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优质期刊推荐Very short-range interaction of a hydrogen atom and a helium atom
Title:Very short-range interaction of a hydrogen atom and a helium atom
Affiliation:AA(University of London Computer Unit), AB(University of London Computer Unit)
Publication:Proceedings of the Physical Society, Volume 83, Issue 5, pp. 731-738 (1964).
Publication Date:05/1964
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The interaction energy of a hydrogen and a helium atom in the ground
state has been calculated for internuclear distances in the range 0 to 1
A.U., using a two-configuration molecular orbital wave function. The
coefficients E2 and E3 in the expansion
E0 + E2R2 + E3R3
+..., for the electronic interaction energy at small R, where R is the
internuclear distance, have been calculated for the ground states of H +
He, He + He and H + H, using formulae given by Bingel. These formulae
involve the electron charge density of the united atom, and for each
system several different wave functions were used to derive
E2 and E3, and the resulting ratios compared with
another formula derived by Bingel. A recent analysis by Brown and
Steiner suggests that Bingel's expression for E3 should be
doubled, and the fitting of the molecular orbital energies calculated in
this paper tends to support this conclusion. For H + He and He + He a
fitting of the energy has been made for the range of R from 0 to the
zero of the interaction energy, using calculated energies at small R,
the calculated value of E2, the experimental energy of the
united atom and results derived from the scattering experiments.
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arXiv e-printsWar3十年记忆碎片(十三)
【摘要】:正ID:Check绰号:热血精灵姓名:Lee Hyung Ju国籍:韩国生日:日种族:Night Elf曾效力战队:FrienZ、WE、wNv、BeT、mTw、nGize、SK、ieS状态:退役转型星际2(日),现效力Prime星际2战队个人荣誉:2003 WCG韩国预选赛冠军2003 MBC魔兽联赛Prime League(RoC)第一赛季亚军2003 oWL魔兽联赛第一赛季冠军2003 MBC魔兽联赛Prime League第二赛季季军2004 oWL魔兽联赛第二赛季冠军2004 OWL明星赛冠军2004 GTV杯首届中韩电子竞技电视对抗赛冠军2004 WEG韩国选拔赛亚军2005CKCG中韩对抗赛季军2005 InCUP秋季总决赛冠军2005山王挑战赛连续三届冠军2006 KoDE5中国预选赛亚军2008NWL第二赛季亚军2009 G联赛第六赛季亚军2009 IEF中韩对抗赛冠军2009 NGTV四大天王赛冠军2009 IEST全球总决赛亚军2009 IESF全球总决赛亚军Check,一个从混乱之治时代就开始成名的暗夜选手,从ROC1.03版本的初出茅庐,到1.24版本的尚能饭的魔兽明星,职业生涯充满血泪,一樽樽的锦标书写他的努力。从只使用凶猛的简单战术到愈发老辣的魔
ID:CheCk绰号:热血精灵姓名:Lee Hyung Ju国籍:韩国生日:日种族:Night Elf曾效力战队:FrienZ、WE、wNv、BeT‘mTw、nGize、SK、ies状态:退役转型星际2(20,0年3月1日),现效力prime星际2胡队个人荣誉:2003 WCG韩.预选赛冠军2003 MBC魔兽联扭Prime League(ROC)第-
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