
策略消除Sinkers怎么玩 Sinkers规则介绍攻略
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)— 关注游戏前沿新动态!!
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排名第2支付应用程序的美国,在15个国家中排名第1的体育游戏。你是一个小火柴选手扔下最大的技巧在所有著名的地点,包括狗镇,爱情公园,卡尔斯巴德,好莱坞,坦帕和威尔希尔只是试图让自己的名字。你有什么需要,把亲和得分,难以捉摸的滑板MAG封面照片吗?其特点包括:*易皮卡,很难掌握!*的GameCenter排行榜* iPod的播放列表集成*6个不同的选手可供选择*真实的物理与上百个参数,以确保一个有趣而又熟悉的滑板体验* 2控制模式(初级和高级)*真正的滑板地点包括狗镇,卡尔斯巴德,好莱坞和威尔希尔,爱情公园,坦帕*超过1000个不同的技巧组合的可能。*等级选择模式* 3每级获得的成就2玩家游戏S.K.A.T.E的
pizza shop
it's pizza shop,you need sell pizza,you must make pizza with order,very cute,and nice,and fun ^^这个游戏支持中文,韩文,英文,游戏中你做披萨,多挣点钱后,可以到达下一关,游戏室有点挑战性的!? ??? ??,??,??? ?????.?? ???? ??? ????, ???? ???? ???????.
宝宝应用程序 - 献给1-3岁儿童的趣味游戏
宝宝应用程序 - 献给1-3岁儿童的趣味游戏是一款好玩多彩的儿童游戏!游戏玩法是点复活节彩蛋释放可爱的怪物们并与它们一起玩耍。彩蛋内有各种各样好玩的怪兽!每个怪兽随机生成,有超过200,000种!宝宝乐是为宝宝和小朋友们设计的游戏。 主要特点 - 最好玩的怪兽游戏:点复活节彩蛋以释放可爱的怪兽! - 点皮纳塔复活节彩蛋! - 与快乐的怪兽们一起玩耍! - 没有尽头的游戏:给宝宝们带来无穷乐趣! - 玩法非常简单:宝宝们的理想游戏! - 宝宝乐可免费试用,包含应用程序内购买!
首款真正独一无二的派对游戏!带着你的iPhone或iPad参加派对,或者不管身在何处,立即就组织一个派对。你可以玩几分钟,也可以玩几小时,一切取决于你!这款游戏是根据一个非常受欢迎的俄罗斯电视节目开发的。登录到http://inreverse.me观看演示视频。购买前试用免费享受颠倒听歌(inReverse)派对游戏的完整功能版本。在完整版中: - 无广告条。 - 录音片段可选择1至7秒的长度。 - 可录制多达18条的录音片段。 - 可使用iPod音乐作为建议音乐。评论“我们总算找到一款派对游戏应用软件了,然而,这款软件实在是太傻乎乎了。所谓傻乎乎,就是‘我真的很不愿意承认玩这款游戏能让你傻乎乎地乐起来’里的傻乎乎。这款游戏就是颠倒猜歌(inReverse)派对游戏”。- TheRegister.co.uk “一款真正独一无二的派对游戏。它的简单将给你带来惊奇与乐趣。”-
游戏攻略1. 每个游戏回合需要两名玩家,不过如果有超过两名以上的玩家,也可以分组并在每个游戏回合结束之后重新分组。2. 第一个玩家在没有伴奏且第二个玩家没有在听的情况下偷偷地录下一小段歌曲片段。3. 第二个玩家反过来听刚才所录下的无伴奏歌曲片段并试着立即猜出歌名。4. 如果第二个玩家无法猜出来,那么他可以通过分段录音重复一下刚才的反向录音片段。5. 所有片段录完之后,第二个玩家听听看所有录音片段合在一起反过来播放的情况,并最后猜一次!如果他所重复的片段足够接近的话,他应该能够听出原来的歌曲。或者非常接近于原来的歌曲!颠倒猜歌(inReverse)已经完成了德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、俄语和日语的本地化版本,现在则推出中文本地化版本。登录到http://inreverse.me观看演示视频并留下您的反馈信息。和大家分享你的提示及对游戏规则的更改。
体验在 135 个国家排名第 1 位的游戏 应用!领养专属于你的猫咪宝贝,并帮助他成长为猫咪帅哥吧!为他取名并让他成为你生活的一部分-喂他,和他玩耍,培养他成长。?多?的皮毛色彩和其它配件中??,依你喜?的方式?他打扮。?潢他的住家,??世界拜?其他的?姆。玩迷你??,?《??的?姆》逐?成?你日常生活的一部份。特性:- 畅玩 10 个迷你游戏:果冻连线、泡泡射手、星球跳跳跳 、连及更多!赢取金币、乐趣无穷!- 录制并观看视频:录制并分享你自己的“我的汤姆猫”视频,并观看其他视频。 - 养育你专属的汤姆:和他玩游戏,喂他最喜欢的食物,带他上床睡觉。- 收集?票,??世界拜?其他的?姆。用?自不同地方的明信片充?你的相簿,解?配得上真正探?家的服?。 - 体验栩栩如生的情感表达:汤姆会高兴、饥饿、困倦、厌烦……他的情感随着你和他互动的方式而发生变化。 - 发挥你的创造力:从 1000 多种毛色、服装和家具的组合中挑选,打造你专属的汤姆。 - 玩游戏、拿奖励:随着游戏的进行,帮助汤姆顺利达成 9 个阶段共 999 级的成长,解锁新道具并获得金币!- 与汤姆互动:对汤姆说话,他仍然会重复你说的话。戳他、抚摸他或是挠他痒痒,看看他如何反应。本应用包含: - Outfit7 产品推广与广告- 指引客户到我们的网站以及其他 Outfit7 应用的链接 - 个性化内容来吸引用户再次玩本应用- 通过社交网络与好友建立连接的可能性 - 通过 YouTube整合,观看由 Outfit7 动画人物出演的视频- 进行应用内购买的选项 - 可用虚拟货币购买不同售价的道具,这取决于玩家当前的等级 - 无需花费***进行应用内购买即可使用应用所有功能的替代选项 使用条款:http://outfit7- Collect flight tickets and travel around the world to meet other Toms. Fill your album with postcards from different places and unlock clothes fit for a true adventurer.
