在做愤怒的小鸟星球大战2的时候我也遇到同样的问题Actor must be (non-kinematic) dynamic 求解决方案

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class UActorComponent :&&&&public
ActorComponent is the base class for components that define reusable behavior that can be added to different types of Actors. ActorComponents that have a transform are known as SceneComponents and those that can be rendered are PrimitiveComponents.
Array of user data stored with the component
Can this component be destroyed (via K2_DestroyComponent) by any parent
Can we tick this concurrently on other threads?
Whether the component is activated at creation or must be explicitly activated.
Does this component automatically register with its owner
Whether this component can potentially influence navigation
Whether the component is currently active.
If true, the component will be excluded from non-editor builds
Cached navigation relevancy flag for collision updates
Is this component safe to ID over the network by name?
If true, this component never needs a render update.
If the physics state is currently created for this component
Indicates if this ActorComponent is currently registered with a scene.
If the render state is currently created for this component
Is this component currently replicating? Should the network code consider it for replication? Owning Actor must be replicating first!
Should this component be ticked in the editor
If true, we call the virtual BeginPlay
If true, we call the virtual InitializeComponent
Array of tags that can be used for grouping and categorizing. Can also be accessed from scripting.
Main tick function for the Actor
& ObjectIn...)
constructor that takes an optional ObjectInitializer.
(&&&&bool bReset)
Activates the SceneComponent
Give a readable name for this component, including asset name if applicable
* PrerequisiteActor)
Make this component tick after PrerequisiteActor
* PrerequisiteC...)
Make this component tick after PrerequisiteComponent.
Checked whether the component class allows reregistration
& InOffset,&&&&bool bWorldShift)
Called by owner actor on position shifting Component should update all relevant data structures to reflect new actor location
BeginsPlay for the component.
Function that gets called from within Map_Check to allow this actor component to check itself for any potential errors and register them with map check dialog.
If we belong to a world, clear the request to do a deferred update.
See if this component contains the supplied tag
* TestLevel)
Returns true if this actor is contained by TestLevel.
(&&&&bool bIncludeLevelStreamingPersiste...)
See if this component is in the persistent level
Create any physics engine information for this component
Used to create any rendering thread information for this component
Deactivates the SceneComponent.
(&&&&bool bPromoteChildren)
Unregister the component, remove it from its outer Actor's Components array and mark for pending kill.
Shut down any physics engine structure for this component
Used to shut down any rendering thread structure for this component
Uses the bRenderStateDirty/bRenderTransformDirty to perform any necessary work on this component.
Ends gameplay for this component.
Called before we throw away components during RerunConstructionScripts, to cache any data we wish to persist across that operation
Return the
that this Component is part of.
Returns whether this component has tick enabled or not
Returns whether replication is enabled or not.
Get the network mode (dedicated server, client, standalone, etc) for this component.
Follow the Outer chain to get the
that 'Owns' this component
Get the network role of the Owner, or ROLE_None if there is no owner.
Returns a readable name for this component, including the asset name if applicable By default this appends a space plus
* >& Mod...)
(&&&&bool bForceUpdate)
Makes sure navigation system has up to date information regarding component's navigation relevancy and if it can affect navigation at all
Used to check that
is working correctly
Initializes the component.
Invalidate lighting cache with default options.
(&&&&bool bInvalidateBuildEnqueuedLighti...,&&&&bool bTranslationOnly)
Called when this actor component has moved, allowing it to discard statically cached lighting information.
Returns whether the component is active or not
The active state of the component.
Returns whether the component is in the process of being destroyed.
Returns whether this component has tick enabled or not
Override to supply actual logic
Test whether net mode is the given mode.
Returns net role of the owning actor Returns true if we are replicating and not authorative
Returns true if this component was owned by a net startup actor during level load.
See if the owning Actor is currently running the UCS
Returns whether the component's owner is selected.
True if the physics 'state' (e.g. physx bodies) are created for this component
Overridable check for a component to indicate to its Owner that it should prevent the Actor from auto destroying when finished
See if this component is currently registered
True if the render 'state' (e.g. scene proxy) is created for this component
* Object)
Unregister and mark for pending kill a component.
If we belong to a world, mark this for a deferred update, otherwise do it now.
If we belong to a world, mark this for a deferred update, otherwise do it now.
Indicate that dynamic data for this component needs to be sent at the end of the frame.
Mark the render state as dirty - will be sent to the render thread at the end of the frame.
