions are supported for hardware scaling to p: 960x80,
Games whose back buffers are rendered at strange resolutions must upscale the front buffer (at a cost of extra memory) to either 0p output) or to one of the acceptable 1080p resolutions. (Note: native resolution = back buffer resolution, front buffer = image for displaying/hardware scaling)
ShootMyMonkey mentions scaling support for a pixel height of 576. There may be more new settings available.
Frame Buffer Calculations & Memory Consumption
Back-Buffer(s) = Pixels * FSAA Depth * Rendering Colour Depth (may include multiple render targets for deferred rendering techniques)
Z-Buffer = Pixels * FSAA Depth * Z Depth (usually 32-bit depth)
Front-Buffer(s) = Pixels * Output Colour Depth (this is what you see, almost always resolved to 8-bit per component rather than 10-bit or 16-bit)
Total = Back-Buffer(s) + Z-Buffer + Front-Buffer(s)
For Xenos, the back buffer and z-buffer must fit within the 10 MiB (10* bits, 8 bits/byte) to avoid tiling.
Update Dec. 3 2008: Grabbed from XNA MSDN:
&Render targets must be padded to certain dimensions based on the multisample mode. The padding required for 32-bits-per-pixel formats is 80×16 for 1× antialiasing, 80×8 for 2× antialiasing, and 40×8 for 4× antialiasing.&
This may explain ShootMyMonkey's information on Tomb Raider Underworld's back buffer () and depth-buffer () dimensions, but may be tied to a particular rendering technique they are also using.
Frame buffer formats
RGBA8 = 8 bits for Red, 8 bits for Green, 8 bits for Blue, 8 bits for alpha = 32 bits per pixel
FP10 = 10 bits for RGB components, and 2 bits for alpha = 32 bits per pixel
FP16 = 16 bits for each component = 64 bits per pixel (no support for hardware alpha blending on Xenos)
NAO32 = LogLUV conversion, In-Depth explanation = 32 bits per pixel (no hardware alpha blending)
e.g. xMSAA, FP10, 32-bit Z-buffer
back buffer + Z = *(32/8 + 32/8) =
bytes = 9.9975... MiB
Other formats do exist, such as R11G11B10 on Xbox 360 as Sebbbi explains:
Originally Posted by sebbbi
It consumes same amount of memory and bandwidth as the standard RGBA8 and FP10 formats (4 bytes per pixel), and is as fast as FP10 (A2R10G10B10_FLOAT) to sample and to render to. R11G11B10_FLOAT also supports blending and filtering. It's a perfect choice for HDR rendering as the quality is pretty much comparable to FP16 and the bandwidth and memory usage are halved.
Regarding the notable absence of the alpha channel in this format:
Originally Posted by sebbbi
The alpha channel of the back buffer (render target) is rarely used for blending. All the most common blending techniques can be implemented with only the source alpha (object's texture alpha channel). Destination alpha is only useful for some multipass rendering tricks (and most can be implemented more efficiently with the stencil buffer).
For custom color representations (logluv, RGBE8, etc), the alpha channel is used to store the color data component (exponent, color multiplier or fourth color channel needed for the color space). When writing custom color representations to the back buffer, the alpha channel is directly written to just like the RGB channels, and no alpha blending is used. This also means that source alpha cannot be used either (as the pixel shader alpha output is used for the alpha write and contains color data instead of alpha). When you are rendering with a custom color space, the only way to get alpha channel blending to work is to pinpoint between 2 buffers (sampling the pixel color from the other and rendering to the other). This slows down the performance considerably (game has to copy the whole backbuffer to a texture for every alpha blended object).
Aspect Ratio
Some of you might be wondering how games like Call of Duty 4 (1.71:1) , Halo 3(1.8:1) , Metal Gear Solid 4 (4:3) can have rendering resolutions that are not 16:9 aspect ratio. All you need to learn about is anamorphic widescreen. The image is squeezed into the rendered resolution but is then stretched to the proper 16:9 presentation.
An example of this squeezing can easily be seen in any Doom 3 engine games (Quake 4/Prey/Quake Wars). If you have one of them handy on your PC (latest version will do), try setting your resolution to 960x720 and in the console type r_aspectratio 1 for 16:9 or 2 for 16:10. All you'll see is the in-game view being squeezed/stretched horizontally. On the flip side, if you render the game at
while still in 4:3 mode, the Mancubus just might be the fattest enemy you'll ever see. You can help it lose some weight by setting the game to 16:9. And of course, the isomorphic
rendition will offer more image clarity than the anamorphic 960x720.
