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目的 调查护理本科生在三级医院实习时实施健康教育的情况,分析存在的问题.方法 自行设计调查表,对实习生进行问卷调查,针对不做和做得差的条目进行归集,应用柏拉图统计表进行比较分析.结果 指导了解化验结果、心理护理、康复训练等方面是目前健康教育的薄弱环节.结论 建议制订有针对性的带教计划,培养学生理论与实践结合的能力,沟通的技巧和能力,以及对各种康复训练方法熟练掌握和运用的能力.
WANG Mei-lin
NING Hua-xiu
GUO Jing-zhen
256603,山东省滨州市 滨州医学院附属医院护理部
万方数据电子出版社National Tsing Hua University Institutional Repository: 自我相似性?路??多尺度??模型之研究
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Other Titles:&On Multiscale On-off Model for Self-similar Network Traffic
Authors:&王永?Yung-Chung Wang
在?文的第一部份,我??用矩?分析的方法??查空??先排序器(space priority queue)的?料?失行?,除了?算高?先?和低?先??料的???失?率,我???算在危急??(critical period)的?料?失?率,藉由?些性能?度,可??空??先?制的?定??。而?算?些性能?度的??度??O(K^2 m_1^3 m_2^3),此?K是?存器的容量, m_1(m_2 )是描述高?先?料(低?先?料)的?可夫??的??空??,另外,?由?值分析的?果?示,??的?定空??先排序器的????,不但可?持高?先?料的服?品?,?可使低?先?料得到最佳的使用率。
在?文的第二部份,我?提出一?端??端?呼叫允?控制(end-to-end call admission control)?制?分配?路的?源和管理接通的?目,我?利用分?式布朗??(fractional Brownian motion)?定?服?保??路上的流量描述器,其?由分?式布朗??的平均速率 、??常? 、赫氏??(Hurst parameter)H和流量的品?服?需求:?料?失率、延?上限共同定?,同?更深入探?流量描述器的5??????配置的??特性,?而??延?容忍度、赫氏??H、????常? 是?定??配置的重要??,最後我?根?流量描述器和??配置的?算式,提出一?合?找路由和??配置的端??端?呼叫允?控制?制,?文所提的呼叫允?控制?制是?代演算法,每一次的?算含有二?步?,第一步??找符合?格的最佳路?,第二步????路?是否可提供服?品?的需求。
在?文的第三部份,我??解???模型化的??,在高速?路存在?多自我相似性的?路??,若要有效的?送?些??,?料?失和延?的??必?深入探?,而在探??些性能?度之前,必?要先?自我相似性的?路??模型化,施志衡[75]最先提出多尺度??模型(multiscale on-off model)?描述具有?程??性(long-range dependence)的可?速率的????(VBR video traffic),魏?一[84]?作更深入的研究,但二位都?限於??上的??,本?文?提供一?理上的?明,?用梅林??(Mellin transform)?明多尺度??模型??具有?程??性的??特性。另一方面,我?利用大??技巧(large deviation technique)和??流?的流通方法(stochastic fluid flow method)?分析性能?度。End-to-end support for quality of service guarantees is a central
and critical issue in broadband Internet. In this dissertation,
we address several aspects of this problems from the network perspectives.
In the first part of the dissertation,
we apply matrix-analytic approach to
the examination of the loss behavior of a space priority queue.
In addition to the evaluation of the long-term
high-priority and low-priority packet loss probabilities,
we examine the bursty nature of packet losses
by means of conditional statistics with respect to
critical and non-critical periods that occur in an alternating
These performance measures greatly assist the space
priority mechanism for determining a proper threshold.
The overall complexity of computing these performance
measures is of the order O($K^2m_1^3m_2^3$), where
$K$ is the buffer capacity and $m_1$, $m_2$ are
the numbers of phases of the underlying Markovian structures
for the high-priority and low-priority packet arrival
processes respectively.
Thus the results obtained are computationally tractable and
numerical results show that, by choosing a proper threshold,
a space priority queue not only can maintain the quality
of service for the high-priority traffic but also can
provide the near-optimum utilization of the capacity for
the low-priority traffic.
In the second part of the dissertation,
a per-connection end-to-end call admission control (CAC) problem
is solved to allocate network resources
to an input session
to guarantee its quality of service (Qos) requirements.
In conjunction with the solution of the CAC problem,
a traffic descriptor is proposed to describe
the loss rate and the delay bound Qos requirements of
the connection to be set up
as well as the statistical characteristics
of the associated input traffic which is modeled as
a linear mean function
plus a (zero-mean) fractional Brownian motion.
The information in the traffic descriptor is sufficient to
determine the allocation of channel bandwidth and buffer space
to the input traffic
in a network which employs leaky bucket shapers and scheduling algorithms
to guarantee the Qos requirements.
The CAC problem is solved by
an iterative algorithm of which
there are two stages in each iteration:
one is responsible for the search of a candidate end-to-end routing path
and the other for the verification of the legitimacy of this candidate path
to meet the Qos requirements
and for the allocation of resources in such a legitimate path.
In the third part of the dissertation,
we turn our attentation to traffic modeling
In considering self-similar network traffic transmission through
and statistical multiplexing on a high speed network, problems
such as cell loss and delay must be well evaluated. Before
handling network performance issues, an accurate statistical
characterization and modeling of self-similar network traffic
source should be done at first. Some performance measures of a
network carrying self-similar network traffic are over-estimated
by conventional stochastic models due to their lack of long-range
dependence to characterize self-similar network traffic.
Shih proposed a multiscale
on-off model with sufficient long-range dependence for MPEG coded
VBR video traffic.
This model was further investigated by Wei in [84].
Different from the empirical justification in [75] and
[84], we theoretically establish in this dissertation the
long-range dependency of the multiscale on-off model by proving
that the auto-covariance function of the multiscale on-off model
has hyperbolic decay asymptotically when the number of layers
approaches to infinity.
Queueing analysis of the multiscale on-off model is accomplished
by using the large deviation technique and stochastic fluid flow
The effect of the long-range dependence of the multiscale on-off
model to the hypothetical queue in a multiplexer is observed.
Keywords:&空??先排序器群??可夫?程端??端?呼叫允?控制分?式布朗??自我相似性?路???程??性大??技巧??流?的流通space priority queuebatch Markovian arrival processend-to-end call admission controfractional Brownian motionself-similar network trafficlong-range dependencelarge deviation techniquestochastic fluid flow
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我用纯黑火鸡过不去88但是换了黑火鹰今天下午过了90倒也不是更硬了 相较黑火鸡更容易死其实(可能是我操作不对)不过爆发很足 过boss的话确实有些boss是搞不定的这些boss不然就是用命换 不然就是撕
[b]Reply to [pid=99415,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=]踏影子的[/uid] ( 20:35)[/b]我是单打的,组队向来辅助,蛮子
总结一下:三个看到可以直接esc的boss 疫王 小火龙 岗姆一些进度大优才能打的boss 基本都是多动症或者一下冲锋出春哥需要躲技能的 比如灰烬霜凝 奥boss 屠夫 灭绝