Juice Cubes
Download The Best Match3 Puzzle Adventure of 2016! It's free!Welcome to Juice Cubes: A delicious puzzle game with tons of fresh and fruity challenges!Pack your bags, get on the mission to go island hopping in a sunny tropical paradise and explore the world full of juicylicious fruits. Match, drag and maneuver the juicy cubes to create cascades of awesome explosions! Use boosters and fruit bombs to overcome challenging levels. Embark on this journey with friends as you slice your way through 550+ levels and explore sunny tropical islands filled with cute and crazy characters!--------------------------------------FRESH AND DELICIOUS FEATURES--------------------------------------o Match 3 or more cubes and create awesome combo explosionso Connect and compete with or against your friendso Be the high scorer and send extra hearts to your friendso Pirates, mermaids and other crazy characters to meeto Beautiful backgrounds and maps with animated characterso Enjoy 550+ free puzzle filled levelsCan you score high enough to earn 3 stars on every level?Download the latest version now and begin your fun filled journey through the world of Juice Cubes! Try it out now!--------SUPPORT--------Having problems? Any suggestions? We would love to hear from you! Visit /juice-cubes-support/ for FAQs, or email us at: support+Privacy Policy: /privacy/-------------------------LIKE & FOLLOW JUICE CUBES-------------------------Juice Cubes Facebook: /JuiceCubesJuice Cubes Twitter: /JuiceCubesPLEASE NOTE! Juice Cubes is completely free to play, but some in-game items can be purchased for real money. If you don’t want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases.This game may include:- Direct links to social networking websites that are intended for an audience over the age of 13.- Direct links to the internet that can take players away from the game with the potential to browse any web page.- Advertising of Playlab products and also products from select partners.- The option to make in-app purchases. The bill payer should always be consulted beforehand.*Please note that Juice Cubes is optimized for iOS 6 and higher.
IDEOko 动物气球
对着iPhone的麦克风吹气,或轻触iPod Touch的屏幕,就能赋予气球生命,令它们变成各种稚趣可爱的动物。气球充好气后,摇晃你的iPhone,就能制作出你的动物气球!经过每次摇晃,动物气球也慢慢成形,然后……瞧!你的动物气球已经制作好了。抚摸它,看看它会玩什么花招吧! 这款游戏适合所有年龄段的孩子,提供了11种不同的动物气球,有鱼、霸王龙还有独角兽。有如此丰富叫绝的功能,你一定会爱上这款游戏:- 操作简单:吹气给气球充气,摇晃改变气球的形状,抚摸令动物气球们生动起来!- 每次游戏时,7种动物气球随机出现。- 惊人的图像效果,为你的iPhone带来高品质的3D游戏画面。- 各种有趣的音效,有吱吱声、嘎嘎声和咆哮声。- 经过热情的儿童测试员团队测试,证明极其适合儿童- 趣味无穷- 激发想象力和探索力- 不存在错误玩法- 极为简单,适合五岁以下幼童畅玩- 老少皆宜关于 IDEOko:IDEOko 充气动物精灵的创作团队屡获殊荣,团队中的教育学家、设计师、玩具专家均精通于开发可促进创意的应用程序。 我们的应用程序鼓励孩子们在好奇心、玩乐、想象力方面的天赋,从而赢得了儿童和家长的喜爱。了解我们的其他优秀应用程序:充气动物精灵宝宝, Monster Moves, Magic Creature Creator Sesame Street's Elmo Calls, Cookie Calls, Elmo's Monster Maker, Sesame Street Makes Music, Sesame Street Video Maker, Fisher-Price: See 'n Say 等等。 有问题、评论,或者只想打个招呼? 给我们发个消息吧,邮箱:。
Ice Cream Kids - 儿童冰淇淋
发动你们的想象力来制作你们梦想中的冰淇淋吧!很好吃哦!夏天来了,天气越来越热。用美味的冰淇淋来让自己凉爽一下。把冰淇淋放在酥脆的蛋筒里,好看的玻璃杯子里,盘子上,腕里或是在纸杯蛋糕上。加上不同的调料,可以撒上面包屑,放上一颗糖,加上新鲜的水果,华夫饼干,用小纸伞装饰它,也可以装饰上您喜欢的玩具。 然后好玩的部分来啦-享受您的冰淇淋,爆开彩色气球更好玩哦。产品特点:o 美丽的高质量的高清图像o 直观,界面易于使用,定位项目更容易o 无限游戏玩无限的组合o 许多不同类型的蛋筒,盘子,碗和杯子o 四种冰淇淋,很多口味o 很多浇头,糖果,水果,华夫饼干,华夫蛋卷,拐棍糖,零星散布的东西,面包屑。。。o 装饰用的纸伞和声音玩具o 冰淇淋的截屏可以保存在您的图库里o 迷你爆开彩色气球游戏o 迷你智力拼图游戏
Facetouch HD Lite - Create funny and cool Booth pics