Multisample AA - multiple geometry/sub-sample (reddish squares in below images) points with a particular weighting (surrounding the texture sample point, green square in below images) are used to determine the colour of the pixel being rendered. Sample positions can differ between AMD/nVidia. As RSX is based on the G70 architecture, the following sample patterns should apply. In the case of Xenos, it would not be unreasonable to assume that it uses the same patterns as ATI has used in the past (R300+).
The result for 2xMSAA is that there may be one intermediary shade in betwee one sample is found to be within one polygon (e.g. colour A), and the second sample is found in another polygon (e.g. colour B). If both sample points have equal weightings, the resultant pixel would be 50% colour A, 50% colour B. Obvious results are obtained when a polygon edge bisects the shortest imaginary line connecting the two geometry sample points. Hence, 2xMSAA for G70 will look slightly different to 2xMSAA for R520 (see sample positions below).
For the case of 4xMSAA, there may be more shades in between polygon edge steps due to the higher number of geometry samples, resulting in a smoother transition between steps. With equal weightings to each sub-sample, there will be three intermediary shades.
The easiest way to see MSAA level is to have a straight-edged object overlapping another object/background with a high contrast in colours between the two e.g. black object against a white background. Beware of JPG compressed screenshots where pixels near high frequency components (edges) can be distorted.
G70 sample patterns
R520 - sample patterns
Quincunx AA on PS3 - two geometry sample points are used just like 2xMSAA (so the same storage cost), but it also uses 3 samples belonging to neighbouring pixels (regardless of a polygon edge) to the right and below of the original texture sampled point (see sample pattern image for clarity). The result is a blurring of the entire image, but higher perceived polygon AA. Consider a texture of higher frequency components, lots of different colour patterns. The current pixel's two geometry sample points indicate the pixel is entirely within one polygon. However, the three neighbouring sub-samples are still accounted for in the final pixel, hence the overall image blur.
Quincunx sample pattern
Comparison between 2xMSAA/QAA/ & blur filters
Temporal AA on PS3 (ala Quaz regarding DMC4, note that this is not the only implementation)- odd and even frames are rendered with a half-pixel shift. The current frame is blended with the previous frame to achieve a similar effect as super sample AA for static scenes. In a moving scene, the blending of the odd and even frames produces a persistent blurring of the image. However, this is also advantageous for the edges of alpha-to-coverage primitives, because traditional multisampling does not work*, only super sampling.
*see transparency AA or adaptive AA settings on appropriate PC hardware.
Update Dec 3 2008:
Sebbbi's take on TAA as seen so far:
You can blend the new frame with last rendered frame (half pixel shifted offset), but this causes severe image ghosting with moving camera/objects limiting the technique usefullness. If the game can achieve solid 60 fps, it's usually better just to let the eyes do the blending themselves. 60 fps (half pixel shift every other frame) is enough to fool human eye and no distracting shimmering can be seen. Also all TV sets (and monitors) have some pixel lag, so the last frame pixels will slightly also blend together with the new pixels before being sent to the eye. Temporal AA looks good on static or slowly moving scenes, but the aliasing effect is no longer visible if the camera moves more than few pixels every frame (if blending is used you just see the ghosting and no AA at all, if no blending is used you just see the scene without AA).
There are many alternative temporal antialiasing methods that work perfectly on moving camera/objects. Reverse re-projection is one of them. For each rendered pixel, you calculate the position of the same surface pixel in last frame by utilising last frame model and view matrices (and sample the last frame back buffer texture at that position). This method is comparable to 2xSSAA, but affects only surfaces (not edges). The technique is most useful in hiding pixel shader based aliasing (caused by various parallax mapping techniques, shadow map sampling, negative lod bias shimmering, etc, etc). MSAA techniques do not anti alias polygon surfaces at all (leaving all aliasing caused by pixel shader and sampling). Like SSAA, all temporal aliasing techniques also antialias stencil buffer based effects (stencil shadows, etc).&&
Black Levels & Output
Standard = 16-235
Expanded = 0-255
Limited Range = 16-235
Full Range = 0-255
UE3.0 & MSAA - AA is apparent in certain cases, and it's possible the rendering pipeline or the use of post-processing effects, with respect to the MSAA resolve, messes with the end results. e.g. drawing effects after the msaa resolve.... tone-mapping can occur after the msaa resolve, leading to no AA'd edges... etc.
