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今天,细心的卖家登录卖家中心后台后,在广告(Advertising)下拉菜单中,惊喜的发现居然多出来一个Early Reviewer Program的按钮,官方的翻译是“早期评论人计划”,这究竟是什么鬼?卖家该如何面对?我们先从官方的解释来了解一下。
关于Early Reviewer Program(早期评论人计划)官方给出的基本解释是:
These terms supplement your seller agreement and apply to your participation in the Early Reviewer Program.
All Amazon policies related to Customer Reviews, including the Prohibited seller activities and actions and our Community Guidelines, continue to apply to your participation in the Early Reviewer Program.
You may not advertise the fact that your products are enrolled in the Early Reviewer Program.
You agree to pay all fees charged in connection with your participation in the Early Reviewer Program.
Q: When will I be charged?
A:You will be charged once we receive the first Early Reviewer Program review for each enrolled ASIN. We will continue to solicit reviews for up to 1 year from time of enrollment, or until 5 reviews are received through the program, whichever is sooner.
2. 如何查看费用?
Q:How do I review the charges?
A: You will be charged for each ASIN that has been accepted into the program once we receive the first Early Reviewer Program review for that ASIN. The ASIN fee is displayed next to the Upload button when you upload the SKU file. Taxes may also apply. When the fee is processed, it will show up as 'Early Reviewer Program fee' transaction on your Seller Central account statement. To view your account statement, go to Seller Central & Reports & Payments & Transaction View.
3. 如果收到的Review少于计划的5个是否会退费?
Q: Will I get a refund if I receive less than 5 reviews?
A: No. We do not promise a specific number of reviews. You are charged a flat fee once you receive the first Early Reviewer Program review on an ASIN. Note that we do continue to request more reviews as noted above.
4. 申请成功后是否能取消?
Q: Can I cancel an enrollment?
A: Once you enroll an ASIN into the program, you will be unable to cancel the enrollment. Note that you will only be charged for an ASIN when you receive the first Early Reviewer Program review on that enrollment.
1. 什么样的卖家可以参加?
Q:Who is eligible to participate in the Early Reviewer Program?
A:At this time, this program is available to U.S. based brand registered sellers only.
Q:I am U.S. based, but not a brand registered seller. How do I participate in the program?
A:To participate in this program, you must register your brand. If you own the trademark for the brand name that appears on your products and packaging, you might be eligible to apply for Amazon Brand Registry. Once registered, you can enroll your products into the Early Reviewer Program.
2. 什么样的产品可以参加?
Q:Which ASINs are eligible to be enrolled in this program?
A: ASINs with less than five reviews might be eligible for enrollment in this program. At this point, the ASINs must also be priced above $15.00. If the offer price falls below $15.00, we may cease requesting reviews from customers.
3. 哪些站点可以参加?
Q:Why can I only enroll ASINs that I sell in the U.S.?
A: Currently, this program is limited to the U.S. () only. If you have listed an ASIN to sell in the U.S. as well as other marketplaces, it will be eligible to enroll in this program, but Amazon will only request reviews from customers who purchased the ASIN on .
4. 为什么我没有参加上?
Q:Why was my ASIN not accepted into the program?
A:You can download the status file in your submission history to understand why an ASIN was not accepted into the program.
自己查看提交历史纪录里面的说明。 魏老师我也不知道你没申请上的原因。
5. 怎么知道自己的产品收到了早期评论人的Review?
Q: How will I know if my product has received a review from this program?
A:Early Reviewer Program reviews are identified with an orange badge that reads 'Early Reviewer Rewards'.
早期评论人评论会有一个橙色的'Early Reviewer Rewards'标志,这意味着以后平台上又多了一道靓丽的橙色风景线。
6. 为什么客户会信任这些早期评论人的Review?
Q: Why should customers trust these reviews?
A: We only ask customers who have already purchased the product to share their true experience, regardless of whether it is a 1-star or 5-star review. No free products or discounts are given to these reviewers. We also do not disclose at the time of purchase whether a product is participating in the program because we want to hear from customers who have authentically chosen to buy that product without any knowledge of a future reward.
7. 早期评论人是如何被选入本计划的呢?
Q: How are reviewers selected for this program?
A: We want authentic reviews, and we would like to select from as many customers as possible, not just a select few. We select customers randomly from a list of all customers who have purchased products participating in this program, as long as they have no history of abusive or dishonest reviews and meet our eligibility criteria. Note that not all customers who purchase participating ASINs will receive reward offers to write a review. We want this program to generate enough reviews to help customers make smar this is not a rewards program intended to encourage purchases. Amazon employees, participating sellers and their friends and family are not eligible to participate in this program.
8. 早期评论人会得到什么样的奖励呢?
Q: How are reviewers rewarded?
A: Reviewers will receive a small reward (for example, a $1.00 - $3. Gift Card) after they have submitted an authentic review within the offer period and the review meets our community guidelines. This reward is to thank reviewers for sharing their authentic experience, regardless of whether it is a 1-star or 5-star review. The nature of the review does not affect the reward or the chance of getting future rewards.
9. 卖家可以干预吗?
Q: Can sellers influence these reviews or the reviewers participating in this program?
A:No. Sellers choose ASINs to participate in this program, but are not allowed to influence the content or star rating of the customer reviews. Sellers are also prohibited from communicating with customers about their reviews. Amazon does not modify or remove reviews from the Early Reviewer Program, as long as they comply with our community guidelines.
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