
Research is involved in the preparation of functional structures and materials, advanced energy-related devices and laser micro- nanofabrication. Interest mainly focuses on the synthesis, functionalization and applications of carbon-based and polymer-based materials including carbon nanotubes, graphenes and conducting polymers.
发表论文(Full publication list)
“”, Adv. Mater., 2016, DOI: 10.1002/adma.
, “A General and Extremely Simple Remote Approach toward Graphene Bulks with In Situ Multifunctionalization”, Adv. Mater., 2016, 28(17), .
”, ACS Nano, September 16, 2016 (Article), DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b04769.
&Jiang Y., Hu C.G., Cheng H.H., Li C.X., Xu T., Zhao Y.*, Shao H.B.*, and&Qu L.T.*, &“Spontaneous, Straightforward Fabrication of Partially Reduced Graphene Oxide-Polypyrrole Composite Films for Versatile Actuators”,&ACS nano, ), .
&Xu T., Ding X.T., Liang Y., Zhao Y., Chen N., and&Qu L.T.*, “Direct spinning of fiber supercapacitor”,&Nanoscale, 113-12117.
&Zhang P.P., Lv L.X., Liang Y., Li J., Chen H.H., Zhao Y.*, and&Qu L.T.*, “A Versatile, Superelastic Polystyrene/Graphene Capsule-like Framework”,&Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, .
”, Chem-Asian J., 51-
&26(3), 212-220.
Qu&L.T.*, 2016,&11,.
), 32077-32098.
Nanoscale, 35-3042.
hen Q,& Y,
L.T.*, “Three-Dimensional Graphitic Carbon Nitride Functionalized Graphene-Based High-Performance Supercapacitors”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 61-6766.
Nano Research,),
L.T.*,&“&Linear Graphene Edge Nanoelectrode”, Chem. Commun., 65-8768.
L.X.,& F,& Q,& C.G.,
N&and& L.T.*, “Spontaneous formation of Cu2O-g-C3N4 core-shell nanowires for photocurrent and humidity responses”, Nanoscale, 94-9702.
”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 934-13939.
J,& Y,& C.G.,& H.H.,& N,*& Z.H.,& Z.P.,&and L.T.*, “Preparation of Multifunctional Microchannel-Network Graphene Foams”, J. Mater. Chem. A, ), .
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., ), .
Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, 7, .
Wang L.X., Hu C.G., Zhao Y., Hu Y., Zhao F., Chen N., and Qu L.T.*, “A dually spontaneous reduction and assembly strategy for hybrid capsules of graphene quantum dots with platinum-copper nanoparticles for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction”,Carbon, 0-179.
, J. Mater. Chem. A, ), .
101. Zhao Y., Song L., Zhang Z.P.* and Qu L.T.*,&Stimulus-responsive Graphene Systemstowards Actuator Applications&, Energy Environ. Sci, ), . (Review)
100. Cheng H.H., Liu J., Zhao Y., Hu H.G., Zhang Z.P., Chen N., Jiang L., Qu L.T.*, &Graphene Fibers with Predetermined Deformation as Moisture-Triggered Actuators and Robots&, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ), .
90. Hu C.G., Mou Z.Y., Lu G.W., Chen N.*, Dong Z.L., Hu M.J., Qu L.T.*, &3D Graphene-Fe3O4Nanocomposites with High-Performance Microwave Absorption&, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., ), .
89. Dong Z.L., Zhou C., Cheng H.H., Zhao Y., Hu C.G., Chen N., Zhang Z.P., Luo H.X., Qu L.T.*, &Carbon nanotube-nanopipe composite vertical arrays for enhanced electrochemical capacitance&, Carbon, 7&515.
88. Wang Y.H., Bian K., Hu C.G., Zhang Z.P.*, Chen N., Zhang H.M., Qu L.T.*, &Flexible and Wearable Graphene/Polypyrrole Fibers towards Multifunctional Actuator Applications&, Electrochem. Commun., &52.
, Cheng H.H., Hu Y., Shi G.Q., Dai L.M., Qu L.T.*, &Ternary Pd2/PtFe networks supported by 3D graphene for efficient and durable electrooxidation of formic acid&, Chem. Commun., ), .
, Zhao Y., Cheng L.T.*
, Hu Y., Cheng H.H., Shi G.Q., Qu L.T.*, &A Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ), .
Energy Environ. Sci., ), . (Review)
. Mater., ), .
, Cheng H., Hu Y., Shi G.Q., Dai L.M., Qu L.T.*, &Nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots with oxygen-rich functional groups&, J. Am. Chem. Soc., ), 15&18.
, Fan Y.Q., Xie X.J., Qu L.T.*, Shi G.Q.*, &Graphene-quantum-dot assembled nanotubes: a new platform for efficient Raman enhancement&, ACS Nano, ), .
, Zhang H.M.*, Qu L.T.*, &Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of horseradish peroxidase immobilized in graphene oxide&Nafion nanocomposite film&, Electrochim. Acta, 2&126.
, Zhao Y., Li Y., Li H., Shao H.B., Qu L.T.*, &Defective super-long carbon nanotubes and polypyrrole composite for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes&, Electrochim. Acta, 9&286.
, Wang Z.,* Xie X.J., Cheng H., Zhao Y., Qu L.T.*, &A rationally-designed synergetic polypyrrole/graphene bilayer actuator&, J. Mater. Chem., ), .
Y.Q., Cheng H., Zhou C., Xie X.J., Liu Y., Dai L.M., Zhang J., Qu L.T.*, &Honeycomb architecture of carbon quantum dots: a new efficient substrate to support gold for stronger SERS&, Nanoscale, ), . (Hot article,
Qu L.T.*, &Electrochemical Introduction of Active Sites into Super-long Carbon Nanotubes for Enhanced Capacitance&, Chem. Res. Chin. Univ., ), 302&307.&&&
Qu L.T.*, &An electrochemical avenue to green-luminescent graphene quantum dots as potential electron-acceptors for photovoltaics&, Adv. Mater., ), 776&780.
&Multilevel, multicomponent microarchitectures of vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes for diverse applications&, ACS Nano, ), 994&1002.
Qu L.T.*, &Load-tolerant, highly strain-responsive graphene sheets&, J. Mater. Chem., ) 2057&2059.
&Electrochemical deposition of polyaniline nanosheets mediated by sulfonated polyaniline functionalized graphenes&, J. Mater. Chem., ), 13978&13983.
&Solvent-free functionalization and transfer of aligned carbon nanotubes with vapor-deposited polymer nanocoatings&, J. Mater. Chem., ), 837&842.
&Membranes of vertically aligned superlong carbon nanotubes&, Langmuir, ), 8437&8443.
&Self-assembly of gold nanowires along carbon nanotubes for ultrahigh-aspect-ratio hybrids&, Chem. Mater., ), 2760&2765.
&Nanocomposite electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors&, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., ), 655&660.
&Vertically aligned carbon nanotube electrodes for lithium-ion batteries&, J. Power Sources, ), 1455&1460.