精华0帖子威望0 点积分3403 点注册时间最后登录
Playstation 3
Alone in the Dark =
Army of Two =
Assassin's Creed =
Battlefield: Bad Company =
Beijing 2008 =
Bioshock = 680p (no AA, blur filter)
Bourne Conspiracy, The (demo) =
Burnout: Paradise = xAA)
Call of Duty 3 (screenshot) ~xAA)
Call of Duty 4 = x AA)
Call of Duty: World at War = x AA)
Cars Mater-National =
Conan (demo) =
Condemned 2 =
Conflict: Denied Ops =
(no AA) or 960x1080
Dark Sector =
Darkness, The (demo) =
Dead Space =
Def Jam Icon (screenshot) =
Devil May Cry 4 = xAA, temporal)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion =
FaceBreaker =
(QAA), 960x1080
Fallout 3 =
Far Cry 2 =
(QAA, centered on 720p window)
Fifa Street 3 =
Full Auto 2 (demo) =
Fracture =
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 =
Golden Axe: Beast Rider =
(no AA, blur filter)
Golden Compass =
Grand Theft Auto IV =
GT5 Prologue (demo) = 1080p mode is
(2xAA) in-game while the garage/pit/showrooms are
with no AA. 720p mode is xAA)
Guitar Hero 3 =
Guitar Hero Aerosmith =
Guitar Hero World Tour =
Haze (demo) = xAA)
Heavenly Sword = xAA)
Incredible Hulk =
(no AA), 960x1080 (no AA)
Jericho (demo) = 996x560 (2x AA)
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights =
Kung Fu Panda =
(no AA), 960x1080 (no AA)
Lair = 800x1080 (2xAA) - AA buffers are merged to produce
for further scaling
Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, The =
Legendary =
LEGO: Batman =
(no AA, slight blur filter)
LEGO: Indiana Jones =
(no AA), 960x1080 (no AA)
Lord of the Rings: Conquest = 640p (no AA)
Lost Planet =
(temporal 2xAA)
Madden NFL '09 =
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (screenshot) =
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames =
Metal Gear Online = xAA, temporal)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot = xAA, temporal)
Midnight Club: Los Angeles = 960x720 (QAA)
Mirror's Edge =
MK vs DC =
MLB08: The Show = xAA) - The rendering window is adjustable down to 576p without upscaling to 720p i.e. the frame has black borders
MLB09: The Show = xAA) or
Motorstorm = xAA)
MX vs ATV (demo) =
NBA07 (demo) =
NBA08 (demo) =
NBA Live '08 =
NBA Street Home court (screenshot) =
NFL Tour =
(no AA, poor framerate)
NHL '09 = xAA)
Ninja Gaiden: Sigma =
(has weird scaling to support 1080p)
Overlord =
Pirates des Caraibes (screenshot) = 768x1080 (no AA)
960x720 en mode 720p
Prince of Persia =
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 =
Quake Wars: Enemy Territory =
Race Driver: GRID = xAA)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 = xAA)
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction = xAA, centered on 720p output)
Resistance: Fall of Man =
Ridge Racer 7 (demo) =
Saint's Row 2 = 640p (QAA)
SCORE International Baja 1000 =
SEGA: Rally Revo = xAA, alpha blend)
SEGA: Superstars Tennis =
(QAA, 30fps)
Soldier of Fortune: Payback =
Soul Calibur IV =
in 1080p mode
Spiderman: Web of Shadows =
Street Fighter IV =
(no AA), 640p in up-close character view?
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed =
Tiger Woods PGA Tour '09 =
Tomb Raider: Underworld =
Tony Hawk's Project 8 =
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (demo) =
Top Spin 3 =
Transformers (screenshot) = 960x1080 (no AA)
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty =
Viking: Battle for Asgard = 960x720 (2xAA) - AA buffers are merged to a
framebuffer, which is then downscaled to
Virtua Fighter 5 (screenshot) =
en mode 1080p
Virtua Tennis 3 (demo) =
WWE 08 (screenshot) = ? 640x720 ? (2x AA) - les edges ont l'aparence du
mais d'apres certain artefact il semble que ce soit le resultat de la fusion de 2 buffers MSAA 640x720
translation StefanS: &The edges give the impression of being p, but because of a certain artifact it seems that it is the result of the fusion of 2 MSAA buffers of resolution 640x720&
UEFA Euro 2008 =
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune = xAA)
Unreal Tournament III =
World Series Of Poker 2008 =
1942: Joint Strike = xAA) or
Blast Factor =
Bionic Commando: Rearmed =
Calling All Cars (screenshot) =
Commando 3 = xAA) or
Echochrome =
Forbidden Siren = xAA)
Go Puzzle =
(no AA) - Vehicle selection is rendered at
High Velocity Bowling =
Locoroco Cocoreccho =
Mainichi Issyo =
Pixel Junk Monsters/Racers/Eden =
Rocketmen =
Rub'a'dub =
Snakeball =
Stardust HD =
Super Rub-a-Dub =
Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection (screenshot) =
Warhawk = xAA)
Wipeout HD = dynamic-framerate-dependent 1080p framebuffer ( to )
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 =
精华0帖子威望0 点积分3403 点注册时间最后登录
Alone in the Dark = xAA)
Army of Two = xAA)
Assassin's Creed = xAA)
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts = xAA)
Battlefield: Bad Company =
Beijing 2008 = xAA)
Beowulf = xAA)
Bioshock =
Burnout: Paradise = xAA)
Call of Duty 3 (screenshot) = xAA)
Call of Duty 4 (screenshot) = xAA)
Call of Duty: World at War = x AA)
Cars Mater-National = xAA)
Club, The = xAA)
Conan (demo) =
Condemned 2 = xAA)
Conflict: Denied Ops (demo) = p (2xAA)
Crash Time = xAA)
Dark Sector =
Dead or Alive 4 = xAA)
Dead Rising =
( up to 4xAA depending on frame rate)
Dead Space =
Devil May Cry 4 = xAA)
Don King Prizefighter = xAA)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion = xAA) - Same for GOTY Edition!