Top 1 Overall application in 10 countries! Top 10 Overall application in 25 countries! 1000+ reviews and an average rate of 4.5 stars!! With its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, it's easy to see why Facetouch is one of the hottest apps available today. ********* NOW WITH MORE THAN 350 FREE OBJECTS ************Packed with more than 480 beautiful high quality objects, from true-to-life hats, shades, wigs, to unique fashion accessories and funny toys for kids.Facetouch is a full digital photo booth studio at your finger tips.Facetouch is easy. Really easy. The secret comes from its natural and intuitive design and the ability to accurately position the objects to make the pics look real.Facetouch will also guide you through some simple steps so you can unlock hidden objects! Pay attention to the clues inside the application.Check our Facebook website for amazing tips and inspiring samples created by our professional designers: /facetouchappYou can play Facetouch on Facebook too. Visit on your computer: /appcenter/inzori_facetouchWe are not able to answer reviews, so if you have any doubts please contact us by email: Features:o Take a picture using the camera.o Select a picture from your camera roll.o Add as many objects as you want to your pic.o Add a message with different fonts, size and color.o Drag, rotate, resize and flip the objects to make them accurately fit.o Erase the parts you don't need from the objects.o Share your art on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram or by eMail.Artwork gallery:o Hats (some are locked in the lite version).
? Hats from different cultures from all around the world.
? Famous hats from movies. Wear Freddy Krugger's hat!
? Cops, firemen, pilots, cowboys, rangers, they are all here!o Wigs (some are locked in the lite version).
? Blond, brunette, red … violet? We have them all!
? Rasta, 70's, Bieber's style, Elvis, afro, zombie, all you can imagine.o Shades & Glasses (some are locked in the lite version).
? Stylish, expensive, plastic, broken, 3D and even made of fruits!o Beards & Moustaches (some are locked in the lite version).
? French, British, Russian, Italian… come and check them out!
? Van Gogh's style, Hulk Hogan's style ? We have them.o Bijouterie (some are locked in the lite version).
? Wear the most amazing necklaces, earrings and headbands.
? Elegant, casual or original, whatever style you prefer.o Face painting (sold separately through IAP).
? From colourful and shiny to the darkest and frightening designs.
? Famous predesigned paintings like The Joke from Batman, Twisty The Clown from American Horror Story and zombies from The Walking Dead.
? From Halloween to 4th of July celebration, you'll find the right make up to wear!o Piercings (some are locked in the lite version).
? Nose, mouth, tongue, eyebrow piercings.o Cloth (some are locked in the lite version).
? Scarves, headbands, bandanas. Colorful!o Funny stuff (some are locked in the lite version).
? Plush bears, a lot.
? Flies, birds, dolls, flowers, eye patches.
? Braces, smoking pipes, guitars, saxos and even an angel halo.o Bubble dialogs & Text.
? You can add your persolized message to your pictures!
? Different fonts, sizes and colors.o Christmas theme pack
(sold separately through IAP).
? Santa's Hats, elf's hats, beards and xmas stuff!
? Exclusive and unique animated objects!o Additional hats pack (sold separately through IAP).
? Pirate's Hats, medieval helmets, birthday party hats and so on!o Hilarious heads pack (sold separately through IAP).
? This pack is just lovely! Dogs, cats, cows, skulls and even an empire soldier helmet!
把两张一样的牌,用三根以下的线连起来,这就是连连看。简单,却不缺乏挑战,道具、连击、多样的地图,让你永远不会玩腻。而且连连看需要的不仅仅是眼力,更需要细心哦。这是一款由五彩缤纷的闪耀宝石组成的连连看游戏,在规定的时间内,消除所有的宝石即可过关。功能特点: 1, 令人惊叹的闪耀宝石画面, 一流的iPhone 游戏画质体验! 2, 简单的点按控制,专为触摸屏完美设计! 3, 巧妙的关卡设计,越玩越刺激,越玩越happy! 4, Game Center排行榜, 向世界证明你是最棒的! 精彩不要错过哦!赶快来挑战吧!