Marks the transform as dirty - will be sent to the render thread at the end of the frame
Called on each component when the Actor's bEnableCollisionChanged flag changes
Called when a component is created (not loaded)
(&&&&bool bDestroyingHierarchy)
Called when a component is destroyed
Used to create any physics engine information for this component
Used to shut down and physics engine structure for this component
Called when a component is unregistered.
& Change...)
Called on the component right before replication occurs
Blueprint implementable event for when the component is beginning play, called before its Owner's BeginPlay on Actor BeginPlay or when the component is dynamically created if the Actor has already BegunPlay.
Blueprint implementable event for when the component ends play, generally via destruction or its Actor's EndPlay.
(&&&&float DeltaSeconds)
Event called every frame
Recreate the physics state right way.
Recreate the render state right away.
(&&&&bool bRegister)
When called, will call the virtual call chain to register all of the tick functions Do not override this function or make it virtual
Register this component, creating any rendering/physics state.
(&&&&bool bRegister)
Virtual call chain to register all tick functions
* InWorld)
* PrerequisiteActor)
Remove tick dependency on PrerequisiteActor.
* PrerequisiteC...)
Remove tick dependency on PrerequisiteComponent.
* >& P...)
* Channel,&&&&
* Bunch,&&&&
* RepFlags)
Allows a component to replicate other subobject on the actor
Return true if this component requires end of frame recreates to happen from the game thread.
Return true if this component requires end of frame updates to happen from the game thread.
Unregisters and immediately re-registers component. Handles bWillReregister properly.
Called to send dynamic data for this component to the rendering thread
Called to send a transform update for this component to the rendering thread
(&&&&bool bNewActive,&&&&bool bReset)
Sets whether the component is active or not
(&&&&bool bNewAutoActivate)
Sets whether the component should be auto activate or not. Only safe during construction scripts.
(&&&&bool bRelevant)
Set value of bCanEverAffectNavigation flag and update navigation octree if needed
(&&&&bool bEnabled)
Set this component's tick functions to be enabled or disabled.
(&&&&bool bEnabled)
Spawns a task on GameThread that will call SetComponentTickEnabled
(&&&&float TickInterval)
Sets the tick interval for this component's primary tick function.
(&&&&const bool bInIsNetStartupComponent)
This should only be called by the engine in
to initialize bIsNetStartupComponent.
(&&&&bool ShouldReplicate)
Enable or disable replication.
(&&&&bool bTickableWhenPaused)
Sets whether this component can tick when paused.
Changes the ticking group for this component
* TickFunction)
Set up a tick function for a component in the standard way.
"Trigger" related function. Return true if it should activate
Return true if
should be called.
Return true if CreateRenderState() should be called
(&&&&float DeltaTime,&&&&enum
* T...)
Function called every frame on this ActorComponent.
Toggles the active state of the component
Handle this component being Uninitialized.
Unregister this component, destroying any rendering/physics state.
Recalculate the value of our component to world transform
Called before destroying the object.
* Function,&&&&void* Parms,&&&&
* OutParms,&&&&
* Stack)
Call the actor's function remotely
* Function,&&&&void* Parameters,&&&&
* Stack)
Return the space this function should be called.
>& OutLi...)
Returns properties that are replicated for the lifetime of the actor channel
Returns whether this component is an editor-only object or not
IsNameStableForNetworking means an object can be referred to its path name (relative to outer) over the network
Test the selection state of a
IsSupportedForNetworking means an object can be referenced over the network
(&&&&bool bAlwaysMarkDirty)
Note that the object will be modified.
Called during saving to determine the load flags to save with the object.
Called during saving to determine the load flags to save with the object.
Called during saving to determine the load flags to save with the object.
& Proper...)
This alternate version of PostEditChange is called when properties inside structs are modified.
& PropertyCha...)
Called when a property on this object has been modified externally
Called after applying a transaction to the object.
Called after the C++ constructor and after the properties have been initialized, including those loaded from config.
Do any object-specific cleanup required immediately after loading an object, and immediately after any undo/redo.
Always called immediately after properties are received from the remote.
* OldOuter,&&&&const
* PropertyAboutToChan...)
This is called when property is about to be modified by InterpPropertyTracks
Called before applying a transaction to the object.
Always called immediately before properties are received from the remote.
* NewName,&&&&
* NewOuter,&&&&
Rename this object to a unique name.
* InUserData)
> InUse...)
> InUse...)
Prefix used to identify template component instances
Create Physics global delegate.
Destroy Physics global delegate.


