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Tier 1 等级1Tier 2 等级2Tier 3 等级3The following information presented to you shows where to find the tier indicators on the structures.以下信息会向你展示各种建筑的科技等级标识在何处。Allies 盟军&&MCV - Barracks - Naval Yard MCV-兵营-船坞&War Factory - Air Field 重工-机场[Tree注:盟国目前的这个存在一个显示的bug,就是当MCV打包的时候,已经升级过科技的特征指示不随着MCV的打包而降级]Empire of the Rising Sun 日本&&Instant Dojo - Mecha Bay - Imperial Docks 兵营-重工-船坞Using these indicators you can easily tell what tech tier your enemy is at, and all you need to do is scout.Against Allies it's a little easier since you only need to see the indicator of one of the mentioned structures to know what all of them are, unless of course he has an expansion.Empire is a little more difficult since each building levels up individually, thus you need to check all production structures regularly.利用这些标识能让你轻易判断对手处于何种科技等级,而所有你需要做的,只是侦查而已。面对盟军时要相对简单因为你只需要判断一个建筑的科技等级就能确定其他附近建筑的等级,除非对手有分基地或者勘探者。日本则相对比较复杂,因为每个建筑都是独立升级的所以你必须时常侦查所有的生产建筑。Of course are there other ways to find out your opponent's tech tier in case scouting him proves difficult, such as the tip below.当然,当侦查变的困难时还有其他方法来判断对手的科技等级,请看以下贴士。Knowing the level of your rival’s units 知晓你对手单位的等级If your opponent’s faction is allies, and for examples sake you see a Guardian tank, it should immediately inform you that he has at least hit tier 2.Where as if you would be against an Empire player, and saw a King Oni, it would tell you that his Mecha Bay is at tier 3. (Or if he has more than one Mecha Bay, that at least one of them is at tier 3)如果你的对手是盟军,当你看到守护者坦克时就应该立即反应过来他至少达到了2级科技。面对日本对手时,看到一个金刚(鬼王机甲),就应该知道对手的重工已达到3级,如果他有多个重工那么至少有一个重工达到了3级。
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