SketchParty TV
NEW! Completely redesigned. Dark Mode. Drag-and-drop Team setup screen. Time bonuses awarded for speed. As seen in WWDC '16 keynote!-----------------------------------------------------------Check out TRUTH TRUTH LIE on the iMessage App Store. How well do your friends know you?-----------------------------------------------------------SketchParty TV is the fun Pictionary-style drawing and guessing party game to play on your iPad and Apple TV!A MUST-H***E PARTY GAME | ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIMEYou could buy an easel, a huge pad of paper, and some markers, then write down a really long list of words and make up some rules and try and keep track of points and get marker smudges all over your furniture. But who wants to do that?OR!You could play a fun drawing game using items you already have around the house, like your iPad, high-definition television, and Apple TV. Just enable AirPlay Mirroring, choose sides, and start a SketchParty. It's so simple!A TRULY SOCIAL GAMESketchParty TV is a team game like Pictionary or "Win, Lose or Draw", and up to 8 players per team can join in on the fun. That's a pretty big party! And it's fun for ages 8 and up.Gather up your family, call your friends, and SketchParty today!GAMEPLAY REQUIREMENTSNote: SketchParty TV requires an AirPlay Mirroring-capable device and either SketchParty TV running on the 4th generation Apple TV or an Apple TV 2 or later to play. SketchParty TV can also be played using Apple's *** adapter or a Mac/PC app like Reflector. (See
for device compatibility.)AS SEEN ONEngadget/TUAW and Mac|Format Magazine Editor's Choice app. As seen on ABC, Macworld, Fortune, Mashable, Techcrunch, Gotta Be Mobile, MacStories, iMore, Touch Arcade, 148Apps, The Loop, and more.WHAT THE PRESS IS SAYING"SketchParty TV is an extremely fun app, built to entertain friends and family members for hours on end." - CNET"It's ingenious, executed to perfection and a huge amount of fun for groups." - Engadget"If you own an Apple TV, you need to own SketchParty TV." - GottaBeMobile"One of the best iOS party games." - iMore"SketchParty TV is a real gem." - MacStories"If you like Pictionary but hate cleaning up all those scraps of paper, SketchParty TV is the game for you." - Macworld"There are some games, like SketchParty TV, that really sing on the Apple TV." - Mashable"SketchParty TV really shines. Huge family fun." - Sixcolors"SketchParty TV is a great way to get the whole family involved together in a fun game." - TWiT
Draw Line: Classic
"Draw Line: Classic" is a simple logic puzzle involving finding paths to connect dots in a grid.HOW TO PLAYo Pair up all the matching dots on the grid with single continuous lines.o DOTs have to fall at the end of each line.o LINEs can't branch off or cross over each other.o All the cells in the grid are filled.FEATURESo Over 1,000 free levelso 10 different board sizeso Free 5 hints, at the first game o Colorful Dots and UI o Musical Sound Effects o Turns mode, No Time Limit o Time Attack mode, another game in Puzzle o Additional level packs available for purchaseo Share with friends through Facebook.o Sync your progress with Facebook IDSUPPORT UNIVERSAL APPo Enjoy the game with various devices.NOTESo This app contains banner and interstitial ads.o This app sells In-app products.E-MAILo HOMEPAGEo FACEBOOKo /BitMangoGames- FAQ: /notes/draw-line-classic/frequently-asked-questions/039Contact us if you have any questions, ideas for improvements or experience any bugs when playing the game: Your feedback will be used in future updates.
Family Farm Seaside - Play Harvest & Farming Game
Play the best farming simulation game! Create your own unique farm in Family Farm Seaside and compete with your friends to be the top farmer!Family Farm Seaside is a beautiful and fun farming simulation game. There’s a bunch of tasks to do on the farm, so you will never feel bored! Take care of cute animals on your farm, like Mary the cow. Grow crops and sell them on the market for a nice profit. Design your own boat at the seaside and show it off to your neighbors. Win the farm beauty contest and prove to everyone that you have the most beautiful farm in the world!Family Farm Seaside features:* FREE to play Farming Game* Played by over 80 million people all around the world* Cute animals* Unlimited barn space* Build your farm at the seaside and on an exotic island* Prepare more than 400+ dishes in the kitchen* Plant, harvest and process over 200+ unique products* More than 150+ achievements to complete* Fulfill daily orders and quests with your farm products* New missions added regularly with fun new features* Compete with other farmers in the new farm beauty contest!* Grow special plants in the farm laboratory!* Dig for precious ores and diamonds in the Mine* Adopt pets and watch them explore your farm!* Decorations can now be cleaned while in the warehouse* Guests can visit the farm and interact with your pets!App Notes: o This app requires an active internet connection to play. Please make sure your device is connected while playing.o Family Farm Seaside is completely free to download and free to play. However, some items in the game can be purchased with real money. If you don't want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases in your device's settings.o Please note that this is a standalone version of Family Farm, and will not sync or connect to your Facebook farm.Contact Us!:o Having any problem in game? Click here! >>> /a/family-farm-seaside/o Need more neighbors and want to get game news and tips? >>> /familyfarmseasideo Privacy Policy >>> /privacy_policy/
Bubble Fins - Bubble Shooter
这是互联网上最经典的游戏之一,目前限时免费中。功能特点:1, 令人惊叹的卡通画面, 一流的iPhone 游戏画质体验! 2, 简单的点按控制,专为触摸屏完美设计!3, 双角色设计, 游戏模式更灵活: 支持单人游戏、双人对战、情侣对战、家庭混战!
