
ESCAPELLE and POSTINOR worldwide - Postinor Morning After Pill
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ESCAPELLE and POSTINOR are produced by Gedeon Richter, a leading expert in Women Healthcare. ESCAPELLE is a one tablet morning after pill and POSTINOR has one tablet and two tablets forms. Wherever you need morning after pill around the world if you chose ESCAPELLE or POSTINOR you can be sure of highest quality. Gedeon Richter produces morning after pills to more than 100 countries worldwide making the company the Nr. 1 emergency contraceptive pill manufacturer***.
With more than 35 years of experience ESCAPELLE and POSTINOR were used in more than 400 million cases** without any serious adverse event.
***IMS 2015 in volume and value
(C) 2013-15 Richter Gedeon Pharmaceuticals Plc.
This website provides information which is intended for educational purpose only. Always consult your own doctor if you’re in any way concerned about your health.
This site is intended to provide information to an international audience. Products discussed on this site may not be available in your country and local prescribing information and approved indications may differ from country to country.
* 1% pregnancy rate, WHO meta-analysis, EMA Assessment report 24/07/2014
and audited SAP sales dataTabletka po - Escapelle
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postinor spanish language
Vyh?adávanie lekární
Spoliehame sa na preru?ovanú súlo?
Aj ke? 25% zo v?etk?ch ?ien spoliehajúcich sa na metódu preru?ovanej súlo?e alebo metódu neplodn?ch dní otehotnie, tieto metódy sú stále populárne.
Mali sme nechránen? styk / zlyhala nám antikoncepcia
Ak ste si zle spo?ítali plodné a neplodné dni aebo ste mali nechránen? pohlavn? styk, umelému preru?eniiu tehotenstva sa mú?ete vyvarova? práve u?itím tabletky po, Escapelle do 72 hodín.
Pou?ívame kondóm
Aj ke? je kondómy jednoduché pou?íva?, m??u nasta? nepredvídate?ne situácie.
Iné antikoncep?né metódy
Existuje nieko?ko mo?ností, pri?om ka?dá z nich má iné v?hody ako aj riziká.
Copyright 2013 Richter Gedeon Parmaceuticals Inc.
Táto stánka bola pripravná na základe legislatívy platnej na území SR. Ak potrebujete nav?íti? stránku Va?ej krajiny, kde je ESCAPELLE dostupn?, s konkrétnymi právnymi úpravami a pravidlmi, zvo?te príslu?nú krajinu na domovskej strá!沈白的喜欢 | LOFTER(乐乎) - 记录生活,发现同好
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