收获日2another出现another instance of the application

& 第1页:前言及目录& & 第2页:收获日2本体成就(1)& & 第3页:收获日2本体成就(2)& & 第4页:收获日2本体成就(3)& & 第5页:Payday Birthday& & 第6页:Halloween(2013)& & 第7页:Armored Transport& & 第8页:Gage Weapon Pack 01& & 第9页:The Charlie Santa Heist& & 第10页:The Infamy Update& & 第11页:Gage Weapon Pack 02& & 第12页:The Death Wish Update(1)& & 第13页:The Death Wish Update(2)& & 第14页:The Election Day Heist& & 第15页:Gage Mod Courier& & 第16页:Gage Sniper Pack(1)& & 第17页:Gage Sniper Pack(2)& & 第18页:The Shadow Raid Heist& & 第19页:The Big Bank Heist& & 第20页:Gage Shotgun Pack& & 第21页:Gage Assault Pack&
  Coming in Hot
  On day 1 of the Watchdogs job, don't let the cops shoot and destroy the escape vehicle.
  开始任务之前可以购买Armored Escape,注意任务中一旦将4包毒品扔进卡车后,马上就会触发escape,建议此时不要逗留,必要时多余的包也不用管,赶紧杀到街上,等车子过来就能直接撤了。
  Fish A.I.
  On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, throw a loot bag into the sea, hoping fish move away as it gets near.
  F in Chemistry
  On day 1 of the Rat job, blow up the lab.
  Caribbean Pirate
  On day 2 of the Rat job, bring additional meth bags to the trade, but steal your payment instead.
  Short Fuse
  On day 3 of the Rat job, get away with 7 bags without defusing any bombs.
  建议至少3人的情况下完成,最好都有ACED之后的GHOST的FAST HANDS技能。
  Painting Yourself Into a Corner
  On day 1 of the Framing Frame job, steal all sold paintings without being seen.
  在Framing Frame第1天, 不被发现并偷走所有的画。
  要求全程潜入或者多人合作组队ECM rush。
  Big Deal
  On day 2 of the Framing Frame job, trade 9 paintings.
  在Framing Frame第2天,用9幅画交易。
  I Wasn't Even There!
  On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.
  在Framing Frame第3天, 不触发警报用滑索运走金库里的黄金。
  要求plan A全程潜入,plan B是无法打开金库大门的。
  I Knew What I Did Was Wrong
  On day 1 of the Big Oil job, enter the basement, open the ATM machines and take the loot.
  在Big Oil第1天,进入地下室并拿走ATM机里的钱。
  Doctor Fantastic
  On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.
  在Big Oil第2天,一次性选对引擎。
  如果你还不知道如何选择正确的引擎,请至Steam阅读指南:Which Engine? - Big Oil Day 2 guide
  Diamonds Are Forever
  In the Jewelry store job, steal and secure 4 bags without the escape car leaving the first time.
  在Jewelry store任务中,在逃走的车子不离开的情况下抢走4包。
  潜入或者ECM rush很容易得到的成就。
  Let's Do Th...
  In the Ukrainian job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.
  Yeah He's a Gold Digger
  In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in a safe.
  在Four Stores任务中,从保险柜里找到金砖。
  很高几率随机在Four Stores中的保险柜里出现。
... & 第页
转自 http://www.unitymanual.com/blog-.html
1.Editor版本不能读取与自己版本不同的assetbundle这个问题描述起来很简单:比如:老板原来让你用4.1打包(BuildAssetBundle)开发,开发完毕后,下半年,unity升级了, 于是老板要求与时俱进,让你用4.3开发维护,这时,问题就出现了:4.1下的editor打包的assetbundle在editor下不能被4.3读 取,会报错。那么解决方法是啥呢?把所有资源重新在4.3下打包。很坑吧?但是,这问题仅仅只是在editor下会出现,webplayer不会出现。但你恐怕很少说调试程序不走editor吧?
3.慎用BuildPipeline的PushAssetDependencies()和PopAssetDependencies()功能在我们的项目中,打包时,用到了BuildPipeline.PushAssetDependencies()和 BuildPipeline.PopAssetDependencies()的功能,这是unity里比较好的一项功能,它可以把unity里的依赖关系 比较好的保存下来,并正常读取就可以还原。比如:一个模型用到了贴图1,贴图2,贴图3,这时,我们可以用这种依赖关系的方式,把模型单独打出来,同时把 贴图1贴图2贴图3也单独打包出来,这样的话,如果有别的模型也用到了贴图123,只需要下载一次,然后在读进工程的时候,贴图自动找到模型,并贴上去。 听起来很美,但是也有问题:严格根据依赖关系按顺序下载资源。否则,留给你的是一个个白模。我们被这个问题坑了好久。
1、Assetbundle打包时需要使用 BuildTarget.iPhone 参数。不同发布平台打包的文件是不通用的。
2、当上传已经打包好的文件到FTP服务器时,注意在上传软件菜单里选择传输类型为二进制格式,而不是默认的 ASCII 格式。
AssetBundles (Pro only)
AssetBundles are files which you can export from Unity to contain assets of your choice. These files use a proprietary compressed format and can be loaded on demand by your application. This allows you to stream in&content, such as models, textures, audio clips, or even entire scenes&separately from the scene in which they will be used. AssetBundles have been designed to simplify downloading content to your application. AssetBundles can contain&any kind of asset type&recognized by Unity, as determined by the filename extension. If you want to include files with&custom binary data, they should have the extension ".bytes". Unity will import these files as TextAssets.