4, 令人难以置信的精良关卡设计,包含数千个关卡!5, 5种劲爆的威力道具:包含炸弹、幸运草、大力神水、钻石金水、石头收藏书以及更多道具即将推出!6, Game Center排行榜, 向世界证明你是最棒的!
Fair Food Maker Game - Make Yummy Carnival Treats
Play the BIGGEST and BEST Fair Food Maker chef game! Make 18 delicious fair foods and 8 fair games in one download!*NEW* Just added! Chicken Nuggets Maker - Cook your own delicious crispy nuggets! Our latest
new mystery food is there for you too. Have you made a Donut Ice Cream Sandwich yet? Yum!! Visit the Midway to get started - it’s easy and fun. Check out your favorite yummy treats! o MYSTERY Maker! It is a surprise!o Fried Ice-Cream Makero Super Soda Machineo Cotton Candyo Chocolate Covered Bananaso Snow Coneso Milk Shakeso French Frieso Lemon Shake Ups o Candy Appleso Corn Dogso ICE Pops o Kettle Corn o Funnel Cakeso Bubble gumo Yummi gummio Donut ice cream sandwicheso Chicken Nugget MakerPick from tons of flavors, sweet candy toppings, and decorations. Can you make the coolest snow cone? The funniest corndog? The best donut ice cream sandwich? Make them all! The Midway is full of carnival fair games too! What will your fortune be? Win and collect awesome prize!
o Mystery game - it's a surprise!o Fortune Teller - what does YOUR future hold?o Smack Sammy o Bottle Toss o Balloon Pop with Dartso Frog Flipo Fish Bowl Tosso Water Gun Fun with clownsShare your fair foods and your prizes with your friends. If you enjoy our game, please write an awesome review!ABOUT SunstormSunstorm is the pioneer of the popular "Maker" and "Sunnyville" series of games. Founded in 2009, Sunstorm provides creative and fun experiences for kids and parents to enjoy together. Sunstorm is a subsidiary of TabTale, a leading, global creator of innovative games, interactive books and educational apps.Visit us: / Like us: /TabTaleFollow us:@TabTaleWatch us: /TabtaleCONTACT US Let us know what you think! Questions? Suggestions? Technical Support? Contact us 24/7 at .IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR PARENTS: * This App is free to play but certain in-game items may require payment. You may restrict in-app purchases by disabling them on your device.* By downloading this App you agree to TabTale’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use at /privacy-policy/ and at /terms-of-use/.Please consider that this App may include third parties services for limited legally permissible purposes.
排名第一的虚拟农庄游戏现推出精彩续集,在绚丽的3D世界中种植作物,养殖动物,惊喜连连!和朋友们免费畅玩,用新鲜农作物制作美味,成就农庄传奇!可用语言:中文、英语、德语、西班牙语、法语、意大利语、日语和韩语。o 探索生机盎然的世界----点击即可抓蝴蝶、池塘钓鱼或和友善角色交谈!o 收获缤纷作物,为美味食谱寻找新鲜原料!o 在厨房烹调美味,用油炸锅做零食,在巧克力店制作甜点!o 养育鸡、牛、猪和其他有趣的农庄动物!o 采矿和钓鱼等小游戏妙趣横生!o 收集连体猫、棕色柯基犬和白色展示小马等可爱宠物!o 将新鲜作物与朋友和邻居交换!o 彩色剪贴本记录冒险点滴!o 装饰你的农庄,可在市场购买各式各样的装饰物品、农庄动物和可爱宠物!o 见见善良的老农夫杰德?法洛斯,他会告诉你许多有用的建议和有趣的故事!如何打理新农庄?来玩 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod Touch 上最华丽的免费虚拟农庄游戏吧!农庄物语2(TM) 是免费游戏,但您可以通过应用内购花钱购买道具。如果您要禁用该功能,请前往【设置】->【通用】->【访问限制】。您可以在“允许的内容”下关闭“应用程序内购买”。另外,农庄物语2(TM) 可能与Facebook一类社交媒体服务挂钩,Storm8 Studios会通过此类服务获取您的信息。关注 Storm8www.//storm8
123 Kids Fun GAMES - Preschool Math&Alphabet Games
