followfollow me是什么意思思

follow的意思,follow翻译,音标读音,用法例句 | follow的意思,follow的音标读音解释 18:40follow翻译遵循音标读音英式:['f?l??]美式:['f?:lo?]基本意思vt.& vi.跟随,接着vt.继承;(按时间、顺序等)接着;从事;采用vi.理解;发生兴趣;由此产生;跟着人(或物)去(或来)n.追随,跟随;[台球]推球,跟球打法(使竿击的球在击中目的球后继续滚动的打法)形近的词
We followed him up the steps into a large hall.我们跟着他上楼来到一个很大的大厅。
She realized that the Mercedes was following her.她意识到那辆奔驰在跟踪她。
He followed Janice to New York, where she was preparing an exhibition.他追随贾尼丝到了纽约,她正在那里准备一个展览。
I remember nothing else about the days following Daddy's death.父亲去世之后那几天我不记得有什么其他事了。
Her first major role was in Martin Scorsese's 'Goodfellas' and she followed this with a part in Spike Lee's 'Jungle Fever'.她主演的第一部影片是马丁?斯科塞斯的《好家伙》,之后接拍了斯派克?李的《丛林热》。
Just because a bird does not breed one year, it does not follow that it will fail the next.不能因为一只鸟某一年没有繁殖就断定它第二年也不会繁殖。
What follows is an eyewitness account.接下来的是目击者的陈述。
If they followed the road, they would be certain to reach a village.如果他们沿着这条路走,就一定会到达一个村庄。
Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,途经人口稠密的街区。
Ann's eyes followed a police car as it drove slowly past.安注视着一辆缓缓驶过的警车。
His release turned out to follow the pattern set by that of the other six hostages.最终他的获释方式也和其他6名人质的获释如出一辙。
Take care to follow the instructions carefully.注意严格按照说明进行。
His admiration for the athlete did not extend to the point where he would follow his example in taking drugs.他对于这个运动员的崇拜还没有达到要学他吸毒的程度。
He followed his father and became a surgeon.他子承父业,成为了一名外科医生。
Can you follow the plot so far?目前为止剧情你能看得懂吗?
She was following Laura's progress closely.她密切关注着劳拉的进展。
The film follows the fortunes of two women.这部电影讲述了两个女人的命运。
'Do you follow any particular religion?'&'Yes, we're all Hindus. '“你们有自己的宗教信仰吗?”&“是的,我们都是印度教徒。”
The winners are as follows: E. W R. F R. G A. Mackintosh.优胜者分别是:E.沃克、R.福斯特、R.盖茨和A.麦金托什。
Potatoes are still the most popular food, followed by white bread.马铃薯仍然是最受欢迎的食物,其次是白面包。
He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后是苹果派。
The leadership has been unwilling to follow through the implications of these ideas.领导层不愿意对这些想法的含意进行深入探究。
State security police are following up several leads.国家安全***正在追查几条线索。
Please follow me, madam.请跟我来,夫人。
They took him into a small room and I followed.他们把他带到一个小房间,我跟了进去。
I think we're being followed.我想我们被跟踪了。
He was arrested in the confusion which followed.他在之后的混乱中被捕。
Other problems may follow.其他的问题可能会接踵而至。
Eyewitnesses spoke of a noise followed by a huge red light.目击者说响声过后出现了一道耀眼的红光。
If the explanation is right, two things follow.如果解释是正确的,可以推断出两件事。
百科解释周柏豪自2007年出道,继首张唱片《Beginning》后展开歌影视三栖发展,2009年推出首张精选大碟《Follow》,为歌迷们呈现了完美的音乐轨迹。周柏豪对于音乐有一贯的热诚,以创作人身份包办曲词编一曲“陈某”,又特别尝试以流行摇滚姿态演绎“报告总司令”,并以情歌“Lovin You”与歌迷们分享他的爱情故事,值得留意新作还有“宏愿”延续篇之“够钟”。除了四曲新曲之外,碟内九首周柏豪出道以来的精选创作歌,包括∶成名作“想太多”、“同天空”和抒情大热之作“傻小子“。网络意思关注跟随追随跟踪跟着相关单词follow的相关作文实在遵循交通法则就是对本身的生命卖力。我们活着,不但是为本身而活,更是对体贴你、爱护保重你的人卖力。再说,现在我们青少年正处于芳华似的年光光阴,为甚么我们不克...实在遵循交通法则就是对本身的生命卖力。我们活着,不但是为本身而活,更是对体贴你、爱护保重你的人卖力。再说,现在我们青少年正处于芳华似的年光光阴,为甚么我们不克...从中赞美了邱少云自发遵循规律,舍己救人高贵风致。{p}是的,邱少云是一个自发遵循规律的好兵士。邱少云从天还没亮就开端暗藏,在这几个钟头里,他一动也不动趴在草里,就...尽管生活的首要目的是为了生存,但即使为了实现这一目的,也还是需要遵循一些东西的。因此,堵住漏洞、避免船毁人亡,是一个正常人、一个正常社会应普遍遵循的普世价值,没有必要因举手之劳堵住漏洞而接受船主额外的馈赠。相反,如果接受了这一大笔钱,反而是...百业繁荣喜气盛,察右前旗聚群雄。强旗宏纲凝锦策,两会勋成慷慨风。谋筹大略暖意浓,共商发展利民生。遵循科学励图治,山河淌绿中国梦。{p}可为什么,在我们如此短暂的一生,始终还要掩盖自己,无法遵循自己的意愿生活。{p}我们听到了自己内心的声音,却不能遵循。沿着相反的地方开去。{p}告诉自己,学会宽容...