Fallout 3 = xAA, certain edges)
Far Cry 2 = xAA, centered on 720p window)
F.E.A.R. = xAA)
FaceBreaker = xAA)
Fifa 2006 (demo) = xAA)
Fifa 2007 (demo) =
Fifa Street 3 =
Fracture =
Forza 2 = xAA in-game, 4xAA replay & vehicle select)
Gears of War =
(HD), 960x720 (SD) (2xAA on static objects?)
Gears of War 2 = xAA, certain edges unaffected)
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 = xAA)
Golden Axe: Beast Rider =
(no AA, blur filter)
Golden Compass = xAA)
Grand Theft Auto IV = xAA)
Guitar Hero 3 =
Guitar Hero Aerosmith =
Guitar Hero World Tour =
Incredible Hulk =
(full screen blur)
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights = xAA)
Kung Fu Panda =
Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, The = xAA)
Legendary =
LEGO: Batman = xAA)
LEGO: Indiana Jones = xAA)
Lord of the Rings: Conquest =
Lost Planet =
(up to 4x MSAA dependent on framerate)
Madden NFL '09 =
Mass Effect = xAA, certain edges are unaffected)
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames =
(no MSAA, but depth/Z-based edge blur?)
Midnight Club: Los Angeles = xAA?)
Mirror's Edge = xAA)
MK vs DC = xAA)
MotoGP 2006 (screenshot) =
(framebuffer grab from ***S Forum member)
MX vs ATV =
NBA Live '08 = xAA)
NBA Street Home court (demo) =
NCAA Football 08 (demo) = xAA)
NFL Tour = xAA, 60fps)
NHL '09 = xAA)
Ninja Gaiden 2 = xAA)
Overlord = xAA)
Perfect Dark Zero (demo) =
Prince of Persia =
Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (demo) = xAA)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 = xAA)
Project Gotham Racing 3 (demo) = xAA)
Project Gotham Racing 4 = xAA)
Quake Wars: Enemy Territory = xAA + blur)
Race Driver: GRID = xAA)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 = xAA)
Ridge Racer 6 (demo) =
Saint's Row 2 = 640p (2xAA)
SCORE International Baja 1000 = xAA)
SEGA: Rally Revo = xAA, alpha to coverage)
SEGA: Superstars Tennis = xAA, 30fps)
Shadowrun = xAA) - Gamefest '07
Skate = xAA ? )
Soldier of Fortune: Payback = xAA ?)
Soul Calibur IV =
(no AA, software scaled to 720p)
Sonic Unleashed = 880x720 (2xAA)
Spiderman: Web of Shadows = xAA)
Splinter Cell Double Agent = xAA) (developer)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed =
Street Fighter IV = xAA)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour '09 =
Tomb Raider Legend = xAA)
Tomb Raider Underworld = xAA) - depth buffer is
Tony Hawk's Project 8 (screenshot) = xAA)
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground =
Top Spin 3 = xAA)
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty =
UEFA Euro 2008 = xAA)
Unreal Tournament III = xAA ala Gears...)
Virtua Fighter 5 (demo) =
Virtua Tennis 3 (demo) =
1942: Joint Strike = xAA)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed =
Boogie Bunnies =
Commando 3 = xAA)
Ikaruga = 540x720 (4xAA, centered on
Rez HD = xAA)
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 = xAA)
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