Preschool and Kindergarten Kids Educational Early Learning Adventure Games. Teach Me Counting, Colors, Alphabet, Math, Numbers, Geometry, Shapes Sorting, Patterns, Puzzles, Learn to Read Letters for Toddler Children.* Operations and Algebraic Thinking* Number and Operations in Base Ten* Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction* Geometry* Reading - Informational Text and Foundational Skills* Writing, Speaking and Listening123 Kids Fun GAMES is a collection of educational games and activities for preschoolers. Learn Alphabet, Numbers, Sounds, Shapes, Music, Words.+++ Preschool and Kindergarten Education +++BEST WAY TO PREPARE your kids for SUCCESS in PRESCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN CURRICULUM! Almost 20 great different exciting proven educational activities to develop your child's skills. Worth to have in pocket!ALPHABETWith alphabet, your child or children will have hours of fun learning the alphabet by playing games aimed and teaching and instilling not only correct pronunciation but also common words associated with each letter of the alphabet. NUMBERSPractice saying and counting with numbers. This set of games use funny sounds and animations to entertain and educate that special someone in your life. SOUNDS and WORDSSounds and words help children learn common basic words. This is set of apps which use fun sounds, animations and play to elicit correct pronunciation as well as help children remember the meanings of these words through interaction with its colorful illustrations and fun sounds. SHAPESLearning shapes correctly can play an integral role in the development of your child’s cognitive skills. This app will help the apple of your eye learn the names and how to form common shapes in a stress free and fun environment. ANIMALSGive your child a head start at school. Match the correct pieces of an animal to find out what its name is, as well as how it looks and how it sounds. Animals will help your child identify as well as remember, correctly say and spell more than a dozen common animals. MUSICMusic is, beyond doubt, one of the most essential parts of a good education. Regular exposure to good music can prove to be priceless in the cognitive development of your child. Playing a musical instrument can also help your child cope with problems and stress he or she may experience in the coming years. This app introduces children to various musical instruments like the piano, the xylophone and drums. BALLON POP!This app just provides senseless fun for your child or children.STICKER BOOK After completing several activities, your child will earn stickers to place in the picture frames of the STICKER BOOK. After getting all of the stickers needed to complete the picture, your child will then be allowed to freely arrange the stickers in that frame This app encourages children to complete activities completely and gives your child or children a sense of accomplishment. PHOTOIn addition to all the fun, we have also included an app where your child can add and store a picture of their mother, father and sibling(s). +++ 123 KIDS FUN APPS +++Our apps are entertaining, but more importantly, they teach at the same time. We pride ourselves in creating fun, beautiful, well designed and easy to use apps. We love getting feedback from our users. If you have questions or comments, please send them to
英雄宝贝: 拥有专业技能的宝贝们拯救城市,扭转乾坤!
~~> 英雄宝贝们集合!城市已经沦陷,需要你与6个神奇宝贝一起挽救城市!~~> 与拥有不同专业能力的6个可爱宝贝 一起拯救城市的6个不同地点。宝贝们的职业包括:消防员、建筑工、园丁、电工、管道工和清洁工。~~> 请使用30种不同的工具来挽回局势。请逐一访问地图上的地点,并与宝贝们一起拯救城市! 宝贝们来拯救城市吧!一场风暴袭击并彻底摧毁了整个城市。召唤所有的英雄宝贝!城市需要你们的帮助!请从下列6个神奇工人宝贝中挑选人员:消防员、建筑工、园丁、电工、水管工和清洁工。开始工作吧! 修复城市,赢取奖励!请访问地图上的所有6个地点,从而修复城市的各个部分,如游泳池和学校!利用所有拥有不同专业技能的宝贝们进行团队合作,将任务完成!试试应用程序内超酷迷你游戏,如修复断裂的电线!一旦你打扫干净并修复好一切,你的金币条会装满,你可以在超棒的礼品商店使用这些金币来换取最酷的奖励! 特点:> 点选地图上的地点!> 可放大和缩小地图!> 点击即可修复和清理各地物品!> 升级后赢取金币!> 在礼品商店使用应用程序内的金币来换取最棒的奖励和奖品!