When working with AssetBundles, here's the typical workflow:
During development, the developer prepares AssetBundles and uploads them to a server.
& & & & & & & & &
& & &Building and uploading asset bundles
Building AssetBundles. Asset bundles are created in the editor from assets in your scene. The Asset Bundle building process is described in more detail in the section for&
Uploading AssetBundles to external storage. This step does not include the Unity Editor or any other Unity channels, but we include it for completeness. You can use an&&to upload your Asset Bundles to the server of your choice.
At runtime, on the user's machine, the application will load AssetBundles on demand and operate individual assets within each AssetBundle as needed.
Downloading AssetBundles and loading assets from them
Downloading AssetBundles at runtime from your application. This is done from script within a Unity scene, and Asset Bundles are loaded from the server on demand. More on that in&.
Loading objects from AssetBundles. Once the AssetBundle is downloaded, you might want to access its individual Assets from the Bundle. More on that in&
Please read this section of the documentation thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the workflow for using AssetBundles, discover the different features they provide and learn best practices that can save you time and effort during development.
Building AssetBundles
There are three class methods you can use to build AssetBundles:
&allows you to build AssetBundles of&any type&of asset.
&is used when you want to&include&only scenes&to be streamed and loaded as the data becomes available.
&is the same as BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle but has an extra parameter to specify a custom string identifier (name) for each object.
An example of how to build an AssetBundle
Building asset bundles is done through editor scripting. There is basic example of this in the scripting documentation for&.
For the sake of this example, copy and paste the script from the link above into a new C# script called ExportAssetBundles. This script should be placed in a folder named Editor, so that it works inside the Unity Editor.
Now in the&Assets&menu, you should see two new menu options.
Build AssetBundle From Selection - Track dependencies. This will build the current object into an asset bundle and include all of its dependencies. For example if you have a prefab that consists of several hierarchical layers then it will recursively add all the child objects and components to the asset bundle.&
Build AssetBundle From Selection - No dependency tracking. This is the opposite of the previous method and will only include the single asset you have selected.
For this example, you should create a new prefab. First create a new Cube by going to&GameObject -& Create Other -& Cube, which will create a new cube in the Hierarchy View. Then drag the Cube from the Hierarchy View into the Project View, which will create a prefab of that object.
You should then right click the Cube prefab in the project window and select&Build AssetBundle From Selection - Track dependencies. At this point you will be presented with a window to save the "bundled" asset. If you created a new folder called "AssetBundles" and saved the cube as&Cube.unity3d, your project window will now look something like this.
At this point you can move the AssetBundle&Cube.unity3d&elsewhere on your local storage, or upload it to a server of your choice.
An example of how to change the properties of the assets when building an Asset Bundle
You can use&&to force reimporting the asset right before calling&, and then use&&to set the required properties. The following example will show you how to set different texture compressions when building the Asset Bundle.
// Builds an asset bundle from the selected objects in the project view,
// and changes the texture format using an AssetPostprocessor.
using UnityE
using UnityE
public class ExportAssetBundles {
// Store current texture format for the TextureProcessor.
public static TextureImporterFormat textureF
[MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundle From Selection - PVRTC_RGB2")]
static void ExportResourceRGB2 () {
textureFormat = TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGB2;
[MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundle From Selection - PVRTC_RGB4")]
static void ExportResourceRGB4 () {
textureFormat = TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGB4;
static void ExportResource () {
// Bring up save panel.
string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel ("Save Resource", "", "New Resource", "unity3d");
if (path.Length != 0) {
// Build the resource file from the active selection.
Object[] selection = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets);
foreach (object asset in selection) {
string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath((UnityEngine.Object) asset);
if (asset is Texture2D) {
// Force reimport thru TextureProcessor.
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject, selection, path, BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | pleteAssets);
Selection.objects =
// Changes the texture format when building the Asset Bundle.
using UnityE
using UnityE
public class TextureProcessor : AssetPostprocessor
void OnPreprocessTexture() {
TextureImporter importer = assetImporter as TextureI
importer.textureFormat = ExportAssetBundles.textureF
You can also control how the asset is imported using the&.