内容:> 6个可爱的宝贝,包括:1个消防员、1个建筑工、1个园丁、1个电工、1个水管工和1个清洁工!> 拯救城市的6项活动,分别在:游泳池、学校、商场、公园、幼儿园和私人住宅!> 2个应用内迷你游戏带来无穷乐趣!> 30种 工具和宝贝们一起来扭转乾坤> 城市和活动地点由地图导航
拥有超过10亿下载量,并且这一数字仍在不断增加。TabTale现已成为孩子和家长喜爱的开拓型虚拟冒险游戏的创造者。TabTale专注于开发游戏、制作互动电子书以及为大众提供教育类体验,已推出包含原创和许可产品在内的大量高品质应用程序组合。TabTale的应用程序产品能够在让孩子们娱乐的同时激发他们的想象力,开拓他们的创造性思维!请访问我们的网站:/在我们的Facebook页面点击“喜欢”按钮:/TabTale在Twitter上关注我们:@TabTale欢迎观看我们的视频: /iTabtale 联系我们请告诉我们您的想法!有任何疑问、建议或需要技术支持?每周7天24小时都可以通过 联系我们。 致家长的重要信息:* 本游戏免费,但是一些特定的游戏内物品可能需要购买。但是,游戏内的某些道具可能需要付费。 您可以通过在您的设备上禁用这些道具从而限制您的应用内购买。* 通过下载本应用,您已同意TabTale公司的隐私政策和使用条款。具体条款请见:/privacy-policy/和/terms-of-use/。请注意,为有限的法律允许的目的,本应用可能包含第三方服务。
-> 你是医生!无论你的病人有何苦恼,你都能解决!-> 使用真正的医生工具对你的病人进行检查、诊断和治疗!-> 一旦确定正确的治疗方案,你就可以立刻治愈你的病人!成为你一直以来梦寐以求的医生吧!这仅仅是个开始!X医生首次登场,治疗病人,看看你能为他们提供多大的帮助!医学充满趣味!你的病人可能患有各种病痛,但你可以很容易地帮助他们变得更好,因为你是超级医生!使用你的听诊器、温度计甚至心电图机,看看病人得了什么病!然后进行治疗,让他们变得更加健康。没有你无法治愈的疾病!特色:> 使用听诊器、温度计、血压计和心电图机等专业的医生工具为你的病人诊断!> 让他们服用止咳糖浆、为他们打一针或者小心清除他们皮肤上的碎片,全靠你了!> 病人会告诉你他们的感受,不过有时候他们并不知道自己需要什么!> 使用绑带、石膏和缝线为病人治伤。关于TabTale:
拥有超过10亿下载量,并且这一数字仍在不断增加。TabTale现已成为孩子和家长喜爱的开拓型虚拟冒险游戏的创造者。TabTale专注于开发游戏、制作互动电子书以及为大众提供教育类体验,已推出包含原创和许可产品在内的大量高品质应用程序组合。TabTale的应用程序产品能够在让孩子们娱乐的同时激发他们的想象力,开拓他们的创造性思维!请访问我们的网站:/在我们的Facebook页面点击“喜欢”按钮:/TabTale在Twitter上关注我们:@TabTale欢迎观看我们的视频: /iTabtale 联系我们请告诉我们您的想法!有任何疑问、建议或需要技术支持?每周7天24小时都可以通过 联系我们。 致家长的重要信息:* 本游戏免费,但是一些特定的游戏内物品可能需要购买。但是,游戏内的某些道具可能需要付费。 您可以通过在您的设备上禁用这些道具从而限制您的应用内购买。* 通过下载本应用,您已同意TabTale公司的隐私政策和使用条款。具体条款请见:/privacy-policy/和/terms-of-use/。请注意,为有限的法律允许的目的,本应用可能包含第三方服务。
传说神秘的玛雅神庙中埋藏着巨大宝藏,但同时有可怕的诅咒之轮守护着这宝藏。要想成功攫取这诱人的财富,你必须顺利通过考验,闯过一道道难关,破解古老的玛雅密码才可以安全离去... 功能特点: 1,闯关+积分的设计理念,包含16个精良关卡。 2,多种游戏模式,对对碰、连连看、消消看,总有一种您喜爱的。3,令人惊叹的游戏画面, 一流的iPhone游戏画质体验。4,游戏全程点按、拖拉即可完成控制,专为触摸屏完美设计。 5,随机送出多种劲爆的威力道具,玩法变化莫测更刺激。抓紧下载吧,它绝对让你爱不释手!
宝石图形配对游戏 - Jewel Beach!
经典珠宝与美丽的图形配对游戏 选择快速的挑战模 式,或减压的放宽模式 游戏中心高分纪录榜 简单而有趣的游戏 ________________________________ More than 300,000 people are playing Jewel Beach!ooooo
"Be careful you will play this game for hours. Love love love this game"
"I Love This Game!! One of THE BEST GAMES I've played yet!!"
"Great game...like a mini bejeweled!!"
"Works great & it's totally addicting"
YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID!#1 Family/Kids Game in Macau, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, and El Salvador!Stranded on an island, the sun and the moon are your only friends.
But then you start to see beautiful sparkling jewels in the sky...
Are you hallucinating, or is solving this puzzle the key to your salvation?EYE CANDYo Lickable graphics and tasty sound effects!o Automatic hints help you out when you get stuck!SCORE TRACKINGo Jewel Beach keeps track of your best score so you can show off to your friends!o Post your scores to Facebook to challenge far away friends!o Global high score leaderboards with Game Center!CHALLENGE MORE OR JUST RELAXo Challenge mode strengthens your mental agility!o Relax mode soothes your stress away...o Automatically saves your progress if you take a call or push the home button! (Graphics and Sounds courtesy of Mika Halttunen, used under MIT License, http://www.mhgames.org/jewels/)
Candy Maker Games - Crazy Chocolate, Gum & Sweets
Now make 18 sweet & yummy, crazy candy.