In a test environment, you sometimes need to test a change that require AssetBundles to be rebuilt. In these cases, it is advisable to use the option&&when you build the AssetBundles. This makes it faster to build and load the AssetBundles but they will also be bigger and therefore take longer to download.
Building AssetBundles in a production enviroment
When first using AssetBundles it may seem enough to manually build them as seen in the previous example. But as a project grows in size and the number of assets increases doing this process by hand is not efficient. A better approach is to write a function that builds all of the AssetBundles for a project. You can, for example, use a text file that maps Asset files to AssetBundle files.
Streaming Assets
Contains the path to the game data folder (Read Only).
The value depends on which platform you are running on:Unity Editor:&&path to project folder&/AssetsMac player:&&path to player app bundle&/ContentsiPhone player:&&path to player app bundle&/&AppName.app&/DataWin player:&&path to executablename_Data folder&Web player:&The absolute url to the player data file folder (without the actual data file name)Flash:&The absolute url to the player data file folder (without the actual data file name)Note that the string returned on a PC will use a forward slash as a folder separator.
Contains the path to the StreamingAssets folder (Read Only).
If you have a "StreamingAssets" folder in the Assets folder of your project, it will be copied to your player builds and be present in the path given by Application.streamingAssetsPath.
Any files placed in a folder called StreamingAssets in a Unity project will be copied verbatim to a particular folder on the target machine.
It's always best to use&&to get the location of the StreamingAssets folder, it will always point to the correct location on the platform where the application is running.
Most assets in Unity are combined into the project when it is built. However, it is sometimes useful to place files into the normal filesystem on the target machine to make them accessible via a pathname. An example of this is the deployment of a movie file on iOS the original movie file must be available from a location in the filesystem to be played by the PlayMovie function.
Note that on some platforms it is not possible to directly access the StreamingAssets folder because there is no file system access in the web platforms, and because it is compressed into the .apk file on Android. On those platforms, a url will be returned, which can be used using the WWW class.
// print the path to the streaming assets folder
var filePath = System.bine(, "MyFile");
var result = "";
if (filePath.Contains("://"))
var www = new
result = www.
result = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath);
You can retrieve the folder using the&property. For reference, the location of this folder varies per platform:
On a desktop computer (Mac OS or Windows) the location of the files can be obtained with the following code:
path = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets";
On iOS, you should use:
path = Application.dataPath + "/Raw";
...while on Android, you should use:
path = "jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/";
Note that on Android, the files are contained within a compressed .jar file (which is essentially the same format as standard zip-compressed files). This means that if you do not use Unity's WWW class to retrieve the file then you will need to use additional software to see inside the .jar archive and obtain the file.
Unity 3D : ?作??入 AssetBundle
通常我?在??程式?行?程,?不希望一次?全部的?源都?入,而比?希望??上有使用到的才?入,以免?用多?的???,所以我?可能??量??好不同功能的?景,在需要?才?入?景??放掉前??景中不需要的?源,或是??源放在 Resource ?料?中,在真正需要?才利用 Resources.Load() 把?源?入;?些都是不?的管理方法,但是?我???中的?源相?多?,?出的程式?是?相??大,而且如果是?常?更新?容?源的??,也?因??大的?源而造成???出?要花相?多的??;特?是手?或????,?乎?出最後的?果只是一??案而已,???案如果很?大,?可能造成下?或????的不方便;??候我?可能就要考??作 AssetBundle。?作???主程式分?的?源包可以得到某程度上的好?,我?可以???主程式只管理????的部份,?有需要某些?源??外部的 AssetBundle ?入?源,??一?,如果有任何??更新只是添加或更??源,??有?更到??程式??或?容部署,我?只需要重新打包?源的部份就能完成更新,而不再需要整???重新???出。例如我?有已上架的 iPhone ??,因?特定?日想把???的?片?成另一??氛,通常就必?要重新?出,然後送?,等?日?後又想把?片?回原本的,要再次?出??,再送?,一方面送????工,另一方面是?送?到架上??更新完成的??,我??不能??掌控;如果事先??源分?打包成 AssetBundle ?存在我?自己管理的伺服器中,在??需要??的?刻,只需要打包自行在伺服器中? AssetBundle 更新即可,可以省掉不?送?的麻?,??上也更能掌控,另外就是??主程式中?有?大的?源?料,主程式也就?小一?,那?玩家要下?我?的??也?更快速些。?有就是,我??出??????一定???到,?出?果只是一? html ?及一? unity3d ?,??有????的人都知道,??的?作是??器???中的文件、?片、音?、影像... 等等的?料下?到客?端?存之後再?行呈?出?果,那?如果我????容的?大?源都?主程式?在一起的?,那??出後的 unity3d ???也?不小,此?我?可能要思考一下,我?希望玩家花多久??完成???面再?行??呢?也? Unity 的 Web Player 有?法解?????使玩家不?花太多?????面(?部份我就比?不?定了^_^),但是正因???的?作方式是如此,所以?我?在伺服器端更新?,玩家只要?有重新?入?面,玩到的???容始?是?版的,此?又要考?到,如果?有更新????或?容??的情?下,是否有必要?制玩家中???重新?入?面;如果??源都打包成 AssetBundle 分?出?,那? unity3d ???主程式的部份???得更小,而?有任何?源更新?只需要在伺服器端? AssetBundle 的?案?掉,玩家不需要重新?入?面一?能??到更新後的?容。以上?了一大堆,主要就是要?明 AssetBundle 是?很重要又好用的?西,?竟在??更程式或??部署的情?下,?必要去重新 Build ??主程式,以下就??明如何?作 AssetBundle ...首先要使用【】的方法自定???命令,使我?能?操作何??始?作 AssetBundle 及如何做,接下?我?需要能?指定哪些?源?打包成 AssetBundle,所以需要使用到 Editor class 的 Selection.GetFiltered(),?有就是要??哪些型?的?源才是我?要的,?????略?,不要?理,最後再使用 BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle() 建立 AssetBundle 即可,以下?例?在 Unity ?案?料?(不是 Asset ?料?)中建立 _AssetBunldes ?料?用?存放打包好的 AssetBundle,打包的目?? GameObject、Texture2D、Material 三?型?的?源,如果?存?案路??名相同??先?除??:[MenuItem("Custom Editor/Create AssetBunldes")]static void ExecCreateAssetBunldes(){// AssetBundle 的?料?名?及副?名string targetDir = "_AssetBunldes";string extensionName = ".assetBunldes";//取得在 Project ?窗中??的?源(包含?料?的子目?中的?源)Object[] SelectedAsset = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof (Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets);//建立存放 AssetBundle 的?料?if(!Directory.Exists(targetDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDir);foreach(Object obj in SelectedAsset){//?源?案路?string sourcePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj);// AssetBundle ?存?案路?string targetPath = targetDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + obj.name + extensionNif(File.Exists(targetPath)) File.Delete(targetPath);if(!(obj is GameObject) && !(obj is Texture2D) && !(obj is Material))//建立 AssetBundleif(BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(obj, null, targetPath, BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies)){Debug.Log(obj.name + " 建立完成");}else{Debug.Log(obj.name + " 建立失?");}}}以上是直接???的?源打包成 AssetBundle,另外,你也可以在打包前依需求?型?? GameObject 的?源 Instantiate 到?景中添加需要的 Component ?回到 Project 中建立 Prefab,最後再以?? Prefab 打包成 AssetBundle,一切就看?人如何?用了。?作好的 AssetBundle 最?目的?是要在??中?入,以下用?短的?例在???面上?示一?按?,?按下按?之後?入型?? GameObject 的 AssetBundle ?利用 Instantiate() 使其?例化而在?景中?生 GameObject:void OnGUI(){if(GUI.Button(new Rect(5,35,100,25) , "Load GameObject")){StartCoroutine(LoadGameObject());}}private IEnumerator LoadGameObject(){// AssetBundle ?案路?string path = string.Format("file://{0}/../_AssetBunldes/{1}.assetBunldes" , Application.dataPath , "TestGameObject");// &?入 AssetBundleWWW bundle = new WWW(path);//等待?入完成//?例化 GameObject ?等待?作完成yield return Instantiate(bundle.assetBundle.mainAsset);//卸? AssetBundlebundle.assetBundle.Unload(false);}?例中的?案路?(path)字串是以此程式?在 Unity ??器中?行?例,?作???以???行平台及?人喜好指定 AssetBundle 存放路?,?情可?考官方文件&?明;因??入的?源必?要等待?入完成以?保???作正常,在 C# 使用 yield 除了回?型?? IEnumerator 之外,?用?也必?使用 StartCoroutine() ?用,如果使用 Javascript ?可直接呼叫? function;如果 AssetBundle 已?入?,下次再?求?入??出? 【The asset bundle '?名' can't be loaded because another asset bundle with the same files are already loaded】的???息,即使使用?域??(?例中的 bundle)仍然?得到?????息,所以必?在每次?入使用完後? AssetBundle 卸?;另外,要特?注意的是?入 AssetBundle 到卸?期?可能消耗些微??,如果???用?入同一? AssetBundle,造成在卸?前重??入也可能出?前面的???息,所以,最好是能定???列或其它??????入中的 AssetBundle 有哪些,以此???容在?入 AssetBundle 前?查。
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