Be an awesome food chef - make every candy with fun machines, chocolate, bubble gum and more!
Sour strips and fruity bursts just added.
Sour Strips -
A touch of tangy with the sweet of sugar!
Make some now!
So yummy and fun.
Fruity Bursts - Choose a fruit snack flavor and fill it put with juice!
Don't let it burst! Candy Bars - Add layer after layer of goodness such as chocolate, peanuts, toffee, crunchy almonds and more.
Delicious! Bubble Gum - mix up a batch of your favorite flavor of gum, chew it and blow bubbles, bigger and bigger until they pop! Gummies - Pick a flavor and create gummies in your favorite shapes...worms, fish, bears and many more!Lollipops - mix up candy and pick a stick to create the lollipop of your dreams!
Don’t forget about all of these other fun candy machines -- Hearts, Chocolates, Candy Canes, Candy Corns, and more!
ABOUT SunstormSunstorm is the pioneer of the popular "Maker" and "Sunnyville" series of games. Founded in 2009, Sunstorm provides creative and fun experiences for kids and parents to enjoy together. Sunstorm is a subsidiary of TabTale, a leading, global creator of innovative games, interactive books and educational apps.Visit us: / Like us: /TabTaleFollow us:@TabTaleWatch us: /TabTaleCONTACT US Let us know what you think! Questions? Suggestions? Technical Support? Contact us 24/7 at .IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR PARENTS: * This App is free to play but certain in-game items may require payment. You may restrict in-app purchases by disabling them on your device.* By downloading this App you agree to TabTale’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use at /privacy-policy/ and at /terms-of-use/.Please consider that this App may include third parties services for limited legally permissible purposes.
玩具***宝宝游戏 - 小宝宝们的首个玩具***(拥有多首童谣)
玩具***宝宝游戏 - 小宝宝们的首个玩具***(拥有多首童谣、娱乐声效和动画)家长必备应用程序!更好的是宝宝们喜爱这款玩具***游戏。 玩具***游戏的特点是:色彩鲜艳、肢体动作按钮、各个项目大而多彩、钢琴声和多种高清卡通动物的娱乐动画!这款神奇的宝宝***游戏还有多个预捆绑的童谣和摇篮曲(当宝宝们假呼叫时就开始播放)!点击屏幕上有高清卡通动物的酷动画可让好奇宝宝们度过无数个保证好玩的美好时光!特点列表: - 彩色大按钮和有肢体动作的动画!- 触按按钮可播放钢琴声 - 鲜艳色彩吸引宝宝 - 支持iPad、iPad Mini、iPod、iPhone 4S和 iPhone 5- 可爱的动画动物让这款宝宝游戏趣味无穷!你的宝宝会喜爱随游戏中的音乐、声效和动画而摇摆,这已经过宝宝测试,让你安心使用!试一试!你不会后悔的!你可保持与我们联系、不断更新并提供反馈在:Facebook: /mobileroo Twitter: @mobileroo Support Email: .au 我们很乐意看到你立即行动起来,马上给小宝宝最好的玩具***吧!
忍者Spinki挑战 Ninja Spinki Challenges!!
Flappy Bird作者阮哈东新作,游戏不再是玩法非常重复的横版闯关,而是每个关卡过关方式都不相同的闯关手游。
被束缚的灵魂 Leashed Soul - Survive & Rebuild Beydo Block World
恐龙蛋Fun - 养恐龙
猫咪的毛 ?放弃护理猫咪的游戏?
摸着可爱的猫……。平凡而又幸福的生活……。收集了毛毛球的你,想象着过着充满猫咪的可爱的小玩意儿的生活……。“猫咪的毛”是一款通过摸摸猫收集毛毛球来进行护理饲养猫的应用软件!摸摸猫,收集很多毛毛球,用收集到的毛毛球制作各种小玩意儿吧!通过制作小玩意儿让故事不断发展,赫然惊人的结局震撼全美!?三毛猫,胖猫,白猫黑猫,摸一摸,收集一下魅力的猫咪们吧!饲养猫的话,就能获得更多的毛毛球!然后到处充满,毛毛球!毛毛球!Maomaoqiu!!这款游戏适用于Facebook,Twitter。在朋友们面前,让我们骄傲有猫的生活吧!费用这是一款免费的软件。您可以尽情玩耍。推荐系统iOS 7.0以上您要是有什么意见和期望,请以以下方式联系。http://www.picola.co.jp/contact_us音乐,效果音,字体素材·BGMG-Sound http://g-miya.net/甘茶の音?工房 /index.html·SE?果音ラボ /ポケットサウンド /·FontTyping Art http://typingart.net/Google Noto Fonts /get/noto/Noto Sans CJK /get/noto/help/cjk/Comic Neue


